Splurge Monday’s TPS Report: V-Neck Cardigan – Black
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Our daily TPS reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices.
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- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
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- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
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- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
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- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
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- Why is there generational resentment regarding housing? (See also)
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This may be a nice classic piece but I could never justify 1K or even 700 for something like this. I coule buy two to three pairs of frye boots for that much!
Agree! I have a strikingly similar sweater from Esprit – http://ow.ly/1YcYu — for under $100 I realize the cashmere may not be as high quality… but I also can afford the rest of the outfit ;-)
Shayna, that’s really cute. Considering copying you actually. :) I read the 1 review on Amazon and it said it was thin/see-through. Have you experienced that with your sweater?
No problems thus far :-) It’s not a super thick sweater, but I like that it’s lighter weight b/c it’s good for folding up in my bag to take along all summer — I believe they do have free returns now if it doesn’t work for you.
Wow, it looks virtually identical! Good find. This should be on today’s post instead ;)
Banana Republic just had some very nice silk/cotton blend in the same style on sale for $43. That style doesn’t suit me, but I bought the v-neck long sleeve sweater for $13 on sale (bought a duplicate -loved so much -2 black for when one wears out). I’m afraid this economy forces me to watch every nickel. Not Barneys or cashmere, but just dandy for me.
It’s lovely, and timeless enough to justify a splurge, but still too rich for my blood. I’d love to find a $150-200 version though!
Not feeling this. It looks a tiny bit slouchy to me – not crisp and confidence inspiring. If you zoom in on the bottom of the sweater, I think you’ll see what I mean. And the buttons aren’t really speaking to me, either. (Or the price :-) )
I think this is a little too boyfriend-cardigan to wear over a dress (unless it’s like, out to brunch, then it would look cute), so I’m not sure it actually is timeless, since boyfriend-cardigans are a trend. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t wear this over a dress to work though I’m sure someone with a perfect figure and of a tall, elegant height could, and look nice. On short, round me, this would look like I borrowed my dad’s sweater I think or it would look like my “the A/C’s too high” sweater.
I find the jewel-neck cardigans with small pearl-sized buttons, which Gap, JCrew, and Talbots all sell (well, not sure about Gap anymore, but the other two definitely–I’m thinking of the Jackie at JCrew) look better over dresses. Although it is nice to have choices and different styles. But I would hold out on spending this much money till I found a cardigan that was more “classic woman’s cardigan”—though I personally wouldn’t spend this much, even then (though I’m sure others could and would, and that is great).
I adore the Jackie cardigans from J.Crew. Not cashmere by a long shot, but very neat and professional for non-suit days, and you can often find them on sale at their outlet stores for around $20. I’ve found that if you wash them gently and dry them flat (even though they are cotton and they say they can go in the dryer), they stay looking brand new and immaculate.
There is no way I would ever spend almost $700 (let alone the original price) for a black cardigan.
Pretty, but too expensive – just like every Monday! :)
I bought a new bag last night on etsy and am hoping I like it…I wanted something in a color for summer.
Was it you who also posted about this on the weekend thread? Great looking bags but very expensive for something I can’t touch.
I’ve bought a Morelle bag in the recent past – love it, but it is a bit on the casual side – very soft leather, which is lovely, but it tends to look more slouchy than I prefer for work. Great weekend bag!
What. The. Hell.
Granted this would be of a much higher quality, but I have a cardigan (that’s what I’d call it on this side of the pond) that looks very much like that and it cost me about €30.
I would love to buy this. Sadly, it’s nowhere near my price range but I think it’s gorgeous & def. agree that with the proper care (and careful avoidance of moths) this would last you for years & could possibly be worn just about everywhere.
do you really think the $700 cashmere sweater is that much nicer than the $200 cashmere sweater? I am all for the more money = more quality calculus, but I am having a hard time imagining how much better the quality could be. is anyone out there in a position to comment?
I’ve never touched any cashmere with an original price of over $500, so I’m curious to hear the answers to this. In my experience, Vince and the NM house brand are both softer than J.Crew cashmere by quite a bit (and not see-through), for prices that aren’t too much higher. But, I’m guessing that’s a function of those brands being less overpriced than J.Crew is.
I own some Brora pieces which were over GBP200 when I bought them (and at the time, the pound to dollar was 2:1). Brora is amazing quality cashmere. But I don’t necessarily, for a piece this basic, feel that this price is warranted. Every piece I have from Brora is very, very unique–color, weave, weight. This is, as you said, BASIC.
