Wednesday’s TPS Report: Ruched-bodice dress

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Our daily TPS reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices. Ruched-bodice dressHappy hump day! Love, love, love the look of this dress from Talbots. The ruching details at the waist look flattering and forgiving, and I like the boatneck and cap sleeves — the whole dress seems designed to narrow your waist, honestly. It's available in lipstick (pictured), a burgundy “baccara rose,” and a black — in regulars, petites, and plus sizes — for $129-$149. Ruched-bodice dress Seen a great piece you'd like to recommend? Please e-mail with “TPS” in the subject line. (L-0)

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine's Day!):

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • M.M.LaFleur – Save up to 25% on select suiting, this weekend only
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. I love the color of the baccara rose, but I don’t think that neckline would suit me. I usually favor v-necks. Of course, then you have to worry about how deep the neckline is.

    1. Me too. A beautiful dress, but it will make my admittedly modest bust look as flat as a board.

      1. It is beautiful, but I would not fit well in it. You need a models’ body, and unfortunately I am not as svelte as I should be.

        1. I don’t have a model’s body, but I’ve gotten a few good dresses from Talbot’s and you don’t need a model’s body to look good in them. Their material is great and their clothes complement all body types.

  2. I love this dress! Red is definitely my color and its taking a lot of restraint not to order this now =)

    Threadjack – Any suggestions for a good dry shampoo, especially for colored hair? The one I’m using is Charles Worthington and while I love it, I bought it last year in London and can’t buy it here. TIA.

    1. Bumble and Bumble is the only option I’ve found for darker hair. Unfortunately I find the red too red and brown too brown, but if I spray it underneath and brush brush brush, it works.

    2. Pssssssssst. You can find it at a Duane Reade (or Amazon); I haven’t been able to find it at CVS.

    3. I’ve tried a bunch of these, mostly very expensive, but I have to say that my favorite is the Loreal dry shampoo that you can get at drug stores for about 4 bucks. Its not specific to colored hair, but it works great. I have blonde highlights and unlike other dry shampoos i have used, it does not dull or fade my highlights

    4. I like the Oscar Blandi Hair Powder. They sell it at Sephora. Lovely lemon verbena scent.

    5. I swear by Klorane gentle dry shampoo with oat milk. I usually have to order it, so it’s a bit of a pain. The only other thing I had tried before was Tre Semme (sp?) and I found that too often it left behind residue, which I would only notice as a white patch on my head during some mid-day bathroom trip…oops.

    6. I faithfully used Fekkai Dry Shampoo (~$25) until someone on this site recommended Tresemme FreshStart Dry Shampoo (~$5), so I tried it on a whim. I love the Tresemme. It’s great. The Fekkai was good for getting out overnight oiliness; the Tresemme does that plus makes my hair very manageable and shiny… corporette is great in so any ways! Oh, and yes, I do have colored hair.

      1. This is actually what I was referring to — the Tresemme Fresh Start (i dont know why I always confuse it with Loreal). I’ve also tried the Fekkai and a few others available at Sephora for 20-40 bucks, but the Tresemme is really the best.

    7. I love the Big Sexy Hair line (ugh that name, but good product). My hair stylist recommended it. I have dyed hair and it doesn’t strip the color. I use the dry shampoo (spray can), and the powder (think it’s called Powder Play) when I’m traveling. I tend to have somewhat oily hair and these products really help with that.

    8. Batiste! It’s the cheapish-but-popular brand in the UK and I saw it at my relatively low-end grocery store in Upstate NY when I was visiting in June for $8. That seemed extortionate (it’s about £2.50 here), but might be cheap relative to other brands? Anyway, it’s great and I vastly prefer it over the more expensive brands.

  3. My sister (23) has spent the last three years suffering from terrible vertigo/dizziness. She’s seen almost 20 doctors ranging from cardiologists to neurologists and they’ve ruled out a brain tumor or heart problem, but we’re all at the end of our rope. She’s been operating under the assumption/diagnosis that they are variant migraines (she occasionally gets bad headaches, but mostly dizziness) and has some of the symptoms (brought on by certain calling cards like drops in the barometric pressure, etc), but we’re not sure if that’s what it really is since none of the treatment (antidepressants and klonopin) is working. Her newest doctor thinks it may be dystonia and is going to try botox shots to the back of her neck.

    I bring this up because I love this community and am hoping that someone knows someone who’s had something similar and can help. Any and all advice appreciated. It’s really ruining her life–she can hardly go out anymore and is always exhausted. I think it’s making her very depressed to boot. Thanks in advance.

    1. Has she tried accupuncture? I began getting migraines at the age of 10 from a skull fracture and when my mom took me to an accupuncturist, they decreased dramatically within three visits. I still get them when the barometric pressure drops but they are much more manageable now. It might be something to look into if you’ve gone to so many doctors. I’ll be praying for her, XO!

      1. I second the acupuncture suggestion. My mom and I both get very severe migraines and acupuncture literally changed my life. I went regularly for 6 months and went from getting awful migraines once or twice a month to once or twice a YEAR. My mom still goes regularly to alleviate her lupus symptoms and it really, really helps.

