Weekly News Update

Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest.

– This is from last week, but I only just finished reading this lovely obituary/memorial for Nora Ephron in the NYT.
– Everyone's talking about this NYT opinion piece: The ‘Busy' Trap. But perhaps this Self article on time-management tips will be of help.
Savvy Sugar suggests some ways to unwind after a long work day. Meanwhile, The Jane Dough talks about weird ways your cubicle might be killing you.
Lifehacker learns a few tricks about packing efficiently from Louis Vuitton.
A Cup of Jo is doing a new series on how WOHMs juggle — loved her series on WAHMs last summer.
Oprah.com has some advice on how to find your true calling.
– Randomly: The Grindstone was kind enough to interview me. :)

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you!


    1. i was just scolding myself for clicking through to that one. savvy sugar is the online equivalent of Glamour – X number of repackaged ideas to solve Y problem! – each time.

    2. 1. Taking a bath will remind me that I haven’t properly scrubbed the tub since I can’t remember how long ago and might induce a Must Scrub Entire Bathroom Immediately panic.
      2. Lighting a candle will give me a sinus headache. Plus cancel out the air conditioning. Plus will make me paranoid that I’m going to set the building on fire, so I carry it with me from room to room. And then I’ll worry that I’ll set MYSELF on fire.
      3. Go for a walk. After commuting, moving is the last thing I want to do.
      4. Stretch. See #3.
      5. Enjoy a light read after glaring at the computer all day? My eyeballs are tired.
      6. Journal. Ummm, that’s what C@%#$tte is for.

  1. in the spirit of leaving a productive comment, here are my actual “work detox” go-tos:

    1. “ask” hubby to give me a neck/scalp/face massage. The face part sounds creepy but when someone else rubs your forehead/temples it feels so much better!

    2. run around the apartment and organize – my subconscious, very productively, likes me to take control of my physical surroundings when I’m feeling “messy” internally

    3. have a honking glass of white wine and watch house hunters international and get outraged when people whine about the paint colors rather than concentrating on likely rental market / value retention.

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