Deal Alert: Dillard’s New Year Sale (and a few others)
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Every year Dillard's has a great sale on New Year's Day… all of their clearance is an extra 50% off (prices as marked). (For example, pictured: Cole Haan Chelsea Patent Pumps, were $298 but now marked to $111.75 for colors ironstone, red tango, and cobalt.) A few other noteworthy sales, before I get to the Dillard's sale…
- Taryn Rose up to 60% off, and lots of styles for $20.13. A pretty great boot sale continues (lots of styles from Sofft, Naya, Rockport, and La Canadienne).
- The Limited: Sale starts at $6.99.
- Naturalizer: Take an extra 20% off their clearance for today only.
All right – back to the Dillard's sale! Tons of Antonio Melani stuff (which I've heard is Tahari clothes made just for Dillards), as well as a pretty great selection of Cole Haan shoes. Lots of great suit sales — there are entire Tahari pantsuits marked to $36! Lots of Hue tights for $4.05, too. Oh, and there's a pretty great selection of my favorite brand of sleepwear, Midnight by Carole Hochman (PJs and chemises). Most, but not everything, is final sale, so know your sizes. A few favorites, below (hover over the picture for pricing info)…
Shout out to Dillard’s. The salespeople in their shoe department are awesome. I now have my own shoe salesperson – she gave me her card and her cell so I can text her to see if she’s there. She sticks with me through a lot of trying on!
Not just the shoe department; when I needed a dress for my (super last minute) black tie event, I tried on upward of 50 dresses and the sales associate kept removing my discards so that my fitting room did not get too out of control.
Last night, a ‘friend’ told me she thought I hated her because she was told this by Person X. Person X is someone who I had a bad falling out with several years back because I found out she was saying nasty things about me that were not true. This friend and Person X are now good friends. I’d like to clear the air with the friend because I have never hated her and she was lied to by Person X. The friend was tipsy last night and probably does not remember our conversation. I dont want her thinking I hate her…. because I dont! I’m mot sure how to approach the issue- should I remind her of what she told me and then clear the air or should I let it go? She is not a close friend of mine but we have a similar group of friends. She is, however, a good friend of Person X.
I think you have to say something. Just say something casual and see how she responds?
Do clear the air with this person, I’ll call her “N”.
One caveat: N may or may not believe you, though, b.c. it sounds like N doesn’t have good judgment if she’s such great friends with someone like X who lies about past interactions to get allies.
Good luck! *Tea & sympathy*
New Year’s Resolutions, anyone?
My New Year’s Resolution is to never walk into a Sephora store for an entire year and see if that cuts my discretionary spending. (I do better online because I see the cost adding up before I get to the proverbial counter. I know that’s backwards from how a lot of people feel about online shopping but there it is.) I averaged the per month cost of my Sephora trips and that was absolutely embarrassing, like, burn the evidence embarrassing. I’ve managed to find drugstore dupes for a lot of things, but I really need to stop buying such expensive crap while I’m surviving on student loans. So: I need a replacement for the Make Up Forever HD Foundation. I love it, it’s awesome, it actually matches my skin tone (#117), but it costs $42 a bottle. I can’t do that without having a minor financial panic attack. SO: best long-wear, non-oily liquid foundation that has really light shades that I can find at the drugstore (or the low end of Ulta). GO! (And if someone has a good dupe for Nars Deep Throat too that’d be great…) I’ve checked dupe lists on google but a lot of the dupes have crappy reviews or aren’t sold stateside as far as I can tell.
I think foundation is worth spending on. I would just replace that and then focus on using up what you have. If you have been spending a lot you likely don’t need anything.
I’d say foundation is worth the splurge as well. Just stock up when you get % off.
As for the the other items, you probably have a ton of them and just aren’t using them to the fullest extent. I use all of my items until I’m at the bottom of the pan.
I used the wear Make-up Forever liquid foundation in 115, and I decided $40 for foundation was too much so I switched to Maybelline Fit Me liquid foundation in 115. It was a reasonable substitute at 15% of the cost.
