Tuesday’s Workwear Report: Martel Flutter-Sleeve Button-Front Blouse
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Our daily workwear reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices.
Alice + Olivia always has the best prints, and the orange floral situation here is making me so, so happy. If orange isn’t your thing, you could do these bright tulips or green palm leaves. Pair any of these with a breezy midi skirt for fun, summery business casual look, or layer under a blazer for something more formal.
The top is $295 at Neiman Marcus and comes in sizes XS-XL.
Sales of note for 2/14/25 (Happy Valentine's Day!):
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- M.M.LaFleur – Save up to 25% on select suiting, this weekend only
- Ann Taylor – Up to 40% off your full-price purchase — and extra 60% off sale
- Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + 15% off (readers love their suiting as well as their silky shirts like this one)
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 300+ styles $25 and up
- J.Crew – 40% of your purchase – prices as marked
- J.Crew Factory – 50% off entire site and storewide + extra 50% off clearance
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – Flash sale ending soon – markdowns starting from $15, extra 70% off all other markdowns (final sale)
I love this one.
I love as well, but not sure for the price! Eeek!
At least it’s actually silk and not polyester!
A&O is worth it, very well made stuff.
Went out for drinks with a colleague yesterday and it got super weird. He was complaining about how hard it is to be the sole income provider, how hard parenting was on his marriage, how sometimes he wishes he just said eff to all of this and was “screwing women in the city”, etc. I honestly had no idea what to say and it’s someone I interact with professionally regularly.
A lot of professional men are not doing well these days and it’s their own fault. A senior man at my office just got caught stealing food from the desk of a young female employee. He didn’t even apologize when he got caught red-handed. It’s hard for me to believe that people are like this.
If it’s possible, the situation you’re describing is even more inappropriate. I would keep my distance.
Sounds like he was looking for a sympathetic ear and was feeling you out about possibly becoming the “woman in the city” for him to have an affair with. Don’t agree to be alone with him again and if you have to be, direct him to marriage counseling if he tries to go down that road again. Do not make sympathetic noises at his “plight.”
Can you say more about professional men not doing well? Why do you think that is?
I work remote for an all women team so I have no context.
I would like to know too, because I’m surprised how many stories similar to this one I’m hearing lately (=successful men expressing regrets over being saddled with a family when they could have been freewheeling bachelors).
This is a pretty common male “midlife crisis” issue
Nothing makes my blood boil more than successful men complaining about their wives & kids. As if they’re responsible for their own success and it’s not because their wife takes on the emotional and invisible labour with dinner magically appearing every night. EFF those guys.
+1 million to the 11:42 poster. So rich for them to be complaining about the woman who enabled their success.
My friends and I are all noticing a lot of professional men with interpersonal problems at the office. They have boundary issues, mansplain like crazy, are defensive, struggle with basic societal niceties and norms, and more. My theory is that they resent the obvious success of the women in similar roles, but there are likely a lot of factors.
And yet their success is likely due to having a SAHW so they can concentrate on work and not juggle work, home, and kids. My dry cleaning doesn’t pick itself up and diapers done change themselves. Don’t even get time started on Forms for summer camp.
And you want me to have enough pity to warrant a fling with you. Hell to the no!
Any hope that companies will take a hard look at their bottom line and decide that employing overpaid mediocre white men isn’t a great business strategy? Too much to hope?
This thread is so weird and offensive. If you were to take a few random examples and claim a certain race or such was not doing well and lay this out, you would likely realize how gross this line of reasoning is.
Do I think men have it easier in the workplace? Yes. Absolutely. But that doesn’t mean it’s good to stoop to stereotyping. No one wins when you start playing that game.
The age-adjusted s**cide rate in 2021 was 14.04 per 100,000 individuals. The rate of s**cide is highest in middle-aged white men. In 2021, men d**d by s**cide 3.90x more than women. On average, there are 132 s**cides per day.
I think it is okay for women to warn each other about red flags that men do not mean well.
Anonymous at 1:09 – don’t know whether to say “found the mediocre man among us” or “thanks for showing up to represent the all-important ‘Not All Men’ contingent” – but it could be both, I guess?
+1 million, 1:09
Won’t somebody please think of the poor men!
We definitely have a Men’s Rights Advocate reading here as they always start talking about male suicide rates when other people start talking about holding bad men accountable for being terrible. Because privileged mediocre men, they just have it so rough, dontcha know?
The stuff about suicide is always baffling to me. Men have higher suicide rates because the methods they choose (firearms and hanging) are much more likely to be successful. Women are much more likely to cut themselves or take pills, both of which are way more survivable than firearms. It’s not a “men are more depressed than women” thing. The opposite is true, actually. Way more women attempt suicide.
Just got gossip from a friend at whose company a former colleague started a few months ago. I’ve always known him as entitled bro dude who coasted at our company as long as he could. Six months into the new job, he is on the verge of being fired, for failing at both subject matter work and his management duties, but he’s digging in, not taking direction, throwing blame at everyone around him, and apparently not seeing how obvious his bad performance is.
These men feel so entitled. It’s a very “what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine” attitude.
…stealing food?? from someone presumably junior to him?? That is INSANE.
Yup, went into her office on her WFH day and stole food from her desk. It wasn’t even a case of “mistaken lunch bag in the shared fridge.”
this sounds overblown to me unless there’s more to the story. Like a woman on my hall keeps a few bags of candy in her desk and it’s well known that anyone is welcome to grab a piece if they need a sugar hit, even if she’s not there.
Nope, it wasn’t a situation like that. This man crept into her office when she wasn’t there and jumped ten feet in the air when a third employee (who was in the same office at the rarely used hotdesk) surprised him. Trust me, we are all blown away by it at the office. It isn’t normal.
Funny how you think you know better what happened, Cat.
That’s very nice of your coworker, but if I were to make my snacks available in my absence, they would be ON my desk, not IN it. There is no reason for anybody to go rifling through someone else’s desk in a normal work environment.
ok whatever, the original post about the man sounded like tr-ll bait so I was skeptical.
Cat’s just here to look out for those misunderstood men!