        I am a huge needle phobic, so I was really resistant to it initially, but the needles are so tiny and thin that you barely feel them.

    2. Not a doctor.

      Throwing various things out there:
      One thing I’ve heard is that sometimes dizziness/vertigo can come from problems with the balance nerve in the inner ear, or something like that.

      Another thing: Not sure if this is the case with your young sister, but my 89 year old grandmother used to have a lot of dizzy spells, and it turned out that it was a side effect of one of the medications she was on. Her doctor changed her medication, and now she will only occasionally complain about it (whereas before she couldn’t do anything).

      Thirdly: I’ve read somewhere that large consumption of Diet coke/pepsi/aspatam products can cause headaches. It might be an idea to also get her diet checked out.

      1. My grandmother had the third issue – took her a while to figure out that all of the aspartame in her low-fat/sugar-free cookies and diet coke were making giving her headaches and dizzy spells!

    3. This is a longshot, obviously, and I’m not a doctor, but has she consulted with a really good dentist or oral surgeon? A friend of a friend had similar problems – it turned out that it was caused by dental problems, but took quite a while to be diganosed.

      1. Second. I suffer(ed) from migraines and it turns out they are largely caused by TMJ. The migraines have gotten better with treatment. I was surprised to find that my posture and balance were also both much better after the doctor realigned my jaw. I didn’t have surgery, but the treatment was expensive, took about 3 months of intense treatment and another 6 or so of follow up, and the only thing my health insurance covered was the pain meds.

    4. Has she been to an ENT? A lot of those issues are caused by problems in the ear/sinuses. She may also have breathing/asthma issues she doesn’t know about, which an ENT should also be able to help detect.

    5. Your poor sister. That sounds awful. After A LOT of tests, my friend with months of vertigo finally got a diagnosis of problems with “ear crystals.” (Here’s an NPR program discussing: but you can google and find a ton of medical sites describing as well) I know this sounds weird, but the treatment was really painless–her doctor would have her move her rest her head in certain positions for a period of time. It made a huge difference right away.

      1. My mom had the same thing – she began experiencing vertigo, then the doctor diagnosed it as something having to do with ear crystals, and treated her, and it went away.

      2. I get dizziness regularly due to the crystals, and the head movements really do work. The Reader’s Digest version: naturally occurring crystals in the inner ear break off and settle onto sensitive inner-ear cilia, which then send a signal to the brain that the world is spinning. Since the inner ear canal is oddly shaped, moving your head in a prescribed sequence can get the crystals to travel to a less sensitive area. Kind of like those puzzles where you tilt the box until a marble works its way to the target.

    6. I have a close male friend who suffers something similar and has since he was 18. Vertigo, dizziness, etc. to some degree every day, with occasional days that are very bad and about once a year or every other year he goes to the hospital for his symptoms. Has been to countless doctors. He has a slightly irregular EKG—specifically, a long Q-T—but doctors haven’t been able to determine if that’s the cause. He’s seen an ENT doctor, who determined one of his inner ears is weak, and had him doing physical therapy to strengthen it (balancing and motion exercises). But, that doesn’t seem to have helped, and I understand the exercises temporarily made his symptoms worse.

      It’s been super frustrating for my friend as no one has been able to give him a definitive diagnosis. Good luck!

    7. Oh wow, Batgirl. I have no suggestions, just kind thoughts headed your sister’s way. I hope she gets to the bottom of this soon, and kudos for her for not giving up until she does. I know how taxing this kind of thing can be on your whole family and on her friends too. She’s lucky to have you searching for answers!

    8. Have they considered pseudotumor cerebri? It’s basically an excess of fluid around your brain, which mimics the symptoms of a brain tumor. I suffered from this and had similar symptoms, which were alleviated by draining fluid from my spinal column. (I have to say that for me, the treatment was worse than the disease, but that’s another story. I think that there are other wasy to treat it.)

      Another thing that comes to mind is an inner ear infection or sinus problems, but that seems obvious enough that they may have tested for that already.

    9. I have symptoms that sound very similar, but much less severe (more of an irritation for me, but with the same weather triggers, and it’s often, though not always, associated with headaches). I was on Topamax for a while and found it very helpful (I did find that it made me “mentally sluggish” though, and decided that it wasn’t worth it since my problem wasn’t that bad- it would certainly be worth it if my problems were as bad as your sister’s) (note that Topamax seems to be one of those medications that some people have really bad reactions to, but others are just fine with). But if they’re thinking headaches, I would guess that they’ve thought of Topamax already.

      Also, to echo Em, I found that my problems faded almost completely when I had my wisdom teeth removed. They came back after a year or two, though. I’m assuming that it had something to do with some kind of pressure buildup, and having the teeth removed gave more space, which eventually filled back up (with something- I’m not a doctor!). So perhaps there is something there that could be run with?

      Good luck; I hope that she can find an effective treatment soon.

