Weekly News Update

Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.)
– The Washington Post's Robin Givhan suggests that Hillary Rodham Clinton's longer hairdo is an “act of defiance” — but she sings the praises of Michelle Obama's fashionable travel attire.
InStyle offers advice on how to “wake up beautiful,” and points to the “wake up on time” pill. (A Corporette Facebook fan notes that a regular Vitamin B complex pill might do the same trick.)  Meanwhile, The Juggle ponders the office nap.
– We don't pretend to be experts on financial issues like Social Security, but: interesting article from Get Rich Slowly entitled “Yes, You WILL Get Social Security.”
– Similarly, here's an interesting article from Wisebread about how to build a “happiness trigger.”
– Finally, in Admin news:  Kat was interviewed about her various careers by Jane Has a Job.


  1. Interesting and insightful article about the Sec of State’s hair! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I just read the article and it is thought provoking. I have long hair (mid back) and generally wear it in a bun/side-bun or low pony-tail. I have entertained the idea of cutting it but never really understood why you are “expected” to once you become of a certain age. As long as your hair is styled in a tasteful & professional manner etc. I think you should wear it whatever length you please. I am not of that “certain age” yet…

    1. I totally agree. Long hair is not subversive and WSJ articles aren’t going to make it so.

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