He’s implicitly hitting on you. The first step of infidelity is complaining about your spouse. It allows for a justification of the affair. Stay away. When I got divorced, some married men tried this on me. I told them they should talk to their spouse, therapist or priest, but I was not the right person for the conversation.
Yup. I’ve unfortunately experienced this a few times. He’s trying to make you feel sorry for him and also make you feel that you wouldn’t be ruining his marriage by sleeping with him because it’s already effectively over. His wife almost certainly has no idea. Don’t fall for it.
+1. I made the mistake of being a “sympathetic ear” for a client who liked to complain about his marriage and how hard his life was. He was an important client but also just really, really good at making himself look like a sympathetic figure in need of friendship. Then he started sending me explicit text messages. Now, if married men I know (in a professional context or otherwise) start complaining to me about their marriage, I say “you should consider individual therapy and couples counseling” and change the subject.
This is an awesome idea — I love the idea of recommending double therapy.
yikes, I would also have been kind of stymied as to response – probably “huh that sounds tough” nod and smile. I wouldn’t socialize outside of work again bc that kind of complaining sounds like fishing around to see if you’re interested in being one of said women.
Yeah, he’s hitting on you.
Yup. Barf.
Ugh — why do guys think anyone would be remotely interested in someone flying the “I’m a cheater” flag (while also flying flags for “will owe alimony and child support” and “bitter with baggage” and “handles adult life stress poorly and whines about it” and “no boundaries”?!).
If all they want is random play (thanks, FB relationship option from college years), I think he’s being admirably upfront about it, lol.
Because some women fall for it. Being “the other woman” comes with such stigma, no one would sign up for that willingly. Yet people keep doing it. Why? Because the men are liars and manipulators. They make the woman think that his situation is different from all those cheaters, that’s not who he is at all!
I don’t think there’s anything admirable about a married guy hitting on a co-worker.
Because some women think that married men are pre-screened and already broken in. Some women get high on the lies they are being sold – I.e., believing they are so much more attractive and intriguing than that boring witch he’s married to.
Being married to this sort of guy would make me into a witch, perhaps, but so would giving up a career to care and feed for a man-child who resent me.
” Some women get high on the lies they are being sold – I.e., believing they are so much more attractive and intriguing than that boring witch he’s married to.”
Right, except in most cases the wife is a perfectly nice, attractive person. But she’s either not shiny and new enough any more, or she’s lived with him long enough to know all his little tricks and call him on his bullsh*t periodically, and so therefore it’s time to get some attention from woman who doesn’t know him well and can provide him an ego boost without any kind of uncomfortable reality-check following.
This. He’s fishing. Avoid. You don’t want the guy who deals with parenting and marriage challenges by trawling for a side piece.
My hot take: a lot of these men are not actually unhappy; they’re just bored.
The men I have seen who engage in this type of behavior are the spoiled, entitled guys who have had most things in life handed to them on a silver platter. They come from a privileged home where Mommy and Daddy catered to their whims and made sure everything was comfortable and they never had to try too hard to get anything they wanted. Despite what they may say about their life, they haven’t had to work hard for much. So nothing is ever enough; they don’t really appreciate what they have because they’ve never had to work for it; they’ve never been told that constantly looking over the horizon for the next new shiny thing isn’t a great way to live their lives.
But – and this is key – they don’t really want to jettison their current comfortable situation where Wifey does 90% of the childcare and 99% of running the household and makes sure his shirts are cleaned and his doctor’s appointments are made. If he leaves his marriage, he might actually have to grow up and do some things for himself. And he’d have to do solo childcare on the weekends, until he can manage to pull a slow fade out of the lives of his own children. But he’s still bored. So: he hits on the attractive coworker/vendor/client hoping to spice things up a little bit – and has no problem making all the promises in the world to that person about I’m so in love, You’re the Only Person Who Understands Me, I’m gonna leave my wife, etc. to distract himself from the crippling ennui of mediocre middle-class existence. And yes – women absolutely fall for it. All the time.
Also they often target younger women, who may not have that much experience yet. It’s funny the thread was suggesting there’s something currently wrong with men. This has been the cheaters playbook since the 1950s at least :)
Exactly, JD. In the 1950s, the women they were hitting on were their secretaries. Now it’s their colleagues. But the basic playbook is the same.
If divorced, this guy would go from parenting 0% of the time to 50% and in a white-knuckle panic that he won’t make it to daycare before they call Child Protective Services on him, while only keeping 50% of his assets and income and 401K.
TLDR: dude ain’t never getting divorced (on his own volition); he’s just looking for a side piece.
Agreed. I’ve found an exaggerated raised eyebrow and stiff, formal body language to give the “no way” signal without having to make things even more awkward. And the not hanging out again — sorry he did this. It’s gross.
Agree that she’s fishing here. But also, if he’s not? also gross!
“Wow John that’s inappropriate I’m going to get going.” He’s hitting on you.
He was hitting on you. This is a tale as old as time. “My wife doesn’t understand me.”
Totally agree he’s probably hitting on her, and I like the suggested responses if it was a random dude in a bar, but if they have to keep interacting (which is probable because even if we recognize the international fishing flags, he hasn’t actually crossed a line), I think a response along the lines of “oh I’m so sorry to hear that, must be hard foe you” followed by a quick exit “look at the time, gotta go” is a better way to handle it.
He might be fishing for companionship, but he also could be stressed and venting. Parenting *is* hard on marriages, money stress is real for lots of people, and I’d be lying if I said I never thought about running off to join the circus while my (beloved) spouse and (beloved) kids wander around trying to figure out what happened to the Clean Sock Fairy.
But I suspect you’d vent to your spouse and work it out. Not to your attractive coworker over drinks. I mean, he could have used that time to get drinks with his wife instead.
Possibly, but I tend to vent to my friends, not my spouse. Some of the arguments we have are basically the same ones we’ve been having our whole marriage. If one of my co-workers did this, I probably wouldn’t go out for drinks with him for a while, but I wouldn’t read too much into it.
I agree with this take.
He specifically brought up “screwing” other women for a reason. If it was just venting about parenting, he would not bring that up.
I vent with coworkers, male and female, about parenting. We never bring up wanting to cheat on our spouses!
“I vent with coworkers, male and female, about parenting. We never bring up wanting to cheat on our spouses!”
