Are you sure you have every cent you’ve put aside for retirement, or are you a bit hazy on your earliest jobs? What about other unclaimed money? Let’s discuss.
Money Challenge: Save for Multiple Financial Goals
Have you created an automatic savings plan for multiple financial goals? What are your best tips for how to save for multiple financial goals (and which banks do you like for this purpose?)
Money Challenge: Check Your Interest Rates
Readers, what interest rates are you seeing these days? How often do you check your interest rates, and where do you end up keeping your money as a result?
Money Challenge: Reassess Your 401K
Here’s today’s Money Challenge, should you choose to accept it: reassess your 401K contributions and investments.
Money Challenge: Check Your Expense Ratios
Today’s money challenge: make sure you know the expense ratios on your investments.
Money Challenge: Review Your Renewing Subscriptions
Let’s do a group money challenge, readers: are you aware of all your renewing expenses? Here’s where to check…