Poll — Are politics still taboo at the office?
Somehow, we made it all the way through the election without discussing this: Is it still inappropriate to talk about politics in the office? Sure, places like Fundrace let you know who gave what — and to whom — so the political leanings of your coworkers are much more out-in-the open. Still, the office can be a prickly place to talk about politics. For example: If you're a Republican, are you avoiding the inauguration parties that many offices are holding today? If you're a Democrat and your Republican boss begins spouting off about how the economy is all Bill Clinton's fault, what do you do?
In comments, we'd love to know — what are your favorite sources for political commentary? Blogs? Radio? TV shows? Do write in…
My sources are blogs and radio (to and from work only.)
Oddly enough, I think its funny you didn’t mention about people wearing their political beliefs at work. Is it office appropriate to advertise your opinion with pins and (ugh) t-shirts (on casual Friday)? What about office decor?
I think it’s fine, but tread carefully. Let your superiors bring the subject up first. And be aware of the reaction you’re getting; if three of you in a group of four are decrying some politician or another and the fourth is dead silent, it might be a good indicator that you should change the subject simply to avoid making your co-workers feel uncomfortable.
Be very very careful, especially if your candidate of choice is divisive. One of our Mormon associates went a little overboard in his support of a fringe candidate. One of the gay partners now definitely will not work with him. And the rest of us would rather avoid him too.
Your religion and your politics do not belong in the office.
In my office the attorneys tend towards liberal while the staff tends towards conservative (there are notable exceptions on both sides). I’m fine discussing things generally (i.e. “it’ll be interesting to see which issues Obama tackles first” without commenting on how he tackles them…) but I don’t like getting into specifics (i.e. which candidates I support). There was one assistant who kept hammering me on who I was supporting in the most recent presidential election and it was REALLY uncomfortable, especially when she asked in front of others (we have polar opposite political views).