The Best Foldable Flats for Women


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Some of our favorite foldable flats as of 2024 include Silky Toes, Yosi Samra (at Amazon and Nordstrom), and Amazon seller HEAWISH. If you're looking to splurge, the Tory Burch travel flat also has a split sole.

What do you think are the best foldable flats for women? We haven't rounded up the best flexible flats in a few years — which are your favorites? Do you like super lightweight ones to stash in a bag, or more substantial ones that just happen to be flexible?

I've always been a fan of foldable ballet flats — they probably get more use than regular ballet flats. I've used them for date nights, weddings, speaking enegagements, networking things, and more. Basically, as soon as the main event is done and you can get outside to a cab or to start your commute home, you just put on the flexible flats.

I was intrigued to see that Boden has flexible ballet flats — they seem like a nice addition to the genre.

I've always been a fan of the super affordable options like these $9 ones — I even fit them into clutches sometimes on date nights. I've also heard nice things about the Yosi Samra flats and Tory Burch travel flats. Nordstrom has a few options from other brands as well!

The Boden ones are kind of in the middle of the pack, since they're $110 full price.

They're are available in 6 colors, sizes 36-42.

Readers, what do you think are the best foldable flats for women? Do you prefer higher end ones or lower end ones?

(I just updated the links in our older post on how to build a work wardrobe at Boden — so many machine washable reader favorites that have been classics for years!)

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine's Day!):

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • M.M.LaFleur – Save up to 25% on select suiting, this weekend only
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine's Day!):

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • M.M.LaFleur – Save up to 25% on select suiting, this weekend only
  • Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
  • J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. Anyone leave their apartment/city for a good part of the pandemic and now is having anxiety going back (so I don’t mean you gave up the apartment but rather you just locked the door and left but must go back because your stuff is there)? It’s weird with me — the height of it was in April in my area and I stayed from when we went to WFH in March until late July; I was going out once every 2-3 weeks to get groceries and honestly it wasn’t that bad as long as I didn’t have to go anyplace. So then I leave to go stay with family in the NJ suburbs for 3 months and am having a REALLY hard time going back. Like low key anxiety about having to be in an apartment building again. I think I’m only going back for a few weeks (would stay home there for 2+ weeks if I decided to come back here) to take care of a few house things, maybe vote etc. and OMG it feels awful. Yet rationally this is a county at 3-4% positivity now with state cases rising but overall state positivity at 5-6%. This is NOTHING like the spring and summer where peak positivity for the state was 20% and I was just fine thru all of that — as in not particularly anxious inside my apartment. Anyone been there?

    1. Perspective in case it helps- thousands of us did not leave at all and have not caught Covid :) I’m assuming you’re talking about a NE city given the reference to NJ — you may be pleasantly surprised with how respectful your fellow city dwellers are.

    2. I get where you are coming from. I stayed in NYC until June but have been at my parents’ place in the burbs since then with a few trips back to the city here and there. It’s nice out in the burbs where I can take a walk without my mask on bc I’m just not going to get close to anyone. In the city you really do have to wear a mask to just walk out of your apt. That being said, the compliance is really good for mask wearing in NYC (which is why the rates are staying low). Humans are adaptable so you get used to how the other half lives pretty fast. (And that goes both ways on the urban/suburban divide).

    3. If you’re only going back for a few weeks and then plan to return schedule your tasks as such — meaning saying you’re going back for 4 weeks. Well in the first 2 weeks you’re there do all the things in the area you need to do whether it’s running to Home Depot or groceries or voting or whatever; and then when you’re doing those tasks in those first 2 weeks get some extra exercise whether that is walking a few extra blocks per day or a nice long 2 hour walk before you “lock down” again. That frees you up to stay inside your apartment for 2 weeks, which it sounds you were perfectly ok with before and likely will be again. Then with that 2 week period done you can decide if you want to return to NJ again for the winter season.

