Suit of the Week: LOFT

Peplum Hem Austyn Plaid BlazerFor busy working women, the suit is often the easiest outfit to throw on in the morning. In general, this feature is not about interview suits for women, which should be as classic and basic as you get — instead, this feature is about the slightly different suit that is fashionable, yet professional.

Every so often I like a Mandarin collar on a suit, and this budget-friendly pick from LOFT fits the bill. I like the gathered detail at the waist, the peplum hem, and the four buttons (which, for me at least, would be purely decorative, as I'd wear the suit open). The dark charcoal plaid is a serious way to do the trend this season of plaid suits. The blazer (Peplum Hem Austyn Plaid Blazer) is $138 at LOFT (regular and petites) and the pants pictured (Julie New Boot Cut Pants) are $79.50. (There's also a pencil skirt under the name “Austin” (available in regular and petites), as well as another matching pair of pants in the Marisa cut — both pants are available in talls and petites as well as regular.)

Peplum Hem Austyn Plaid Blazer Julie New Boot Cut Pants



  1. Any thoughts on glasses vs. no glasses in a professional headshot? I have an appointment tomorrow and am not sure what to do.

    I wear glasses over half the time, but contacts one or two days a week, so Iam not sure what the better path is — the simpler, not dated, without-glasses look? or the more common (for me) glasses that might look dated in a couple years? Clients and other contacts will see me both ways. All my glasses are “statement” glasses, FWIW — I’ve been happy with them for years and hey flatter my face, but who can tell what trends will do.

      1. Thanks for this link; I only found the post on general headshot advice when I searched quickly. No discussion of the issue of glasses that might look dated after some time, though. Thoughts?

        1. Don’t wear the glasses. If people can’t tell it’s you, that’s a topic for another thread ;)

    1. I ALWAYS think it is good to wear your GLASES, if you have them, b/c you need to be recognised.

      If all of a sudden you are wearing glases, no one will be able to MATCH you to you’re picture, and that would be silly.

      My high school year-book has me with glasses, and I still wear the same one’s.

      That is why I think I was abel to get into Law School, b/c I looked very BOOK SMART.

      1. Ellen, this contribution is not as strong as your usual performance. It’s simultaneously too incoherent and too dull. Remember that we are here to discuss your MANAGEING PARTNER’s bad breath, the need for Alan to finally marry you and COVER your EXPENESES, and Supreme Court Jussectices who wear Scrunchies.

        1. Monday! Don’t bring up Alan. I believe they BROEK UP because of his ALCOHOLLISM.

        2. Ok, but I have to stay kind of on TARGET, or I will be edeted out by Kat.

          But so long as you asked, I ALSO wear my glases b/c they protect my eyes from the manageing partner’s food that he always spits out when he is eating.

          He make’s me go to lunch with him, and his mustash does NOT catch all of the SOUP he eats.

          When he talks, some winds up all over the place, but NOT in my eyes b/c of my glases.

          1. Snorted on Metro over this. If Ellen is coming, I will DEFINITELY be at the DC meetup!

          2. Unsub, I’m in Texas, and I’m coming too! It always makes me HAPPY to see Ellen’s name.

          3. I think Alan is in DC (works for the government or something like that). Maybe she will reunite with him!

          4. Oh this just made my day. Ellen if you could bring the MANAGEING PARTNER to the meet-up, I WOULD come all the way fromm EUROPE…

    2. If your glasses are trendy, and this headshot will be used for years, and you go almost just as often without glasses… then I would say no glasses in your picture.

      1. I concur. It’s the same reason I wouldn’t wear a super trendy blouse in my headshot.

    3. When I had my firm headshot done, I got to look at the various pictures and select one. Can you take a couple with your glasses on and a couple with your glasses off and then pick the one that turns out best? I find my glasses help break-up my enormous face (yes, it really is that eggheady), but they can look dated after a few years.

  2. I’m really liking the suit jacket; however, I’m not digging the unlined pants. This goes into the “maybe” pile and I’ll keep watching for a sale.

