Open Thread: What Do You Do With Clothes That Are Worn But Not Dirty?
When you’ve worn something once, it may not need a wash yet — so where do you put it?
When you’ve worn something once, it may not need a wash yet — so where do you put it?
What are your tips and tricks for keeping your notes organized, whether it’s notes about job-related matters or personal issues like healthcare? Do you use one system for work matters, and one system for personal issues?
Here is Kate’s review of a new website that helps you check your tone (and makes tasks fun, and more) online.
What does your ideal planner or journal look like? Do you have preferences for some plans to be on paper, in the cloud, or in a specific program? Are daily/hourly planners useful to you or do you save bigger picture things for your planner?
What are your favorite tips and tricks to remember to take your meds? Have you tried any of the fun new products like timer caps?