      1. I do wonder what % of people aren’t going to vote because they are living someplace else, didn’t order a mail in ballot (or their state won’t send it to them anywhere but their in state address) and they either can’t get back to their home or are too scared pandemic wise to go stand in line.

        1. I heard a lot of people were spending lots of money on last minute flights to vote. Their mail is ballots never arrived. Everyone vote!!! Vote as early as possible!!

          1. Absolutely not, mail is shuttered in major swing states where ballots were marked mailed but didn’t arrive a month later, so now people are stuck either traveling far to vote or not getting to vote. This was djt’s intention and it has worked. It’s disgusting.

    4. I completely get where you’re coming from! I am not a suburb person and usually not even that much of a family person, but being in the suburbs with my family gave me a lot of flexibility in this tough time. When I came back to the city it was a bit hard to be completely alone and in a small apartment instead of a suburban house, but I was also pleasantly surprised at how careful people were being and how many things were doable in the city and all of that. Especially since you’re coming because you have some specific things to do (and to VOTE!!) I think you’ll be fine.

    5. Put on your big girl pants and go home. It’s all bigger in your mind right now than it will be in reality. You’ll be fine. You might even love it.

      And yeah, you really need to vote my friend.

    6. I was you a month ago. Left NYC in March at the height of the pandemic to live with family in a rural area. Came back for the start of the school year. I was so anxious.

      What helped me was to tell myself, I’m not moving back, we are just visiting for a week. That first stint was just a week, then we did two weeks, now we are here full time. It’s nothing like it was in March and it’s nice to be “home”, even if it isn’t as convenient as being someplace more spacious.

    7. Please go vote. It is important. Wear a mask, wash your hands, stay home as much as possible. Your risk is quite low when you do those simple things. The (or maybe just the primary) reason we’re having issues is because we don’t have a nationwide message to do those simple things.

    8. Can you articulate what your specific fear is? Is it the elevator or staircases? Because honestly, if you have a mask on and refrain from touching anything, and wash your hands or use sanitizer once you are in your apartment, there really isn’t much to fear.

    9. We are back in SF for the first time since the shut down. Our building is mostly empty. The streets are mostly empty and about 75 percent of the people are properly masked. It feels a lot less risky then when we left, I think everyone has gotten used to the precautions. We are going to leave again before the election, we are in a boarded up area that will be a site if there are protests.

      1. Aren’t they a separate organisation? In the U.K. Girlguiding and the Scouts Association are completely separate entities.

        1. Yeah, what? The Girl Scouts tweeted about ACB. The (formerly Boy) Scouts are covered in the article.

      2. Big miss, Bon. The Girl Scouts and the Boy Scouts are completely separate organizations that have nothing to do with one another at all.

    1. I don’t love it. I don’t agree with ACB AT ALL, but I think a post honoring ALL female justices is good – it wasn’t even ACB specific.

      1. Wholeheartedly disagree. Not all women are feminists or pro-women. She stood on the shoulders of RBG and other pro-women women ahead of her to get where she did, underqualified as she is, and now she’s poised to undo it all. I refuse to accept the notion that I should celebrate her just because she’s a woman. I pick and would have celebrated nearly any pro-women man over her.

      2. It was ACB specific. Go check. “Congratulations Amy Coney Barrett on becoming the 5th woman….” I feel like I’m betraying an instution that I revere but I am really so disgusted by the addition of Kavenaugh and Barrett. The lazy and factually incorrect Kavenaugh opinion really hammers it home that he is a Republican hack. Barrett is just a female version without the crappy personal history (or, actually, quite possibly, just a less crappy personal history)–a Republican hack to vote the way Rs want her to with no regard for her qualifications. It sucks.

        1. She was first in her class, a circuit court clerk, a Scalia clerk, a law professor, and a federal appellate judge. Many professors said she’s the best law student they ever had. Scalia was the one who first floated her name.

          She’s not a hack; she’s brilliant and principled.

          1. Hasn’t she only been a judge for 2 years? Fantastic law student and qualified for the highest court in the entire country are two very different standards.