    1. I like the jacket, too. The width of the pant legs are nice, too – wide but not floppy and not too slim or flared.

      1. I really want the jacket. It looks like it would be a great work and weekend with jeans piece.

        Does anyone else think the full suit might be a little too “much” in person (patterns, even muted ones, scare me a little). Has anyone seen this in person? How subtle is the pattern?

        1. I bought it (and returned–fit issues and I really prefer a more classic jacket shape for my suits). The pattern is really subtle–I’m a bit of a pattern-mixer but I would wear a patterned top with it (albeit a relatively subdued one).

    2. I just bought a different but similar suit from Loft (search for the City jacket). I hadn’t bought a Loft suit before so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but for the price, I’m happy. It’s not a suit for court, but it’s a nice, dressed down kind of suit for those in-between kind of events where you feel like a suit might be overkill. I liked the jacket and skirt so much that I just ordered matching pants last night. I’m not in a conservative office though.

      (PSA I got an email from them yesterday — if you enter take30 between now and 11 est tonight, you get 30% off.)

      1. Was shopping in store at the Loft today – extra 30% off all sale merchandise. Scored 2 dresses and a cardigan for $104

      2. Thanks. I completely forgot that Loft even made suits, but I really like the Harvest Tweed suit (which is actually mostly wool), and this makes all 3 pieces less than $200. I’m very tempted!

  3. Just wanted to give a quick update on my mid-year review session. I was not fired. I knew it wouldn’t happen because I’m the only full-time employee. He back-pedalled and glossed over the review. He did spend time praising all the things I’ve accomplished this year.

    And then he mentioned some things to work on. After he spoke, I told him that I’ll be submitting my comments in writing. Someone yesterday suggested I just listen and then say that. I did ask him to clarify the examples he mentioned in his document. In particular, I told him that his document stated that one incident had happened multiple times, when in fact it had only happened once, just 2 weeks ago. He claimed that it had happened before so I asked him tell me when. He said he’d have to go back and check.

    I also told him that when I ask for help, it’s because I’m overwhelmed. I even quoted the staff manual on this subject. He said that he thinks he does help. I told him that actually when I ask for help, he initially says No. Then when he does help, he throws it back in my face repeatedly.

    I’m waiting for him to provide documentation on the other “incident.” Then I’ll write up my comments and add the accomplishments I’ve had since the end of June.

    1. AWESOME! Good for you for sticking up for yourself! What was his response to your rebuttal regarding asking for help?

      Way to go, Bunkster!

    2. I was literally just logging on to ask how it went, and here you are already!

      I was the “receive only, don’t transmit” commenter yesterday. It sounds as if making him walk through his comments paid off in that when he had to actually voice them, they weren’t as bad as they were on paper. And it forced him to talk about actual facts and dates. I wonder if he will amend his written review?

      Good for you for getting through it. Good luck on your rewrite. And, most importantly, good luck on your job search.

      1. Oh, right. I forgot to mention that I heard from one of the organizations I’ve been communicating with. They want me to come in and meet in person for Round 3. Yay!

        1. I’m so happy for you too! Great news about the interview, and I’m pleased with how you handled the review. That’s good advice for all of us. I agree with 1L-1 – we all want you out of there. Corporettes across America will throw happy hours in your honor!

    3. Way to stand up for yourself. Can’t wait until you’re out of that horrible situation.

    4. Sounds like keeping a cool head and writing up a rebuttal is the way to go. Best of luck on the other position!

  4. I actually really like this suit. I prefer skirt suits, though, and this skirt looks too short. Is it just me, or is it odd that a non-petite WORK skirt is only 21 inches long? I am only 5’6″, but I feel like this would be too much skin. Could I pull it off with tights?

    1. FWIW, I avoid buying skirts I can only wear with tights as a general rule. There are plenty of suits/skirts out there that are appropriate and less limiting.

