11 Life-Changing Style Tips from Pinterest
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I was thinking the other day about some of the best style tips from Pinterest, particularly for working women — and because it can be such a pain to find them amidst the hundreds of thousands of things on Pinterest, I thought I'd do a post rounding up some of them, including some of my favorites from our Wear it to Work board. These are the style tips from Pinterest I thought were most useful — what are your favorites?
(Full pins embedded after the jump — credit given wherever possible to the original source. Please contact me if you're the original creator and would prefer a pin to be taken down/credited differently!)
1. Choosing Necklaces for Necklines from Imogen Lamport's Inside Out style blog. It's super helpful to see all of the necklines and necklace ideas in one place! There's also this necklace guide from Duet Handmade that's very helpful.

2. How To Mix Prints — I just found this one via this Buzzfeed post, which also introduced me to History in High Heels, a PhD candidate in early modern Italian history who works in study abroad. I think this is a super helpful visual roundup of how to mix prints.

3. 6 Ways to Tie a Scarf has been credited to FashionByHe but may have first appeared on Coldwater Creek's website. It's helpful to see all of the different knots and loops in one place, even if I tend to only do 2 or 3 knots myself (usually #1 and #4 — maybe this winter I'll challenge myself to do #5…) (There are lots of similar pins to this one, including one with over 40 ways to tie a scarf from Scarves.net's Knot library!)

4. Different types of dresses — I cannot find the original source for this and it's bumming me out! (I think it's Ever and Wright, which seems to be a now-defunct website.) There are a lot of vocabulary guides — to skirts, to bags, to hosiery, to collars — but I think these little drawings of different types of dresses are very helpful.

5. How to Roll Sleeves (the J.Crew Look), from TheCollegePrepster (now Carly the Prepster).

6. Post-Blowout Frizz Fighter, from The Beauty Department. This tip was a gamechanger for me whenever I try to blow out my own hair — I wish I'd found it earlier in life! It took me a while to find on Pinterest because I've pinned so many tips and hair styles to our Work-Appropriate Hair Board.

7. Shoe Grid, from Angeline Evans‘ TheNewProfessionalBlog.com (blog no longer active). This super handy grid tells you how your pants should be hemmed, whether you can wear tights with the shoe, and more.

8. Sister bra sizes, from HerRoom (h/t Lifehacker). This chart is super handy if you find a bunch of bras that you're not familiar with on sale in a department store or discount store like T.J.Maxx or Century 21. (We are only picturing the first part of the chart here because a) it's incredibly long and b) readers have requested we keep the bra images to a minimum!)

From the Corporette side of things, for your consideration, I think that some of the more helpful things we've created for Pinterest include our Guide to Hems, our Guide to Interview Suits, and, (for our blog for working moms) What to Wear to Work After Maternity Leave:
9. The Corporette Guide to Hems

(originally created as part of a reader Q on how to hem her pants if she commuted in flats but wanted to wear heels around the office…)
10. The Corporette Guide to Interview Suits.

We talk about the different parts of an interview outfit so often, but when I put together an interview outfit for this silly roundup I figured I may as well add text on top of it for our Pinterest page. I added it to our Guide to Basic Women's Suiting page, and it's become one of our most-Pinned items!
11. What to Wear to Work After Maternity Leave
It isn't rocket science to figure out what to wear to work after maternity leave, but there are a few important tricks that the working moms over at CorporetteMoms have shared!

