Wednesday’s TPS Report: Textured Twill Jacket

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Our daily TPS reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices.

Mac & Jac - Textured Twill Jacket (Black) - Apparel

Call me crazy, but I like this cute little jacket from Mac & Jack. The flounced, flared hem is flattering, and the shawl collar is just interesting enough. It's $139 at Zappos. Mac & Jac – Textured Twill Jacket (Black) – Apparel

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Sales of note for 2/7/25:

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

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  1. the cut is cute. but twill (esp black twill) tends to attract lint and dust so easily, in my experience, and after the first wearing or so it doesn’t look quite as crisp as you’d like it to. for more casual situations it’s fine – although the jeans pictured here are not super flattering … well. i guess i’m neutral on this one.

    1. Can you expand on what’s wrong with the jeans? They look fine to me and you are making me wonder if all of my jeans are not as flattering as I thought :)

      1. It might just be her body, but what I noticed is for as much as her clavicles stick out, she has wide hips/thighs

        1. It’s not uncommon for women to have clavicles that can be seen and more body fat below the waist, not that she has wide hips or thighs.

      2. Wow, that’s crazy. I am glad I don’t judge myself so hard when I look in the mirror! She doesn’t have wide hips at all!

      3. I don’t see anything wrong with her body. I just don’t like the color of the jeans against this jacket – the colors don’t go well together IMO – and the wash on the jeans creates these horizontal lines across the woman’s hips, which is extremely casual looking in contrast to the crisp jacket (and not super flattering).

        The jeans would probably look great with, say, a gray sweater. But hey, just one girl’s opinion.

  2. Following up on our weekend discussion about taking charge of your health and knowing your medicine – every woman should no that antibiotics can render oral contraceptives (and maybe all hormonal?) birth control ineffective. I happened to already know this but just got prescribed a Z-pack and neither my prescribing doctor nor my pharmacist mentioned it. While in the doctor’s office I asked “will this affect my bc?” He said “oh, good question, let me check.” He then checked his iphone (I have several docs doing this now – there must be some med side affect app they use) and said, oh, yeah “caution should be used with oral contraceptives.” But he couldn’t answer for how long. When I later followed up w/ my primary she told me the z-pack would be in my system “a couple days after I finished it” so to use caution. I happen to know enough about fertility to know that since those extra couple days will be during my placebo pill week, I should be fine when I start my new pack. But, if I were somewhere else in my pack, I wouldn’t know how long to “be careful.” I can’t believe neither the initial doctor nor my pharmacist was going to warn me.

    1. Good point. Also, if you take OTC alternative meds, St. John’s Wort is known to affect BC effectiveness as well.

      Actually, my (TMI-prone) Mother in Law has told me that my husband is the result of the combination of birth control pills and antibiotics. So I guess it’s not all bad. :)

      1. I agree! I don’t think any doctor has ever told me that antibiotics cancel out birth control, even the doctor who first prescribed BC. I learned through a friend who got pregnant that way. I have heard that grapefruit juice does as well. Anything else I’m missing?

        1. Apparently now the risks are much lower (according to my GYN),but it can take up to 2 weeks to leave your system, depending on antibiotic dosage. My understanding is it varies, but it wouldn’t make me feel particularly confident my physician if they couldn’t answer those questions!

        2. The absorbic acid in the grapefruit juice (and other citrus fruit to a lesser extent) will inhibit the uptake of many different kinds of medication, as popularized in that Zyrtec/Allegra commercial. So you should always read the drug info included in the prescriptions you take.

    2. Actually, it depends on the antibiotic, as well as the specific type of hormonal contraceptive. Some antibiotics don’t interfere. So ask your doctor(s) and pharmacists and do your research.

    3. It really bothers me that your doctor didn’t know whether antibiotics affect bc pill effectiveness and had to look it up on his iphone. That’s pretty basic – he should know it without having to look it up! And I agree – this should be a standard warning that is given whenever antibiotics are prescribed to a woman who might be of childbearing age.

      I’m just so dismayed about the state of the medical profession. It’s gone so far downhill over the last 20 years. So we’re left with a situation where you have to doublecheck and second-guess everything your doctor tells you – or doesn’t tell you – which is hard enough to do when you’re well let alone when you’re sick.

      1. That bothers me, too. Doesn’t it seem like any doctor/pharmacist should presume that a woman of childbearing age is using hormonal birth control until shown otherwise? It’s so common; seems like at many points in my life just about every female I knew was on it.

        1. I really don’t want the doctor assuming anything about my medication. They should either be asking about it (like on the intake form), or I should be bringing it up if he prescribes something.

          1. They should ask, but what I mean is that they should exercise any cautions necessary based on that presumption until they’ve asked. It’s great if you bring it up, but a lot of people won’t even think of it.

      2. Uh – you expect your doctor to have memorized every drug contraindication, otherwise he’s not a good doctor? I would WANT my doctor to look it up before answering me, since I’m more likely to trust that than his potentially fuzzy recollection.

        1. +1, just as a client should expect me to do legal research before offering advice about a particular situation. Even if I think I know the answer, the governing law may have changed since the last time I checked, even if I had checked recently. Medical science breakthroughs and studies can change the state of understanding even faster can case law. I absolutely want my doctor to check.

          1. I agree that I want the doctor to check. What bothers me about this doctor is that the OP had to prompt the check — the doctor did not ask what other medications the OP was on.

          2. What Cat said is pretty much what I meant, too. I just think that the doc should not expect the patient to have to ask.

