12 Workwear Brands with Resale Programs
Whether you’re trying to save money on work outfits or make your shopping a bit more eco-friendly (or both!), you should know about these workwear brands with resale programs.
Whether you’re trying to save money on work outfits or make your shopping a bit more eco-friendly (or both!), you should know about these workwear brands with resale programs.
What brands do you stalk on resale sites? What workwear brands do you remember fondly from yesteryear?
What are best practices for getting workwear at the thrift store? What are the pros and cons?
We spent the weekend doing some around-the-house stuff, such as finally getting pants to the tailors, taking a huge pile of clothes and shoes to Goodwill, and — oh yes — posting a few things for sale on eBay. While posting a few shoes and dresses, I of course did my research and looked at…