What’s Your Summer Shaving Routine?
Do you have a summer shaving routine (or waxing)? What are your favorite products? (Have you tried any more permanent forms of hair removal?)
Do you have a summer shaving routine (or waxing)? What are your favorite products? (Have you tried any more permanent forms of hair removal?)
The last time we talked about laser hair removal — or any kind of hair removal at all — was years ago, so we thought it was high time to round up the best shave clubs for women. I know a lot of women have been saying that their shaving habit has fallen by the…
I’ve shared my experiences with laser hair removal — let’s hear from you guys! Those of you who had your hair removed more recently than I did, what was the experience like? How much did you pay? Has anyone tried the newer devices for removing hair at home? Reader C wonders: I would love to…
Wondering about laser hair removal? Three women share their experiences with laser hair removal.