Workwear Hall of Fame: Yale Chelsea Boot


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Dec. 2021 Update: Select colors of these reader favorite Chelsea boots are up to 40% off in the 2021 Nordstrom Half-Yearly Sale.

I've often noticed readers commenting about their leopard-print booties — I think it came up a ton last year when people were talking about our four week work outfit challenge.

I've historically struggled with styling booties that weren't black, and there are SO MANY fun booties and boots out this year that I thought it would make a fun open thread — are you a fan of booties in prints and colors? How are you wearing them to work?

These Chelsea boots from Marc Fisher have a TON of great reviews at both Nordstrom and Zappos — love the low heel and pointed toe. Yale Genuine Calf Hair Chelsea Boot

2019 Update: We're adding these booties to our Workwear Hall of Fame because they're still around after years, coming out in new colors, materials and prints, and getting rave reviews.

Check out our Guide to Comfortable Heels for other reader favorite brands!

Sales of note for 2/7/25:

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. Cell phone question: My iPhone 6 is on its very last legs and I have about decided to replace it with a Samsung Galaxy 9S+ (or is that S9+?) My main complaint about the Apple is the inadequate battery life and the Samsung seems to be the best in that regard.

    I looked online and it appears that there is an app to allow me to transfer my contacts and so on from the iPhone to the Android. Has anybody done this successfully? Or has anybody tried and had a problem?

    Any other thoughts on the best smart phone? Besides texting I mostly use it for photos, social media, and reading the news online (because I can’t help myself even though it hurts!).

    1. I can’t remember how I did it other than that it was a disaster. I think I tried to sync everything with google and download it that way and it didn’t worth very smoothly. I didn’t lose contacts but they didn’t sync right either and I had to spend a bunch of time fixing it. Sorry. Google and Apple are not nice-nice with each other and I think they actually try to make it obnoxious to switch.

      Worth the switch to me though! I love my android and they’re much more reasonably priced than Apple phones. I have a pixel 2, which I prefer to Samsung for price point and for the operating system. Samsung makes a number of proprietary alterations to the base android OS that I find annoying. The Pixel 2 has decent battery life and a great camera and that’s really all I care about.

      1. Did you find it was hard to get used to a new OS? I’ve always had an iPhone after I started using smartphones, but am seriously considering jumping ship with these ridiculous prices. I am not that tech savvy so and have found my husband’s samsung phone unintuitive to use, which is my hesitation in switching.

        1. Not Torin, but fellow iPhone –> Pixel 2 user.

          I don’t like the Samsung OS when I’ve used it on friends’ phones, but I think the OS on the Pixel is much better. I had basically no adjustment period in using it, and I’m not that tech savvy either.
          Also- I’ve noticed in certain recent updates the Pixel OS is looking more like the iPhone OS. So you may find it more familiar than you expect :)

        2. I didn’t find it difficult at all, but the Pixel OS looks quite a bit different than the Samsung one.

    2. I took my phone to the Verizon store. They were able to do this for me very quickly, from a Samsung to an iPhone.

      1. +1 the Verizon store is always able to do it for me. I’ve gone back and forth between Samsung and Apple a couple of times, and I’ve never lost my contacts.

    3. I know you made a decision to switch, but just anecdotally, I just switched my iPhone 6+ with an iPhone XS Max, and the battery life is amazing. I can use it all day, near constantly, and still have power. My 6+ was to the point of needing to be almost constantly on the charger–I maybe had an hour of use off.

    4. I would say that if you’re on the fence at all about going over to Android, iPhone 6(s?) was the last phone under the phone battery recall they issued this year. I believe you should be able to get a new battery installed through the end of the year if that’s the only issue. If you upgrade, the new ones are supposed to be better. Although I have a 6s and I agree that the battery life has been disappointing (I haven’t taken advantage of the recall).