        2. They have to check every time or someone will sue them.
          -Former mass tort attorney.

      3. ? I think it’s unrealistic to expect your primary care doctor to know every drug contraindication, especially if you go to a different GYN. Plus, aren’t the warnings like that typically listed on your BCPs? I think usually mine come with something that cautions you that BC may be less effective when used with certain antibiotics.

        1. I agree that it’s unrealistic to expect your primary care doc to have every drug contraindication memorized – that would be impossible. But antibiotics and hormonal birth control is one that is so frequently a potential issue that I would think it would be standard for doctors to mention it.

          1. Did the doctor know that she was on BC – beyond that assumption that since she is of child-bearing age, she MIGHT be on it? It sounds like there is actually some wiggle room on the extent of the affect of antibiotics on BC (depends on the antibiotic and depends on the BC). And if the disclaimer shows up in the contraindications portion of the drug information, you technically have that info…right?

            Might be nice for the doc to bring up, but I still think it’s the patients responsibility to ask.

          2. The nurse had asked my current meds and I listed them for her. She also had them in my file and made sure they were utd.

      4. There’s actually an iPhone app specifically for doctors to look this info up – so he probably wasn’t just googling it, but rather doing exactly what he is supposed to do.

    4. my gyno did not know either. She told me to just use back up until my next pack started. Well I take 3 month long packs of seasonique… Better safe than pregnant she said… No one seems to know for sure.

    5. it’s always worth asking your doctor about drug interactions. good ones will flag it, but sometimes it can just get overlooked.

      fwiw, I started a zpack recently and my doctor said that recent research showed no interaction between my bc rx and the zpack, but she said that the drug interaction database still flagged it because the drug classes sometimes had negative interactions (with other types of hormonal bc). I trust my doc and didn’t ask for the specific studies.

    6. The cynical, lawyer-happy side of me thinks this is because in most states there is no cause of action for wrongful birth, so if you accidentally get pregnant there is no legal action you can take against the doctor. I can’t help thinking that if there were such a cause of action, malpractice insurers would have stricter guidelines about when a doctor has to tell a woman about the side effects of antibiotics.

      1. I agree with you in that the threat of malpractice is one of the most powerful ways to influence behavior in the medical industry.

        That said, I think what we’re now facing is a perfect storm of conflated expectations, poor information, high costs and low willingness to pay. A flood of information – some good, some bad – is sitting out there on the web, leading patients to draw all kinds of conclusions and start asking question that doctors, frankly, are often not equipped to answer, often because the questions have no firm answer but are based on inconclusive studies or varying interpretations of specific situations. As consumers, we are told that we need to advocate for ourselves because our doctors won’t do it for us – and while that is true, quite frankly we’re not always that good at it, and we don’t always know what’s truly best for us – the old adage of knowing just enough info to be dangerous comes to mind.

        Doctors themselves are trapped between patients who are trying to advocate for themselves, insurance companies who pay less and less to healthcare providers, a legal system threatening them with malpractice suits, and .. at the end of the day .. a lot less money to show for it. They’re not blameless either – as Found a Peanut points out, many tend to be motivated solely by malpractice threats and not by more holistic standards of proper care (whatever that may be) and other commenters are also correct in that the standards for care have fallen in the last 20 years.

        And of course, let’s not forget that as a country, we just aren’t willing to pay for the kind of healthcare system that we actually want. Our current system of all-you-can-eat health insurance (for those who can get it) woefully misrepresents the actual costs of all those medical tests, screenings, drugs, hospital stays, and whatnot.

        So it’s a mess, and I don’t think blame can be placed in any one area. If that were the case it would be a lot easier to fix.

        1. Well-said. I didn’t mean to suggest that blame should be put in any one place. I think your comment is absolutely spot-on – thank you.

        2. You actually brought tears to my eyes with your explanation.

          The system is totally totally broken on so many levels. As a physician, I just figure out how to do the best I can with the patient in front of me. Thinking about the state of my profession and the larger context of health care in the US makes me nauseated. I have no way to even begin to figure out how to help solve the problem.

    7. It’s pretty alarming that your pharmacist didn’t alert you, if he knew that you were on oral contraceptives. This information should also be stated in the instructions included with the Z-pack.

      This serves as a good reminder that it’s important to have all of your prescriptions filled at the same pharmacy. Otherwise, the pharmacist filling your prescription has no way of knowing about a potential reaction. Doctors should be aware of potential interactions, but if you have prescriptions from different doctors, they also have no way of knowing that you’re taking a potentially dangerous combination of drugs.

      1. While speaking with a pharmacist is a good idea for possible interactions, it is not the pharmacist’s job to tell you about ones that you may already know. That is why you sign something stating you don’t want to speak with the pharmacist.

        That said, anytime I have a question about my meds, I just call my pharmacy (CVS); they are always helpful.

    8. The interaction between BCP and most medications is mostly unknown. We do know, conclusively, that one antibiotic (used to treat tuberculosis, I think) causes the BCP to be ineffective. Other studies have provided mixed results about other antibiotics and BCP. So no one knows about interactions. Or how long the interactions are going to last (a few days? next pack?). Does it depend on the dosage? My cat had an antibiotic shot that the vet said would stay in his system for two weeks(!). That’s half a pack!

      We are left with a bunch of anecdotal evidence about pill and antibiotic interactions. Were the women not taking the pill at their normal time when sick? Were they throwing up the pill? Were they traveling and “missed” a pill due to time zones? There are just too many variables.

      We also don’t know about how other medications interact with the pill. Statins? Anti-fungals? Anti-depressants? St Johns Wort? I’ve also been warned against cranberry juice. There just seems to be no funding for these kinds of studies. Plus, there are some many different formulations of the BCP that I’m not sure a good study is even possible to structure.