I switched to Bare Escentuals a few months ago and it has done wonders for my skin. I like seriously full coverage foundation (obviously, or why would I spend the money on Make-up Forever?) and mineral make-up still provides great coverage. I feel like I’m doing something good for my skin and I get a LOT of compliments on my skin which feels amazing :)
I started wearing Cover Girl foundation after years of expensive makeup. I am happy with it
I’ve been traveling for the past week and haven’t been able to “keep up” with the readings on this site. Has anyone heard from the woman who had an MC and whose doctor said to let it all happen naturally? Is she ok? I’ve been thinking about her since I read her post (brought up a lot of memories for me). If the OP is reading this, I hope you are doing ok and that your doctor was able to perform the procedure so you can start the recovery process!!!!!
anonie, thanks so much for thinking of me. I’m doing ok. After having my levels tested again (they were already dropping) and knowing how early on the growth stopped, my doctor still recommended waiting for it to happen on its own. I asked him a million questions (partly based on your post!) and he completely understood the emotional aspect and was open to scheduling the D&C if I needed to just get it over with and move on. Either way, I had to wait until after Christmas to schedule anything, so I agonized over the decision and the wait and then ended up starting to miscarry on my own on Christmas. Perfect timing, right? I worked through the whole ordeal over the next few days (couldn’t really take time off without telling people, and I wasn’t ready to share), and the physical aspect was not bad – basically like a heavy period, which is what my doc had told me to expect. Ultimately, I’m glad I waited since I ended up with the same outcome without surgery. Going back to the doctor on Thursday to make sure my levels are back down to zero and everything has passed. Emotionally, I’ve been a wreck (and still am). Hoping 2013 will be a better year. Thanks so much for your thoughts and support.
I’m so glad it happened on its own within a reasonable time. And I hope even more that your levels go back down to zero in a short time. I know a few people who have had it drag on and it’s so frustrating and keeps you on that emotional roller coaster. I hope you feel okay physically and that you rebound quickly.
You’ve been so brave. Hope the next few weeks are not too hard and that you have lots of good things on the way in 2013.
I am so glad to hear that you are ok (physically). The non-physical part is much more difficult (at least it was for me)–good luck!!! It does eventually get better.
Anon, I am so sorry you had to go through this. Especially during the holidays. Unfortunately, a number of us are part of this sh*tty club, and we’re here for you if you need to cry/vent/whatever.
Thanks so much. This community has really helped me through this horrible situation. None of my family members who I have told have known what to say or do to help me feel better. Although they mean well, they have tried to make me feel better by essentially ignoring the whole thing (I think they think I don’t want to talk about it, so they chit chat about normal stuff hoping that they can help distract me), so it has been a very lonely experience. DH, although amazingly supportive in general, has reacted very logically and moved on once the miscarriage was confirmed. He is just waiting for me to get over it and does not fully understand how deeply this affected me. Its nice to know I’m not alone, and so so helpful to hear from others who have been through similar experiences.
FYI — link to Antonio Melani is broken (it looks like you might have pasted an email you were writing to your mom)…
Ok, my New Year’s resolution is to learn how to wear make-up. HALP.
Seriously. I was a tomboy growing up and never learned. I’m not in my mid-30’s and the natural look is not working any longer. Job-wise, it’s not a career-killer but looking better would help.
And yes, I have people in my life that I can ask without dying of embarrasement. And I have people in my life who’s style I admire. In this Venn Diagram, the circles do not overlap.
I don’t want to all of the sudden start wearing tons, hoping to ease into it gracefully.
Any ideas on where to go? Budget? What to start with?
Go to Sephora, get the $50 giftcard and the free makeover. They’ll teach you what you need to know…
Do you live in a big city, small city, suburb? Your options may vary, depending on your location.
If you’re starting from no makeup at all, you’ll want a consult with someone who isn’t going to do anything crazy like convince you that false eyelashes are good for everyday, or that you need to contour your face with multiple shades of base or powder. I think you want a good, basic lesson with advice on products you will happily use.
Depending on the brands available at your local department stores, a consult with a brand-specific rep might be what you need. If you can tell us what stores are near you without outing yourself, we may be able to give better suggestions.
I’m in St. Louis – we’ve got Sephora, M.A.C. and department stores – Nordstroms, Macys, etc. Do all the department stores have the same make-up counters?
I think Bobbi Brown or Laura Mercier would be good places for you to start. Nordstrom has both.
Ask Ellen when she rolls into town!
