Weekly Round-Up
– Interesting review of an Title VII case out of Pennsylvania wherein a receptionist was fired nine minutes after sending an e-mail telling her two male bosses she would not get them coffee every day at 3 p.m. The judges said that because there had never been a male receptionist, she couldn't possibly prove she was being treated unequally. [Feminist Law Profs]
– There's a great series over at The Glass Hammer profiling 35 Women Under 35.
– Ah! Advice on how to avoid making a poor investment in a franchise. [WSJ Independent Street]
– How to Kill Time at the Office (because you need suggestions, right?)
– This one's for the New Yorkers: a review of a well-planned kitchen space that is also teensy. Handy article to read for renovations! [Apartment Therapy]
– In totally unrelated news, happy birthday to Go Fug Yourself! Four years, wow! To celebrate, they give their readers a gift we can only hope to one day match — a link to “one of the most awkward, poorly costumed and excruciatingly choreographed moments in television history.” Enjoy!
It is our sincere hope that most readers will be cutting out of the office by 3 PM today. Dare to dream, ladies! Accordingly, we're taking Friday off. See you Monday.