Contact Corporette®
Thank you so much for thinking of Corporette®! Please note that we're not terribly fast with replying to reader mail — although we promise that if your request is somewhat timely then we'll try to get to it in time!
Some notes:
- advertising, please check out our advertising page (it's really only through Mediavine at the moment; we also do not sell text links)
- we are not accepting products for review
- guest posting: we don't accept guest posters, sorry!
- putting us on your fabulous PR list that will send us tons of junk mail we didn't sign up for: please don't! Note I put the offending DOMAIN name in a filter to be auto-deleted from my email. So in other words you'll probably never be able to contact me again no matter how great your client/product is.
- do not email me at my personal email address: unless I have given it to you personally I will never, ever, ever work with a company who invades my personal space. Boundaries are important to me.
*Are your comments going to spam? Please read this first!
To help us solve the problem, please leave a new comment on Corporette that includes the word “spamtest123“. Next, send us an email using the form below, telling us you used the test word. We'll take it from there! (It's easier for us to grab your IP address this way, basically, and unspam comments.)
Please note that we don't cover any of the following:
- book reviews
- women who've started businesses
- local events
- apps
- charities
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Thank you!