I haven’t done this myself but maybe try Nordstrom (either one). Ask for help from someone whose makeup you like. Explain your situation and see if they are receptive. If it doesn’t work, try someone else on your next Nordstrom visit. I’d stay away from Sephora sales people for this, they seem more makeup crazy and sale-focused to me, especially recently. Good luck!
Bobbi Brown and Laura Mercier are both very natural looking brands – they would be a great start. I’d say go to Nordstrom, they have the best customer service, very friendly and an amazing return policy if you decide later that a color doesn’t work on you.
Totally relate to this. It is very embarrassing for me to ask for assistance from my friends, who learned their make-up routine decades ago or even worse….. are those people you “hate” because they have perfect skin and don’t age and literally don’t have to wear make-up and they look beautiful. Why are so many of these women my friends…. ;)
So honestly I cannot bring myself to ask my friends. I’m not 13 anymore having sleep-overs…. it would not be fun for them. I will suggest a couple things, although I have not found a good solution for myself.
People will tell you to go to make-up counters at Nordstrom’s etc.. to get advice/teaching. That hasn’t worked for me. I walk away covered with make-up that rarely looks good and I cannot reproduce without 15 products. It is also hard to find someone who will immediately understand “you”, your skin issues, your needs for work/evening and can give you practical teaching while you are at the counter. But I am still planning to do this again, but this time NOT to talk to anyone younger then 40 and only a woman who has make-up that looks natural/my style. Bobbi Brown and Laura Mercier are names that have come up often for people like us…. often a little older, wanting to start conservative, emphasize good skin etc… Ask for samples, and go home and play with them.
I bought a book. Yup. “The Makeup Wakeup… Revitalizing your look at any age.” Got good reviews on Amazon. Definitely taught me some basics. Still way to much make-up for me, but I have to admit most of the woman/pictures look wonderfully natural and good…. but of course, they are old models/actresses and I will never look like them. They also suggest products at the end of each chapter, at a range or prices. Their recs have worked for me.
I have started to supplement occasional questions with YouTube videos.
I bought a basic set of make-up brushes on Amazon, that got good reviews and was well priced.
And I moved into make-up slowly, with just a few products. Start with a good/basic moisturizer with SPF15 or higher, and a little something for under the eyes. Even drugstore Olay regenerist line is a decent place to start, and you can use the same product under eyes (they go on sale a lot and can sometimes get at Costco).
Get a good haircut, and make sure your brows are in shape. If your brows need work, pay once for a pluck/teaching session at a local salon. It is amazing how a good cut and brow framing for your face can do much more for appearance then make-up. Amazing.
Start simple, and add things slowly over time. Concealer for under eyes, around nose, and problem areas is helpful. A touch of mascara. The tiniest amount of lip color (or even just a little vaseline). A little loose powder (I use a kind that minimizes my red skin tone). That can go a long way. Adding eye shadows (to play up the eyes – good as we get older) can be added later for fun.
The hardest for me is foundation…. I need it, but to use it daily seems like the biggest jump into “MAKEUP”. It just feels so unnatural and obvious. Try easing into it with a product like Bare Minerals (powdered) or a tinted moisturizer (these are popular lately). It is easy to get samples of these at make-up counters, and ask for lessons on applying it. Practice practice practice, and check the make-up color outside in natural light. It can look shockingly different then what they put on you in the unnatural Nordstrom’s lights…
There are many women out there that don’t wear make-up. But it is harder when you are in the professional working world, as I do think there is more pressure to be well put-together.
I still do wish I had the perfect friend to teach me though….
Oh – this. Thank you. I really appreciate this – this is exactly where I am coming from!
In any case, when you try things out, make sure you give yourself some time to try it out. A friend of mine got a makeover from a makeup artist who used this red lipstick on her. Initially my friend was excited and liked it, but after a while she realized it did not work for her (she probably still goes barefaced and natural).
I don’t wear much makeup and am still trying to figure out what works for the over40 crowd in terms of eyeliner (easy to apply to more delicate lids yet not too harsh looking a line).
“Essentials” are going to be different for everyone. I’ve never used under-eye concealer, though I have used some mineral makeup products to cover blemishes. I use a moisturizer, followed by sunscreen with at least 30spf, followed by a primer. That’s often it, for my face. Eyeliner on my top lid in gray, blue, or purple and some sort of lippy over my lip balm. For a while mascara was on my list of “musts”. I agree with folks who say a good hair cut/style is important. It can give you one less thing to have to think about when you are getting ready. ;-)
Very good advice about starting with a good haircut. I’d also throw in good glasses, if they are needed. The right frames will do more to make you look good than almost anything else. Not to mention less stress from seeing properly without squinting :-).