Exactly! Bringing up having sex with other women with his colleague who isn’t bestie-best friends with him was clearly an attempt to provoke a reaction – I’m sure he was hoping she’d get intrigued (because that’s how clueless men think: all I have to do is mention sex to this attractive woman, and she will want to have sex with me).
The only person I would ever talk to about a desire to cheat on my spouse is my dearest, oldest, best friend in the world – and I know she would go hard to talk me out of it. As she should. Mentioning extramarital sex to a work acquaintance is, at best, crossing over a line that shouldn’t be crossed. At minimum.
How do you know OP is attractive?
The one I used to regularly get was “I wanted my wife to stay home with the kids but now all she talks about are the kids.”
I feel like every man with a SAHM wife in my office was on the prowl at some point. It’s gross.
Okay, same experience. The married guys with working wives are not nearly as “on the prowl” as the men whose wives stay home. I don’t know whether their wife working forces men to see their wives on more egalitarian terms, or if there’s something else going on there, but I’ve noticed this in multiple workplaces. The dudes who brag about being the breadwinner and how their wife is a great mom because she stays home are the same guys staying late at the office happy hour to hit on the youngest, most naive female employees.
My hypothesis is that the married guys with working wives realize (consciously or subconciously) that their working wife has a lot more financial agency. I’ve known SAHMs who have initiated divorces, but it can be a real bleak financial picture if you haven’t been in the job market for a while. I’m sure there are scenarios where I wouldn’t divorce over infidelity, but I could support myself and the kids (more or less) if I took the plunge.
I think the type of man more likely to cheat is also the type of man more likely to want and attract a woman who will be a SAHM.
I have a ton of gap points to redeem, and am not sure what to go for. They can be redeemed at gap, BR, Athleta or ON. I’m 40, still trying to lose lockdown weight, work in a smart casual office, am put together at weekends, like running and yoga in my free time. I have a teenager and already redeemed points on outfits for her 😊. Preference for navy/green/black/pink/white, size 8. I could get about 5 full outfits plus a coat (it’s a ton of points as we just did a reno and it all went on my card). What’s the advice from the hive?
BRF has a ton of cute work clothes right now (many of which could do double duty on the weekends). I just bought several pieces
Also currently drooling over BRF’s selection – if Gap points can be redeemed there, I’d go for that!
What’s BRF? Is that Banana Republic?
Banana Republic Factory, yes!
I have this in Portobello and love it. I’m a size 6 and got the xs/s; you probably could too.
I even want the white and navy now.
The pink Barbie jean jacket at Gap is actually super cute in person.
I don’t have specifics, but I work in a smart casual office and am a regular gym-goer (age: 42) and man do I love Athleta — especially for jumpsuits, they can’t be beat! Throw a topper/soft jacket over for work or keep it casual for the weekend. I would also consider Old Navy denim. I’ve tried higher end stuff and always find myself coming back to their jeans.
Athleta. Since their pricepoint is higher, fewer sales. Get nicer workout/yoga/work from home wear.
but are the points actually worthwhile? when i’ve looked at them in the past they were basically just as good as the frequent deals on site. (although i guess that’s another vote for athleta – just bought more of their sweatshirts. love.)
The point are just dollars. So e.g., you have 100 points, it’s like 100$ to spend on this ga at Gap brands.
I’m considering buy a reel lawn mower. We have a tiny bit of grass that needs to be cut every few weeks. Right now we use a mow, blow, and go service and a reel lawn mower is cheap and looks easy to use. Of course I will also have to rake the leaves in the fall myself if I go this route. Am I missing anything here?
How tiny is your bit of grass? Are there a lot of trees, and how big is the property total – some municipalities require you to bag the leaves instead of just leaving at the curb, which seems like a huge hassle to do yourself. Otherwise, if you don’t mind a bit of work (and the exercise involved), sounds good to me!
Good news is we do not have to bag the grass clippings. I expect it would take me less than 20 minutes to mow the yard and I’d have to do it twice a month. There are no trees in the area where there is gass so it would just be walking across the grass a few times. But there are a lot of trees. I think the biggest downside would be raking in the fall.
I’ve never actually mowed a yard because my brother did it when we were kids and this is my first house. The reel mower looks easy to use though.
Your grass is likely to get too long for a reel mower to be effective if you try to stretch it to two weeks between sessions, unless it is particularly slow growing. Think more like every 4-5 days. Definitely needs to be more frequent than with a non-reel mower.
This right here. If you can commit to staying on top of it, then it can work – and look really, really nice. If it gets even the tiniest bit too long for the reel mower to handle, you’ll either need to call in the service or knock it down with a weedwhacker, which will give it a bit of a motheaten look until you can even it back out with the reel mower.
This is really helpful information. I didn’t know this. Thank you!
The biggest challenges with a reel mower are if the area is too large to mow frequently in its entirety, the ground is very lumpy, and the lawn is full of tough, straggly stems.
A small area of smooth ground covered in somewhat civilized grass is a perfect candidate for a reel mower. A lumpy, bumpy, quarter acre of overgrown weeds is not. You also need to be willing to mow regularly, because if the grass gets too tall it flops over and doesn’t catch in the blades (a reel mower won’t pull long grass upright the way a spinny-blade mower does).
Yep. I thought we had a tiny piece of land suitable for one, and it was not. It provides no wiggle room for rocks, bumps, lumps, branches, or tall grass (!).
Can’t you just hire someone to rake the leaves in the fall? Dh mows our lawn himself and we hire a crew to rake and bag in the fall. I’m not understanding why mowing yourself means raking yourself.
You’re missing your time and energy. And storing that sucker. Sometimes convenience is worth paying for.
We had one in my last place (urban 3-flat). They are completely fine for a small patch of grass. We only had grass in the front yard. It was easy, a 20-30 minute exercise. Can’t let the grass get really tall or it won’t work. Plus, I had to go over things 2x occasionally. I would totally recommend it for small jobs.
Additionally, we raked in the fall and tended a small garden. Took minimal time, was easy, and provided a small sense of accomplishment.
Recommend! Worst case, you have a shaggy yard summer and go back to the service next year.
