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We haven't taken a poll on this in a while, but gauging by recent comments we should. Here's the question: are 3″ heels appropriate for work? (Pictured: L.A.M.B. – Juva (Black Multi) – Footwear, available at Zappos Couture for $353. (They're 4″.))
Opinions tend to run the gamut on this one, as we know from personal experience as well as from previous posts. For some women, anything over 2″ isn't doable — too hard to walk in a graceful way, too hard to run down the hall when you hear your phone ringing, too hard to walk while carrying a box of documents — plus, a lot of folks tend to think of very high heels as “going out” shoes (when put politely) or “stripper shoes” (when put impolitely). For other women, anything below 3″ is dowdy and matronly, and ultimately not grown-up enough for the office. For our $.02, we try to keep our heels at 3″ or under (but even then, a lot of our shoes live at the office and don't actually see city streets).
Readers, what are your thoughts?
A related point that I forgot to mention in my first post:
Might I recommend that everyone keep a pair of comfy flats in their office for real emergencies? I’m not talking about “long day, my feet are tired” emergencies (although a back-up pair of flats might also serve you well on that front). I’m talking about “the building is on fire and I have to walk down 57 flights of steps to safety” emergencies.
Most of us will never encounter something like that, but better safe than barefoot in a real emegency.
Also – if you are wearing high heels walking to/from the office (be it to a car, subway or just walking home), you will have a more difficult time defending yourself against a would-be mugger/assailant. Running away or employing any number of self-defense techniques are much more easily accomplished in flat shoes. Not necessarily what everyone thinks about when getting dressed in the morning, but crime is a reality.
My opinion: if you can walk, you can work.
For example, I have a beautiful pair of black, Michael Coors pumps (totally plain, and gorgeous) that happen to have 3.75″ heels. Now, this height is usually reserved for a different “working” girl, but these shoes are classy. Paired with a pencil or tea-length skirt, they are perfect. Most importantly, I can walk in them – no stumbles, no falters, nada. And, I’m not walking like previously mentioned other gals. I’m walking like I’m wearing kitten heels. So, I can walk – I can work.
I wear everything from flats to 4inch heels…but I also don’t work in an office where people somehow get away with flip flops (and no they are NOT allowed)…so basically I don’t think anyone is paying attention. I have a friend that wears shoes that are definitely more so going out shoes (leopard print, zippered heels…) and while she rocks it, I personally never go that far. I keep my going out shoes for going out.
At 5’9″, I generally prefer a kitten heel for work. Given some of the posts here, however, I might revisit that. My concern is that I would tower over one of the partners for whom I do a lot of work – I’m already a couple inches taller than him. He doesn’t seem to be the type to think about that sort of thing, though, so maybe I shouldn’t either! I’m taking my first deposition tomorrow, so perhaps I’ll take some of the advice here and put on some “power” shoes.
Interesting variety of opinions. I am in the “it depends” category. I wear everything from flats to 4+ inch heels. It totally depends on the outfit, the person, and the shoe. I’m the only woman in my office who wears heels of any substantial height and the only female attorney. It’s always fun to come in with a new pair of shoes and have fun with the staff who can appreciate the shoes. LOL. Like these but I got them in brown…. but I’d love to get them in green.
Ironically, this weekend when I was out trying on new shoes, I tried on a pair of 2 inch heels, and they felt uncomfortably low to me – but it was also probably the shoe. Granted, when I’m in the office, I don’t constantly wear the shoes – as I like to sit cross legged in my computer chair, so sitting on the shoes isn’t so comfortable. I also keep a pair of black ballet slippers that I wear around the office – to get coffee, etc.
But, I can run, carry boxes, drive a car, catch a train, do whatever in my heels. And I’ve had ankle reconstructive surgery and currently am dealing with a spinal fracture.
It’s all about the person. For me, my shoes speak of my girly side. I’m not incredibly girly or fashion forward otherwise, but my shoes are where I have a little fun and spunk. Also, I’m 5’4″ and all the partners in my office are 6′ and above (two are very tall men). When I’m wearing 3.5 or 4 inch heels, I don’t feel like I’m going to get a kink in my neck standing and talking to them.
I just got through on campus interviews at my law school, and I noticed a lot of female students wearing shoes that I thought were quite high for “conservative/non-sexy” interview outfits. And many of them were wearing pants that had been hemmed for much shorter shoes — highwater suit pants! :( By day 5 I also saw a lot of flip flops and blister bandaids in the halls. Interestingly, I complimented a few other students on their shoes – low slingbacks, some lovely two-tone shoes – and they usually said, oh, thanks, its just an old pair I had. I also got compliments on my shoes, which were a low black heel with a round toe and some interesting cutout details — that I’ve had for nearly 5 years.
