Weekly News Update

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weekly news roundup -- supreme court legoLike these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest and Instagram, or by our RSS feed.

  • Above the Law looks at your favorite female Supreme Court Justices — in Lego form.
  • A new app, Shyp (only in Miami, San Francisco, and New York, for now), makes returning items truly painless.
  • Lifehacker tells you how to determine if a salary offer is negotiable.
  • Above the Law introduces a new columnist, an anonymous BigLaw associate who is also a mom.
  • The Week looks at the popular article from last week (CEO mom feels bad for being horrible to working parents, in Fortune) and concludes it's full of terrible advice.
  • Bustle shares some photos from a photographer's new series about the presence of men's sexual aggression in women's daily lives.
  • NPR looks at some new evidence that suggests our circadian clocks regulate our waistlines.
  • Fast Company checks out the push to get a woman's face on the $20 bill.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

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