Weekly News Update

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  • Refinery29 offers a sneak peek of Rihanna's new beauty line, Fenty Beauty, which she designed for all skin tones. It includes only one lip product, Gloss Bomb Universe Lip Luminizer, pictured here. It's now available at Sephora, Harvey Nichols, and online [affiliate links].
  • The Strategist sings the praises of Thai beauty products that are available on Amazon.
  • Racked has the scoop on Glowhaus, the new beauty boutique at Bloomingdale's that's aimed at millennial shoppers [affiliate link].
  • Avvo is offering a free legal advice hotline for those with questions about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) at (888) 380-4056. Want to know more about DACA? Check out this helpful video from Huffington Post (video will autoplay).
  • Politico has released a list of “50 ideas blowing up American politics (and the people behind them),” including 20 women.
  • CNN Money explains how to check if you're one of the more than 140 million people affected by the Equifax hack (ad may autoplay).
  • Fast Company offers advice on how to prepare an office for a natural disaster in light of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.
  • Above the Law shares recent examples of sexism in the legal workplace, and states, “Unless and until the thought processes change that set the tone for these various stupid and discriminatory actions, women lawyers are still progressing at a crawl.”
  • The Cut analyzes why many 30-year-old women, “After a lifetime of saying ‘yes’ to their professional hunger—these are the opportunity-seizers, the list-makers, the ascendant females, weaned on Lean In—[have] lost it, like a child losing grasp of a helium balloon.”
  • The New York Times shows the evolution of how women are portrayed in stock photos, including Getty's “Lean In collection,” which was created in 2014 “to seed media with more modern, diverse and empowering images of women.”
  • Laugh of the Week: McSweeney's has compiled some common keywords from the “About Us” pages of digital media agencies.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

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  1. If you’re one of the people whose data was involved in the Equifax breach, what are your next steps going to be? Credit monitoring, for sure. Fraud alerts on credit reports. Long term freeze on credit?

    Problem is the website doesn’t tell you what data of yours was breached (name/address is one thing…CC# and SSN is another).

    What do you ladies think?

    1. I have LifeLock already, and regularly review my credit card statements and credit reports, and I don’t plan to do anything different if my data is in the breach unless they recommend specific action.

      At this point, pretty much everyone has had their data compromised in some way. This is a big one, sure, but you should have already been taking the necessary steps. Use this to justify a credit monitoring service if you haven’t already purchased one, and set up regular personal reviews of your data, but I think that’s it.

    1. Isn’t it though!! I stopped reading partway through, couldn’t take it. Reading that writing style makes me feel dirty.

    2. I don’t know… I actually really identified with the first few paragraphs as someone who is 30 and single and feeling burnt out after fighting so hard to get to this point.

      1. Me too. Were you offended because you don’t feel you’ve lost your ambition, because the article is clearly talking about a first-world problem, or…. ?

        1. The implication that we’re all miserable because we read too much Betty Friedan and leaned too hard into our careers really made me bristle. Marriage/babies won’t magically solve the problems that 30somethings are dealing with (problems created by our parents’ generation).

          1. I guess I didn’t take that to be the point of the article. It concludes “…and a willingness to seek gratifications and inspirations outside the boundaries of a job. Dogs are helpful in this regard. So are children and friends and sports and museums and live music and sex and activism and charity.” – not limited to children and marriage.

            As a 30-something high-achieving ex-biglaw etc. etc. woman who has no marriage and no babies but has still found a way to feel gratified/inspired, I felt that the article spoke to me 100%. I identified with the very real sexism that still exists in the workplace, the corresponding frustration and rage, and the realization that happiness requires looking – at least in part – outside of one’s career.

          2. Interesting. I also didn’t read the article as blaming The Feminine Mystique. If anything, I thought it was sort of a half-baked argument against Lean In and the attendant “career is everything” mentality. But I definitely think the author identifies a problem (or a symptom of a problem) without really identifying a solution to it.

      2. I find it really interesting, too. I think this may be the crux of it: “the lesson for my discontented friends is not that they should ditch their professional responsibilities but that they should stop looking to work, as their mothers looked to husbands, as the answer to the big questions they have about their lives.”

        I think this generation (to which I belong) was very much raised on a diet of self-esteem and a focus on *I* – I can be anything, do anything, etc. We internalized a message that we are responsible for and to our own happiness. I think all this navel-gazing, for lack of a better term right now, has let to a crisis of feeling disconnected from greater causes (community, family, religion, etc.) and, by extension, left us grappling with our place in the world.

        So the article isn’t so much an indictment of career, but of placing all your eggs in one basket and focusing so narrowly on personal self-fulfillment that we’ve lost sight of all else. And w/r/t/ work vs family…. as they say, business is business and no matter how much you care about your work, realistically you are just another cog in the wheel. So it may be easier to “burn out” when you’ve hitched your wagon to your work vs your relationships.

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