Check them out at http://www.brora.co.uk
If I were to spend that kind of money on cashmere, I’d buy Pringle or Loro Piano, and JCrew uses Loro Piano cashmere anyway, at a much better price point.
JCrew does use Loro Piano cashmere, but it is NOT the same as buying directly from Loro Piano. JCrew cashmere pills easily, is thin, loses its shape quickly, and is (in my opinion, anyway) not worth the money unless you get it on supersale.
It’s a black cardigan sweater. It’s nice, but I think it’s ridiculously overpriced even on sale and for cashmere. This is a case of paying for the name on the label vs. for the quality of the item. I bought a black cardigan at Ann Taylor many years ago for a lot less and I still wear it today. (Actually I am wearing it today ;-)
I’m not even sure how I’d take care of it well enough to justify $700 for a black cardigan. I think maybe if I saw it in person it would be easier to understand?
I’d have that sweater caught on something/accidentally washed/faded well before I felt like the cost was worth it :)
Those were my thoughts too. I have had too many things ruined in the wash or at the cleaners, or snagged, torn, irreparably stained, chewed on by dogs, thrown up on by babies, and otherwise mangled to ever consider spending this much money on one item. Maybe in a kid-free/pet-free/husband-who-does-the-laundry-free household it would survive, but in mine it would probably not.
If I wore this over a sheath dress, I am afraid I would look really sloppy. I don’t know if its my frame, or the cut of the cardigans, but I’ve recently started wearing cardigans over shells and am just not digging how I am looking. The same with wearing cardigans over dresses.
If I wore this, I am sure I would look like I was either a) ready for bed in some sort of comfy nighgown/robe combo b) a hippie c) a bum
Maybe it’s just me, but I am beginning to think I have no idea how to wear a cardiagn or just don’t look good in them. FWIW, I am a small frame and 5′ 3” yet curvy. I stocked up on 5 cashmere blend cardigans from AT and BR and J Crew this spring and I am not liking how they hang on me. Sigh.
This was brought up in another thread, but I would love a post on how to wear caardigans (buttoned, belted, open) and what style (boyfriend, cropped, floaty, etc) really goes with what (pants, strutcured dress, regular dress, shell, cami).
100% agree and would love for Kat to do a post on this topic too. I don’t wear cardigans ever because I can’t figure out how make the look work.
I’m no expert but I’ve been struggling with cardigans, too. My sister swears by them but she has a slight build (she’s 5’3, about a size 0 or 2) and she really looks great in them. After a frustrating ordeal at the store, she finally realized why I never wear them – they look terrible on my size 12 frame. It’s too bad, I think cardigans can really add a nice touch to an outfit.
I’m a size larger than you and I wear cardigans all the time. The keys for me are:
– It has to have some shape. Big boxy cardigans just make me look bigger, and also shapeless. I have several that are either vertically-seamed or they nip in at the waist, and that ends up looking good on me, but I have a pretty small waist for my overall size. I also have a couple I bought in a size down from my normal size, and it seems to make them fitted enough to work over a dress.
– The length is the other critical thing. They either need to reach almost to midthigh (I’m a little taller than some, 5’6″) or hit at the high hip. Nothing else seems to work. Cardigans that hit right across the butt, aka “low hip,” seem to be especially deadly.
– Most of my work cardigans are either matte jersey or some other kind of flat knit. Fuzzy/poofy knits don’t work for me, really in any instance, but especially with cardigans.
Hope this helps :)
Those are some good tips, thank you. I think I’m going to have to take a look at nipping my cardigans in at the waist (my waist is much smaller than my hips as well) and for me, the length definitely has to hit me higher on the hips. The thing that’s been bothering me the most is my sloping shoulders. I haven’t found a magical cardigan (yet!) that won’t me look dumpy.
You’re the poster who said you’re an observant, covering Muslima, right? If you’re wearing a loose fitting layer underneath, that might be why cardigans don’t hang well on you. I’m a busty size 12 too and classic (like the J.Crew Jackie) or tailored cardigans fit me perfectly. If you need to wear more flowy outfits, try the looser wrap cardigans that are in now and wear htem open. Those will drape better. I also like swing cardigans, which are structured more like a lapel-less jacket than a regular sweater.