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Social media pictures via Stencil.
I NEVER heard about Pinterest before! This is wonderful, as I have neckalaces, but never know what goes with what! I also will NOT wear low necklines in the office any more b/c of Frank, and his tendencies to inspect my boobies. FOOEY! Dad says it does NOT rise to the level of $exueal harassment, but I am not sure, as I do NOT invite for him to touch me, even with his pencil. DOUBEL FOOEY!
Thank you for this! Nice to have all of this in one place.
Is it appropriate to address a cover letter to a Director of Recruitment if that is the only name and phone number you can find? Or is that kind of a snotty, “I’ll only talk to your boss” thing to do?
This is awesome!
Three questions for you smart ladies:
1) I’m a cpa. Started at firm 9 months ago and was given a Christmas bonus today. I have young children and work 70% time (if it matters). Much appreciated but not expected. Should I say thank you? Feels weird not to say thank you but I see things saying not to say thank you for a bonus.
2) I had a couple of past co-workers and one existing client refer business to me in the last month. Woo hoo! I would like to send ‘thank you’ notes to let these people know I appreciate their referral. I asked one of the partners if they have thank you notes in the office for such a thing and they said no. I guess I’ll buy some generic, business looking thank yous. Seems this is something you would want branded with you logo. No? Isn’t this weird? They do receive referrals from time to time, why wouldn’t you send your client that referred business a hand written thank you note?
3) Regarding business I generated through my contacts and on my own – is there a standard percentage I should receive of the billings since I am not a partner. There is no formal contract in place here (probably because they’ve never had staff generate biz before). A prior firm I worked at gave 10% of first 3 year’s billings. Seems pretty standard from what I’ve read in Accounting Today, etc. How should I approach this with partners?
1) It’s not a gift so you don’t need to write a thank you note or gush over how much you like it. I think it is nice to acknowledge that you received it and say something about how you enjoy working there or something like that since it is discretionary.
2) This is a personal taste thing. Some people like to send handwritten notes, some people do this with an email, some people may buy their referral source a meal or a drink. Thanking some one for a referral can be done in several ways- it doesn’t have to be done on Crane cardstock. If you want to do notes, then do them.
I’ve been a CPA for 15 years and worked in both large and small firms, and now on my own.
Say thank you if it can come up comfortably with one of the partners who was likely involved in a bonus decision making, but I definitely would not write a note or try and force the conversation.
I haven’t done handwritten thank you notes in years – I do always send a thank you, but it is generally an email, often with an offer to go to lunch or happy hour. So I don’t think it is odd that they don’t stock cards at this point – most business and communication is done digitally.
There definitely isn’t a standard percentage. Most firms I have worked for or with or had friends work for do not pay non-partners at all for business they bring in, it just helps build your book of business for making partner. Depending on your seniority (are you senior enough to sign returns and manage a book of business?) and whether you expect to being in business regularly, I think it would be ok to ask if they would consider some sort of profit sharing or bonus relating to business you and other staff bring in. But be ok with them saying no, or for the arrangement to vary wildly. I’ve seen an arrangement like what you mentioned, as well as a one time bonus, and payments that pay out only if realization reaches a certain percentage.
I love these infographics! I need one for care of clothing. I learned on this site that “dry clean” can be hand washed, but not “dry clean only”.
One particular question…How do I take care of scuba fabric? I have a lovely Calvin Klein scuba sheath dress, and it started to look bad/fuzzy/pill-y after a few months. It is black with flowers, and the black background appears to have small white threads/fibers coming out of it. Not sure if there’sa way to salvage it. I actually never cleaned the dress. This happened from having it in my closet. Perhaps scuba fabric needs its own clothing bag.
Best shows on Netflix?
Master of None
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
The Crown
Seen all those :-) They are good though!
You can also refer to this list, Netflix Originals ranked from worst to best:
Thank you!
Stranger Things
Ooh Greenleaf is new to me. TY!
I am WAYYYYYY late to the party, but I am going through West Wing now and loving it. One day my tastes will catch up with the times!
oh, I thought I was the only one living behind the moon! Currently watching season 4.
I’ve enjoyed An Idiot Abroad.
Big Mouth, Jessica Jones/Luke Cage/Daredevil, Alias Grace
not the best but worth watching if you like crime shows or the 70s – Mind Hunter
mindhunter!!! jonathan groff is amazing and it’s so well done
also – crazy ex girlfriend, b in apartment 23, dirk gently, stranger things,
The Good Place
Samurai Gourmet
How can I watch the Good Place from the beginning? All the streaming places that have it only have the last few episodes.
Season 1 is on Netflix! And it looks like all of season 2 (so far) is on NBC.com