Hire Kat to Speak!

Kat Griffin is passionate about educating professionals (and soon-to-be professionals) on how to juggle career, life, and wardrobe with style and a healthy sense of humor. Contact me to discuss your project. For conferences or speaking engagements, please let me know when, where, the kind of presentation you're interested in, estimated attendance, and your budget.

Suggested topics:

  • women's wardrobe — and career — through the years, from your early 20s and beyond!
  • networking, mentorship, sponsorship, and more — what are the options and how can they work for you?
  • preparing for the big leagues: your first few weeks at a conservative job
  • personal branding

I am also available to speak on alternatives to legal careers, fashion blogging, monetizing your blog, and more.

Here are some very very nice things people said after one of my recent events (all via Twitter):

  • @corporette killed it on the #IFBcon panel! best advise, honest and real talk! I can listen to her talk whole day! – @styledelights
  • Listening to @corporette speak is so inspiring. Love her. #IFBcon – @xoCaviarTaste
  • I genuinely enjoy hearing @corporette speak. #IFBcon – @PrttyShnySprkly
  • She's a GREAT presenter #IFBcon – @ghettofashnista


Mar. 13, 2013
Fashion 2.0 Social Media Awards
New York, New York



April 19, 2012
“You Have the Right to Remain Stylish”
Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt
Seattle, Washington

April 16, 2012
Fashion 2.0: Social Commerce
New York, NY

Mar. 19, 2012
Alternative Careers for Lawyers
Brooklyn Law School (Young Lawyers Committee of the New York County Lawyers Association)
Brooklyn, New York

Feb. 8, 2012
Fashion 2.0 Social Media Awards
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week
New York, New York

Feb. 8, 2012
Independent Fashion Bloggers Conference / Evolving Influence
Panelist, “What Are Bloggers Worth?
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week
New York, New York


Feb. 16, 2011
Fashion 2.0 Social Media Awards
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week
New York, New York


June 15, 2010
Ladies Who Launch
Panelist, “Monetizing Your Website, Blog and Newsletter”
New York, New York

March-May 2010
Emcee, 4 fashion shows with AK/Anne Klein, InStyle magazine, and Corporette
Miami, New Jersey, Louisville, and Minneapolis
… as seen in Social Diva