Poll: Let’s talk Sarah Palin.
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Ok. We've seen a zillion things about this in the media and kind of wanted to weigh in with you guys about it, even though we try to keep this blog apolitical. We've read about how Biden's primary strategy in the debates was to “go easy on Palin” and not look like a jerk. We've read people dissing her clothes, her hair, and her shoes. We've heard “real” feminists talk about how the “pro-woman rhetoric surrounding Sarah Palin's nomination is a grotesque bastardization of everything feminism has stood for,” and the few “feminist” supporters she does have have probably ruined their careers. (Wow, and we've just found this great link to Jon Stewart's thoughts on the debate.)
As a young woman working today, what do you think of all this? We keep thinking of Dan Quayle — people called him an idiot and made fun of his hairspray, too, but we didn't get the same sense of indignation — no one seemed to be saying, how dare he try to run for office. So in lieu of asking about what color tights go best with a red skirt (which was going to be our poll today), we thought we'd try to get some general feelings about Palin and her run for the White House. Multiple choices are allowed… We know we haven't covered everything, though, so please weigh in in comments.
Your multiple choices are inadequate. Where is “the media is being totally unfair to her” choice that I can pick without having to say that I feel that way “as a woman”?
Agree your multiple choices are inadequate, but only because there’s no “Palin is incompetent to the point of embarrassment and disgrace. I never thought we could have worse elected officials than George W. Bush. And by the way, Dan Quayle got it worse.”
I think the coverage is unfair but that’s life. You don’t run for Vice-President thinking people will be nice to you, especially not when the economy’s in the tank and you’re part of the incumbent ticket.
I agree with jojo. I don’t remember what happened with Dan Quayle, as I was only 5 years old when he ran for VP. However, I do think that Palin’s disastrous interview with Katie Couric was when I went from thinking “who is she” to “I can’t believe this person could end up as President”. I live abroad and don’t have any access to US media, so I watched the just the interview on YouTube – so I don’t think that my perception of her was influenced in any way by pundit spin. There are intelligent Republican women who I can actually imagine on a presidential stage – Olympia Snowe and Kay Bailey Hutchison spring to mind – and I think it’s kind of an insult that they were passed over in favour of someone who can’t speak coherently when asked a simple question.
Also – I forgot to mention something else. As a lawyer I’ve worked really hard in an academic setting for years to succeed. I’ve always been told to work hard and do well in school. Academic success has always been a goal to strive for, and it’s one that’s helped me get a great job that I love. I feel a real sense from Palin not just that she has no qualifications, but that academic achievement is to be mocked and isn’t worth pursuing. The anti-intellectualism she represents is horrible, especially since getting the best education available is the best way for women to succeed. I don’t want an average person as my President or VP – I want someone who can run intellectual circles around every other world leader. In Palin I see someone who embraces and celebrates academic mediocrity, which is against everything I’ve ever valued as an educated professional.
Charcoal Gray with red.
Well put, Zoe. It’s one thing to understand the issues of “Joe Six-Pack”, it’s quite another for Joe Six-Pack to be the leader of “our great country”. Palin and everything she represents just makes me ill.
Also, I think opaque black with red can be a nice combo, depending on the outfit.
Beautifully said, Zoe.
Also: Charcoal gray? For reals?
Zoe: please let us know if you ever run for office, you have my vote.
Not to trivialize, but so does charcoal grey with red, beautiful.