          2. She *may* be brilliant and principled–I don’t think she is either, for the record–but that does not make her qualified. She’s been a judge for THREE YEARS.

          3. Kagan, Rehnquist, Fortas, Frankfurter, and Brandeis, to name a few, had zero years of judicial experience before being put on the Supreme Court.

            The point about her being a brilliant law student is that she’s not some rando who went to law school; she’s exceptional. You act like she graduated from law school two years ago, not twenty years ago. She was a Supreme Court clerk and a Constitutional law professor. What else do you want – and importantly, by your own standards, do BOTH Kagan and Sotomayor pass?

          4. Being a judge isn’t a requirement. Kagan was never a judge. Are you saying kagan wasn’t qualified?

        2. God, that opinion. All I can think about is that hungover guy in your 1L class who gets called on and gives an answer based on the one part of the case he managed to read who then gets called out for not having read the whole thing.

          1. Possibly because his clerks are the hungover guys from your 1L class a few years later? Only half kidding.

    2. I missed that, but I saw that Kappa Delta, her sorority, did the same thing. If my sorority had done that to me (and they gave me a scholarship once and I am forever donating back), they’d be dead to me. They meant the world to me and to do someone like that is bad, bad form.

      AKA was all over celebrating that Kamala Harris is the VP nominee. I am no fan at all of Senator Harris and thought her dismal showing in the primary was deserved. But I think AKA was right to celebrate the milestone. Had they retracted it b/c I think she’s been dodgy as a prosecutor, that would have been wrong.

      1. I know someone who was in KD with ACB at Rhodes. She says ACB does not care one little bit about what KD does on Facebook. It does not matter to her at all.

        1. I’m not a KD, but I thought that this wasn’t a good look for any sorority. It seemed to play into whatever people’s worst stereotypes of sororities are.

        1. There’s no longer such a thing as “just a tweet” from a nationally-recognizable organization. We can thank our fearless leader for that. (Among others, I’m sure.)

          1. You know, you have a point. I generally think of social media posts like that as empty gestures, but for a national organization to tweet – and also to remove an existing tweet – is an act that does carry weight.

    3. Honestly, disappointed in the Girl Scouts for not having more of a spine. But if you wither in the face of criticism by celebrities, I guess we know what you stand for.

      1. I read somewhere that on Twitter, something like 90% of the people on it who can be tracked with a political slant have a D slant. So maybe the audience should be considered — like even using Twitter is political. I am on Twitter for sports and traffic (I am boring . . .), but I kind of starting ignoring basketball twitter after the NBA caving so completely over the “we support Hong Kong” or some other tweet by a person employed by an NBA team (but not speaking for the team or the NBA). $ talks. Everything is so damn curated that I is just useless as the modern equivalent of Shakespeare’s chorus, which is what I liked about it at first.

    4. I dunno, but I can tell you what I think about these “what do we think” posts that are nothing but pot stirring.

      1. I disagree. I didn’t even know about this controversy and I’m now considering opinions on the other side of my initial reaction. No doubt there are pot stirring posts abound on this page, but some of them I do appreciate.

      2. Nah, people discussing different opinions on a relevant current event isn’t pot stirring.

        1. Agreed. Pot stirring is bringing up old conversations. This is a relevant topic where people may have different opinions.

    5. The whole thing was a sham, and we shouldn’t forget that. I don’t mind people continuing to call this out for what it is. Lindsey Graham said to use his worlds against him and I think we should continue to do just that.

      People are angry and rightfully so. If the Girl Scouts got caught in the crossfires, well, sh1t happens.

    6. Even if one completely disagrees with all of her policies, I think there’s no denying ACB is a justice and therefore we should still promote to girls that they can be in big places when they grow up. Again, not agreeing with her philosophy at all but one thing I think that can be a good role model for girls is that ACB looks feminine. You don’t have to adopt male fashion and male posturing to be powerful. I’ve had people suggest my long straight hair is unprofessional as a lawyer. It’s nice to see a Supreme Court Justice wearing a dress and long hair. We know the look is in part to play to the conservative right – she’s not one of those battle-ex feminists – but I think at the top of most professions, there aren’t a lot of feminine looking women and that can be confusing to young girls that feel like they have to pick between being girly and being professional. You can like pink post-its and still be a lawyer!