Yes, I am =). I’m hesitant about looser/more flowy cardigans because I already have so much fabric going on but it’s worth a shot.
I find that the only cardigans that work on my frame are the very classic, button all the way to the top shaped cardigans. I unbutton at the top and the bottom and wear them slightly fitted. The cardigan then fakes a waist on my (very rectangular) body. I find that they’re more flattering than jackets/blazers. Maybe that will help?
Thanks guys, this does help! I guess my investment in those 5 cardigans wasn’t the best…I forgot, it was actually 7 that I bought this Spring (I had a plan to wear a lot of cardigans since the office is so cold).
All but 4 of them hit mid hip. 1 hits at the top of my hip, it’s more fitted but it also “rides up” during the day. So it looks ok, but if I don’t constantly readjust it is up by my waist. I thought maybe it was too small, but it does look fine otherwise. It’s like the bottom band just likes to curl under. Perhaps I can try ironing it?
I have one of those long flowing open cardigans which I love, but the longest part is knee length (the entire back hits at my upper hip). It doesn’t seem to well…hang right with my larger chest. Also, i feel like it eats me up and I get the pajama look.
I do have one that looks OK, but the first time I wore it, the underarms bleached from my gel deoderant. (#@&#&!). I am kinda hanging on to it but not sure how visable the underarms are and a bit afraid to wear it.
I think something as small as the type of button can make a huge difference on the look of the cardigan. I am not a big fan of the button style/size on this cardigan and think it looks a little too much like what Mr. Rogers would wear. When I wear something over a dress, I prefer a daintier look with small buttons. For a dress, you can also go for shorter lengths than you could wear with pants or a skirt. I find mid-thigh/high hip can sometimes be too long for dresses depending on the cut.
Speaking of small buttons, and cardigans that hit at high hip- I just bought this cardigan for my cold office and love it: http://www.llbean.com/llbeansignature/llb/shop/65375?subrnd=1&parentCategory=505954&feat=505954-sigtn&cat4=505953.
The pockets might make it a bit too casual for some offices in the lighter colors, but in the navy they don’t really show. The cashmere is great quality for the price.
FYI, it’s fitted, not boxy like some LL Bean stuff from their main line. I bought the same size I would in a store like Ann Taylor.
I love cardigans, but I still think this is ridiculously overpriced. I could see maybe $200 – $300 or even up to $400 for a really gorgeous, last-you-forever black cashmere cardigan, but this price point is still way outside of reasonable, IMO.
Eh, I don’t think it’s all that special and it’s certainly not worth $700.
On a completely off note, just to inform those of you who don’t know yet, Theory is one of the brands on Rue La La today. It’s selling out quickly and there are no full suits, but it looks like there are still some great dresses, skirts, and pants left.
I’m with everyone else … I’m sure it’s a lovely, high-quality cardigan in top-quality cashmere. But that price is absurd. For me, spending more than $100-150 for a cardigan is a big deal. Never mind 10x that. I would be terrified of taking it off and forgetting it on the back of a chair somewhere.
On another note, cashmere doesn’t work for me — too warm and itchy. Same with wool, and usually, much worst. I tend to stick to cotton, silk or blend cardigans.
It would be nice not to have all the OMG! so expensive! not worth it! etc etc every Monday. That’s what Mondays are for. Yes, some people spend $700 on a sweater the same way others spend $70 on one. Find something else to say.
Alternately, you could just not read the comment threads on Mondays, if it bothers you so much. Just a suggestion. :)
I disagree that the comments were solely about the cost. They were about the cost for this particular item. If it were a Burberry trench coat, for example, I could totally justify that kind of money. If it were a suit for a special occasion, I could totally justify that kind of money.
I have a black cashmere sweater I did spend about $500 on. It has a beautiful, very striking argyle pattern with yellow, blue and gray woven in, it’s the kind of thing that can be worn down with jeans or up with gray or black pants or skirt, it has a bit of an unusual drapey shape, and every single time I wear it, I get tons of compliments. It’s a statement piece. But this wasn’t something like that. It just looked like a black cashmere cardigan, for which I have the choice of price points that are appreciably cheaper for what I consider to be the same thing.
Not wanting to spend the money on this particular sweater does not equate to “I can’t see how anyone could spend any money on anything.”
