
Interested in advertising on Corporette? Reach our audience of intelligent influencers! (Please consider joining our advertiser newsletter!)

All banner ads can be purchased on Mediavine. Sponsored posts and other in-content advertising (only written by Corporette Staff) are only available to select advertising partners and prices start at $2500.

As of Dec. 2018, these are our stats:

  • We get more than 925,000 page views per month. (Source: Google Analytics.)
  • We have more than 233,000 unique readers. (Source: Google Analytics.)
  • We have almost 13,000 likes on Facebook, and 5000+ readers on the Corporette newsletter.
  • We have more than 8900 Twitter followers, more than 7,480 Instagram followers, and more than 21,000 Pinterest followers.
  • Alexa US rank: 36,681

More curious about our readers and community? According to a June 2016 survey:

  • 32.9% of our readers are ages 28-32; the next largest group is ages 33-37 at 26.3%.
  • 34.8% of our readers spent $151-$300 on clothes last month (with almost 2% spending more than $1K).
  • 44.7% of them don't have kids, and 60.8% of our readers are married or in a civil union.
  • 43.4% of our readers have a JD or are in the midst of attaining it.
  • 87.8% of our readers work full time; 45.5% of those women make over $100K.

You can buy an ad through us directly — please e-mail us at ads at corporette dot com for current prices as well as other ideas, such as writing a sponsored post, hosting a giveaway, advertising in our e-mail newsletter, or representing your brand in some other way.

Here are a few brands we've worked with in the past:

Brands-Ive-Worked-With-Sept12 puny

Please see our “Press Mentions” page for our most recent mentions in the press; some of the bigger publications are pictured at left.

We'd love to stay in touch with you regarding advertising opportunities — please sign up for our email list, below. Please note: we do not sell text advertisements, or participate in link exchanges.