    2. Do your tights make your skirts longer? Mine don’t. I must be buying the wrong kind.

      If a particular skirt is too short for you, it’ll still be too short with opaque hose. Pass.

        1. Sorry, I thought it was funny, not catty. But I can see how it could also be taken as catty.

      1. Amelia’s concern was showing “too much skin.” The kind of (opaque, colored or black or grey) tights lots of us buy DO actually cover more skin on the leg. All of it, in fact. But you knew what she was saying.

  5. Help! I am starting to get small lines around the inside of my eyes. I am 33 and don’t use a regular eye cream. After noticing these lines, I am in desperate need of a good anti-aging eye cream. Any suggestions???

    1. I use Kiehl’s anti-wrinkle eye cream (in the maroon container, called Abyssine Eye Cream). I love it. It’s moderately priced. If you have a Kiehl’s, you can get a sample from them before buying the whole shebang.

      1. I use that one, too, every morning and night. Also, the Kiehl’s Imperiale Repairateur eye balm for particularly dehydrated times (at night only).

    2. It’s just gonna happen. Don’t sweat it too much. I haven’t found any eye creams that I think really do much (except burn my eyes).

    3. First of all, take a deep breath. It’s not that bad, and lines really just add character. After all, Angelina Jolie has lines around her eyes too, and is anyone complaining?

      I use Neutrogena eye cream. I can’t remember exactly what it is called, but it works for me. I think it is basically just heavy-duty moisturizer, but it makes me feel better to use it. It is probably just psychosomatic.

    4. Sunglasses that cover your eyes plus a lot of adjacent real estate. Sunscreen. Preventive Botox/Dysport.

      1. Aveda Green Science. Seriously. You can also put it on your lids, undereye area — it depuffs beautifully.

      1. I second La Mer. And also wholeheartedly endorse a recent addition to my skincare lineup, thanks to Sephora’s point-for-stuff system, Strivectin. Strivectin has done more for my lines in two weeks than La Mer has done in ages, but…I do think La Mer is the gold standard eye cream. I have tried a lot of them [Darphin – second favorite, Chanel, Shiseido [a thousand times no], and a multitude of samples I don’t remember because they weren’t worth a hoot.]

        I don’t think Strivectin is a moisturizer, so it needs to be layered with a proper eye cream. If you can breathe deeply and spring for both, it’s a great solution. If that’s too much, I’d go with the Strivectin and a “regular” eye cream.

    5. ROC Night Cream or Neutrogena Healthy Skin. I read once (years ago) that the only thing clinically proven, over the counter, to actually work on wrinkles is retinol (basically OTC Retin-A), which is in these two creams.

      I have used these two creams (whichever’s available) for about 10 yrs and people generally think I am 5-7 years younger than I am. (Sorry didn’t mean to brag. It could be my totally immature behavior.)

    6. 100% unrefined shea butter. It’s also a fantastic overnight hair conditioner and a great cuticle cream

    1. Very pretty. Quite tempting – but I am trying to resist since I’ve realized I have gone insane with shopping lately.

    2. I saw it at the store the other day but am waiting for another “whole store is on sale” sale. It’s hard for me to pay anything close to retail when they have such frequent sales.

    3. How do the sizes run? I’m btw a 6 and 8 at J Crew? Its really a cute sweater blazer

      1. Depends how fitted you want it. I’m very top heavy, but with a small waist, and run around a 8-10 at Jcrew. I got a medium, and it was pretty fitted but that’s what I wanted. The large was just too wide on me.

  6. Can we please talk about how many women dont know how to wear suits?

    I am applying to business school and had my first interview earlier this week. Most of the other women there that day had suits that didnt fit or weren’t styled appropriately for an interview at an Ivy league university/top 10 business school. One had a skirt that was too tight/short and a jacket that was too big, another was wearing a casual skirt suit and no stockings. The other women were wearing suits in materials that I felt were too casual for an interview. There was at least one other woman who I felt was dressed in a manner that reflected her environment.