Conclusion? The best shoes are the ones you are comfortable in, and that your pants are hemmed to!
In my experience, heel height has less to do with comfort than heel width. Yes, those kitten heels may be only 1″, but you’re balancing your weight on a heel with the same diameter as a stiletto. That places a lot of strain on the muscles in your ankles and knees as they make constant corrections to help you maintain your balance. A wider heel gives you more to balance on, reducing the strain on your muscles. I’ve sprained both my ankles a couple of times, and I have difficulty walking in 1/2″ kitten heels–but no problem rocking my 4″ high chunky heeled boots.
I used to wear 3″ heels all of the time — comfortable and putting me at a tall but not intimidating 5’10.” Now, unfortunately, the heel height has taken a toll on my knees, and I wear 1.5″ – 2″ heels, max. I miss the height, but it’s well worth it to walk in comfort.
Take a look at Beautifeel shoes if you want a lower heel and great comfort. Not the most glamerous shoes ever, but among the most durable and always professional.
Agree I think it entirely depends on the shoe. Some 3″ look a lot different from others (and i’m short so have quite a few 3″) Here are some other good corporate looks, shoes as well.
Call me an old ladyif you like, but heels that are too high (3″ and higher) look impractical and too girly/sexy for office situations. They make you look like you’re TRYING to be sexy, which in my book is a huge mistake. As a broken ankle recoverer from my college days, I don’t wear heels over 2 1/2″, but don’t have any problem finding wonderful stylish pointy-toed pumps that flatter my legs and look polished, AND are comfortable. We need to re-evaluate the whole 3+ inch thing, girls–those things inevitably mess up your posture and your feet!
They are fetish shoes, S&M shoes, yet women are utterly stupid sheep and continue to wear garbage shoes that will RUIN their feet by the time they hit their fifties and sixties.
I’m 5’2″, so I do kind of love/need the added height of a high heel. But as someone who has bitten it big time more than once while walking down a city in super high heels, I only bring out the 3″+ heels for the important stuff (court appearances, interviews, etc.).
High heels like that are NOT appropriate for court. You don’t want to look like a slut in front of a judge.
Depends on the skirt length – not above the knee! And whether you can maintain good posture while carrying the laptop, files, etc.
High heels
Actually it depends a lot on your job. If you have a lot of standing to do, then high heels will not be suitable. Otherwise, high heels sure look nice in any environment!
nice post, a good read thanks
kristin wyngate
I’m 5’7″ but I love wearing heels. I think a 4″ heel is fine at the office as long as your skirt is not above the knee. The higher the skirt the lower the heel…at the office. When out partying, it’s a whole different set of rules!!
I am 5’7″ and I love high heels… and I love flats.The important thing is for the shoes to be appropriate for the outfit. When I am not wearing ballet flats, I wear heels 4″ and up, and I always get compliments on the look from my work colleagues, male and female alike. I fully agree that it is less about the height of the heel than it is about the design of the shoe, and the ability of the wearer to ‘carry-off’ the look. Whether heels or flats it’s important that the shoes are comfortable. I’ve had flats hurt my feet as much as heels. In my experience its very often about the cut of the shoe rather than the heel height. And I can’t drive in any type of shoe…barefoot driving for me!!!!
High heels aren’t appropriate footwear, period, and they hell on the body. If you want ruined feet, leg problems, back problems, and hip problems, keep wearing that garbage to please some guy. As I said downthread, women lie all the time about why they buy inappropriate, foot-damaging shoes (yet laugh at Chinese footbinding of yore) . They do it to please men, not to be “fashionable,” or “professional,” or even to want to look “taller.”
You don’t see a whole lot of women over 50 wearing that garbage.
I am a Sasquatch so 3″ heels don’t even look that high on me. I can pull them off, but I don’t go any higher than that
This only goes to show how stupid women continue to be regarding footwear. They will lie and say they don’t wear trash shoes to please men, but that’s the whole point of wearing stilettos, to attract male attention by forcing women’s bodies into unnatural positions to mimic sexual availability.
Stiletto heels should have been thrown in the historical garbage can after the early 1960s. They are strictly S&M-type fashion. They don’t belong in the workplace or anyplace other than houses of prostitution.