Poll: What’s In Your Everyday Makeup Bag?

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everyday-makeupFor us, make-up must walk a fine line — you want to look professional, you want to look pretty, you want to look well-rested — but you also want to get out of the house on time in the morning. We have a post coming up in a bit about interview makeup — but for today:  what's in your everyday make-up bag for the office? Multiple choices are allowed.





  1. I have face powder and a few types of lippy, but as a contact-lens wearer and 3-time Accutane user afraid of drying out, I also keep: eyedrops, chapstick, and, yes, and extra pair of unopened contact lenses, just in case. I also have room for a small compact mirror and some feminine products. Again, just in case!!

  2. I wish the series of interview posts came earlier–most law schools (mine included) have finished their OCI programs.

    That said, I carry with me most everywhere: lip gloss, mascara, concealer.

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