    I know that how I dress isnt necessarily a reflection of my ability to do well at their school and in my career, but exuding a certain understanding of the culture is important.

    1. “I know that how I dress isnt necessarily a reflection of my ability to do well at their school and in my career”

      Yes, it is. If I were the interviewer, your well-groomed appearance would give you points with me.

      If you are friends with those other women, direct them to Corporette. :)

    2. I feel like I don’t know how to style a suit, but at least my skirts are long enough, and I know to wear stockings!

      1. the stocking thing is a location and generational thing and not a must in all occassions. i rarely wear stockings with suits in months when its warm enough that they are not needed. even in court i dont always wear them in the summer. i am not alone. (this was true in NYC and Chicago)

      2. Haven’t worn stockings in years (including to interviews). Since about 2001. Doesn’t even occur to me.

        1. I don’t wear stockings. Will wear tights. I’m senior enough in my career that I feel like I can do what I want. But I think stockings look creepy.

      3. I am a 3L and wear stockings to interviews and if I am going to court. I like to play it safe. When I have been a lawyer for a few years I will probably ease up on it.

    3. I dress pretty well but could not get an interview at a top-2/Ivy B-School. Those women are doing something right!

    4. I am in the south where it is usually 90+ degrees, and I do not wear stockings with my suits. Although I would for an interview… and court, depositions, client meetings, etc. Are stockings really necessary whenever we wear suits?

      1. I work in Florida, and I have to wear suits everyday and stockings with my skirt suits. *Sigh*

      2. Only for formal occasions. If you wear suits every day, stockings aren’t required (unless your company requires them).

    5. Sadly, it’s not just business school. I was reading the annual report for my company the other day and noticed that in the picture of our Board of Directors, all of the men looked apropriately dressed in suits and ties. Of the two women who are on the board of about a dozen, one woman was wearing an LBD that seemed better suited to a nice dinner on the town and the other had on a suit with a jacket that was far too long and–even worse–casual sandals on her feet. I just don’t get it. When you work so hard to become a success, it seems like you should own it and try to look like one, too.

    6. Does anyone else look at MCA’s comment and think it’s a bit smug, no? That’s the one thing that turns me off about this blog. There is a tendency for women to look down on other women solely based on their appearance.

      Sorry, rant over.

      1. I didn’t think smug, but this is the second comment in two days to the effect of, “I saw someone dressed so poorly; let me tell you about it.” The only reason that bothers me is that God knows I’m not perfect and have made plenty of mistakes. I can only hope someone hasn’t decided to broadcast my fashion faux pas for a community of anonymous online strangers to comment on / judge / make fun of.

      2. I did think it was smug. I haven’t had a job that required stockings since around 2000 and don’t really feel like they are the norm in my area anymore at all. Similarly, these people are applying to b-school and haven’t been admitted yet. They may not work in fields that require dressier suits and are just going to the interview with what they have. I agree with MCA that it’s not appropriate to wear anything too tight/short, but think it’s a bit much to go on about fabrics that are “too casual.” What does that even mean?

    7. Understanding the culture… if you’re the only one not in keeping, maybe your style is not the culture?

  7. I’d love some advice. I recently got a little tipsy/drunk at an event at the law firm I accepted during OCI (bad, I know – it was accidental & the evening was very drinking heavy). The event was initially formal, but as the evening wore on (quite late), it moved to a bar serving beers. I am normally quite good at hiding any intoxication, and have been told by a friend at the event that I was “totally” appropriate. However, I still wonder – could there be any negative ramifications to this (i.e. rescinded offer)? It has been about a week and I’ve heard nothing. I also sent a follow-up email to a lawyer thanking them for their helpful advice they gave during the evening. Anyway, I would appreciate some more objective opinions, if only to alleviate my worrying.

    1. No. If you moved to a post-party location, the firm shouldn’t be at all surprised that you got a little tipsy. As an attender of many such events, I _might_ notice tipsyness, think about it for oh, 5 minutes, and then forget it. Sorry to inform you, but we have better things to think about the next day, like work. :) Just make sure you don’t have MULTIPLE repeat performances over the summer.