      1. Legally Blonde was a smash hit for a reason!

        I love that she has kids. Kagan (whom I also really admire) does not, nor does Sotomayor. Kamala Harris does not. It sends a bad message to young women, and actually to everyone, if mothers are not in positions of power.

        We talk about how companies don’t want to hire women lawyers who just got married because they will “leave to have kids.” There’s advice about taking off an engagement ring during interviews. That’s all so hostile to women, whether or not they want kids, that it’s a massive relief to see a mother rock out in the legal profession.

      2. Because that ol’ RBG was a great, hulking beast of a woman who deliberately went for a masculine look and collar choice to project authority?

        The fundamental problem is that she was selected in part because of these traits, but not because republicans think they will make her a better justice or because conservatives truly believe that working mothers deserve equal status in society. She’s a token they thought was untouchable. Who wants to attack the hardworking brilliant lawyer who is also a conservative supermom!?

        The only thing we learn from this is that if you do your performative femininity the right way and play by the Boys’ Rules, they may let you hang out on the porch of their club house.

        1. Look I’m no fan of hers but I hardly think that being a Supreme Court justice is sitting on the porch of the clubhouse. In the course of her lifetime she’s likely to have more power and influence than the men who put her there.

          1. Agreed and we should all remember that. Kavenaugh and Barrett will be writing very important opinions for the significant majority of our lives. It’s horrible and shocking that they were picked primarily for the political work our pres knows they’ll do on his party’s behalf.

          2. And she is going to use that power and influence to take away the rights of women and girls and force them to bear children when they don’t want to. I find it dangerously foolish for anyone who purports to care about women to celebrate this.

          3. No, being a Supreme Court justice isn’t sitting on the porch. (Let’s not forget that she is in a one in a million position.) But that’s kind of missing my point. The point isn’t that ACB in particular is not going to have influence, the point is that she has to go to bat for the patriarchy to get this spot and she got it because they were exploiting the fact that she’s a woman with kids. Her appointment does not tell little girls that they can stand up for feminism, push back against patriarchy, deal with all the challenges of having a big family and still rise to the top of the old boy’s club.

        2. RBG is sadly no longer on the court so when young girls look to the court, what will they see? That’s what I’m referencing.

          1. Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor. Or do you think having short hair makes you a man?

      3. Why is it nice to see a Supreme Court justice in long hair and dresses?!? What even is this absurdity.

        1. I’m not saying women should have long hair and dresses. I’m saying for a long time women have been told you can’t be both feminine and powerful. ACB has a different look and we have even discussed it here.

          I love Hillary Clinton as much as the next feminist but when I was younger, I thought one of the requirements to be a politician was to have short hair! If you don’t understand what I’m getting at, you are being deliberately obtuse.

          1. I agree with this – I felt the same way growing up. That I had to chose between liking pink or choosing a “serious” career. Plenty of young girls every day decide they don’t want to be involved in politics or STEM or a whole host of other traditionally male dominated fields or areas because they think it’s incompatible with being feminine.

          2. What era of women think they have to choose between STEM and being (stereotypically) feminine? I’m 55 years old. This doesn’t describe my age cohort in the least. I went to school and joined a sorority and curled my hair and wore dresses and giggled over cute guys — along with all my engineering sorority sisters.

          3. LaurenB that’s great you feel that way but I’m 30 and this was not my experience. I just had a conversation with my 13 year old niece who doesn’t want to take the advanced science course because it’s not what the pretty girls do according to her.

    7. Good for them. They may not have realized how harmful this woman’s “judicial philosophy” will be to women and girls in this country. I think non-political people may have just thought more women on the court was a good thing for women and girls. It isn’t, necessarily. Barrett will limit women’s rights. People need acknowledge that not all women are pro- woman and girls. This is a good step.