    10. My mom had Botox injections in her neck to treat a condition called “essential tremor” which is basically a progressive shakiness that affects the hands and head. She had a really, really horrible experience with the Botox, and will never go near the stuff again. Please make sure your sister becomes familiar with the Botox black-box warning and all of the possible side effects. Also, Allergan was fined a couple of years ago for encouraging off-label use of Botox – I’ll see if I can find a link to info about that. ALSO, a good friend of mine has suffered from vertigo for quite a while – several years, I think. I’ll check with her and see what advice she can give.

      1. That’s what my sister is getting the botox for! I forgot what it was called. Why was her experience so horrible? My sister is scheduled to get it Friday so I would be very eager to hear what was so bad about it for your mother. I’m sorry she had to go through this, too. It’s a curse.

        1. My mom was in excruciating pain for several weeks after she got the Botox injections in her neck. One of the side effects that was disclosed to her was that the treatment can temporarily weaken the muscles near the injection site and make it difficult for the patient to lift or move her head – my mom experienced this for several weeks and it was very painful. She also felt that the Botox migrated to other areas of her body and caused a lot of discomfort and problems there. I believe the recent black box warning has to do with migration of the medication beyond the injection site.

          I don’t know how to e-mail people directly on this site, but I can send you a lot more info. Feel free to e-mail me at conbrio at pacbell dot net.

    11. I suffered from migraines for 8 years… then I went gluten free and the migraines went away completely. Sounds ridiculous, I know, but it’s true. I had tried EVERYTHING under the sun to try to get rid of them before I went off of gluten (who wants to give up gluten?) but I was at the end of my rope. Two weeks without gluten and I was migraine-free. Delight.

      Now the migraines have returned. However, the problem seems to be that I am grinding my teeth at night due to work stress. The dentist has great confidence this is the problem given the tooth chips that are missing from my back teeth and the pounding headaches I wake up with.

      My point is, as others have mentioned, there either may be an alternative problem going on (dental, ear, etc.) or there may be an alternative solution (diet, etc.) to look into. After suffering for so long, most people are fairly willing to give anything a try… so you might look into the alternatives…

    12. I had a real problem with dizziness a few years back. It took ages, several specialists, a ridiculous number of tests and finally a lot of my own research to figure out the problem. The main underlying problem was neurally mediated hypotension – basically random drops in blood pressure for no apparent reason (hard to diagnose, bc they have to be monitoring you exactly when the drop occurs). Which, as it turned out, triggered migraines (had never realized that migraines can just cause cloudiness/dizziness/confusion without the blinding pain you hear about). With the interaction of the two, I was on a real downward spiral – horrible dizzy spells, followed by terrible fatigue and cloudiness, repeat. It is so very frustrating and depressing to not know what’s going on with your body, if it’s just in your head, if you are just unable to handle stress, if it is a scary physical problem that the doctors just can’t find, etc.

      A tilt table test confirmed the first diagnosis. I take a beta blocker for that. My neurologist has me taking a tiny dose of Effexor for the migraines, and it works like magic. Kind of a pain – it’s an off-label use, and requires that I buy the smallest dose available and divide it into halves myself – but worth it! I also have to be careful to drink lots of water (to keep up the blood volume) and be on a fairly regular schedule getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night. When I get really busy at work or my routine gets upset, it comes back (but at least I know what to do about it now).

      Good luck to your sister, I know it’s incredibly frustrating to not know what’s wrong (and, even after you know what’s wrong, to have to acknowledge that you really do need daily medication and that there are very real limits on what your body can handle – there is no “powering through” these things).

      1. A friend had the same problem. Because of “white coat” hypertension, her blood pressure seemed reasonably normal during the doctor’s visit. Patience and in-home monitoring finally revelaed her blood pressure in fact often dipped below manageable levels. The addition of salt in the diet (yes!) and lots of liquids has helped enormously.

    13. Have they tested her for minear’s disease? (It’s an inner ear disorder; not curable, but somewhat treatable.) My uncle has it and the dizziness is absolutely crippling. One of the best indicators: cut salt out of your diet ENTIRELY. Completely. Not a drop of sodium of any form. (Raw diet is the easiest way to do that.) Does it make her feel better? Then, ugh. Maybe Minear’s. Cleveland Clinic has a specialist who has studied minear’s extensively. Not sure where your sister is . . .

    14. Wow, this is fantastic! Thank you all SO much. Please keep any and all thoughts coming–we’re getting a bit desperate.

      She’s been tested for so many things at this point that it’s hard to keep track. They definitely put her on a tilt table, but she didn’t try the crystals, I don’t think. Or acupuncture. She did go on a migraine diet and that helped a tiny bit.

      They seemed to rule out an ear problem, but I don’t know who to believe at this point.