      It’s so frustrating. So frustrating. 90-something% of women take vitamin BC at some point in their life, why don’t at least try to answer the basic questions?

      1. This. The evidence on hormonal birth control/antibiotic interactions is actually fairly limited. At present, my doctor’s advice is the back-up is only necessary if you’re taking rifampin or the other one (can’t remember it) that is demonstrated to interact with HBC.

  3. I like casual jackets like this in the fall / winter when a cardigan is simply not warm enough when going outside. Plus in a business casual environment, a piece like this transitions easily into a client meeting. I bought a similar shrunken black wool blazer from and I’m wearing it today. It’s cold where I’m at, so this substituted as my coat too.

  4. Anyone else think the emergency broadcast system is outdated? I was just reading about the nationwide test that will take place today. At work, I don’t have a tv or radio on. At home, I listen to my ipod and have a roku box instead of cable. I don’t have a land line so I won’t get reverse 911. I feel like there are lots of people out there that don’t have traditional radio/tv/phone and wouldn’t get the message.

    There is probably somewhere I can sign up for text/email notifications though. I think I’ll go look into that.

    1. True, but in case of a real emergency, it’d probably also show up on the Internet pretty quickly (though if the Internet goes down, we are all dead)!

    2. My local news station has a service that will call you in case of certain severe weather events. You tell it which events you want to be notified of. I think it’s like $30 to sign up, or something similar. I got it for my parents because we’re in Tornado Alley, they live out in the boonies where their power goes out quite frequently.

    3. After googling, I learned my city is part of You can sign up for free email and text alerts and opt in and out of different city agencies. I am now going to be alerted from police, fire, board of health, weather, etc.

      1. SF has AlertSF which sends out text and email notifications for police activity, tsunami and earthquake warnings, and big accidents that would impact safety / commutes. It’s a free service.

          1. It’s really helpful and even though I am living halfway around the world now, I haven’t unsubscribed. I like to know what is going on! However, I got woken up by a tsunami warning one day and rolled over, checked my phone and thought, “I live in Twin Peaks, that would have to be one massive wave” and went back to sleep so the efficacy is questionable.

      2. This is similar to what most universities and communities have now to account for the lessened use of tv and radio.

    4. If you’re in NYC, the text system is Notify NYC: If you’re not in NYC check with your local OEM (Office of Emergency Management).

      But be warned — my freind had to cancel his Notify NYC because it included EVERY Amber Alert in the state and he got really sick of always picking up his phone and finding out some kid had been taken by a non-custodial paret 300 miles away.

    5. My office building management receives alerts from the emergency services departments of our city and immediately alerts everyone in the building. In my experience, this is true of every building management company.

    6. We are linked to text alerts at fed govt work, but during a recent actual emergency, obviously there was no phone service– no texts.

  5. Can everyone tell me how they clean their makeup brushes? I did a search but could only find makeup remover recommendations.

    I have been using the Laura Mercier flat eyeliner brush with the cake eyeliner, and then washing it with my regular hand soap, but it doesn’t get all the way clean. Help!

    1. I got a spray at the Clinique counter that I use. It’s some sort of cleaner, and it seems to work well so far. Every Friday after putting on my make up, I spray enough to saturate the bristles and work all the gunk out as well as I can, then I lay them all on a hand towel on my counter to dry over the weekend.

    2. I love Becca professional brush soap. I find it doesn’t take a lot of work to get the makeup out of the brushes. You just wet the brush, wipe it back and forth in the soap, then work out the makeup on the back of your hand. It’s $15 and I got mine from Bendels in NYC.

    3. I use the same eyeliner. The wipes I use to take off my makeup (Neutrogena’s cleansing towelettes) also work really well with my flat brush. I use hand soap for my foundation and blush brushes. I used to use Mac’s brush cleaner but I stopped using it when I realized it wasn’t any more effective than hand soap.

      1. I’ve used the Bobbi Brown cleanser for *years.* And the same bottle has lasted that entire time. Heartily recommend it.

    4. I use my clinique face wash it works great (though I will admit that I used to be good at doing this regularly, but not so much anymore)

    5. Depends if your brushes are synthetic or animal hair. I use anti-bacterial hand soap for my synthetic brushes and lay them flat to dry.

    6. I use baby shampoo. For my “need to clean every day brushes” (i.e. eyeliner and concealer), I use shu uemera’s brush cleaner.

    7. I use antibacterial soap or my kids’ baby shampoo. I usually let my eyeliner brush soak in a cup of warm soapy water for ten minutes or so. If that doesn’t work, I use my regular eye makeup remover, then follow up with the soap wash.

      1. If synthetic brush and cream/gel product, a bit of moisturizer will help to get the pbuilt up product out of the brush prior to cleansing.

        I don’t soak my brushes, since the water could loosen the bristles/break down the glue and cause bristle fall out.

  6. I think I posted this too late in the morning thread yesterday to help anyone, but I noticed that Lord & Taylor online has several L.K. Bennett dresses on sale, and at least one (that I snapped up yesterday!) for about $84, plus an additional 20% off (code: NOV), with free shipping with a $100 purchase. I ordered yesterday, and with the free shipping it’s already out for delivery today! Can’t wait to get it.

    Anyway, just a PSA for any LKB fans. This is my first LKB purchase (thought the line was out of my range); I’m very excited!

  7. Feeling incredibily guilty after spending $400 on one small cartilage hoop earring with diamonds. But I love it and haven’t treated myself to something in a while. Does anyone else ever feel this way?