      1. Agreed. She is also shockingly unqualified. TBH, my head was in the sand about her because it was a foregone conclusion that she was on the Court. My time (and anxiety) was better spent on GOTV efforts. I’ve seen bits and pieces in the past couple of days, however, and am really truly shocked. She’s been on the bench for three years!?!? I’ve been in solo practice longer than that (I’m 38) and I still feel brand new to it. But we’re going to let her be on the SUPREME COURT!?!? It cheapens it. It’s gross and so so sad.

        A small part of me agrees with Anon at 3:29 PM. But, when you realize that she’s no where near the caliber she “should” be, it just doesn’t carry much weight. There are many other great ways to show girls that you can be feminine and strong/successful/accomplished. This is not a good example. It’s a really poor one. (FWIW, I also have long hair, and am in my late 30s–and wear yoga pants for the bulk of my work, hearings now included!)

        I wish the Girl Scouts had paid way more attention to what they posted. I’m not in PR and don’t tweet for anyone (even myself) so I can put my head in the sand for short bouts of time. Whoever posted that tweet does not have that luxury–sorry, not sorry, it’s your JOB!

        1. Shockingly unqualified is if my mom (lovely woman, retired teacher, not a lawyer) was nominated. Although the nominee isn’t even required to be a lawyer, so my mom isn’t actually unqualified, technically. She’d be a surprising choice. A judge on the 7th Circuit who was pretty easily confirmed is sort of what qualified looks like.

          I would have said the same about any of the current members of the court. They are qualified. You don’t have to like them but it is dishonest to claim that they aren’t qualified.

          1. +1 I disagree with her views, I am horrified at the process that appointed her and I’m scared for the damage she’ll do. But let’s not pretend she’s not qualified.

        2. I’m @ 3:29 and while I agree with you substantively, I was thinking more of what young girls see over say, teenagers. I don’t think young girls will know the backstory and history and cheap nature of it. We can let them enjoy a feminine woman on the supreme court. As teenagers learning real history and feminism, you are completely right that the bubble will be broken.

          I felt the same way when Sarah Palin was running as VP. I thought she was woefully unqualified but glad young girls would see a woman on the stage.

          1. This is ridiculous sexist garbage. RBG wore lace collars and gloves for crying out loud.

          2. Young girls today will not be seeing RBG because she passed away and is not on the court.

        3. Elena Kagan was never a judge before she was nominated and confirmed to SCOTUS. I get it wasn’t for want of trying / through no fault of her own, but ACB has more experience as a judge than she does, so I don’t think it’s fair to say that 3 years of being a judge means she’s “shockingly unqualified”, especially when her career has largely been spent as a legal scholar.

          1. You’ve written this more than once and I can’t tell if you’re being deliberately obtuse. Elena kagan was the solicitor general of the United States. Surely you’re not arguing that representing the the US before the Supreme Court is on par with being with conservative law school professor at a religious university?

          2. Okay, I stand corrected–she does not appear to be “shockingly unqualified” when compared to other justices. Still seems crazy to me that her background makes her qualified for SCOTA, but it does seem to be reasonably in line with the norm. I’m still grieving RGB.

            I still hate her “judicial philosophy” and *why* she was chosen.

          3. Ugh–*SCOTUS. Don’t even know where I got SCOTA. Time to get off the computer for the day!

        4. As IANAL, can those of you who are lawyers speak to whether Notre Dame’s law school is considered anything to write home about? It’s not even t-14, correct? (That’s the limit of my law school jargon.) Years ago, one of the Bushes had nominated (or considered nominating) a woman named Harriet Miers who went to SMU and the skinny was that SMU law school just wasn’t up to snuff How is ND Law school looked at in the world?

          1. You know, I think this is actually something that has not garnered much attention but should. I hate Notre Dame as an institution and do not think it has a very highly-regarded law school. However, I think it is a huge plus to have a non-HYS justice on the court. I am in favor of more diversity and that applies even when I don’t like the individual justice herself. To be fair, diversity still requires merit – I think there is a HUGE difference in quality between SMU and Notre Dame. I also really like that Kamala Harris (and Joe Biden!) don’t have the prestigious school pipeline that the legal and political structure feeds on. (I was horrified by the barely-hidden nepotism at YLS, fwiw.)