      1. I complained to my doctor regarding very similar symptoms, weakness, fatigue, dizziness, vertigo and a lot of people (including my doctor) mentioned that I seemed depressed. A simple blood test showed that I had elevated blood calcium levels. I confirmed that I wasn’t consuming a lot of dairy (which I had given up for about a year at that point, as I realized it caused cystic acne for me). Second blood test showed *insanely* high PTH levels (parathyroid hormone). Turned out I had an enlarged parathyroid gland. Got it removed and I’m 300% better now AND I can have dairy with no acne. I suffered for years for no reason and would have definitely developed osteoporosis.. If your sister is sensitive to any foods or has the slightest abnormality in her bloodwork, her doctor/endocrinologist should investigate it further.

      2. Everyone has been spot on, Batgirl. Your sister is a lucky gal to have caring, clever, resourceful you around!

        I second the thoughts about ENT and dental stuff, as it is more unusual. I have allergy induced vertigo that makes me fall off my high heels and wakes me up every time I roll over in bed if I don’t keep the allergies undercontrol. Use of dramamine is great, but it took a long time for myself and other docs to figure it out.

        Keep looking, testing, and researching…the answer IS there. Encourage her to go through her medical records and make a chronology of who tested for what, how, when, and what was found. It’s vital if you find the right doc who wants to look at all that in a gestalt way, not just “this is my professional box of tools and parts of the body I consider.”

        I speak from experience with hormonal things that nearly killed me, literally, until I found someone who would look at all of me. The chronology was very very very helpful.

        hang tough, batgirl and batsis

        1. This was very sweet, thank you! Can I ask what sort of doctor ultimately found the answer for you? Was it your general practitioner?

    15. Batgirl–Beware the Botox–I had a family friend who was literally POISONED by off-label Botox (for headaches) and will never be the same again. I highly, highly caution against this, and hope that whomever your sister is seeing is very experienced. On the other hand, I had a brief bout of vertigo in college (couldn’t even ride my bike to class!) or play my varsity sport, and can totally sympathize with how debilatated your sis must be. But please make sure she’s really careful with the Botox.

    16. Have her checked for Meniere’s disease: (sp

  4. Love this! I would style the lipstick color with beige or navy instead of black to downplay the vavavoom. Talbots, please make this in a tall!

    1. I’m 5’8″, usually need talls in BR and other chains, and have found Talbots dresses to usually hit at top of kneecap in regular sizes.

      General comment on Talbots: I’ve been really impressed with their clothes the last few seasons. The quality is good, the cuts are flattering (not boxy), and they’ve had a ton of selection. Their dresses and the Lauren Ralph Lauren sheaths have become my office wardrobe staples. I usually wait for red hanger sales and stock up on their sheath dresses, cardis, and shoes.

      1. I am 5’6″ and I always buy Petites in Talbots dresses/skirts. Otherwise they are too long for my taste.

        I know, I know – we’re always talking about how short skirts aren’t kosher for the office, yadda yadda. I happen to like my skirts to fall just above the kneecap, and that’s where the Talbots Petites fall on me.

        1. I’m 5’4″, and I agree. I don’t buy petites in any other shop, but at Talbots, I do buy petite dresses and skirts. The regular sizes drown me, and always fall well below the knee, which is not flattering (I have huge calves). I prefer my skirts/dresses to hit right at the knee, or right above the kneecap.

  5. I wanted to post reviews of three dresses I recently ordered from Old Navy. I normally wear a 12 or 14, and ordered a L in all the dresses.

    Women’s Cross-Front Jersey Dress in Pink Stripe and In The Navy:

    This dress is a really nice, soft, and substantial jersey. I was expecting a flimsier material for a $30 dress from ON, and was pleasantly surprised. I was a little disappointed that the dress doesn’t come in petites, but it’s short enough for me (5’4″ with a 29 inch inseam), hitting a couple of inches above the knee. However, the top is clearly cut for a taller woman; I have a lot of extra room in the shoulders, which causes the front of the dress to slide down.

    The cross-front is cut all the way down to the waist, although it overlaps signfiicantly. I am getting really sick of stores selling dresses that need to be sewn shut or worn with a camisole. However, if the shoulders fit me properly, it probably would be fine without one. As it is, I’ll need to sew it shut because when it slides down it reveals my bra. The chest is also definitely designed for larger-busted women, but that works for me.

    The waistband is also a bit snug; the drawstring is decorative so it’s not adjustable. It fits perfectly once the dress is on, but it’s tight going over my boobs when I pull the dress on and off.

    In the Navy is a dark, true navy. Pink Stripe is not actually pink; it’s a coral and beige stripe. I like it but I was expecting true pink and white.

    Tie-Front Kimono Sleeve Dress in Blue Print:
    Again, I’m really impressed with the quality of the jersey. It’s substantial and hangs nicely, much better than I expected. I ordered this dress because I have been trying to break out of my mold of colorblocking and never wearing patterns. I got a petite size and it hits me just at the knee, and the sleeves hit below the elbow. The empire waist actually hits below my boobs, which is rare since I have large ones; I wouldn’t recommend this dress for smaller-busted women either.

    Overall, I’m happy with all the dresses and will be keeping them, but I really wish designers would stop selling dresses that require me to sew the front shut.