    1. of course – but guilt is a useless (if somewhat unavoidable) emotion. wear the earrings with pride! make up the $400 by cutting down on starbucks for a few months, or whatever. as long as you take good care of those earrings, they should last you a long time. enjoy!

  8. Anyone ever deal with feeling like a boss didn’t like them? My head boss, who signs off on all my stuff, I just feel like he doesn’t like me. Doesn’t dislike me either, he just seems really friendly with other people but not with me.

    1. Different job then the one I’m at now but I had to work for a female lawyer who just clearly didn’t enjoy being around me. She was super friendly to everyone else and just plain old cold to me. To make matters worse, after I left my job someone else there confided in me that they thought her issue with me was that I was young, smart, pretty and happy. Apparently, since being at the firm she had gained considerable weight, was unhappy both at work and at home and had self-esteem issues. Thanks for taking those out on me! Ugh.

    2. Yes, sadly. It’s not that he disliked me, it’s just that he didn’t like me as much as other people. It was incredibly frustrating from a work standpoint, and made me miserable at work and hurt my self-esteem in general. I’m sorry you’re going through that.

      1. Thanks this is exactly how I am feeling. Just had a meeting with him and it fell so flat I felt like crying in my office.

    3. Same here. But, I try to act like my boss likes me as much as she seems to like some of the others here. I think it works – our interactions have gotten more comfortable lately.

      Also, I’d make an effort to have friendly relationships with others at and above your level. It just feels better to have “allies” – for me, this makes me less anxious about my relationship with my own boss, which in turn makes it easier for me to interact with her.

    4. Yeah, this sucks.

      But remember – the boss’s job is not to be your friend, or even socialize with you. And it’s not forever.

    5. I have also had a boss be downright mean and vengeful and would have taken simply not friendly any day. It is horrible to work in a toxic environment.

  9. Hi ‘rettes, I need a deodorant recommendation. I have extremely sensitive underarms and many deodorants cause clogged pores and big, painful red bumps. For several years I’ve been using Dove for sensitive skin, which does not irritate my skin and works all day to prevent odor. However, I still get rather sweaty while using Dove, and my tops get this gross sweat/deodorant stain on them that makes me have to wash pretty much every blouse after wearing it only once. I realize there might be nothing out there that will work better for me, but can anyone recommend a deodorant that will be good for sensitive skin but also prevent perspiration?


    1. My skin is sensitive too and I have the same sweaty problem. First, I recommend going to your doctor and asking for a prescription strength antiperspirant. I have cut down to only needing to apply it once a week, but had to use it daily at first. Warning. It is serious stuff. Do not ever shave your underarms before applying it or you will lay in bed, with ice packs under your lava-hot-burning armpits for half the night. I never had a problem with it irritating my skin after I learned that rather obvious lesson, though. Second, I like Dove Clinical Strength. I use it every day and it doesn’t irritate my skin. I think that once you take care of the perspiration problem, that you will have more deodarant/antiperspirant options available to you. GL!

    2. Have you tried Certain Dri? It wouldn’t help w/ odor, but it does cut down on sweating and I’m fairly confident it somewhat “shrinks” your pores after a while

      1. certain dri would def help with the sweating (dove did nothing to stop my perspiration either), but certain dri stings my non-sensitive skin.

      2. Thanks, all – CertainDri is too harsh on my skin, and I don’t sweat an abnormal amount such that I’d need a prescription. I think I’ll try the Dove Clinical Strength. Thanks!

    3. I get itchy red bumps with most deodorants. It runs in my family.

      I’ve found that Dri Idea is “safe” in all it’s formulations. It’s not stocked in most grocery or Target-like stores but I can usually find it at a Walgreens or CVS.

    4. Kiehls makes a great deodorant cream that is great for sensitive skin. It works really well for me!

    5. I have the same problem. Almay makes a hypoallergenic deodorant that does not irritate my skin and does a reasonably good job. There is also a hypoallergenic version of Secret Clinical that similarly doesn’t irritate my skin. It is one of those that you have to remember to put on at night, and I am not very good at that! It does do a good job of controlling sweat when I remember.

  10. threadjack!
    the husband and i are going on a much needed vay-k to aruba at the beginning of december. we’ve never been, so i welcome any tips on what to do, what to see from all of you well-traveled corporettes! also, any recs for veggie-friendly dining would be really helpful.

    1. Ooohhhh!! Have fun. What a great trip! I’d recommend going on a snorkeling (or scuba if you do that) tour — they have some great tours of ship wrecks with lots of visibility. Very cool. I’d also plan on eating dinner at this italian restaurant that is built into the hlighthouse mountain. Can’t remember the name of it, but it’s a small island, so you can’t miss it. Great views! I also want to say that it’s at the Hilton or Hyatt where you can dine next to black swans that swim along a little moat. Too cool! Have a fabulous time and a tropical drink for me!

    2. Check, which is Conde Nast Traveler’s site. And search the archives there too–I am sure they have an article from the Caribbean issues.

      1. I was there last year. There are some great restaurants (although you have to take into account that it’s on a small island so the best restaurants there likely won’t be on the same level as the best restaurants in your city). Marandi is a beautiful one that is outside and right on the water with really good food but you have to drive there. You need a car to get most places worth going. The restaurants in the high rise hotel area are all very touristy. We stayed in the low-rise hotel area at Bucuti Beach which was one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever stayed. It’s a really small hotel and the beach is right below your hotel room. The hotel is only three levels so you can be at the beach in about one minute. Definitely do one of the catamaran cruises. Have a great trip!

