Workwear Hall of Fame: Lo & Sons Travel Tote
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The other week I was lucky enough to receive two bags from Lo & Sons for review — both the travel tote (“T.T.”) and their overnight/gym bag (the “O.G.”). I must say, I was really impressed with the design of these bags. Love the lightweight nylon that they're made of, as well as the leather straps — but the number of pockets and the intelligence with which they're laid out is something else. The T.T. bag, for example, has a laptop pocket, pockets for your technology, outside pockets that are subdivided, a nice long keyfob, and even a sleeve designed to let you attach the tote to your rolling bag — and I loved that it had a bright purple lining, which I think makes it so much easier when I'm digging in my bag. The overnight bag has a similar zippered sleeve (which can be used to attach to a rolling bag or just be used as an outside pocket), as well as a really big outside pocket that is the perfect size for a pair of shoes. Both are simple and black, too — something my husband will probably appreciate when I inevitably make him carry my bag. The T.T. is $260, and the O.G. is $295, both available at the Lo & Sons website.
Please note that all product reviews are subject to the Corporette Review Policy.
I can use this to CARRY my lunch AND my workout clotheing!
Kat – everything I’m posting is going into moderation. Am I the only one with this problem.
no — for some reason everything is going into moderation; i don’ t know why and it’s frustrating to me too (since i’m the one who has to approve it all). thank you guys for your patience.
I followed a link to their website recently and loved the bags based on their demonstrative videos. Is the TT nice enough for an everyday work bag? I’m starting as a first-year associate (NY BigLaw) in the fall and the sensible commuter inside me love the idea of a lightweight but large bag.
I’m an associate in biglaw, and seriously considering the TT as my next black tote. So my answer would be yes.
Re-posting here since my comment on the other thread seems to be stuck in moderation. I am in need of some quick advice.
I took a new job in October of last year. At the time, my boss, the head of the organization, was also hiring for another position that would be Chief of Staff for the org (my position is an entirely new one for the org and I have strategic but not many operational responsibilities.) After interviewing for a while, my boss decided not to hire someone for the Chief of Staff role.
Today my boss informed me that she is thinking about hiring someone for the Chief of Staff role but doesn’t want to jeopardize my role in the org since I am getting on so well here. I told my boss that I would not be bothered by this new hire since I accepted the job with the knowledge that she was hiring for this role. At heart though, I am a bit bummed about this because I was hoping to stay the next several years here and go to grad school at night, but now that doesn’t really seem like as good of an option since this new hire would really limit my ability to grow in the org.
My boss is going to be telling this potential new person whether or not they will be offered the position tomorrow morning. Should I raise any of my concerns about this change to her? Or should I just not say anything and accept that the totally awesome, completely ideal gig I had is now slightly less awesome and longterm but still really good. I have a great relationship with my boss and don’t want to look like I have sour grapes for something that was never promised me (ie, the idea that I could grow my responsibilities over time.)
I don’t think its a problem that the opportunity for growth was never promised – as am employer, I assume that people are motivated by that (or why would I want them working for me?) I don’t think you should be ashamed of it. If anything, you might worry that you’ve left the impression that aren’t interested in advancing. It was as a courtesy to you that your boss approached you.
What I do think is a possible problem is that you’ve already told her you had no concerns about adding the new position. But assuming you move quickly, I think you are good to say, “You know, I’ve been thinking about it and I have these questions……”
I wonder though about your statement that you had wanted to stay there and go back to school. That is not usually compatible with trying to grow your existing position into one that mgmt already thinks could require two people. It makes me wonder if you are not clear in your own mind about what you want.
Thanks for the reply!
What do you think the questions should be that I ask?
And, I believe that my boss knows how much I like my and how much I enjoy working on this subject matter. Its a great place and people often express how much everyone likes their colleagues, the work, etc so its actually fairly regularly that she and I turn to each other and talk about how lucky we are to be here. I have said openly that I want to stay here and be committed to the org but don’t think I ever clearly said that I would like to grow here. I guess I just assumed that it was assumed that I would want to grow over time.
I am most freaked out by this because my boss couldn’t really articulate what this new person would be doing. And during the course of the conversation she also said that she wanted to hire the person because she kinda felt bad for this person because of how others had been treating this person.
It’s really important to clearly define your role and the new person’s role. Before she comes on board, you need to have a sit down with your boss and discuss this, ideally getting a list of your respective duties in writing. After she comes on board, all three of you should have a sit down and discuss everyone’s role.
I don’t see why this limits your opportunities for growth. I assume there are other positions in the company besides your position and the chief of staff position. But since you don’t say what your current role is, it’s hard to determine how you could move around or move up.
This looks like a nice change of pace from the Longchamp Le Pliage bag, which I see at least a half dozen times a day. I’m sure it’s a lovely bag to own, but it feels like such a uniform item for young, professional women in DC that I’d be hesitant to buy one.
Is the OG bag too big for a work bag Kat? I really like that style better.
I think it would be a pretty big every day bag unless you’re lugging tons of papers to and from the office regularly.
Looks like a great travel bag, though!
I got the O.G. when they had their Mother’s Day sale and use it as my daily bag for work. It is big, but not obnoxiously so in my opinion. I like to be able to throw in my laptop, papers, book, workout clothes, and lunch without having to think about it.
Overall, love it!
Darn, I hate just missing out on a sale! I like the shape of the OG. Do you think a 14″ laptop would fit?
My 14″ Dell Latitude did NOT fit in the TT, but it fits with room to spare in the OG!
I love that there is a separate compartment for shoes.
My own threadjack:
how much following up after the interview is too much?