You might consider a robot mower. I don’t have any experience but when we were house hunting one house came with one that was pretty intriguing.
What? These exist?!
If you don’t want to commit to the frequent mowing a reel mower requires, consider a battery-powered mower. Ours tips up for storage and takes up very little room. It is so much easier to deal with than a gas mower and is easier to sharpen than a reel mower.
Thanks for this tip. I’ll check them out as well.
Yes! I just finished mowing my small front yard with our battery mower in 20 mins! It’s so convenient. I’ve used a reel mower as well, but like others said, they’re only good when your grass is pretty uniform and not very tall. My lawn is 85% weeds that are too tough for the reel mower.
My battery powered mower also isn’t horrifically loud.
This – love my cordless electric for my postage stamp city lawn. I had a reel mower for a while and it didn’t work well if there were any bumps or if the grass was too long or wet. I charge it maybe once every year, mowing for like ten minutes every other week.
My husband is the resident lawn mower. He will not stop talking about how much he loves the battery powered lawn mower. Haha
I love my battery powered mower. It’s easy, it does a good job, and it’s so quiet you can have a conversation with someone at a normal conversational volume.
I would consider a self propelled electric mower for a small space. They are quiet and don’t require much to maintain. Literally you charge a battery.
If it’s a really small space, then an electric strong trimmer.
I had one for a very small lawn and found it easy. But when I was looking for things to offload while I was WFT and also a carer I hired a landscaper to take care of the chore. He used a weed whacker, and still does!
Oh my husband had one in our last house. He loved it. We bought it because he was working crazy hours and we didn’t want to bug the neighbors with noise if he wanted to mow in the early morning or evening . Another neighbor asked to borrow it and bought one too.
Is it true that Trump doesn’t have a lawyer to represent him yet on the case in Florida?
Apparently he needs one licensed in Florida. I can’t imagine they have to have security clearance too, but maybe?
Will he appointed one today, if he doesn’t bring one qualified?
To get a court-appointed lawyer he’d have to admit he isn’t actually rich.
He’s being represented by the former SG of Florida. He just didn’t find any new lawyers to join the team.
Maybe he’ll represent himself! That would be amazing.
Otherwise, a short list of lawyers with security clearance who might have some free time:
– Barack Obama
– Hilary Clinton
– Chris Christie
This comment made me snort. Thank you!
HRC might have recommended putting all that on e-mails on a private server instead. 10/10 would recommend.
Lol, I read this as “private island”. Which also would have been better than what he actually did.
Would Chris Christie really have security clearance? Do governors of New Jersey need to know national intelligence?
(Also, sorry, I know that was not the point of your very clever comment :) )
He used to be the US attorney for NJ.
does anyone have an amazing tuna recipe? i always make it the same and thought i’d try to find a few new ways. trying to eat more fish in general.
Assuming you mean a new spin on canned tuna, I love the Budget Bytes tuna salads! Will reply with links.
I love the frozen Trader Joe’s tuna steaks. I defrost, marinate and sear.
I like marinating in teriyaki and making a slaw based salad as a side.
I use the tuna packed in olive oil and then just a little less of the olive oil called for. And the green olive paste is a must. It’s great cold for lunch the day after making it.
I’ve shared this salad here before, but I still eat it weekly:
Tuna (I prefer drained oil canned tuna but water canned tuna works)
Chopped fresh red, orange, and/or yellow bell pepper
Olive oil
Lemon (I use the plain True Lemon crystals but lemon juice works)
Kalamata olives
Red wine vinegar (or a fancier vinegar if you have one)
Romaine lettuce
We also eat a lot of tuna cheese melt sandwiches.
I usually make pasta putanesca with sardines, but tuna works too. I would use garlic, cayenne, tomato paste, tuna, olives, capers, and plenty of olive oil and finishing salt.
These tuna cakes are surprisingly good. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/crispy-tuna-patties-barely-need-a-recipe/ar-AA18wLXt?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=9668b9371ad74a57b0a17da8bc7f13ee&ei=107
Okay, this is going to sound weird, but stick with me. I’ve recently been combining a can of tuna with either sauerkraut (I found a dill one I really like at WF) or kimchi from my local Korean market. Something about the fermenty, vinegary taste with the tuna is very appealing to me. I will sometimes put in a bit of corn as well just for some crunch. If I use kimchi, I chop it a bit so that it mixes well, but when I use sauerkraut, I just scoop it in. Probably 1/2 cup for a can of tuna. Then I either eat on crackers or on a salad. Sometimes I mix this concoction with rice, but that might be a bridge too far for some.
ooh, that sounds really good actually!
Oh, yes, I totally believe that would work great. Love the idea of mixing it with rice. Delicious.
My classic tuna is a simple blend with salt/pepper/mayo/honey mustard, on an open faced sandwich with bread&butter pickles on top! And when I was a child, I added a layer of crunchy potato chips on top of that! As an adult, potato chips don’t last long enough to save them for things like sandwiches…
If you’re talking about tuna salad, I think most people under-salt it. More salt and a bit of lemon juice will bring out the flavor. I like either diced celery or diced pickle in it, dukes or best foods/Hellman’s Mayo, a dab of grainy mustard, the aforementioned salt and lemon juice, ground black pepper, and fresh dill or parsley. If you’re not sensitive to onion, a minced shallot is great (which you can soak in ice water to take some of the bite out.)
Make sure the tuna is well drained. I don’t try to drain it from the can, I use a mesh sieve and break it up with a fork to get all the water out.
All of the above. Chopped roast red pepper and/or preserved lemons can be good additions to tuna salad too.
For canned tuna, I love the Eric Kim recipe from NYT – mix in 2 T mayo (kewpie if you can), 1 t sesame oil, 1/2 t soy sauce. Over rice with furikake … yummy!!!
My family is considering a vacation to Jordan next March and I just realized it will fall during Ramadan. Trying to think about what that could mean in terms of things being open/available, but more concerned about whether it’s appropriate to be a tourist during a time of fasting, contemplation, and religious significance. Any thoughts?
I was in Kosovo during Ramadan several years ago and I do recall it being hard to find places to eat lunch.
Obviously the cultures of Kosovo and Jordan are quite different, but that’s my only experience of being in a Muslim country during Ramadan.