  11. I have somewhat of a weird shopping need and thought I’d throw it out here… a long-sleeved, nude-for-me undershirt. (It’s for wearing under a totally sheer blouse, for both coverage and warmth–I’d do a cami or something but the line would be too obvious.) It can’t have a high neckline because then it would show, and it needs to be cut very narrowly because I want it to be snug so it won’t show folds. However, I am not looking for any shaping in it, I’m picturing just something in thin modal perhaps.

    So far no luck with Soma or Gap Body. Seems like this is not a normal item. Any ideas? Thanks much!

    1. You didn’t ask, but if you go this route you might end up with people wondering if you are wearing anything under your sheer blouse or not. A somewhat visible cami might be better (and not wearing it to work).

      1. Thanks, but I always wear it with a vest, blazer, or short-sleeved sweater over it. It’s just an issue of the sleeves (sometimes) and neck area, everything else is covered with another layer.

        1. Don’t really get why you’re worried about the lines showing, then.

    2. Cuddl Duds. I have one for under wool sweaters that don’t look good with a layered blouse.

      1. undertease … mostly cotton though, which may be too thick for your needs, so I second Winter Silks.

    3. Agree with @North Shore, silk underwear will be your best friend in these situations. I buy Winter Silks and it comes in lots of ranges of necklines and sleeve length.

    4. What about something like this?

      I have lots of silk long underwear that I wear throughout the winter. The mocha-colored ones are good for under sheer, don’t add bulk, and keep you nice and warm.

  12. Cute jacket!

    Would love to draw on your collective wisdom in helping with my upcoming annual review/salary negotiation. I am currently working for an industry association in a highly-specialized area of the law. It is a small organization, but one funded by a host of big, profitable, companies, and it is doing very well. I came here from big law, where, at least at my firm, you made what you made — no negotiation. And so I am lost in my new “fend for yourself” world of arguing for the salary that you think you deserve. There’s literally no other individual in my position in the industry against whom I can baseline, so I am trying to collect data wherever I can in an effort to determine my “worth.”

    If you work for an industry association, in-house at a smaller company, or in any other comparable situation you can think of, please share: (1) your salary; (2) bonus, if any; (3) number of vacation and sick days you get; and (4) any other benefits you receive.

    For what it is worth, I am 10 years out of law school, and am currently making about 150K with bonus, and drawing no other benefits. I truly enjoy my job, but am starting to “feel” under-compensated and under-valued.

    Thanks in advance!!!!

    1. I think you have to ask for what you think you are WORTH, and then be prepeared to Prove that you are worth that, even if it is alot of money objectively speaking.

      When I gradueated from college, my dad wanted me to get some real life expereinece in the job market, so he helped me get a position in the garment district working in his uncles’ office on medical reimburesemnts. I did NOT know the first thing about it, but learned quickly.

      By the time a year had gone, I was indispensible for the office on these issues, and he told me I would be able to stay with a $20,000 RAISE! I did not even have to ask for it.

      But my dad said I needed a professional degree in case I ever got divorced, and that was the right thing, b/c I am still not even MARRIED, and I am now over 30, and I am going to ask the manageing partner for a raise after December 1. He is very cheap, but at the holiday’s, he can loosen up a little bit.

      So I think you ALSO have to tell them you are worth more money b/c you will NOT get anything if you do NOT ask for it. The worse that can happen is that they say no, but at least you can just say FOOEY on them, not on you for not asking.

      1. Let us know how the negoetiation goes, Ellen! You do need to focus on getting MARRIED though.

    2. Have you taken on new responsibilities since the last time your salary was discussed? Have you acquired new expertise that makes you better at your job? You may not be able to find comparables outside the organization, but is there some way to compare the you of now to the you of 10 years ago and show why the you of now is a more valuable part of the team?

      1. Yes, I have taken on new responsibilities, and think I can make a solid case that I am more valuable to the team than I was when I started 2 years ago. But I think my questions go more to trying to suss out whether I have been compensated appropriately during those 2 years. I accepted the salary I was offered with no push-back, because I liked my job and because the economy sucked, so my choices were limited. So, while I feel like I am on solid ground in arguing that I am X per cent more valuable than I was last year, I would also like to show that attorneys with roughly the same level of experience in roughly similar situations are making substantially more than I am. Again, the little data I have gathered thus far supports the point. But it is limited.

    3. I’m 6 years out of law school, work for an international industry association, am based on the east coast in a major city, and make 70K with a very generous benefits package and 5 weeks paid leave per year. You’d have to be extremely, extremely senior (20+ years experience and head of a large department) to make 150K here. No one gets bonuses.

      1. OK, I see that you’re in DC – I am also in DC. I’m surprised you’re making so much, frankly, although I’m also surprised by the lack of benefits.

  13. On another note, can anyone recommend any good eye creams? I am 27 but feel like I am starting to notice a difference around my eyes. Most importantly, does anyone know of a good eye cream that can be worn under make-up and won’t make my eyeliner run all over my face?! TIA!

    1. I know we’ve talked on here about how long it takes people to get to work. I’m curious about what time people tend to get into work. I know law tends to be a later field, others tend to be earlier. I’m an early bird myself because I like to have some alone/quiet time when I get to work. I usually get in around 7:15 and the rest of my coworkers save one come in at least an hour later.

      What do other people do and what is the schedule like at their offices?