I thought the same thing! I would spend it on a Burberry trench (if I had $700 available for a clothing splurge), but on a eh black sweater, it’s not worth it… there are those things that are worth it, but just not affordable, and vice versa.
I agree with Delta Sierra. I find it helpful to hear others’ comments re the quality of a particular line, the better to evaluate for myself whether the price tag is justified (and similarly, links to lower-priced alternatives), but the blanket “how could anyone ever think this price is reasonable for a _______??” reaction, without more, does get old. Even described as a “splurge,” this sweater is out of my splurge price range, but it might not be out of someone else’s.
Agreed. I think this is all highly subjective. For instance, the dress featured on Monday last week was roughly in the same price range. If someone gave me $700 to spend on any one item, I would take this cardigan over that dress in a heartbeat. It’s a matter of priorities, preferences & lifestyle needs; what you think is/isn’t worth it might not be the same for someone else. I, for one, appreciate the variety.
Agree. I wouldn’t spend $700 on this piece but I still appreciate the fact that it’s SPLURGE Monday. Also, what’s ‘reasonable’ for some might be ‘pricey’ for others and vice versa.
agree with DS. Yes, it is a splurge, and yes, we all have our different price points.
I double-plus agree with DS.
Checking out, signing off; the commenters have ruined this blog for me.
This is such a great site. Yeah, most of us aren’t going to spend $700 on a black cardigan, and @AIMS, if somebody gave me $700 to spend on anything, I would have jumped on last Monday’s dress. I totally enjoy seeing the splurges and the variety of opinion on them. And – sorry jojo – I will shout out to the commenters, who I think are a wonderful community. Kat can’t please all viewers all the time, but she puts up a lot of good information and a lot of good thought and dialog provoking material. Keep it coming!
$689?! I know it’s splurge Monday but sheesh! It’s just a sweater, not even a jacket.
I find cashmere itchy. Even expensive cashmere (although it wasn’t anywhere near the $700 range) made me scratch. I’ll stick to cotton.
I have this problem too! Any kind of wool, cashmere, angora, merino… itch itch itch.
My exboyfriend once bought me an expensive cashmere cardigan… I absolutely hated wearing it but tried to suffer through it because I know he tried to be thoughtful!
Cardigans: I have more of a square figure (not much of a waist) and I have gotten a lot of mileage out of the Talbots “Charming Cardigans” (though I am not in a business-dress setting, I’m in a business casual setting or in front of casually-dressed clients). I have them in yellow, pumpkin, kiwi green and brown, and bought another this weekend in the black. They have three-quarter sleeves and I find them very versatile. The black was on sale for $39.99 – the usual price is more in the $69 range, I believe. Of course, these aren’t investment pieces, but for what they are, I get a lot of use out of them for the price — I can wear casually or with clients.
I bought a gorgeous green cashmere sweater with 3/4 sleeves on eBay last week. Unfortunately, the seller nicked the hem when she was packing it, and ruined it. She had to cancel the order and refund my money.
I’ve never owned a 3/4 sleeve sweater before, so I wanted to try it on a lower-priced item. Now I’m disappointed that I couldn’t get the one I ordered! I feel like I have shoppus interruptus. :-(
I bought a couple of 3/4 sleeve cardigans from Target over the weekend that were only $20. They are a little on the shorter side, but so far I love them!
You’re paying for the designer name, dahlings! It’s Derek Lam, you know! You wouldn’t pay $1,150 for a Brooks Brothers cardi, but you may pay it for Chanel!
Hey ladies, just wanted to report back on an item I bought that was posted on Corporette. I bought the Ann Taylor sleeveless cowl neck shirt (in eggplant) posted on June 4th.
After it arrived, I tried it on under both a jacket and a cardigan. I feel that the way the cowl neck laid definitely didn’t work under the jacket (the extra material was just overflowing out of the jacket). It didn’t quite work with the cardigan I tried it with, though I could see it perhaps working with a different cardigan (maybe a slouchy, flyaway cardigan?).
I think someone reported that it was sheer, personally I didn’t think it was. You would need to wear a racer-back bra (I have a few VS bras that the straps can convert to cross-back and that worked fine).
Though I doubt I will ever wear it in a work context, it is still a lovely shirt and I plan on keeping it.
I didn’ t think it would work under anything, but think I remember thinking that it would be great for nights out with friends and things like that.