      1. I had a 6+S Iphone and got rid of it when Rosa dropped it in the toilet (by mistake). I replaced it with an Iphone 8+ and am thinking I should look at the new ones. I can give Rosa’s kids my iphone and they can play games with it, but I have to “wipe it clean.” Does anyone in the hive know how to “wipe it clean”? I do not want to appear dumb but do NOT know what or how to do this! FOOEY!

      2. +1. I just had the battery replaced on my 6S. For $29, I feel like I have a new phone between the battery and the iOS 12 update, Just another option to consider if you otherwise like your 6.

        1. I had the battery replaced and it bought me another year or so but now it’s back to being just awful.

    5. Your cell carrier may be able to import your contacts from your current phone to the new one. I’ve had it done before, and it worked well.

    6. I have a Pixel 2 as well and didn’t have many problems syncing the old phone and new phone. I went through the migration app and all my contacts came over without a headache. The only thing weird for me was photos- I had to back up my iPhone photos to Google Drive to make them accessible on the Pixel. But that wasn’t too hard, and it forced me to back up a bunch of stuff that I probably should have backed up anyway.

      I got the Pixel 2 because of the price difference between it and the iPhone and the camera. The Pixel 2 camera is rated a little better than the iPhone X camera and I was able to get it for $500 less than the iPhone X through a promotion at my cell phone company. There’s nothing I could do on the iPhone that I can’t do on the Pixel, and I’ve gotten really addicted to having my Google stuff easily accessible from my phone. I also got the regular Pixel 2, not the XL, and I think the screen is just about the right size for me. Not too small to read a little bit on, but it still fits in a smallish clutch.

    7. If you have your contacts synced to your gmail (if you have gmail), all your contacts will sync with your phone when you log in to the phone the first time. No app needed.

    8. My iphone 8plus has amazing battery life and the portrait setting for photos is amazing.

      1. +1 on portrait mode. One of my portrait mode pics won a small photography contest. I was definitely up against people with fancy SLR cameras.

  2. Recs for your favorite cotton sweaters? Sweaters with no wool content? Thanks.

    1. Macy’s Karen Scott sweaters. In past years, they have run short though (comparable to other brands in petite sizing). Link to follow:

    2. What kind of sweaters? I have some cotton cardigans and v-neck cotton sweaters from JCrew Factory. I’ve had them for 3ish years and they seem to be holding up fine.

  3. Where else do you visit for online conversation (forums/chat)? I get bored working from home and I guess this replaces watercooler convos. Sometimes I hit up the boards at Weddingbee or the Askamanager open threads on Fri/Sat. I’m open to more targeted topics … IDK the arts, education, etc.

    1. If you subscribe to NYT, the comments sections are often extensive (and usually pretty thoughtful). Posts on a cup of jo also tends to garner loads of comments, though they aren’t as conversational as the posts here, imo.

      1. Any tips for finding good content on Reddit? Do you just go to the “front page” or … ?

        1. The front page is actually the worst for joining a conversation. Look for subreddits, basically forums pertaining to a certain thing. Some interesting ones: abrathatfits, femalefashionadvice, blogsnark (very gossipy), and a whole multitude of nichey makeup ones. Search the internet for “xyztopic reddit” and you’ll be able to find different communities.

        2. Just look for subreddits based on a topic youre interested in and there should be one for it!

        3. The front page has some good default subreddits, but the best stuff on Reddit is in smaller subreddits. You need to create an account to tailor your front page. I subscribe to a number of regional subreddits, as well as r/aww, r/HelpMeFind, r/ TrollXChromosomes, r/wholesomememes, r/pics, r/TheCrownNetflix, r/asoiaf, r/bestof, r/Houseporn, r/lego, r/movies, r/nfl, r/personalfinance, etc.

          1. Agreed, there’s a subreddit for nearly every interest. Some of my faves are r/crochet, r/xxfitness, r/oddlysatisfying, r/diy, and r/askhistorians.

  4. Someone commented last week that they still hadn’t ‘figured out’ skinny jeans, and I feel the same way with booties. Black booties + black tights + skirt/dress is the only combination that I don’t second guess. Every pair of pans/jeans I try seems to be either too long or too short – I haven’t mastered the perfect ratio of visible skin to bootie height/pant length.