I totally empathize. I never experimented with makeup much as a teenager and didn’t have girlfriends I did that with. I’ve learned as I went along by reading and asking for advice. I’m lucky to have great skin but I’ve always worn makeup. Another wildcard is if you have sensitive skin or sensitive eyes. I have both so that limits my choices.
First – I’d suggest trying a BB cream or tinted moisturizer. If you’ve never worn foundation, you’ll feel like you’re wearing a mask with a heavier makeup. Go to Sephora (the ones inside JCP are better, in my experience) and have them give you some samples so you can try them for a little while before deciding. It may take more than one visit to find one that works for you.
I have added concealer in the past couple of years, mainly because I have dark circles as I’ve gotten older. Only use that if you need it. If you want to cover blemishes, you may want one specifically for that.
I use loose powder to “set” my makeup before adding eye makeup mainly because I live in the humid south. It was suggested to me by a salesperson at the Dillard’s MAC counter and once I tried it, I really liked it. I’ve also experimented with different brushes best for powder and I like the bigger fluffier ones.
I don’t use blush because I tend to go red if I’m too hot so I generally don’t need unless I’m looking really pale and drawn.
Eye makeup depends entirely on what looks right to you. Experiment. Try something fairly basic. There are lots of different types of eyeliners and what you like will be found by trial and error. Some people don’t use it at all. I have found that I like a basic (light brown) eye shadow applied with a somewhat fluffy brush.
I use lip liner, lipstick, and gloss, but if you’re new to it, you might feel like you look too “painted.” Try a tinted lipbalm (Carmex has peach and pink – you’ll have to figure out which looks best on you). Or something like MAC’s sheen supreme that is like a really creamy combination lipstick/gloss. I have that in a nude color that’s great for when I don’t feel like the whole routine.
Good luck! Honestly, my whole makeup routine takes less than 10 minutes. Other people do much more complex makeup but you have to do what feels comfortable and natural to you.
Ah – the loose powder will come in handy in the summers here.
Thank you for giving me baby steps. In the past, I’ve gone to stores, gotten completely overwhelmed and fled.
The BB cream advice is right on! It’s easy to use and IMO makes a big difference.
I use BB cream, concealer as needed (mostly under eyes), powder, and mascara. That’s it. If I feel like I’m looking wan or if I’m wearing black I might put on some blush.
Also ITA that a good haircut makes a huge difference. I live in a medium-sized city in the Midwest and notice a lot of women who look perfectly nice except they have really dated hairstyles with really harsh highlights. I would guess that a “tomboy” haircut is probably not doing either of those things, making an update less painful.
The blog You Look Fab has a really pared-down, menswear-friendly aesthetic that’s professional and attractive – might be fun to check it out.
In addition to knowing what products to use, knowing how to apply them makes a difference too. Sometimes you just need to practice application so that you can replicate it quickly in the morning. A couple of tricks picked up over the years: Can’t apply eyeliner in a thin steady line? Stabilize your elbow against the mirror and use a damp brush/dark shadow instead of liquid or pencil. Getting mascara under your brow? Hold a mirror in your palm and look down into it when apply your mascara instead of staring straight ahead into the wall mirror.
I also like Sephoras sampler packs for things like mascara. They used to sell deluxe sampler packs of 6 or so high end mascaras. It was good for trying out all those brands the beauty magazines tout and figure out what formula works for you.
Awesome question. I had a hard time finding the right balance of subtle professional makeup. For me, my routine takes maybe 5 minutes, aside from moisturizer and eye cream which I put on immediately post-shower. My essentials are:
1) A light brown eyeliner on the top lid (I think the one I have now is this one from Sephora in Golden Sand
2) A touch of mascara (I usually curl my lashes, but it’s not necessary). I use the Cover Girl waterproof one that a lot of c’ e t t e s have raved about on here, but when my budget allows, I splurge on Lancome Definicils. If your hair isn’t super dark, consider getting black-brown or brown mascara.