      1. I get in early (between 7:30 and 8) b/c I leave early (5:30) so I can have dinner with my kids. I’ve always been an early bird though and before kids I got in even earlier (7ish) — it takes longer in the morning to get my whole family ready than just myself. When I got in that early, I lived in NY, where people get in later, and I often turned the lights on. Now, a fair amount of people where I work get in around 8.

      2. Late!

        I’m in law and I usually get in around 9:00 (OK, 9:15). I get up early and workout so it hard for me to be here any earlier.

        I usually stay until about 7, and I rarely take a lunch break.

      3. I usually get in around 9AM (law) and lately have been leaving around 9 or 10PM (on a crazy deal right now). But I think typically people in my office get in around 9 or so, and leave around 7 or so.

      4. I get there about 10 minutes before 8 most mornings. There’s one assistant who opens up the office at 7:30 (though the few times I’ve come in that early, I’ve noticed it’s a lot more like quarter ’till 8), and everyone else wanders in sometime between 8:10 and 8:30.

        My office is very small and laid back, though (it’s incredibly rare for the other attorneys (partners) to still be there at 5, and I almost always leave before 6 and have to lock up to do it.

      5. I get in around 8, but sometimes earlier if my workout didn’t last as long as normal in the morning or if I have something pressing that needs to be done because I work better in the mornings.

        At my firm, the normal time depends on which hall/floor you’re on. If I get here at 8:30, I feel late because most people on my hall are already here. One of my friends who works on a different floor says the people in her area rarely roll in until 9-9:30.

      6. I usually get in between 9 and 9 30. I always aim for 9 or earlier, but it never works out quite right. When I am very busy though, I come in between 8 and 8 30, but those are rare days. I don’t have kids so I find it easier to stay late than to wake up early.

      7. I get in at 10:00 or 10:30, leave around 6 or 7. I am useless before 9am. I’m also generally the first attorney in the office.

        1. So glad I’m not the only one! I normally arrive between 9:30 and 10, and consider anything after 10 to be “running late.” I probably “run late” at least once a week. I leave around 6 on a normal day, no lunch, but I have a lot of busy days where I stay until 7:30 or 8. Attorney, nonprofit employer.

          1. Ha! I am the same way. I also don’t take a lunch. When I was looking for a job prior to this, I had an interview where they told me I would be expected to be in the office by 8am. I am pretty sure there was noticeable terror in my face. I just can’t work on other people’s schedules. Attorney, small specialized boutique firm.

        2. Ha! Me, too. I am just NOT a morning person. Thank goodness for academia and flexible work schedules.

      8. In around 7-7:30, leave around 3:30-4, usually work through lunch. I am normally the second person in. Everyone else is in around 8:30-9:15. Not sure how late others stay, my guess is not much past 5. Work in government. I don’t love coming in early, but I do like more time with my kids in the evening, so it works out.

      9. In at 8 (8:15), usually out between 7 & 7:30, and I rarely take more than 20 mins for lunch.

    2. I’m 28 and I’ve used philosophy’s eye cream which I love. I’ve also heard great things about the la mer eye cream which I think will be my next big beauty product purchase

    3. I use Paula’s Choice “Skin Balancing Super Antioxidant Mattifying Concentrate Serum with Retinol” around my eyes daily to prevent wrinkles. The problem with wrinkle prevention, of course, is that you won’t know if it works for years, but so far I’m pretty happy with it.

      For just a regular eye cream, Clinique All About Eyes seems to be the best thing out there, but I usually just use regular moisturizer around my eyes.

  14. Got my loot from the Nordstrom anniversary sale, all disappointments unfortunately. Some of what I bought:

    Magenta Tory Burch dress that Lisa from Privilege recommended – beautiful weight and color, too busy of a print for me and not that flattering on my pearish figure. I need dresses that nip in the waist, and this does not.

    Halogen knit pleated skirt — looked extremely dowdy on me. This midi skirt trend is not my friend.

    Classiques mesh shirts — all just blah. Either too low cut or else a weird fit.

    Halogen cap sleeve blouse — very strange fit. Very loose in the bust, waist, tight across the hips.

    1. My boots have all come — 2 winners/2 losers:
      Keeping: Via Spiga Piper boot (its a good, sleek, black leather that I can wear to work and look nice); Enzo Saylem riding boot in dark brown (casual only)

      Returning: Cole Haan Air Chatha over the knee flat boot (sent me 2 different size boots, plus I like the Enzo better); SW Cadet over the knee –I had high hopes for these, but they are just weird looking.

      Still waiting for the clothes.

    2. I’ve received most of my stuff, and have more winners than I anticipated — I actually think I’m keeping all of it so far.

      Classiques ‘Françoise’ Silk Bow Blouse: really gorgeous fit and fabric, but super sheer. I need something to wear underneath because a nude bra is very visible.

      Halogen Pleat Neck Blouse in Yellow Raisin Combo: wore this yesterday and love it. The print is really nice. I’m still not sold on the exposed zipper trend, but I’ll probably wear this with a cardigan most of the time anyway. I wasn’t so sure about it being a silk/rayon blend, but actually the fabric feels pretty nice.
      Legally Brunette, not sure if this is the same style you got or not but it might be based on the fit issues you described. I’ve got narrow hips and a large bust, so the fit actually worked really well on me – I wish I would have bought it in Red Rio combo, too, before it sold out.

      Calvin Klein Belted Asymmetrical Sheath Dress: I own similar CK dresses, so I knew this one would be a winner.

      Vince Camuto Tie Neck Blouse (animal print): The only thing I’m considering returning. The fit is nice, and it’s really fun without being too over the top. However, it’s polyester, which I knew when I ordered it and thought that I could handle for a fun, machine washable top that I didn’t need to feel bad if I spilled a c*cktail on. Having received it, I’m not sure if even the sale price is worth it for poly. Will probably keep it, though because I don’t have much of a fun wardrobe anymore.