    1. I don’t have skin showing when I wear booties with jeans – seems to defeat the purpose because I wear boots/booties to stay warm. Either the jeans fit inside, they go over top, or they just kind bunch up a tad if they are skinny but not super skinny jeans.

    2. I wear booties with literally every pair of pants I own. My pants generally hit below my ankle bone. No visible skin. It’s not that complicated!

    3. I live in a warm climate so YMMV, but I was taught to show about 1 inch of skin between the bootie and pants (I’ve only worn them with jeans). On the rare really cold days, I don’t wear booties.

    4. My daughter is 17, my niece is 23, and we just did a girls trip where they both wore jeans with booties. Both of them rolled the hem of their jeans up to above the top of the bootie. I just googled images and it seems to be a pretty standard look. Neither of them would ever consider wearing their jeans inside their booties.

    5. This string of answers makes me giggle and perfectly illustrates the challenges of seeking fashion advice from people you can’t see. Who’s to say if the sensible ankle cover-ers are sufficiently chic or frumpy? Are the bare-skin-or-nothing crew freezing fashion victims?

      I, personally, would really appreciate advice on what warm shoes to wear with full length trousers or jeans — which are necessary for at least 3 months a year where I live. The answer is not riding boots over skinnies.

    6. When I started wearing booties and ankle pants, there was a little residual weirdness from growing up in the age of ultra-wide, ultra-long flared jeans – I felt like I was wearing high-waters! Honestly, it took some getting used to for the silhouette to look right, and now it wear booties all the time.

      I wear booties with: ankle pants that hit above the ankle bone, slim-leg pants that end just where the bootie starts, and trousers that end just across the top of my foot; dresses and tights that are in the same color family as the bootie.

  5. Where would I figure out salary range for a staff attorney at a non-profit in NYC? Approximately 7 yrs experience. Niche practice area (IP).

    1. It varies wildly by non-profit type/sector — I think old job postings that list salary ranges for similar orgs might be your best bet.

    2. Use CharityNavigator or Guidestar to see different charity tax forms, where they might list highest paid employees…. you could compare with direct “competitors” or other service-providers….

    3. Look at the IRS Form 990 for that non-profit (google IRS Form 990 to find a directory). It’ll show what the top paid employees make, what the overall budget is, etc. and that should give you an idea.

  6. After a discussion on here about dupes for the MM LaFleur teardrop earrings, I picked up a cheap pair from Amazon. I love them! enough that I’d like to get a nice pair, in solid gold. Is that a thing that I should contact a jeweler to make? I have pretty limited experience buying jewelry, but am trying to move away from plate/vermeil.

    (this is the pair I bought on amazon: – ftr, the dainty size is part of what I like about them)

    1. Something about this look rang a bell for me. I think the originals were Elsa Peretti for Tiffany. Here they are in sterling- I don’t know if they came in gold.

      But yes, to get something made for you that you can’t find retail, visit a local jeweler with a “bench” – I’ve had my neighborhood jeweler make a number of things for me, and it’s fun knowing that I have something totally unique.

  7. Ok, fun vacation question. I’m taking a long weekend for my 30th with a close friend. We are looking at either Phoenix, Austin, or Houston due to the direct flights from the regional airports in our areas. Any preference for one of those three places, and why?

    1. Austin hands down. Houston is just not a vacation city. Great to live in, a bit boring to visit. Pheonix – the desert surroundings are beautiful but the city itself is small and kind of blah.

      1. What time of year? I adore my city (Houston) but don’t come here June to September.

      2. The next three weekends (ACLx2 then F1) in Austin will have very high lodging costs. Otherwise, it’s ALMOST a nice time of year to visit… b/c it’s bound to cool off eventually, right?

      3. Agree, there’s nothing that says vacation about a trip to Houston. Go on google streetview and check out the neighborhood you’d stay in – I bet you’d be disappointed.