    1. I have the crossfront dress in both the blue stripe (sold out) and In the Navy color. I think they’re awesome. I even got one for my sister-in-law. But we’re both 5’8″ and the v-neck doesn’t gape or droop.

      I like the dress so much I told my mother she should get me another one for my birthday. And everytime I wear them someone asks me where I got them.

        1. Haha when I read Eponine’s comment my first thought was, “Isn’t that the dress Bunkster was going on about? I really need to check it out.”
          Thanks for the height specs – I was sure it would be too short for me but will give it a shot.

    2. I ordered the tie-front kimono dress in a regular size and just got it yesterday. I found it to be way, way too long (it’s like mid-calf and i’m 5’6″). I like the look of it, though, so I think I’ll try exchanging it for the petite to see if that helps.

      1. Mid-calf is supposed to be the “in” length now – Kat posted a link on it the other day – so maybe it’s that long on purpose? But I don’t like mid-calf length on me, either.

  6. Help! I’m going to the annual picnic of a former internship-employer tomorrow. I was just going to wear a simple sundress, but just now was told that there will be a softball game and my division is wearing red. I bowed out of the game (I suck… a lot) but have no idea what to wear to the event. No pictures of the event to be found. I’m sure all the men will be wearing khakis/shorts and the two women in the division are rather sporty, so they’ll be dressed to play softball. The rest of the organization is 95% male. The only shorts I own are too short to be appropriate IMO, and I own literally nothing red (it’s not my color). What should I do??

    1. Just wear the sundress (especially because if you’re in a dress people are less likely to try to drag you into the game), and find some red accessory you can wear during the game (giant red foam finger or red pompom would be awesome).

    2. A quick shopping trip after work tonight to pick up bermuda length shorts and a red tshirt.

      1. I second this suggestion but would add that you wear wedge sandals. If you don’t want to get pressured into playing make sure you can’t. Have fun!

      2. I’d agree- I hated bermuda-length shorts when they first came out, but I’ve found that they are so useful to wear when it’s too hot for pants but short-shorts are not appropriate/comfortable. I’m much more comfortable in them now. I’ve gotten several from Old Navy, and am very happy with them, and with the price!

        I’m a redhead and have generally avoided red, but I find that a blue-toned red works nicely on me. (Hey, in my part of the country, it’s usually orange (for a local college football team which appears to inspire obsessive-compulsive disorders in its fans), and I have NOT found an appropriate orange for a redhead, nor do I really want to!)

        1. Haha I have a friend from college who moved to your part of the country with her husband and, when neighbors came over to welcome them to the neighborhood, they immediately asked my friend/husband if they wanted to join their caravan/tailgate for home games.

          My friend and her husband (neither were local, neither went to the school in question) were extremely confused until it was explained to them how big a deal SEC football is…

          1. I moved to this area 20 years ago, and I’m still confused! I’m glad that people have fun, but jeeze, are they crazy!

    3. Ugh, this would be a pain for me too, as I also do not own anything red (except a pair of shoes and a belt). I can’t wear red next to my face–it just makes me look washed out. I think you should go with the sundress and explain that you don’t own anything red if asked.

    4. Thanks ladies, I’ll try to make it out to the stores today. I did find one baseball hat with red in the logo…

  7. My Piperlime daily email blast informed me today that their “essential shooties” are on sale. How do I feel about living in a world where shooties can be described as “essential”?

    Piperlime also has watches on sale. I’ve been wanting a white ceramic watch for some time, but can’t bring myself to pull the trigger because they start at >$100 but yet they seem very seasonal to me (can’t be worn past summer) and likely to be out of fashion by next summer. Am I overthinking this?

      1. LOVE that watch. Have also been wanting a white ceramic watch and haven’t found the perfect one – this may be it. This thread is dangerous because I love the dress too. Today just got expensive.

      2. Super cute! I love Skagen watches. They come up on Gilt/ Rue La La from time to time if you don’t end up pulling the trigger today. I think you could get a lot of wear out of that one in the next two months, though, and then save it for next summer.

      1. I am coveting one of these watches! I have a Michael Kors that I bought in 2007 and it still looks great. I desperately want one in black ceramic.

    1. Haha, I had the exact same thought–since when are shooties essential??

  8. I have a threadjack for my Mom. She’s in need of some clothing suggestions and is pretty frustrated trying to find clothes. She’s 48 years old, has a “sophisticated casual” style, and is between a size 8 and a 10, and has a very curvy figure (full chested, full hips, smaller waist). I think she’s gorgeous, but she tends to be self conscious (who isn’t?). So she’s having a hard time finding clothes that fit her, and look “her age.” She doesn’t want to look like she’s dressing like a 25 year old, or a 65 year old.

    Where are some good places for her to shop on a middle class income? I suggested Ann Taylor or Loft but she’s always felt they don’t fit her body as well (that she’s too hip-py for them). She’s a nurse, so these clothes would strictly be for home, visiting, or going out on her days off, and would not need to be business casual or work “appropriate.” She’s in the south, so also think oppressively hot right now. Store suggestions, or links to specific pieces would be greatly appreciated!