We visited Egypt during Ramadan years ago and had no trouble with tourist s-tes being open, in fact it was easier bc frankly a lot of the guards were just sleeping in chairs, but a lot of lunch places were closed so that required some advance planning.
So long as you’re respectful and pay attention to local norms everything will be fine, but that’s true literally everywhere.
I was in Jordan during Ramadan ~10 years ago and had an amazing time, but I was also willing to adjust my schedule & internal clock. IME everyone was welcoming and excited to meet visitors, and people were incredibly generous *especially* during Ramadan. Tourism doesn’t stop for Ramadan — I recall seeing a lot of folks from the Gulf who came up for the start of Ramadan and/or for Eid.
You should expect to not eat in public while others are fasting (including drinking water, chewing gum, smoking, etc). There are restaurants that stay open for lunch, they just cover the street-facing windows and don’t have outdoor seating unless it is a private patio; typically these are either run by Christian families or are primarily tourist focused. You’ll have a smaller number of lunch options but the iftar/after sunset specials will be incredible.
Not sure if you’re planning to stay in Amman primarily, but I would also recommend Madaba, which has amazing mosaics and is ~40% Christian. If you want to go to prime tourist sites (Petra, the Dead Sea, etc), I would recommend looking for one of the fancy Swiss-run hotels (there is a chain but I can’t remember what it is right now), which will have private spaces fully geared towards western non Muslim tourists.
I say go and have an amazing time! If circumstances aligned I would go back in a heartbeat.
+1 When we lived in Jordan as expats, Ramadan was another season to experience. Tourism never stops, and March-April is some of the best weather. It is respectful not to eat/drink too obviously in public. But that’s not difficult. And yes, the moevenpick is a treat on the Dead Sea.
I think you are referring to the Movenpick chain of hotels (plus, by the way, EXCELLENT line of ice cream, including the maple walnut flavor, yum!)
I have a migraine this morning which honestly, not surprising.
someone tried to do an end run around my office and needless to say, if they’d done it the right way, we’d all have a lot of free time now.
new job fairy COME ON
AND they’ve been lying about it since I found out and they are a TeRRIBLE liar
This kind of vague booking is annoying.
they started a project that has approximately 4737573 pages of regulatory docs needed while we were in the middle of a staffing shortage, did everything wrong, and they’re still lying about it so I can’t fix things
You’re still vaguebooking….
TBF I say this sort of stuff when I just need to vent but can’t spill details bc of work restrictions.
OP: I feel you, & I hope that fairy comes along soon.
I mean, fine for your diary, but this ain’t that
yeah basically.
thanks, nom.
We found E L L 3 N…
oh God no
So — JPM’s CEO was interviewed re Jeffrey Epstein. Jes Staley was deposed over the weekend. Monday’s news: JPM is now going to cut a 250M check to the Epstein class of victims. HOW BAD must that deposition gone for JPM to immediately settle? And didn’t JPM know about this all already (surely they diligenced their own data and didn’t rely on new surprises to come forward now). How badly do things look, really, on the inside? I’ve read the WSJ articles on this a bit here and there but the timing of this makes me wonder how stomach-turning it all is. That kind of money doesn’t get kept in mayonaisse jars and I know enough about KYC rules to just feel like how did they not know???
Yes, stomach-turning is probably an understatement. Somebody always knows, don’t they? It’s just that they want to keep protecting the perpetrator until the end of time, and blame the victims for simply existing.
speaking of Trader Joe’s, I get to make a rare run later this week – any new things I should definitely pick up?
DH has started adding the cheesy seasoning blend to everything and loves it. He also loves cheese.
I have been buying the hearts of palm noodles and rice, which I like. I prefer the rice to the noodles. With the rice, I mix it with one of the packages of Madras lentils, heat in the microwave, and eat for lunch.
I also love the dolmas in a can called vine leaves stuffed with rice. Not the ones with quinoa, which I don’t like at all.
They have many different varieties of ravioli and I like all the ones I’ve tried.
My recent obsession is the chili crunch oil (I think that’s what it’s called). They’ve got a jalapeño one as well.
what do you do with the chili crunch oil? we have something similar from Fly by Jing (i think? it was an xmas present) and have no idea what to do wtih it
I like the Fly by Jing even better. Start by serving it on some simply cooked fish or chicken breast and go from there.
I basically put it on everything. I’m the poster above who eats kimchi + tuna, and I’ll put it on top of that. I also put it on pasta, avocado toast, eggs, tacos. It works on anything you’d put hot sauce on!
Not Anon at 11:48, but I put it on avocado toast, sandwiches, and mix it into peanut sauce to put on veggies or noodles.
If they still have the frozen tres leches cake it’s AMAZING, and a great dessert to bring to a party, if you fancy it up with some fresh sliced strawberries. It’s a little on the small side so if you’re going to take it someplace to share, you might want to get two.
My go-to WFH lunch item item is the frozen vegetable fried rice – I make that for lunch about 2x a week, adding an egg, some low-sodium soy sauce, a pat of butter, some chopped kimchi and some sriracha. It’s ready in about 10 minutes and only takes one pan. I don’t recommend the TJ’s kimchi though; it’s flavorless.
They are finally stocking CosmicCrisp apples in my TJ’s. That alone makes it worth a trip to me.
a few months ago I discovered crunchy mochi bites. I prefer the bland ones over the chili flavor ones.
If they still have the meyer lemon cake mix stock up. The lemon elderberry soda is good too.
Elderflower. Lemon and elderflower.
As I am trying to eat a bit healthier and deal with all my perimenopausal issues, I now stock up on their frozen, shelled edemame (soybeans). It is great keeping a bunch of bags in the freezer. I constantly have a bag thawing in the fridge. I eat some nearly everyday, as a protein boost with lunch or a snack in the afternoon. Just plain with salt.
This particular brand thaws really well and the texture is great.
This reminds me that I used to live on these! They are so good.
The big pastry danish type thing from Racine WI. Not new but a very special treat from our also infrequent trips to TJ’s.
Kringle! Someone gives us one of these every year for Christmas (though not from trader joes) and they are delicious.