Thanks for the report back! I wanted it, but alas decided not to order as I am buying way too many sleeveless things, causing me to buy a bunch of cardigans that I look lousy in. : )
Derek Lam is a name I do not know. I do not get it – why would I want this piece? I have a V neck cashmere cardigan – very good quality – that I bought at Macy’s a few years ago for under $100. I seldom wear it. Why: 1) I think the V neck makes me look older, and 2) the sweater got a tiny spot (in front) that does not want to be cleaned. What if I had paid more for the sweater?
if you had paid more for the sweater, you would have been foolish to not (1) try it on first and (2) be more careful about spilling on it.
Right. Because every spill can be prevented by being careful?
I’ll be sure to be careful and not sit/stand next to anyone at a meeting, lunch, dinner or other event involving food or drink, where a spill could accidentally be caused by someone other than the person wearing an expensive piece of clothing.
Threadjack — I’m considering hiring someone to come clean my house every other week (vacuum, change bed linens, mop, etc… I’m single and live alone, and w/ my work hours/cpa study time, well the two free hours a week I have I don’t really love spending cleaning!) — Any tips on how to find someone trustworthy? Anyone use The Maids or another cleaning service? Any tips would be appreciated!
Good question – I’d love the same advice!
I found our cleaner on craigslist and checked references. She is a very nice person although she does need reminders about how we like things. I think the cleaning services are more expensive bc they are an actual company – here (BOS) most people that I know who have cleaners hire individuals, not the maids or similar.
Ask a few women/friends around your office. Word of mouth and personal recommendations is the way to go.
Your best bet is word of mouth, so ask around! I’d stay away from maid services because most of them have checklists they have to follow, which may or may not apply to your house. Plus they pay just above minimum wage since the service takes a hefty cut of your fee.
Agreed. I’ve used both cleaning services and individual sole-proprietors and the latter were much better. Turn over is high with the services, so you may have a different person entered your home every month.
I used Merry Maids for awhile. I wanted a company that was bonded, insured, and background checked. I was pretty happy. I don’t know if I’d ever be 100% satisfied – no one cleans your house as well as you do I find. However, I didn’t have to clean my 4 toilets, and I was happy enough at that to justify the price!
I also have used/loved Merry Maids. Price is a bit high but, as mentioned, was worth the bathroom scrubbing it saved me.
I chose a cleaning company over an individual for that same reason — bonded, insured and background-checked. If the cleaning lady broke an expensive vase, I would not want it coming out of her paycheck. Now, if something is damaged/destroyed, we are compensated through the company’s insurance.
This also helps with the tax/immigration issue. Since I’m hiring a company, I don’t have to worry about the immigration status of the individual cleaners; if they’re not legal, I’m not going to lose my job over it.
This. As to which service is best, I’d ask around your office for recommendations. They can vary in different cities so recommendations posted here might not be of great use.
We use www dot maidpro dot com. They are a national org. with franchises around the country. They are definitely pricier than going through an individual, but they are reliable and they bring all of their supplies.
Thanks – I hadn’t heard of them and per their website they are in my area — filled out the form for a quote — though their breakage-and-loss policy does not include cash, jewelry, art, antiques… I would love to know what it does cover!
Word of mouth is best. If you’re not close with neighbors, etc., then it might be worth giving your real estate agent a call. It probably goes without saying, but you definitely want to make sure the person is bonded and insured and can provide references (and check the references!). Also, if you are not happy with the service, don’t hesitate to try someone new. Our housekeeper comes once a week. However, she has family abroad and often takes several months off at a time. The quality of her fill-ins has been unbelievably inconsistent. It really gives me an appreciation for what a huge range there is, and how lucky we are to have someone so wonderful. One other thing: If a friend gives you a recommendation but the housekeeping service isn’t in your area, then see if the service can recommend someone else. They probably have a good idea of reputation.
I’d also appreciate advice on how folks have handled the tax/immigration issues. Part of my practice is immigration law, and I’ve been audited, so I’d really like to make sure I’m handling these issues properly. I’ve gotten a lot of word of mouth referrals, but I’m never sure how to bring up #2 and how best to handle #1.
Ours is only once a month, so she comes in under the $1600 threshold for taxes. I would guess your best bet is to hire a service if you are worried about audits – makes it easier. We go through the nanny tax company for our nanny – not sure if they do housekeepers as well, but probably. (Our nanny is a US citizen though so no immigration issues)
Might be a stupid question, but what’s the $1600 threshold for taxes?