  8. late in the day, but looking for recs for dinner near the capitol building, any other must-dos for a solo evening in Columbus!

    1. Elevator Brewery & Draught House or Wolf’s Ridge Brewing. I was just in Columbus a month ago, and I hit up those places and a Clippers game (AAA baseball). Unfortunately, baseball season is over, but you can get a great meal at either of those places. And if you’re not a beer drinker, don’t be scared off by “brewery.” These places are more upscale than what I typically think of when I think of a brewery.

  9. We’re upgrading to a king bed and need to get a new bed frame. I’m normally a huge fan of Wayfair, ikea, etc., but I’ve had creaky beds in the past and I want to make sure I get a quality piece. I’m looking at beds from West Elm, Cb2, Pottery Barn, etc. Any thoughts on whether these stores are indeed better quality, or if they are the same quality as lower stores just assembled and presented better?

    1. Don’t know about the ones you listed, but I’ve been very happy with the steel frame I got from Room and Board, so I’d add them to your list for consideration.

      1. Me too. I have the Architect bed from Room and Board (which I purchased on Craigslist for $300) and it’s amazing. I’ve purchased small items from West Elm and Crate and Barrel (an ottoman, side tables, nightstands) and while they’re great for those purposes, I don’t find them to have a great value for their price– and I know multiple people who have been disappointed with their West Elm or C&B couches.

    2. Never bought a bed from there, but I’ve been disappointed with West Elm quality for the prices they charge.

    3. We paid a little more and went with RH Modern (an all wood bed). It’s been 4 years and we’re really happy with it.

    4. I think it is hard for a platform bed without a box spring to creak. We’ve had an IKEA Mandal for 10+ years with no creaks.

    5. Not sure about quality, but I have found several couches from West Elm to be extremely uncomfortable. Definitely make sure you can try out the furniture before you buy!

    6. We also went with a RH cane bad. Had it for 3 years, and impressed with quality and look. PB quality is pretty bad.

    7. We just got a shockingly expensive new mattress and to offset that cost, we just got a new steel platform that is extremely strong. I use a bedskirt anyway (a ruffle-less bedskirt, I’ll have you know), so the frame is covered, but it still looks just fine and blends into the dark mattress.

      There is absolutely NO creaking, no shifting, this thing is solid as a rock. We are looking into getting a headboard that will attach. Overall, it’s significantly cheaper than buying an actual bed.

  10. I’ll be doing a lot of traveling soon and could use some book recommendations! Bonus points if its a book that helped you through a rough time. I’ve been going through a rough patch in my life and although I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, an inspirational/positive book would be nice about now.

    1. I just finished The Woodcutter by Reginald Hill. It is a revenge story – think modern Count of Monte Cristo. I enjoyed it very much. I wouldn’t describe it as inspirational/positive, but it was fun and exactly what I needed to take my mind off my troubles.

    2. Have you read Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed? It’s a collection of her Dear Sugar letters. If you like non-fiction, I would also highly recommend This Cold Heaven by Gretel Ehrlich – it’s about Greenland. It’s not exactly “inspirational” in the conventional sense, but I found reading about her experience to be incredibly affecting. Along similar lines, Far From the Tree by Andrew Sullivan is long but profoundly moving and might be a good choice for you at this time.

    3. I know some people may hate this recommendation, but I have gone back to read and reread Eat, Pray, Love about 10 times, each time I am going through a particularly tough period in life. It is not a book about prayer (the title really put me off before I read the book).

      If you’re going through grief, the Year of Magical Thinking is one that is a pretty cathartic read.

      If you just need to laugh, Where’d You Go, Bernadette? is one of my all-time favorite travel reads.

    4. I really enjoyed Trevor Noah’s memoir Born a Crime. Funny and heartfelt and really about how even though life can deal a shitty hand it’s all about survival and perspective.