      I’m still waiting on the purple T Tahari dress, too.

      1. My purple T Tahari dress arrived yesterday. It’s pretty and fits, but I’m not sure it’s flattering. I’m going to take it to my sister-in-law’s tomorrow and see what she and my mother think.

        I order 3 of the Halogen skirts as gifts. They’ve all arrived and they look good.

        I’m waiting for the navy Donna Morgan dress (due today). I also ordered a bangle bracelet as a gift for a friend who is having a rough time. It finally shipped today and isn’t due to arrive until Monday.

      2. Miss Jackson – yep, that’s the same Halogen blouse that I bought. So glad that it worked for you. I’m small busted and have bigger hips, so that explains the fit problem. :) I normally don’t like exposed zippers on dresses, but I thought that it looked good on this blouse.

    3. I went to the store on Saturday and tried on about a million things; came out with two.

      The Halogen blouse being discussed here worked for me (I got it in the red rio, but it was sold out in the store in the raisin). The fabric feels nice, I don’t mind the zipper very much, and it adds a much needed pattern to my blouse line up.

      I also got an Alice and Olivia single button camel blazer with 3/4 sleeves. It is not the dressiest blazer in the world, but the fabric feels nice and it fills a wardrobe gap for me.

      I’ve worn both items this week and both were comfortable throughout the day at the office.

  15. Sale alert: Talbots is offering 50% off on outerwear and jackets. Just bought the Mirage coat in blue-green tweed. Yay!

  16. Today I did not go to work. I went on two interviews last week. I really want to get out of biglaw. Send vibes to my hopeful new jobs.

  17. I’m going on my first business trip next week. Anyone have any suggestions for what to wear on the plane? I’m traveling alone and heading straight to the office, so I need to wear business casual. Anyone have suggestions for comfortable business-y clothes that will hold up well to being worn on the plane?

    1. I’d recommend looking at Road Warriorette’s blog. She has great tips and many posts on what to wear on the plane that will still look good when you get to the office.

    2. Ponte pants/skirt, any sort of jersey top. Bring a blazer to formal it up, and a shawl because it’s damn cold on planes.

      1. Second the shawl, but don’t make the mistake I made on my last trip: I brought a cream pashmina and it was great to snuggle under during the flight. Unfortunately, it left fine, light-colored lint all over my dark sweater :-( I pack really light, so having a key piece look bad like that really crimped my dressing for the rest of the trip. Lintiness is difficult to remove in a hotel room sink by hand-washing.

    3. How long is the flight and how many transfers do you have? This makes a big difference in what to wear.

      1. Short, non-stop. But I am always freezing on planes so I need a lot of layers despite going from warm-ish destination to warm destination.

        1. I’d wear black pants, comfortable shoes (put your work shoes in your carry on if you don’t have comfortable work shoes, you can change in the airport bathroom once you land), and a long-sleeved tee under a dark-colored sweater. That should keep you warm, and I suggested dark colors because I find I often spill or get spilled on while flying. And importantly, wear a comfortable bra!

        2. Good call on the bra. I’ve started wearing a non-wire bra on planes, and it makes such a huge difference. Wear a sports bra if you want. I wear enough layers on top that no one would notice a bounce anyway.

          I also wear slip-on shoes and warm socks. My toes always freeze on planes.

    4. I always wear casual clothes on the plane and change in the airpot bathroom after I deplane. It only takes 10 minutes or so and makes a world of difference in how fresh I feel when I have to jump off the plane and head straight to a meeting.

  18. Does anyone have any suggestions for snow boots other than Uggs? I’m looking for good quality, comfortable, and somewhat waterproof or otherwise good for the snow. TIA

    1. Non-office appropriate, but great quality, waterproof-ness and fit: L.L. Bean duck boots (they make them in lined versions — I have the unlined ones for rain, but my toes get cold in snow) and any of the boots by Sorel (which, incidentally, you can often find at a discount at 6pm or other places).

      I’m always amazed whenever I see someone wearing Uggs in the snow — they’re not meant to be outdoor shoes and they inevitably get soggy and look awful.

    2. Patagonia’s Lugano boots are the best I’ve ever had. Comfortable, wearable in absolutely any kind of nasty weather, feel great, and look pretty much like new after 3 years of crappy long northeast winters.

    3. Not to pick on Miriam – this has been discussed fairly frequently (possibly yesterday), and it may be a sign of my addiction that I can almost remember what people will say… e.g., AIMS: La Canadienne! (On a practical note, it may be a good way to search for the thread – use Canadienne as the term?)

      Kat, this may be a good topic for its own post :)

    4. Second Sorels. Also check out North Face, Columbia, Lands End.

      Assuming we are talking snow boots, and not more along the lines of boots to wear to the office when it snows.

    5. Sorels are my favourite because they’re very good in snow or slush, super warm, and reasonably priced.

      Boggs are popular in my northern Canadian town, too. They look more like rainboots in a bunch of bright colours and patterns, but are heavyweight neoprene which is actually very warm. I haven’t tried them in the snow myself, though.

  19. threadjack – I am interviewing for an mba program this week and am getting really nervious. I realized that it’s the first ever really formal interview that i’ve ever done in my professional career. I come from the non-profit/gov/politics side of things where informality is the rule.

    I have my black suit and understated blouse ready to go, but any other general tips I should keep in mind during a really formal interview?