Kringles! If you, like me, despair of ever living near a Trader Joe’s and also like to bake, Shauna Sever’s wonderful cookbook Midwest Made has a copycat recipe. #notspon
Omg kringels are THE BEST
Any recommendations for a short-sleeved Breton stripe shirt that is all cotton? The only ones I can find are crewneck or boatneck, neither of which flatter me, and I’d be most interested in scoopneck. I’d love to find one that’s a nice semi-fitted, decent weight cotton.
LL Bean?
I kind of feel that once you change the neckline and the sleeve length, you are no longer in Breton territory.
https://www.loft.com/clothing/tops/catl000011/613479.html?dwvar_613479_color=3260&dwvar_613479_size=600¤cy=USD&country=US (not 100% cotton, but not bad)
Here’s one from LL Bean:
Unfortunately the fabric on the shirt is not good. It says cotton but it feels really cheap.
Fwiw, I have their version and found it disappointing, it shrank in the wash and the fabric wrinkled like crazy.
if you’re just looking for a stripe, caslon often has one that’s scoopnecked, shortsleeved, and all cotton, in both black on white and navy on white.
Not Breton but I got a really nice short sleeved striped v-neck tee in 100% from Old Navy of all places. It’s my favorite t-shirt right now.
I have a 3/4 sleeve one from ON a few years ago – it’s a bit transparent because I’ve worn it so much, but it’s awesome.
Petit bateau.
Saint James
Credit card dispute question. I have a gym membership that charges my cc every 30 days. Recently they unilaterally charged me a few days early, because of some new corporate policy, without informing me. It caused a minor inconvenience, but mostly it left a very bad taste in my mouth. I cancelled, but they still charged me for an additional month. I think their contractual fine print may allow them to do all of this, but I feel incredibly ripped off. Would I be in the wrong to dispute those 2 charges with my credit card company?
Nope, I’d dispute it.
IMHO yes, if the gym complied with their own policy. CC disputes are for things like – the gym closed but still charged you. Changing your billing date by a few days isn’t something that would cause me to even blink…
+1. I am not sure on what basis you could really dispute this.
+1. If the contract allows it, you were not ripped off.
If the fine print of your contact allows them to do this, you’re probably not going to win a credit card dispute. I also don’t see what the big deal is about charging you a few days early, although I agree it is odd. Having to pay for an additional month after you give notice of cancellation is pretty standard for things like gym memberships though.
I’d call the gym and try to get a refund before submitting a chargeback with the bank. Usually when you submit a dispute, you have to check a box or something that says you attempted to resolve the issue.
It’s fascinating to me the things people here will try to do credit card disputes over.
I think it’s because many credit card companies are too generous to the customer.
+1 this is just OP not reading the fine print of the contract OP signed and not timing things properly. This is not a dispute of a fraudulent charge!
The house next to mine was recently flipped and sold. I’m so excited to finally have real neighbors again, and not constant construction. However I have a bit of a social conundrum, do I warn my new neighbors about the corners the flippers cut? For example there’s an active birds nest in the soffit, certain appliances aren’t properly vented, etc. I want the best for my new neighbors, but I know it could be considered ‘rude’ to tell them what’s wrong with their new house.
I don’t think they will be interested in hearing about all of the things you believe are wrong with their house. At least I wouldn’t be. Hopefully they had a home inspection performed before buying.
No inspection as we’re in a hot market where offers are made without conditions.
A lot of the issues (aside from the birds) isn’t stuff I ‘believe’ is wrong, it’s objectively against code.
How do you know the venting is against code, though? Wouldn’t that mean that you’ve gone inside, looked at the appliances and vents and performed measurements, etc.? Unless you’re the contractor who made the alleged mistakes, I’m not putting together how you know these things for a fact.
Right?! I, too, want to know how you know this, exactly. I’m finding this annoying and it isn’t even my house!
It’s the sister house to mine, and I’ve been in it probably 10 times during the flip process because the flippers would have questions for me about the eccentricities of the house since it’s 120 y/o. However I’ve gotten the message, I’m not to say anything to the buyers!
Unless they’ve told you they didn’t inspect you don’t know. We’re also in a hot market and people still get inspections – you may not walk away from the house but you know where you stand.
Source – under contract in a hot market (multiple offers over list) and we got an inspection.
Then that was a very bad move and it’s on them. Never waive an inspection (unless you/your family has some sort of expertise and did a soft inspection). I bought and sold houses last year in a crazy hot Northeast market and had an inspection, as did our buyers.
Surely they had an inspection that would tell them these things. Idk if I would mention it… Curious how you know things may not be vented properly?
Our neighbours did a “hey, these houses are a bit weird, here’s some things you should know… and here’s the reputable plumber/electrician” and we really appreciated it. But they left it to the professionals to break the news that the wiring was dodgy…
This seems like a really nice approach to take (as if it’s a neighborhood issue).
I would absolutely love recommendations for contractors, that’s a really kind way to introduce yourself to the neighbors!
My standard welcome to the neighborhood gift is fruit, a box of tea, and a list of reputable vendors – lawn service, electrician, plumber, and HVAC. I agree with the poster who said give them a list of service providers and let the professionals break the bad news.
I would never tell my new neighbors that I didn’t think their house was done well.
If you can see an active bird’s nest in the soffit, I might mention that maybe as a point of interest, but I wouldn’t blame it on the contractors or anything like that. And how do you know whether the appliances are properly vented? I would assume they had an inspection and everything came out to their satisfaction.
Seems like inspections miss a lot?
Maybe, but I guess I trusted my inspector more than busy body neighbors?
My house is a flip that was done really well. My inspector found a few issues we got fixed, and we’ve had no additional problems for 5 years. Not all flips are shoddy.
I have family who flip houses, and I agree it can be done more or less ethically. But there are also people who brag about shortcuts or DIYers who explain them in detail and show them to (horrified) guests.
I liked the idea to recommend contractors for common issues without specifically telling any stories about the work that was done. My sellers pointed out some things to me themselves and shared a list of people they recommended, and I really appreciated it.
Bring over a pie, gush about how pretty the house looks and try to make friends. If you tell them you watched renovations closely enough to notice this stuff they might feel like you’ll be watching them that closely too. I’m sure you’re not but they don’t know you yet.