  11. How do you deal with nose hair? I end up doing minor grooming with tweezers and it is a bit painful.

    1. Electric trimmers. Look for them with the men’s shavers. You’ll see there are certain attachments.

    2. There are nose hair “trimmers” for men at Bed Bath and Beyond and similar. It’s like a spinning small round coil and it’s painless. Just search for nose hair trimmers online (river site etc) and you’ll find dozens.

    3. Get a “nose hair trimmer”. They tend to be marketed to guys. Painless, and a good once-over every month or so does the job. Looks like a quarter-inch metal cylinder with notches, attached to a handle. I think panasonic makes one.

  12. I don’t typically get the flu shot but I’ve heard that it’s incredibly important to get it before TTC. If I’m planning to start TTC next summer, does that mean that I need to get the flu shot now, in October?

    1. I’m not really answering your specific question but, just get the flu shot, TTC or not. There’s really no reason not to.

      signed, I work in a hospital

      1. +1. They make it so easy these days – it’s free at almost any drugstore or grocery store with most insurances and takes 2 seconds. The pharmacist just does it.

      2. +1 Herd immunity is a real thing, even for the flu shot. Help protect the vulnerable people around you, visible (little babies, elderly) and not (those with allergy or immunity issues).

      3. Co-signed as someone about to give birth to a baby during flu season – anyone who is healthy helps the herd immunity by getting vaccinated, so that those who cannot (teeny tiny babies or immune compromised ppl, for instance) are more protected. Also, for your own sake – they do actually work, and the flu is miserable. Why not prevent?

        To your specific question, if you’re not planning to TTC until next summer, the flu shot now won’t matter for that kiddo (and your OB would just offer you one next flu season if you are pregnant).

      4. I have an egg allergy. The CDC recommends getting the flu shot anyway. I’m paranoid about getting it.

        1. I THINK they make flu shots specifically for those with egg allergies now. I’d start with Google for general education and then call your pharmacy to make sure they have it. I suspect any doctor’s office can get it if the pharmacies don’t keep it on hand.

        2. If you’re still reading my daughter has an egg allergy and has been fine getting the shot. What does your allergist say? If they say it’s okay it should be.

    2. I have no clue, but get the flu shot to help with herd immunity in your work/community etc. — there’s no down side.

    3. There’s no reason to get it before TTC. If you get pregnant your OB will want you to get it though. Pregnant women are extra vulnerable to the flu.

    4. So, my recollection is that you want to have had your flu shot while you are pregnant/have a new baby, because 1) you really don’t want the flu and 2) you don’t want to pass it to your baby. But there is some question as to whether you should get the flu shot during your first trimester – I believe there may be a theorized correlation with a slightly higher risk of miscarriage. However, depending on where the flu seasons fall compared to when you fall pregnant, you may need to wait until your second trimester. The flu shot for this year isn’t necessarily effective for next year’s flu (and I don’t know how long it’s effective in your body anyway). So get the flu shot this fall for this year’s flu season, and then if you’re lucky enough to be pregnant next flu season, take the recommendation of your doctor about when to get the next one (which I think will be after the first trimester passes, if my recollection is accurate).

      1. That stuff about the first trimester is outdated. I got it last year at 8 weeks, per my OB’s recommendation and the baby was very healthy (which I realize is just one data point, but I do think that research has been debunked).

    5. Are all your friends TTC/having babies too? They won’t let you meet their newborn unless you had a flu shot. (Plus you get them for other people who can’t, not for yourself).

    6. Well, yes, get the flu shot for all the reasons stated above. But no, if you get pregnant next summer or later, this fall’s flu shot will likely not be effective.

      Definitely get the flu shot next year when you are TTC or pregnant. Even though I’d gotten a flu shot, I had the flu while pregnant, and it was an absolutely miserable week.

    7. One very important vaccine for TTC is Rubella. Most people who grew up in the US have had two doses of MMR but some people only got one dose or no longer have antibodies.

      Talk to your doctor, but if you aren’t absolutely sure you are immune, ask for the Rubella vaccine long before TTC!

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