I am “in consideration” for 2 jobs – I had one interview May 20th with a larger firm with HQ out of state. I followed up on June 8th and was told the decision is still working its way through. I had another interview on June 1st with large local firm and was told hiring decisions require shareholder meetings.
How often can I request an update without appearing obnoxious?
Also, I have another interview on Tuesday – so lots of interest but lots of feet dragging. What is the etiquette/protocol for this?
I don’t have any advice, but I’ll tell you I was just in the exact same position. I think a lot of it has to do with it being summer, so the right people may be on vacation. Also, I think I remember that you are clerking, in which case you are treated like a lateral (like me). That also makes the hiring decisions much more complicated and take longer, apparently. So just know that you aren’t the only one and that it probably has nothing to do with you! Good luck!
If they’ve both told you that their process will take a while, I think waiting 3-4 weeks (4 weeks if you can stand it!) between follow-ups is best.
I came back from an interview and saw the job was re-posted the next day and figured I was out of the running. Then 4 weeks later they asked for my references to go on to next steps.
I had the same thing happen with the re posting after interview… I’m still waiting, and figured it was a bad sign, but glad to hear it might not always be. (My recruiter also said it wasn’t a bad sign.)
Nope! I got the “one more week…. one more week… two more weeks… one more week…” treatment for a month and a half and got the offer. I interviewed end Jan/early Feb and my first day was early May. Courage and patience!
Can anyone recommend a slightly larger tote bag for travel – this one would be perfect, but for my laptop being 17″. I have been struggling on my last couple of trips. I have a great weekender duffel bag that I carry on my shoulder, but my tote bag – carrying laptop, ipad, book, purse, and noise-cancelling headphones – isn’t quite up to the task. Any suggestions?
In the alternative – Kat, if you happen to see this – do you think a 17″ incher would fit in the laptop sleeve if it was just left unzipped?
Try a Lesportsac. They come in a bunch of sizes.
So exciting! I know one of the “Sons” behind this line and they are the sweetest family!
I love that OG bag. It looks perfect for my day or single overnight business trips.
Does anyone know whether those dimensions fit carry-on/ under the seat luggage restrictions?
yup both of them do! The T.T. is a bit smaller so it usually fits better under the seat. But both of them can be taken on the plane with a small carry-on suitcase.
PS. yes we are adorable =)
Derek, I adore you for answering, so I agree!
This looks like a fabulous bag, but I live in California and wold love something not black. Maybe a nice rich brown, or a deep red? Is a dark eggplant possible? I can guarantee at least one eager customer. :)
hoping that someone can help me out.
I am thinking of contacting a recruiter/headhunter to consider looking for a private sector job. I am a public/legal aid attorney currently. I have pretty much maxed out my experience here, and have developed a ton of trial skills, etc. I am a good people person and smart/intellectual.
I have NO clue how to go about doing this. I have a boss who is notorious for retaliating against folks who are looking to leave. I don’t want her to find out that I am planning on leaving until I am pretty sure that I have an option/exit strategy. Suggestions on how to contact recruiters? would they be interested in me?
For reference sake, I have a ton of family law experience in a large Texas city.
YOU have to be carful. Make sure to tell the headunter that you do NOT want your employer to KNOW you are looking for a job.
If you know people, it is always good to tell them you are looking to make a CHANGE, but NOT to tell anyone.
You also need to remeber that you will have very unpredectible hours. I have to stay @ work whenever the manageing partner needs me, and I have had to cancel on alot of dinners b/c of that.
Just want to share my good news here! I currently work in mid-law and interviewed for a lateral position at smaller law where I will have a lot more personal responsibility over my cases. I got and accepted an offer today. I will be making 5k less but still an excellent salary for small law in my area. They are matching my benefits and vacation time. I broke the news to my current firm today which was really scary but went well.
The only downside is my husband is unhappy with his job in a totally different field and has been looking for something else for about a year and come up dry. I know he is happy I found a more stable job that suits me better but at the same time I think he is bummed that it was so “easy” for me and hard for him. I’m hoping he comes around and is genuinely happy.
Thought I’d amuse you all. Today I received an email from Bluefly about new Wear-to-Work styles. I clicked through and first looked at dresses. Then I looked at skirts. I sorted both low-to-high.
The third skirt that appeared is described as a “black bondage zip mini skirt.” I can only assume that they meant that this would be appropriate work wear for standing on a corner.
Well that IS the world’s oldest profession!
Dominatrixes can make really good money.
Gosh! You mean that isn’t appropriate to wear to court? Who knew!
This skirt reminds me of a girl I saw today at work. She was wearing a black knee length gauzy skirt that was totally and completely see through- I could see her underwear and the design on them. I wanted to say something to her, but I thought better of it.
What’s sad is that she probably did that on purpose. For some reason see through maxi skirts are gaining popularity. Although every time I’ve seen one, the wearer was wearing bicycle shorts underneath.
Just went to buy the OG bag in the gold/lavender combo but they’re all sold out :(
I love this! Does anyone know if the TT would fit a 13″ laptop with a padded sleeve? It looks like adding the sleeve might make it just a bit too snug based on the website video, and sadly I’m accident-prone enough to need a protective sleeve both in and out of my tote bag.
Would be a little snug but depends on the laptop!
We offer free returns/exchanges, so you can always order it and see before you make a decision! (just as long as you return/exchange within 10 days of receiving your bag)
Thanks for the reply! The laptop is a Macbook Air, so it’s pretty tiny, but the case is for both the Air and regular 13″ Pros so it’s a little bit bigger than my laptop.
This will make a great post-bar exam present to myself–I just have to pick one of the two, because that shoe compartment on the O.G. is seriously tempting me over to it :)
PSA: Handbag sale at Bluefly today.