Yes — all personal household employees… which is why I would prefer a service.
I called the Maids and for my 2 bedroom house (of which there is only one bed), and two bathrooms (only one of which has a shower that is used daily)… that I live in alone… $200+ to be cleaned.
For that much I think I would rather suck it up and deal w/ the payroll tax issues (I got a quote for an individual for $70)… but it does make me nervous… I’m an accountant so I really have no excuse!
Wow. I paid $160 per visit (twice a month) for Merry Maids for my 3 bedroom, 4 bath (2:2), with a full, finished basement. I’m in Ohio though – land of the lower cost of living…
Was that the quote for every month, or just the first visit? Some services charge a bit more for the first time, because they are striving to get your house up to their standards. While you may keep your home very clean, many people do not and so the service has to schlep through years of accumulated dirt on that first visit. After that, it takes much less effort for them to maintain your home every 2-4 weeks.
There shouldn’t be payroll tax issues if you’re hiring someone to come in once or twice a month and clean. She’s clearly an independent contractor in that case. You might have to fill out a tax form so she can report her income from you, but you’re not going to be considered an employer for tax purposes.
Remember that if you are the employer, as opposed to hiring a service, you will likely be obligated to pay the employer’s portion of Social Security/Medicaid, provide a W-2, file a W-3, and pay state unemployment compensation.
Depends on cost. I researched this before we hired ours, an individual woman, and we do not have to file the paperwork. I believe it was a combination of how rarely she comes, that we pay her less than a certain threshold annually, and that she has “control” over how she cleans.
Same with immigration issues. We didn’t have to ask because we are not an “employer” of our twice-a-month cleaning lady.
I found my service by googling my home town and “cleaning service.” They are a small company owned by a husband and wife and they always send a team of two people. I have been using them for 2 years and they still only charge me $80 to clean my two story 2000 sf condo. In response to the comment below that no one ever cleans your house as well as you do- it is just the opposite for me. They are professionals, and this is the best $80 I spend per month. In terms of making sure they are trustworthy- they have insurance, but I still have not given them a key and had them come to clean when I or my fiance is not there. I have no good reason to think that anything bad would happen if I did, and it would be more convenient to have them come when we are at work, but we can always arrange for one of us to be there on a Saturday when they can make it.
Do you have angies list in your city? check there. that’s where I found my service, which is tremendous. It’s a small, independent service, but a service nonetheless — so I don’t have to worry about the administrative stuff myself (am I paying my cleaning lady so much I have to declare taxes on her, checking her immigration paperwork, etc).
a $600 cardigan?
My thoughts exactly!
Is anyone else super annoyed that all of the comments on the Splurge Monday post basically amount to “OMG that costs so much money!”?
Ladies, it’s called Splurge Monday for a reason. Kat used to post more unique pieces, and people whined that a splurge should only be for something timeless and classic. Now she posts something timeless and classic, and people whine that they’d never pay that much for a cardigan. Well, if it were cheap, it wouldn’t be a splurge.
Kat, I can’t afford it either, but I enjoy fantasy shopping on Mondays as much as I enjoy the more affordable stuff you post as the week goes on. I also am not going to judge those Corporettes who can afford it and choose to buy it, even though there are $30 sweaters available.
Yes, it is irritating. I won’t even buy JCrew when it isn’t on sale and I’m annoyed. It’s called Splurge Monday for a reason.
And frankly, I have a friend who owns many cashmere sweaters that cost this much and so I know how they feel in contrast to my current cashmere sweaters, and let me tell you – if my backyard suddenly sprouts a money tree, I will be wrapping my entire body in an expensive cashmere cocoon.
I still think someone can enjoy splurges yet question other splurges. I’m not questioning the notion of paying $700 for a sweater under any circumstance, since people’s budgets are different – I’m questioning paying $700 for THAT sweater, which to me looks identical to any one of a number of black cashmere cardigans I could get any number of places for a lot cheaper with no appreciable tradeoff in quality. Splash-per-splurge.
Put another way, I would be kind of “eh” to that sweater even if Kat had said it was on sale for $150. It just didn’t have the styling to command a premium price, IMO.
I understand what you are saying. But having touched $1000 plus cashmere sweaters (which probably photograph the same as my $100 JCrew cashmere sweaters), oh my goodness if I had unlimited wealth I’d absolutely trade up!