    1. I think Talbots is great for this. I have the same body type, and their clothes often work me. I also like the Halogen line from Nordstrom, though some of the clothes may be too business casual for your mom. Has she tried the curvy cut pants from AT or Loft? That is what I wear, and they work great for a “hippy” figure.

      1. I don’t believe she has tried any of the curvy cut pants, I will pass along that suggestion. Thank you.

    2. Agreed on Talbots and Chicos. My mom (who sounds a lot like your mom) also loves the designer Karen Kane. I actually own a bunch of her tops, as well. They’re a tad pricey for what they are full-priced, but my mom buys them at Dillards and they’re always on sale.

    3. also, if you live near a good outlet … Brooks Brothers outlets, Lord & Taylor outlets (for Michael Kors and other labels), Lauren by RL …

      And many department stores have proprietary brands that are good for this. Macy’s used to have the Charter Club label, and I think L&T also has something similar …

      1. Your mom is actually 2 years younger than I am – but I have to chime in here – I have a somewhat similar figure (5’9″, size 6-8)- tending to curvy, but HATE the Chicos, Coldwater Creek, J. Jill type clothes – they tend to be designed for women “of a certain age” who want to cover up their assets. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no advocate for spandex and mini skirts, but the long flowy tops and elastic waists that abound in these types of stores are designed to HIDE and not flatter. So if your mom is in any shape at all, encourage her to accentuate her positives and stay away from the “cover it up” type clothes. Have her try Talbots for classic clothes (both casual and more dressy) or even some Eddie Bauer for separates (I really like their curvy jeans and pants/shorts in the tall sizes). She’s way too young to dress like an old lady!!

        1. This. Chicos, Coldwater Creek, etc. tend to look frumpy. Along with Talbot’s and Eddie Bauer, I suggest Boden, The Gap, and Levi’s or Lee Jeans.

        2. ks, we’re about the same age and I agree! Those stores are where MY mom shops, and she’s 71.

          1. I didn’t want to be say anything, but I am glad you ladies did. Those stores sound a bit depressing! My grandmother actually got mad when my mom took her to a Coldwater Creek once, erroneously thinking she’d like it. I am sure you can find some nice stuff there at times, but the OP’s mom is only 48! I don’t think she needs fall foliage jumpers yet ;)

            FWIW, my mom (mid-50s) wears a lot of Michael Kors (the lower priced line), Ralph Lauren (can’t keep track of the lines here, but it’s def. not black/purple label), DKNY, Elie Tahari (for pants/blazers), and *some* Chicos & Eileen Fisher. She does much of her shopping at outlets & is a huge fan of the Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, and Saks outlet stores. She hates Talbots, but I think they do have some cute stuff there. Maybe you can plan a trip to an outlet mall with her and help her find some new pieces?

          2. Thanks for the affirmation Louise! Felt like I was swimming against the stream a bit here, but I really can’t stand those stores!

          3. I agree. My mom is almost 65- she loves Talbots and gets a lot of tops at Loft. She gets most of her casual clothing at Macy’s. She does get some t-shirts at J Jill, but nothing that she would wear for work.

        3. Thank you! I think she’s quite young, and has a heck of a figure! But then again, I might be biased. :)

          1. CSF, you’re a good daughter for encouraging your mom to enjoy her figure and look good in fashionable clothes. I have too many friends of about my age who are afraid to add an edge to their fashion because they think they are too old. For Pete’s sake, 50 isn’t old – I certainly don’t style things like my 25 year old daughter, but I also don’t need to be mistaken for my elderly mother! Have her take a look at MORE magazine (really LOVE this publication, aimed at stylin’ 40+ women) for ideas. And continue to encourage her! Looking good makes you feel good at any age.

            And thank you AIMS – I snorted out loud at the “fall foliage jumpers” reference – a wonderful visual and too true!! :)

          2. I’m the exact age as your mom and a little bigger (size 12) and I would NEVER EVER shop in Chico’s, J.Jill or Coldwater Creek and even Eileen Fisher is pushing it. Forty eight is young (haven’t you heard? – forty is the new thirty) and stylish and you should get your mom over to The Gap, Nordstom’s sale rack, and Macy’s for not too pricey casual clothes. She’ll have plenty of time for the Chico’s when she hits 65.

        4. Me too. I’m 46 and kill me now if I have to shop at J Jill when I’m 48.

          I mostly shop at Nordstrom. I wear classic styles in clothing and funk to the funky in shoes. Mainly Fluevogs.

          I recommend using a Nordstrom personal shopper to get started with a new look or style, and then once she’s comfortable with that style, she can shop for it anywhere, possibly at lower prices than Nordstrom.

        5. I have a 35 year-old friend who dresses exactly like her 60 year-old mother. They love to shop together and their favorite store is Coldwater Creek. I love her, but she looks, well, like a kind of stylish grandma. So I refuse to step foot in there.