3) A bit of blush (right now I use this one on my super pale skin along the apples of my cheeks and cheekbones. I like a big fluffy brush, and the key is blending well — I find a cotton ball works better than a makeup sponge or brush for subtle blending.
4) Light overall application of mineral powder foundation (Bare Escentuals, Pur Minerals, or Neutrogena).
5) Vaseline or aquaphor on my lips. Or a light sheer gloss.
If I feel like putting in some extra effort, I’ll put on some concealer under my eyes, add some light neutral eyeshadow, or actual lipstick. Absolutely agree with the comments above on brow shaping making a big difference, too. If I were going to pick three essentials for low-key makeup, it would be mascara, blush, and a sheer color lip product.
You already have some great recommendations here, so I don’t have much to add to the makeup suggestions. One thing I wanted to mention though is that if you aren’t currently wearing makeup, your evening facewashing routine may need to change as well and your morning makeup application. Personally, I don’t wear makeup very often, mainly because while I have found a basic makeup routine that works for me, I struggle to find a skincare routine that balances getting the makeup off properly without overdrying my skin or overdrying and then feeling greasy with moisturizers. Personally I just wash my face with warm water and a washcloth when I’m going barefaced, but that doesn’t work when I’ve worn makeup. Hopefully you can find an evening routine and products that work for your skin to go along with your new makeup.
I have 1 pound to go!!! B Myrna is makeing me run in 10 minutes! My dad just left. He rearanged my apartement to make it deducteable! Yay! He pay’s alot so this is part of hi’s fiscal cliff. He say’s bieng MARRIED is not such a tax brake as much as it used to be but he STILL want’s me MARRIED b/c Rosa is married and he wants grandkid’s from me to! Yay, but I will NOT settel. He KNOWS that now. I told him about bad breathe EVAN and he says mabye I should sugest a dentist or buy him some LISTIRINE. FOOEY! I do not like stinky mouth, even if he is a CEO. FOOEY!
Myrna is calleing now! Happy new year to KAT and the hive!!! Yay!
Roberta thought I would like her son but he did not like me either. He wants a maid who will cook and clean up after him. FOOEY on that!
Myrna did not like him either!
I’m thinking about ordering a Jcrew bathing suit on final sale.
Anyone have experience with their halter tops? I’m worried the cups will be too small or wide spaced.
I would advise against that unless it’s really cheap and you don’t mind if it’s a bust. I have several J.Crew bathing suits, but the styles fit differently and I had to try on a lot (all in the same size) to find a style I liked/fit correctly. Although I am larger chested and need more support in a swimsuit top, so maybe this advice doesn’t apply if you’re not…
I’ve recently started to pay attention to fashion, and it’s a good thing because I’ve put on weight and no longer look good in pretty much anything I put on. But my family still thinks of me as fashion/social clueless. Fine by me, except my sister needs help and she won’t listen to me because of that rep.
10 years ago, I was going to borrow maternity pants from her, but they were all so tight in the calves I felt like I was wearing jodhpurs. She said she liked them because it made her feel like at least one part of her was thin. This Christmas, she showed up in black boots with a skinny 2.5″ heel, tight around her calves again, and a bright red jacket with big shiny buttons on her not-small top. My other sister and I agreed that she’s put on more weight than I, and the way she’s dressing makes her look like she’s put on even more.
What can I send her way to suggest she come up with alternate strategies for dealing with a top-heavy body?
It sounds like she’s apple shaped, so perhaps encouraging her to find out her body shape, ie. “Hey, I took this cool quiz and realized I’m a pear. The tips are really spot on, I can’t believe I was dressing for a completely different body for all those years. You should try it out!”
If you have any fashionable/reputable source that could be the middleman, that might work too. Anything from a salesperson with great style, a friend who you think dresses well, or even a fashion mag could work.
I think a lot of people like dressing to show off a particularly thin part of their body. But skintight isn’t always the best way to do this. The blogger Extra Petite had a great picture of her trying on a sparkly dress. The XS was skin tight, even though it technically “fit”. She then went up a size to a S and it was so much more flattering because it still showed off her figure without emphasizing every little contour. I’ll post the link below to avoid moderation.
Finally, another tip for her body shape would be to wear brighter colors on bottom (so she can definitely embrace the colored pants trend) with more subdued/looser fit tops. Again, not skin tight pants, but something that glides over her silhouette.
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