Weekly Roundup
Liking these posts? Follow Corporette on Twitter — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale.)
– New York does a great round-up of “power belts” that would look great with a dress or sweater.
– Forbes ranks the world's 100 most powerful women. Meanwhile, Jezebel wonders why they focus on power instead of money.
– Ms-JD explains why, in the law at least, 1L grades are so vitally important.
– The WSJ offers eight tips for how to be a great protege.
– Let's Talk Turkey warns that certain e-mail addresses have a stigma attached.
– What does one do if you dislike your hairy arms? Shine wonders.
If you want to remove arm hair, please do not wax it. It is expensive (if you add up the multiple trips to the salon) and it hurts. Either shave it or laser it off. Yes, one laser session is more expensive than one waxing session, but you will only need to be lasered once for the hair to thin drastically. Get lasered at a dermatoligist’s office so that you know a professional will be liable in the miniscule chance that something goes wrong.
Can you do a post about how to wear belts, when they are required, when you can go without, which belts go with which pieces? I am sorely in need of help in this area!