I’m sure she is!
Agree with the others, definitely overstepping to bring these things to their attention. I think they know more about the house they bought than you do…it comes off as condescending, like they didn’t know how to do their due diligence when buying a house. That’s nice you want the best for them! And the best thing you can do is to be a nice neighbor that doesn’t immediately overstep and poison their goodwill towards the house.
Don’t weird them out that you are all up in their house’s business. They will wonder if you planted cameras or worse.
I had a neighbor tell us this. She wasn’t wrong, there just wasn’t anything we could afford to do about it in the moment. I find her generally annoying for other reasons, but I do think her commentary contributed to my distaste. It doesn’t help anything. Kinda like saying your baby is ugly. Okay . . .
lol wut – say nothing whatsoever. You’re not a homebuilder or building inspector. You literally don’t know what you’re talking about, only what you think you observed. You also don’t know these people, their circumstances, what diligence they did/inspection before closing. None of your business whatsoever.
This would honestly put me off so much. Please don’t!
Thanks for the advice! I will feign ignorance and then fake sympathies when they figure it out on their own. Social norms are baffling, I’d be so upset if someone kept this information from me!
What exactly are your new neighbors supposed to do with your information? Presuming you’re actually right?
Fix the issues to make their house safe and to code? Either themselves or hire someone to do it. But again, I have learned that I’m in the wrong and most people aren’t interested so I won’t be saying anything.
I commented below that a neighbor did this to me and I didn’t like it. Guess what? None of the issues she disclosed caused a huge issue for us. She just made herself look like a know it all. You would like her.
Seriously! And also I seriously doubt OP knows all the code violations of a house she does not own or live in.
I’m sorry social norms are a struggle for you, that must be hard. This one is really clear cut though. It’s almost always a bad idea to disparage someone else’s home.
Couldn’t a venting issue if present be a significant fire hazard?
It is indeed a fire hazard, but now I know it’s not appropriate to say anything.
Well if I were the buyer, I would appreciate a recommendation for someone trustworthy and experienced with old houses to come give my new old house a look over.
Make friends, and let them ask.
My old neighbor did this to us and I found it off putting.
+1. We were about to close on a house (literally the night before closing) and an acquaintance of a friend got my number and started texting me about things he thought had gone wrong during the construction and how the builders had inconvenienced the neighbors, etc. Sorry, but what would you like me to do about it now, buddy?
You would come across as the busybody to end all busybodies.
God no. Not your place at all.
Suggestions for what to eat after a morning workout? I usually work out midday or afternoon, but want to switch to mornings. Yesterday I did 45 minutes of weights / abs and was FAMISHED all day. This morning I went for a run and I feel completely worn down. I’ve gotten the usual amount of sleep and these aren’t especially taxing workouts for me, but I think that not having a good post workout breakfast could be hurting me. Any advice appreciated! I’m usually a homemade smoothie, instant oatmeal, or granola bar person for breakfast since I tend to get a lot hungrier later in the day.
Suggest adding protein to your smoothie perhaps in the form of protein powder and an egg to your oatmeal. I work out early in the morning also and need protein to help me recover and stay full until lunch.I’m lazy so I usually just mix protein powder into cold water, but you’re already doing more than that.
You definitely need more protein in the mornings if you’re going to be working out in the morning.
I used to eat an apple or a banana before working out and then a small breakfast after. I started working out with a personal trainer a month ago, and he recommended something a bit heartier before so I wouldn’t be so ravenous. So now I eat a protein bar (about 200 calories with 20 G protein) about 30 mins before I work out. Then after, I will eat a breakfast that has quite a bit of protein. I will eat eggs on a tortilla with some cheese, cottage cheese with fruit, or a smoothie that has greek yogurt AND protein powder in it. I try to get at least 40 g of protein between my bar and my post-workout breakfast. It has helped my afternoon hunger a lot, which surprised me. I guess I never connected eating a big breakfast to feeling full AFTER lunch. It kind of showed me how interlocked the whole day is.
Also 45 mins of weights and abs might not feel taxing at the time, but that is a long strength session! It makes sense that you feel run down. I find that strength work doesn’t feel as strenuous in the moment, but it depletes me way more than cardio for the rest of the day somehow.
+1 to protein! You could try this hack I learned from Daniel Shumski’s instant pot cookbook: make quinoa with a cinnamon stick. Voila, breakfast quinoa. Top it like you would oatmeal and enjoy your protein-ious breakfast.
OHHH! I’m going to try this in my rice cooker!
I usually do a smoothie (with protein powder or nut butter) immediately after. Then I have plain Greek yogurt with fruit when I get to work and then a hard boiled egg or handful of chocolate almonds for a mid morning snack. Basically, I eat two or three small breakfasts over the course of the morning (lunch around 1).
This is why I cannot work out in the mornings. My calorie intake is so much higher than if I work out in the evenings and sleep through the hunger spike.
for evening (or late afternoon) workout, how do you space your food throughout the day before the workout? i’ve been trying to do late afternoon strength training workouts and sometimes they’re just such a slog because i feel like I haven’t fueled my body enough. but it always feels like i’ve just either eaten too recently for a workout or haven’t eaten in 2 hours and should grab something small before my workout.
I tend to eat really big lunches and light post-workout dinners when I work out in the evening. I work about 4 or 5 hours after lunch and don’t snack beforehand.
definitely protein if you’re doing strength training – i like protein yogurt but a fairlife shake is another easy thing to add to whatever you normally have. you could also add protein powder to oatmeal or a latte, or to overnight oats. oats are great for satiety throughout the day i think.
You need to eat both before and after your workout and both of those meals need a good mix of protein, fat and carbs.
Before I lift in the mornings I make a smoothie: frozen fruit, 2% milk, full fat Greek yogurt, chia seeds, protein powder.
After I lift I eat a slice of a frittata (eggs, plenty of veggies, cheese), whole wheat toast with peanut butter and fruit, whole wheat avocado toast with egg, cheese, and some more veggies as toppings or chia pudding with fruit.
Lifting makes me hungry and ensuring I have plenty of fat and protein is important.