      1. No, they aren’t. George W Bush was routinely referred to as GWB. You’ve heard of JFK, LBJ, etc. I refer to the orange guy as DJT when I don’t want to type out his name. You don’t need to gatekeep initials

      2. Seriously get over it. This is not a rule you get to make. There have been serial killers with initial monikers. Move on with your life.

        1. +1 As much as I love RBG, she didn’t invent initials. She wasn’t the first to be referred to by her initials and won’t be the last. It’s also not as though initials are reserved only for “good” people.

      3. Disagree. It’s a way to refer to people in shorthand. I use DJT to refer to the Cheeto in Chief all the time. It’s not because it’s cool or he’s an icon, it’s because it’s faster to type our 3 letters than a full name.

      4. Omg SO agree! It literally makes me sick to see people referring to Amy as ACB. She has not earned that name reference at all.

    8. I think it was a good move and posting the original message was bad. Nope. We don’t celebrate all women. We don’t celebrate women who hate gays. As an organization that explicitly welcomes them.

  2. Lucky Emmie is my go-to thin ballet flat. The suede ones are especially soft and forgiving, they come in every color, and they stay on my narrow heel and still have enough room in the toe box. They’re also affordable and go on sale a lot.

    1. I also like the Lucky ballet flats as packable flats. They are especially good for backpacking vacations where I want a nicer pair of shoes that sneakers but don’t have space.

    2. I still have some, but I feel like they’re very out of style post Rothy’s? Same for the featured flat.

      1. They all look the same to me. What would you consider to be in style for flats now (presuming you’re implying Rothy’s are also over)?

        1. Elasticized ballet flats do look a little meh to me at this point, including the round toe Rothy’s. I prefer instead, in order of dressiest to least dressy-
          1. pointed toe flats
          2. structured ballet flats
          3. smoking slipper flats
          4. cute street sneakers

          1. I’m Anon at 2:02 and this is exactly my list. Everlane also happened between the Lucky Emmie and now. Last time I was going places, pointed toe Rothys were still everywhere, so I don’t think they’re over. Sneakers still seem to be on the rise, but I don’t see them as very versatile.

      2. Ah have you guys seen the new “Georgia” square-toed Tory Burch flats? I feel like square-toed ballet flats read more modern…either way, I am lusting after pair! Maybe early next year!

        1. I’ve been seeing a lot of square toes lately too. I think I’m too old to do this trend a second time though!

  3. I recently got diagnosed w/ arthritis in my big toe joint & flexible flats are about the WORST things I could possibly wear according to my podiatrist. I am waiting on orthotics and will need to find attractive shoes that can fit the orthotics. Also, this blog should consider people who wear wide shoes.

    1. +1 I haven’t worn true flats in a few years. They look cute and seem comfy but every time I wear them I end up in pain and regretting it.

      To X’er, have you looked at Naot? I have some on my feet right now with my orthotic.

    2. I am incredibly loyal to Vionic shoes (ANYTIME anyone compliments my shoes, I’m all “and would you believe they’re orthotic?!”), which are designed by a podiatrist and have a very supportive footbed. That said, I don’t have custom orthotics so I have no experience with whether they’d be worth is for someone in your situation.

      1. I do not know why I can’t make Vionics work for me. I bought the flats, the size is right for my foot (the right amount of room in the toe, the ball of my foot at the widest part) but they rubbed my heels RAW. Tried again. More deep painful blisters. Tried a different color. Same experience. They were just awful for me, and I really wanted to make them work. The material seems really stiff at the back of the shoe.

    3. Check out Barking Dog Shoes Blog. Not all of the picks are super cute, but they are recommended based on foot issues and there are plenty of cute shoes to choose from.