    4. j. Jill, Talbot’s, or coldwater creek. These make up about 90% of my mother’s wardrobe.

    5. I started taking my mother (5’7, 8 – 10, not particularly curvy) to shop at Nordstrom around when she turned 50. She was living in Chico’s stuff that I felt aged her. She loves the selection at Nordstrom and the helpful sales people. She gets all her jeans, capris, khakis, etc from Not Your Daughter’s Jeans line. She does buy some Eileen Fisher sweaters, but that’s about it. She also shops a lot at Talbots for basics like turtlenecks and t-shirts. Same with Lands End and LL Bean. She also likes Karen Kane a lot.

    6. I’m in your mom’s age range (gulp) and generally curvy, too. I agree with most of the posters that the Chico’s/Coldwater Creek model is too matronly (although our 60-year-old office manager really manages to rock the look somehow). However, I have bought REALLY great-fitting stretch denim jeans at Chicos. (I think they’re from the “Additions” brand at their outlet stores.) I also really am loving this dress that I happened upon at Coldwater Creek (where I went for a dark denim jacket — I was dubious about “knit denim” but it was wonderful for a recent trip to Europe, just the right weight and didn’t wrinkle).

      I’ve got it in black; it’s not really crinkly the way the photo makes it seem but looks like a nice silk. It’s good for weekends but I’ve been wearing it to my very relaxed office during these miserably hot days and recently wore it to a business-casual meeting with a pale pink cardigan instead of a jacket. It also would dress up very nicely. I did have to take it in to make the fit more flattering, but I frequently have to do that. (One of my friends very kindly told me I’ve got an hourglass figure, meaning a big top and actual hips, but if my dresses don’t nip in at the waist I look like I’ve got a grandfather clock figure!)

      I have pretty good luck at Talbot’s but unfortunately their sizing is unreliable, even from one color to the next in the same piece; I must have Talbot’s items in five different sizes. If your mom shops online from Talbots, she should get a couple of different sizes and plan to return some. I like the Vera Wang for Kohl’s line, too, but a lot of the pieces seem designed for the slender gamine type.

      1. Tell her to check out Dillards for reasonably priced, classic styles. Their Investments line has lovely tailored jackets and great every-day pants. Take a look at Peter Nygaard as well. And Dillards has fantastic end of the season sales.

        1. I’m there … have to warn away from coldwater, j jill, and chicos. Too loose, unstructured and boxy. I try to go more tailored and have spunk with fabrics, combinations, prints, etc. Love Nic+Zoe, although their quality has slipped out of exclusive/high end to ordinary lately. It is carried by Nordstrom and Zappos…who has old season things. I get mine from a sample shop, but I know the pricing is fine. At Nordie’s today, I saw that they were carrying “OneEighty” in the midst of n+z and they were good together. It’s the new label for Lily, for those of you who have bought jersey dresses and skirts by Lily in the past. (Not L. Pulitzer.)

          I also use pieces from AT, Talbots, Jones NY (although sparingly as it can lean matronly). Between those Macys, and Nordstrom, that’s most of my closet…and when worn as contrasting or complementary separates, can “go casual contemporary.”

    7. Try Christopher & Banks. Very classy skirts, and not at all frumpy (unlike Coldwater Creek – their stuff is very unflattering on me)

    8. I’m the same size and shop at Lafayette, David meister, Karen Kane….depends on what she’s after. The first two are office- y. Also tadashi for evening stuff.

    9. This makes me feel really old since your Mom isn’t that much older than I am.

      I’d say about eighty percent of my wardrobe comes from the Halogen and Classiques lines at Nordstroms, Talbots, Boden, and Lands End (for really basic basics like Tshirts and shorts). I generally steer clear of Coldwater Creek, J Jill and Chicos. Because that’s where my Mom shops.

    10. JCPenney Worthington pants in curvy fit. I got some when I was broke and needed some pants for a new job, but even now with a more substantial income I keep going back to them. They fit like a dream

    11. I’m close to her age (51), size 10, somewhat curvy, and I love Ann Taylor and Banana Republic for professional clothes, Talbots for both professional and casual, and Coldwater Creek and Chico’s for casual. I buy a lot of stuff at Talbots, their pants fit me better than most, although they don’t have as much of the classic suiting as they have had in the past. Some of the Coldwater Creek/Chicos stuff is kind of matronly, some isn’t, you just have to look around and try things on. Coldwater Creek is ridiculously overpriced, but they have sales all the time, so never pay full price. I love their jeans, and the knit denims are so comfortable, and really do look good. Hate their jackets/blazers, though. Chico’s always has great t-shirts, plain and different designs.

      1. Just wanted to specify the City Fit jeans at Coldwater Creek, or the River fit. The other cuts fit awful, above the waist, and not flattering at all.

  9. Meniure’s disease? A couple of friends suffer from it and the symptoms are similar. I have to think doctors would have ruled that out already.

    The dress looks gorgeous on the model, but I’ve been so disappointed at the shapelessness of everything I’ve purchased from Talbots in the last year.

