“Are Women Lawyers Paying Enough Attention to Upward Mobility?”
A recent op-ed in the ABA Journal has some women outraged over claims that working mothers are terrible managers, overly perfectionist, and don’t support team members. Let’s discuss.
A recent op-ed in the ABA Journal has some women outraged over claims that working mothers are terrible managers, overly perfectionist, and don’t support team members. Let’s discuss.
FYI – over at CorporetteMoms today we’re discussing the new Mommy Effect study, which notes that women often have an unrealistic view of what it’s like to be a working mom. Come join the discussion if you’d like to weigh in!
Just an FYI, over at CorporetteMoms today we’re discussing the best advice on work-life balance that we have learned now as working moms — and what we would tell our pre-mom selves. Come join the discussion if you’d like!
You may want to check out the discussion we’re having over at CorporetteMoms on career changes after baby — lots of great comments from readers in BigLaw and other moms in law.