Yes. Even if I would NEVER buy a $700 sweater, I do enjoy seeing what one looks like. Helps me when shopping for $100 and under sweaters. I feel like the more Kat tries to make everyone happy, the less I love the clothes. :(
Emergency Question regarding who to talk to first– Partner or person with problem. I work in a 6 person law firm. I do criminal defense. Our private investigator is married to the partner in the firm who supervises me.
I discovered while browsing the current list of state licensed investigators that our investigator is not listed. We are in a state where licensing is required. This could have a big impact on our current cases as well as, potentially, past cases. The issue of working without a license can be used to impeach him if the DA finds out, and he won’t be paid by the public defense services if they find out.
My instinct is to go straight to the partner. Investigator has a history of not paying the people who work for him and not doing well with his finances. I don’t want to screw up any working relationship I have with the investigator, but I think it is serious enough that the partner needs to know.
Is that the best idea? Go to the partner? Do I give Investigator a heads up? Or call him first? I don’t know the right etiquette here.
Could you call the investigator and phrase it as a question? “Hey, I need your license number for X reason and couldn’t find it in the list. Could you give it to me?” You already know he’s not licensed, but this avoids an accusation.
FWIW, he and his wife *must* know he’s not licensed.
I’m sure he knows. She is actually getting ready to file legal separation because of his money issues, and there has been a lot of stuff that he hasn’t told her, and she only found out when, for example, the IRS took all the money out of his bank account, leaving him unable to pay the other investigator in his company. It’s an uncomfortable situation all the way around here, and I don’t want to be the person that knew but didn’t tell the Partner.
If they’re already on the skids, then I would tell her… in the most nonjudgmental, brief way possible. Possibly in writing…
Good luck!
I disagree. What if he gives you a fake number, or asks you details like why exactly you need it? Then you would have to accuse him outright or let it drop.
I would say it’s best to be forthright with everyone. Maybe go tell the investigator, or send him an e-mail, that you noticed this by accident (you weren’t snooping on him), and you feel like you need to tell a partner, unless he wants to come with you and tell the partner himself.
Whatever you decide, good luck. That is an awkward situation.
Since the partner and investigator are married, your information is likely going to make it to the other rather quickly (pillow talk and all) regardless of who you tell first. Therefore, it might be best to tell both at roughly the same time with a slight preference to the partner you work with on grounds of firm loyalty. I would recommend phrasing it as “Madam/Mr. Partner, I noticed that our investigator is not listed on the website of licensed investigators and was going to call him/her to confirm licensing status. But, I was just wondering if you had run into this before/have any advice on how to handle/ have any information I’m not aware of? “
This is excellent advice, Elle. There definitely may be more to the story.
Based on this and the extra details you posted in reply to another comment, I think you should go straight to the partner. She’s probably not going to be shocked that he lied about one more thing, and this could really hurt her firm, so she needs to know. Let the partners deal with how to sort out the working relationship with the partner.
Last word should be investigator, not partner.
OK, with the added information of him lying to her and them separating, I would go to her first.
BTW, why did you find this information? Why were you looking at the list? Was it an innocent reason (looking for another investigator, etc) or were you concerned and seeking out the info?
I’d go straight to the partner, even without having the separation/money issues details. It is your/her cases that will be affected, she needs to know asap and sort it out. And once they are separated, I am going to guess that you’ll be moving on to another investigator anyway…
Would the partner you are talking to be investigator’s spouse? I think you should always talk to the partner first. Your loyalty is to your clients and your firm, not investigator.
Thanks for all your responses. My last post didn’t appear to go through, so I apologize if this is a repeat.
I had an innocent reason for knowing this. A member of a listserv posted an email with a link to current investigators. I was flipping through it on my iphone out of boredom while waiting for my turn in court.
After further digging, it looks like his license expired on 5-19-10, which puts him in the 30 day window of being able to renew by paying fees and a fine. I am going to bring it up to the partner, as I know she wouldn’t want to be left out of the loop on this one. Also, because she is the one that picked the investigator, she should know that he may be investigating without a license.
I appreciate all of your answers. The first place I thought of for advice was Corporette.
It never quite ceases to shock me how expensive clothing can be. I don’t think I could talk myself into buying something this expensive. Even if it is a splurge.