OP here – thanks everyone for these awesome suggestions. I’ve added some of these to my instacart order – hopefully tomorrow will go better with proper nutrition! I just got a cheese and egg taco as my afternoon snack to you my protein and I feel much more energized.
Any recommendations for less well known activities in Acadia/Bar Harbor for an active mom/tween? We go almost every summer and have done the most popular hikes, sea kayaking, whale watching, paddle boarding…of course I’ll be happy to revisit some of our favorites, but I’d like to switch it up this summer and try some new things. We do have rock climbing booked, but I’m at a loss for other new ideas — tours, activities or less popular but still challenging hikes (ie, we love the Beehive and Gorham Cliffs). Thanks for any suggestions!
You have to drive a little extra, but what about whitewater rafting?
Oooh, yes! Where?
If you’re going with a tween, probably the Kennebec river.
Hi from another person who goes every summer :) My kid is only 5, but I visited during my own tween/teen years. Have you done the Penobscot Mountain Trail? If you continue on past the summit of Penobscot Mountain you get to Sargent Mountain Pond. That’s my favorite trail on the island. The lake is beautiful and a swim is so refreshing after a hike. I also like the Cadillac North Ridge trail. It’s pretty quiet because so many people drive up.
Have you thought about taking a sailing class at one of the yacht clubs on the island? Or going on a tall ship schooner ride from Bar Harbor? There are lobster boat tours from Bar Harbor that are fun if you haven’t done that.
Low tiding at Bartlett’s Landing is fun – you can normally see starfish, crabs and sea cucumbers, sometimes scallops.
College of the Atlantic has awesome (though pricey) summer day camps for kids age 5-13 if you think your kid might enjoy that.
Have you done Precipice yet? I loved that. Challenging but fun. And fishing maybe?
It’s normally closed in the summers due to nesting peregrine falcons. It usually opens in mid-late August.
Ah, boo. I’ve never actually been in the height of summer (usually September), so I didn’t realize.
Go to Castine, visit MMA, take a tour of the ship and the fort and Witherlie Woods. Rent kayaks and go out on the bay and kayak with seals
Go to Bagaduce Lunch. Climb Blue Hill. Make blueberry jam.
These are all great recs! Thank you!
Where can I buy a couch that’s a step down from Room and Board prices but decent quality? I’m looking for a 100 inch sofa, maybe with a chaise, and Room and Board costs minimum $3500. Ashley furniture is around $800 and that huge price difference makes me question the quality. Are there any brands in the middle price-wise? I don’t want something uncomfortable that will fall apart in a year but I also don’t need to invest in a couch that will last 15 years.
Costco? An overstock warehouse near you?
we have the Macys Radley sofa (not sure of exact dimensions) and we’ve had it for almost 7 years, 5 with kids and it’s still in pretty decent shape and i think fairly comfortable. i actually like it better than our more expensive couch
We bought sofas from both Macy’s and EQ3 and they held up for 10 years.
maybe joybird or article? no complaints about our joybird chairs.
that said, we have an ashley sectional from a few years ago that we really like… and our cheap AF jcp couches are still going strong 8 years later. also my ikea leather sleeper couch from 2003 (although i would only make enemies sleep on it).
I’ve had both, and honestly, both were fine (and lasted a good long time). If you see something Ashley sells that suits your measurements and style, get it. I’d probably steer clear of leather at the lower price point, simply because bonded leather doesn’t wear well, but for cloth upholstery, it’s fine. They don’t sell much in sizes that fit small rooms, but since you’re looking for a big piece, that’s not an issue.
Check out Macy’s Furniture. The Rhyder and Radley collections may have what you’re looking for.
I love our couches from Article. We have two and they’ve held up well and are comfortable.
Ashley is bottom barrel. I inherited a Ashley sofa and it did not hold up well at all, easily lower quality than a standard IKEA sofa.
I went with Sabai but they happened to have the color and size I wanted, and I really wanted low VOC at the time because of migraine triggers (it was in fact low VOC thankfully).
If Article had had what I needed, I would have been tempted.
Living Spaces
Castlery has upholstered options in the $2500 range. Their Jonathan Extended is $2500 in a performance fabric but is a good bit longer than you’re looking for, and the shorter version is, well, shorter, but they may have other models that match.
I’m really happy with the better made Ikea furniture. A lot of mine is approaching 2 decades old, about half the time getting pretty heavy use, and still in fine, though not fabulous, shape. I got new slipcovers about 5 years ago. The less well made Ikea furniture does fall apart quickly, though.
American Leather makes the Room and Board leather pieces. You can order directly from them.
Crate and Barrel Axis is indestructible and super-comfortable plus comes in many variations.
Also, Macy’s will usually have a Fourth of July sale.
PIP/Toxic Workplace ‘Rette here for a vent. I know I’m likely in BEC territory but I just cannottttt today with my boss.
During a zoom huddle we were told “This is important, take notes”. Not even a “Hey team – can someone scribe and send this out after?” Since I’m at limit and DGAF anymore I was like “Yup, we’re on it – all of us are taking notes, I’m also screenshotting.” Boss response? DOUBLING DOWN “Well I wasn’t trying to be condescending, I’ve been in meetings before where people just look at me blankly and then clearly don’t get it.”
Then, when we were discussing a specific project, I suggested a potential other approach which was refuted (not a big deal) boss was like “Well, Anon, I can tell by your expression you think otherwise.” I do have quite the expressive mug, but this was not the case in this situation – I was just looking at the other screen taking notes.
Ok, vent over. Thank y’all!
This is on you with the snap back to a reasonable request to take notes.
Yes ma’am – ergo I said it was a vent…
Yeah you seem to be at BEC level with this boss.
I’m sort of confused about everything here. The boss’s request to take notes doesn’t seem unreasonable, but neither does OP saying that they’re already taking notes. I wouldn’t call that a “snap back.”
It seems like you’re seeking a lot of validation for your immature approach to work. In your shoes, I’d put down the torch and try to exit with some grace, careers and memories are long.
Thanks all – this wasn’t the best move and I admit it. I will admit I’m 100% BEC. I’m basically here to work/support my team (again, I like the work/organization – it’s my immediate leadership that is a challenge), collect my check, and negotiate whatever severance I can. Hopefully knowing that I can just be better in these situations.