    Also, I am wearing a pants suit and flats. Do I need to wear those nylon socks? I am usually not a fan but would buy some if the situation required.


    1. Since you’re wearing pants, I wouldn’t bother with the socks. Your feet will be covered by your pant leg while you’re standing.

      As for tips, remain pleasant and as Bette-like as possible. Bring extra copies of your resume and cover letter. Think of some questions in advance that you might want to ask at the end of the interview.

      If you have some time today, you can surf www dot askamanager dot org. She has so many great tips for interviewees and lots of other business situations.

      1. Oops… as I was hitting “submit,” I realized that you’re interviewing for an MBA program rather than a job.

        I’ve never done that before, so my tips may or may not apply.

        I still vote “no” on the nylons since you’re wearing pants!

        1. thanks! i was hoping that’s what people would say about the nylon sock things. Although the tops of my feet with be visible since I am wearing flats, not oxfords.

          should I bring a copy of my resume for myself? or for the interviewer?

          1. I’d wear nylon knee highs or some socks unless you live in/are interviewing in a hot climate.

            the resume for the interviewer(s). hopefully you don’t need to refresh yourself on it, be prepared to talk about anything on it or that you mentioned in your admission essay etc.

          2. I’d wear thin black socks. Your call as to whether they are 1) knee-high stockings, 2) thin socks you can buy in the hoisery aisle at CVS, 3) thin socks from Gap or whatever.

            But you don’t want your flesh-toned ankles sticking out between black pants and black shoes. Grown-up corporate women wear some sort of black socks.

    2. If i were interviewing someone, I would find it totally odd of they weren’t wearing any kind of sock or stocking. I may be in the minority because I always notice things like that, but on the east coast at least it definitely is not the norm to have bare feet in your shoes in a business formal environment. If you don’t like knee highs (which is what the “nylon socks” are called), try a trouser sock, which is opaque and less nylon-y than a knee high.

      1. yup, from the east coast and agree. but i thought maybe if this was in florida or texas it wouldn’t be the norm. fwiw i’d also wear a skirt suit, but maybe that depends on geography too.

      2. I am in the South, so could be geography, but it could also be that I have never noticed whether someone is wearing socks if they’re wearing pants. If I noticed someone wasn’t wearing socks, I’d probably assume the person was wearing those little hidden stockings.

        Since it’s clear that people might notice, Bette, I might go for the more conservative option and wear the trouser socks. Sorry!

        And, as PE Esq said, resume is for the interviewer. I once got into an interview where the interviewer somehow didn’t have my resume due to a glitch in their sorting system or something. It was nice that I had a copy of it I could just hand him.

      3. I’m in the Silicon Valley, socks would be overkill here (or in San Francisco).

    3. Bette–I hope this helps, but I did about a million interviews for my alma mater, Tuck (and also did the full circuit of interviews when I was an MBA candidate).

      The interviews are trying to suss out two things–one–your career progress/goals and two–fit with the school.

      So, be ready for the “walk me through your resume (e.g. what have you achieved already)” “Why this MBA program” and “Why do you want to go to school now (what do you hope an MBA will achieve for you?)” questions. These are the biggies at every school, not just Tuck. They mirror the essay questions that most schools ask. Also, note that your interviewer might genuinely NOT have seen your resume until they meet with you, so if you want them to know something, you should say it.

      You should have done enough research to know some specifics about the program–do they do mostly cases, quarter or semesters, consulting projects required, etc. You can pepper these into your responses to show that you are very interested and have done your homework.

      Also note that you won’t have much time to ask questions of your interviewer, but I was always a fan of “Tell me your favorite part about X school/X class/X program at this school.” and “Tell me what surprised you about this school.”

      Last, have some pat answers about “A time I worked in a group” “A time I faced an ethical dilemma at work” “A time I dealt with a difficult colleague” etc., just in case. B-school is about working together, a lot!

      This is really a fit interview, quite informal. However, it would be odd to show up not wearing socks–that’s the kind of “soft” thing that I’d make a mental note of–has this person been to an important meeting before? That said, I will never forget when my cute-as-a-button Indian study-groupmate came to our “Wall Street Trek” wearing white athletic socks with his suit. One of the guys took him aside after the first meeting and lent him a pair of socks for the rest of the trip ;)

      Last, don’t forget to pound the table and say, “This is a top choice school for me” before you leave the interview. We met a lot of people as interviewers, and some seemed pretty ambivalent about my school, which made me kind of ambivalent about them. (Hanover is not for everyone!)

      All the best…you’re going to do great!

  20. hi ladies – question for you all, I just got a pair of j-brand cords that I am in love with & am not sure how to clean them. Do you wash them or dry clean? Any tips for keeping them new-looking?

    1. I wash cords all the time. If you are worried about shrinking, you could lay flat to dry, but I normally just wash and dry without much thought.

    2. Corduroys shouldn’t need any special laundering… but you should read the label. They’re sturdy. Machine wash and dry.

  21. PSA for pregnant ‘rettes, especially the one looking for high-end maternity wear in Boston:

    Rosie Pope, high-end mat. wear on Gilt today, starting at noon EST. Lots of good work- and holiday-worthy stuff.

    (says the pregnant lady fully decked out in Old Navy $20 finds, working at home.)

    1. Not sure why my comment is stuck in moderation… I’m pregnant, so didn’t mention clocktails.

      PSA: Rosie Pope, high-end maternity clothes on G I L T today.

  22. Cropped AND flared? From a distance, cute, but only for a particular body type. Pear-shaped women could not wear this. I’ve read that the average body type for women in America is the pear shape.

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