Weekly News Update

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  • The Huffington Post applauds Oscar winner Viola Davis for changing out of her Oscars gown into a white suit with sneakers for after-parties. Speaking of gowns, a London marketing agency has made a graphic of the dresses of every Best Actress winner.
  • Fashionista tells you everything you need to know about eyelash extensions.
  • Vogue has news of Samantha Cameron's (wife of former UK prime minister David Cameron) new clothing line, Cefinn.
  • Ruth Okediji quoteThe New York Times' Women in the World reports that the Harvard Law Review has elected its first black female president — and her mentor has a killer quote for all of us (full size at bottom of post).
  • Our friend Jodi Glickman has a new LinkedIn course, “Make ‘Em Love You at Work.”
  • NPR reports on a new Canadian study that found “job applicants … with Asian names — names of Indian, Pakistani or Chinese origin — were 28 percent less likely to get called for an interview compared to applicants with Anglo names, even when all the qualifications were the same.”
  • A researcher and psychology professor writes for The New York Times about how women and men see competition differently.
  • We linked to Susan Fowler's viral blog post last week, and this week we're sharing The New Yorker's “A Perfect Storm at Uber” by Anna Wiener.
  • A Politico reporter works out with Justice Ginsburg's personal trainer and finds out that the Notorious R.B.G. is pretty tough.
  • Bill Maher took the credit for it, but Vox describes how a 16-year-old girl in Canada took down Milo Yiannopoulos.
  • Have you heard about the women's strike on March 8? Are you planning to take part?
  • For your Laugh of the Week: Have you seen the New York cartoon that's a great illustration of mansplaining? The Huffington Post comments on it.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms     

We loved this quote from the NYT article — Ruth Okediji is the mentor to ImeIme Umana, the first black woman elected president of the prestigious Harvard Law Review.

"You are not successful until you have brought the next woman up. It's not success if it's just you." - Ruth Okediji


  1. If you participate in the strike on March 8, you deserve to lose your job and forever remain unemployed. Ridiculous.

    1. I disagree, but the strike doesn’t make sense to me. Playing this out, my children’s daycare should shut down since it’s 99% women. Which means my kids will be at home. But I shouldn’t do unpaid work, so I need to have… my husband stay home to feed/cloth/entertain them. Assume that’s the case at roughly every household with kids under 18, and what? You have a bunch of men in their 20s and 60s at the few workplaces that can stay open? How does that even remotely do anything?

      I sort of understand a strike in unpaid work. Women are still in the office getting things done, but men who rely on their wives to run the household need to stay home. But then what? How many women will do the laundry ahead of time, get groceries for those meals, organize playdates, etc? And for the few who don’t, then the dad just puts all that off and get McDonalds while they watch TV? Again, how does that “teach” the value of unpaid labor when it’s essentially optional if you only do it for one day?

      I just don’t see how this accomplishes anything. And that’s BEFORE you consider that most lower-income people can’t actually afford to take an unpaid day off, so there’s a special grossness in me dropping my kids off at school/daycare to make sure that *I* don’t do any work.

  2. Agreed with Anon#2. The ability to engage in these protests is a sign of privilege. If you don’t have a male partner, who’s taking care of the other things that must be done. I know that they’re hoping for a result like Iceland’s women’s strike in 1975, but unfortunately, I don’t think that will really work in our time. I’m sticking with wearing red, but I totally understand that many women can’t even do that becasue they are required to wear uniforms.

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