Weekly News Update

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Like these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest.

Daily Makeover compares tinted BB Creams*, and Fashion Pulse Daily rounds up their favorite eyelid primers.  ( * Hat tip: Capitol Hill Style's Pinterest feed.)
– Lisa at Privilege ponders the importance of finding your work tribe.
Ask a Manager advises the person who wonders if s/he can delay the interview until after the holidays, and the WSJ advises how to handle holiday parties when you're unemployed. Meanwhile, Classy Career Girl shares her personal history of salary negotiations.
The Careerist wonders whether Gen Y will “feminize” BigLaw.
NPR wonders which calorie-tracking apps are best. In other health news, Savvy Sugar looks at some of the changes to insurance coverage that women can expect in 2013.
Apartment Therapy gives tips on how to create a “mindful home.”

– P.S.: Thank you to the ABA Journal for nominating Corporette one of the Top 100 Law Blawgs, for the fifth year in the row (eek!)! Readers, I'd be honored if you'd go vote for me as best of the category “Career” — go here, register/sign in, and vote away. Thank you!

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you!


  1. Reviews like the one above about BB creams don’t seem realistic. The website recommends every.single.one of the creams. I just don’t find that all that helpful. Surely they’re not ALL worth using, particularly because I recall people on here the other day saying one of them (Garnier?) is really bad.

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