    My sharp-dressed mom also shops at Chico’s and always looks very put-together.

  10. Looking for recommendations for basic black cropped leggings. I’m tired of poor quality leggings that fade, shrink, or are transparent, but don’t want to pay $150 for the Eileen Fisher ones either! A wider waist band to prevent the dreaded muffin top would be a bonus!

      1. Love those! One thing to note though – they have the lulu logo on the bottom of the leggings. It doesn’t bother me, but it would make it rather apparent that you’re wearing an “athletic” brand legging if you’re trying to get away with them for a (very) casual work environment.

    1. I bought the Merona leggings at Target and am happy with them. I wear them with Eileen Fisher tunics and get more compliments than on anything else I wear.

    2. Nordstrom sells a brand called Lisse Leggings (with revolutionary tummy control). They are about $55 bucks and work awesome. (I even have them in white and they are not transparent). They sell them downstairs in the hosiery section.

    3. Athleta? I got a pair of cropped yoga pants there recently that are really nice.

    4. I ordered the Zella Live-in Capri during the NAS, and I liked them so much that I went into the store last weekend to pick up another pair before the sale ended. They were $29 and I think are now $45, which is still pretty affordable compared to the ones you mentioned or Lululemon (don’t get me wrong, I love Lulu crops, but they’re $$).

      I’ve only had them for a few weeks, so I can’t speak to their long-term quality, but they have great reviews on Nordie’s site so you can browse through those. So far, I love how they hide my lumpy backside, unlike my UA running tights. And I wore them last week for the bar exam, so I can attest that they are extremely comfortable.

      The only caveat I would throw in is that they may be too short if you’re tall. I’m 5’8″ and they stop just a little below my knee. It’s great for the summer heat and running errands or lounging, but if you’re looking to wear them under dresses, that look might be too short depending on your height.

    5. Love! I have the non-reversible ones (in like 5 different colours), with the logo on the waistband in the middle of your lower back. They’ve lasted forever. You have to take care of them, or the fabric pills. Never ever wash with zippered items.

  11. Any suggestions for where to find decent quality but relatively inexpensive workout pants/leggings? I’m realizing it’s time to replace my workout pants but I don’t want to spend an arm & a leg at Lululemon.

    1. Champion brand at Target. The C9 stuff is the nicest and I swear by it. It’s lasted *years* of me wearing it to work out.

      1. Seconded. It’s basically exactly the same as UnderArmor.

        I also love UnderArmor, and would recommend their capris.

        1. I’ll chime in for Target as well. I also find sale stuff at department stores or websites (ex: you can sometimes fine good sales at

          1. My favorite workout clothes are lululemon. My second favorite are from Target.

      2. I’ll add my affirmation to the mix. I have four pairs of Target Champion pants that I rotate around for 5x/week workouts, I’ve had some of them for at least four years. I wash them on regular cycle, too. I’m very pleased with how they’ve held up.

    2. all my workout pants come from Ross! I have 7 or 8 pairs of Everlast leggings that cost $9 each. I exercise every day and wash and dry them after every workout and they still look brand new

  12. AT/AT Loft coupon code for Friends and Family sale: FRIENDS1.
    30% off entire purchase. The sale is from 08/02 through 08/07.

  13. Sorry for the off-topic comment, but I’m hoping some experienced Corporettes can help me! I’m a recent law grad and I’ve just accepted an associate position doing employment litigation. I’m really excited about it but I don’t have any experience with employment law, not even a class in law school. Can anyone offer any advice on how I can get some quick background or point me in the direction of some good books? Thanks in advance!

    1. I was in a similar position once, having no background in EL & needing to brush up on basics, and I ended up getting the Lexis Understanding Series book on Employment Law, and a “Nutshell” series one, too. I didn’t like reading the Nutshell series, but found the Lexis book more helpful (although some people seem to prefer Nutshell books b/c they are more concise). I bet you can find cheap, used versions of both on half dot com (where I got most of my law books), or perhaps you can borrow from your law school library (most have alumni privileges). Another idea is to look into some CLEs on the topic at your local bar groups.
      Good luck, and don’t worry — I am sure your firm is well aware of your lack of background in this area; you will pick all this up as you go along.

      1. Oh, also, join a bar group if you’re not a member already, and join the employment law section. Go to meetings. You’ll pick up a lot of useful info this way and it’s a good networking opportunity. Many bar assns. will waive fees for new grads, so check to see if that’s the case. You can also apply for a dues waiver to reduce your membership costs – just explain that you’re a recent grad (if the costs of joining are too expensive).

    2. I second the CLE suggestion too. Hopefully your new firm can help cover some costs, it will be useful training for you, and you can knock out some of your CLE requirement. Good luck!

    3. Absolutely, take some CLEs. And join the Labor & Employment group in your local/state bar associations. Most of us are pretty friendly folks, and you may be able to develop some mentorship relationships, where you can ask questions and at the very least get pointed in the right direction.

      If you’re in Ohio, let me know and I’ll get my email to you somehow. :-)

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