Weekly Round-up

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Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or fan us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale.)

– We talked business card cases earlier this week — if you're also in the market for a Rolodex or way to keep the cards you collect, Jeri's Organizing & Decluttering News collects some interesting address “boxes.” (For our $.02 — we throw most business cards away after we enter the information in our Palm pilot. We keep the cards of close friends, cut them up (about 5 slits along both long edges), and wrap delicate necklaces around the card as a way to keep the necklace from getting tangled.)

Jezebel reports on new tests that allow you to predict your risk of “early ovarian aging.”

The WSJ continues to wonder whether jeans are appropriate at work, and gets up close and personal with an article on shapewear.

– Can you pay off a sleep debt by sleeping late on the weekends? The NYT investigates.

The NYT profiles a new Facebook application that will let you delete objectionable photos.

The Blushing Hostess advises how to be a gracious host to colleagues and improve your team's working relationship at the same time.


  1. If you loved those green Pour La Victoire Mary Janes (called “Valda”) on this site a month or so ago as much as I did, you should know that they are on sale, down from 189 to 138 at endless.com and they qualify for an additional $25 off. So I bought a pair for $113 and the overnight shipping was free. They are just as fabulous in person as they looked when they were the TPS of the day.

  2. Palm Pilot? No blackberry or iPhone?
    I find the iPhone to be my most relevant business accessory, personally.

  3. I love the idea of using the business cards for necklaces! I have a “tree” that I put some necklaces on, but the silver ones always tarnish if left out in the air. so I just drape them over my jewelry box in my dresser drawer, but inevitably they become a tangled mess. Thanks Corporette for yet another great idea!

  4. Here is my idea for storing scarves: I save paper towel, tp, or aluminum foil rolls (various sizes for various width scarves) and wrap one scarf around each. They sit nicely on a shelf and there are no creases from folding or wrinkles from stuffing in a drawer.

  5. That article on shapewear just confirmed to me that I shouldn’t try that stuff…. sounds horribly uncomfortable and really not worth it! Plus I’d think that there would be more motivation to keep the weight off if I didn’t have any Spanx to save me…

    1. As someone who wears shapewear from time to time, I don’t think it hurts my motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Since I’m a pear shape, no amount of exercising is going to give me narrow hips and thin thighs. Many women have the same issue with their tummies.

    2. I just started wearing shapewear recently. I work out 4-5 times a week, my BMI is 22, and my doctor told me my weight is “perfect,” but I still have what my sisters and I lovely refer to as the “fat roll” or “Buddha Belly.” We’ve all got it. I appreciate a little something that minimizes my belly so I can tuck in my shirt without worries.

      1. I don’t care how much you work out, most women over 40 need a little help around the middle.

  6. Just a thought, but that Facebook app sounds like the most pointless thing ever. Just un-tag the picture your self and, if the picture is really bad, ask your friend yourself to remove the picture. If the picture is that bad and your friend has an ounce of professionalism and/or decency, I’m sure they’d take the picture down.

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