Weekly News Update
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- Fashionista reported that Target has announced its newest designer collaborations for fall, featuring Rachel Comey, Victor Glemaud, Sandy Liang, and Nili Lotan.
- The Wall Street Journal explored why Gen X and older millennial women are getting multiple earlobe and cartilage piercings (under the silly headline “Do Multiple Ear Piercings Spell Mid-Life Crisis?”).
- The Wall Street Journal also explained why in-office employees will get more attention and more promotions than remote workers.
- Harvard Business Review looked at return-to-work programs — how they've evolved and how they can be most effective.
- Bloomberg reported that women hold at least 30% of seats on a majority of S&P 500 boards for the first time.
- The Guardian shared how menopause can have a devastating impact on women's jobs.
- The Huffington Post published an essay by a mom who explained why she hid her pregnancy (and the birth of her child — her second) from her job.
- The Conversation provided an explanation from a social scientist on why we missed/miss hugs.
- Vox's The Goods asked, “Are your houseplants actually good for the planet?”
- Feeling ragey lately? Book Riot shared a roundup called “My Favorite Fictional Rage-Filled Women.”
- Your Laugh of the Week comes from Points in Case, with “I'm Not Looking Forward to Halloween Because It's Spooky, I'm Just Looking Forward to Not Sweating.”
On CorporetteMoms Recently…
- We talked about dealing with back-to-school anxiety — for both kids and moms.
- We looked back at past CorporetteMoms posts, including how to have fun with your kids when you're the disciplinarian parent and back-to-school fall recipes.
- We offered some clothes for working moms, including some maternity basics and washable workwear.
Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms.
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