    4. I have custom orthotics and they made two sets for me. One for athletic shoes and boots and the other for dress shoes. I can wear them in flats or heels. So be sure to ask for a pair for dress shoes.

  4. I’m a pear that has gotten more so with lockdown. I ordered two pairs of casual pants. How much cupping should there be under the butt? It seems like my shape may always generate some in casual pants (these are nylon hiking pants from REI or North Face) vs suiting pants. But if I go larger, the pants will be too large in the waist and not stay up. I’m not sure how much I care when it’s not workwear, but I also don’t want to be looking Kardashian on the trails.

    1. The answer is to buy the size that fits your hips and then have the waist taken in. I think you already know they’re too small if you’re posting this.

      You also don’t want hiking pants ripping out because they’re straining at the seams.

      1. Being able to see the shape of your butt does not necessarily mean they are too small, nor does it mean they’re going to rip from strain on the seams! All of my hiking pants cup more than jeans/slacks and they are a little on the big side for me.

        To OP, I think the only pants that will make you look like a Kardashian are those leggings that lift & separate the cheeks and define the crack. Anything else, from compression shorts to fitted hiking pants, is pretty typical on the trail.

        1. This is why I stopped wearing pants to work, because I can’t even imagine wearing pants that don’t cup on me. They’d have to be like circus clown pants!

    2. I have extreme curves, and have decided it’s not fair to myself to raise the specter of the Kardashians. There’s already so much shame and self-consciousness in the female body. I have had no surgery, I did not choose this, it’s just what I look like. I’m a normal person with a normal budget who doesn’t want to get every single item tailored. I buy clothes I’m comfortable in, I don’t want to obsess about how I look, and if other people are offended by my natural body they just need to deal with it.

      Just keep whatever pants you like, and enjoy the hike!

    3. What is “cupping under the butt”? Never heard of this–I have a flattish butt. ??? Please advise.

  5. Can someone help me understand the science/logic behind the travel restrictions in Massachusetts?

    If you travel here from a high risk state (most of the country) you have to quarantine for 14 days or produce a negative covid test result from a test done within 72-hours prior to your arrival.

    It’s that last part I don’t follow. What If someone travels here and picks it up inside of 72 hours of travel to Mass?

    1. It’s all about risk. By requiring the test, the state is reducing the risk that an infected person travels to Mass. Is quarantining for 14 days better? Yep. Is it practical? Probably not. Do I think we should all stay the eff home? Yes.

      1. Right, and it’s making people second-guess unnecessary travel between MA and high-risk states. If you require a negative test or quarantine, you might decide your sister’s wedding is worth it, but maybe you won’t travel to that hot zone just to hang with your old college pals for the weekend. It also means that if you really want to host people for a weekend, either they have to prove they’re not infected, or they have to stay in your house the whole time they’re here (i.e. they can’t walk around the city and go to that bar they liked the last time they were here), so maybe that dissuades people from unnecessary visits.

  6. Going off of this morning’s thread on how everyone loved that wrap from Athleta — what is the best clothes item you’ve bought during quarantine?

    Mine is my new Max & Mia sweater

    1. A quarter zip synthetic skiing baselayer. It’s the perfect weight to just wear around the house with leggings while I work, and I can throw a coat and sweatpants over it if I need to go outside.

  7. In case the Costco cardigan poster isn’t looking @ the morning thread: Washed mine normally, line dried. Totally fine. Didn’t even realize it was supposed to be hand washed.

    1. Also, I should note that the article doesn’t end below the mask picture. I had to scroll way down to get to the rest of it. I’m on mobile.

    2. Right there with you at “my imaginary boyfriend.” Best radio host (and also has the cutest dog)

  8. Trying to find a nail polish color in my mind and wondering if it exists.

    Remember grape bubble tape gum? I want that nail color. So it’d be kind of grape purple but it was almost dusty from the powder to keep it from sticking to itself or something, so maybe a light dusty grape or something? Also, a color, not a top coat translucent but a real color.

    Any ideas on this? THANK YOU!

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