      And no, they will not take back your offer. You would have to probably do a lap dance for a hiring partner and then puke on him (or her) before you’d have a rescinded offer. I’ve never heard of any firm rescinding a summer offer, and one that did so would quickly get a bad reputation throughout the law schools — unless of course it was because of said lap dance / puking.

    2. “However, I still wonder – could there be any negative ramifications to this (i.e. rescinded offer)?”

      No. In fact, a demonstrated ability to handle one’s liquor is an asset at many law firms. Well done.

      1. Excellent point. Ability to both drink and have coherent conversatoins means you’ll fit in.

    3. Relax. I think “she had drinks! at a bar! with people!” is not a reason any firm will rescind an offer. If you’d gotten smashed and had to be delivered home by others at the event, perhaps they’d be having second thoughts, but if your behavior was in keeping with your peers’ behavior, and it was a social event, IMO you didn’t do anything you should worry about.

      Next time, drink one non-alcoholic drink for every alcoholic one, and no more than one per hour.

    4. I agree with all of the “no worries” comments. Your question did, however, remind me of some unfortunate drunkenness by associates at my first law firm. One mid-level associate got so drunk at the holiday party that he couldn’t figure out how to get out of the revolving door and ended up going around and around and around in there and eventually puking in there. The partners were amused, not ticked.

      1. Oh, how I love this story. I’ve been having a craptacular week – snorting at my computer at your story put a legitimate smile on my face for the first time all week. Thank you!

        1. I don’t know if you are joking or not, but I actually really do hate revolving doors. It drives me crazy here in NYC where a building has both revolving and regular doors, but they lock the regular ones.

          1. Freshman year of college, I got my foot caught in a revolving door on move-in day. It was ridiculously hot (NYC in early September). My foot was bleeding, but I couldn’t stop to take care of it because it was just my mom and me and she had to stay with the car while I moved everything in.

            So I totally agree with you about revolving doors and I try to avoid them as much as possible.

          2. I was totally not kidding. I hate them, too. I feel like I am running out of air when I am inside of one, even though I know that’s a ridiculous notion. I avoid them, but have run into the same locked-door situation you have.

        2. My office building has the automatic revolving ones, and they drive me bonkers- they are SO slow most of the time, but then other times they’re fast and I get tripped up. It’s a constant battle with those stupid doors.

    5. You don’t tell us much about your behavior.

      Were you just feeling warm, or were you drunk?

      If it’s the latter, in general, yes, there may be negative consequences. I doubt a rescinded offer, but let this be a lesson to you. When you are with current or future co-workers, stay appropriate.

    6. Relax, if the event went to a bar, it was expected that people get tipsy. Take it as an introduction into the culture of your new firm. As long as you aren’t throwing up, you are golden.

      For some perspective, do an informal survey of women in your firm and most will say their favorite drink is a “gin and tonic”. Then at the next event, look and see how many women are drinking “gin and tonics”. My guess is that at least 80% of the “gin and tonics” are actually “tonic and limes”.

      1. Maybe this is true at your firm, but I highly doubt it’s true at mine, or many of my friend’s firms. Ability to hold your liquor and hang with the boys is a mark in your favor, esp. at the after-party or any non-client event. If you’re having tonic and limes at most of these events, then the only explanation is generally hiding a pregnancy. To the OP, I wouldn’t sweat it.

        1. Maybe it’s just me, but I read karen’s comment such that it actually agrees with what you’re saying about your firm culture. I read it as saying that many of the women order tonic and lime to look like gin and tonic because they understand that they have to “hang with the boys” but either don’t want to drink that much or physically can’t. The women are hoping that no one notices their drink is a “fake” so it looks like they’re throwing drinks back like the men while staying under control.

        2. Yeah – 80% of what looks like gin and tonics are probably straight vodka where I work. :)

      2. I am astounded at the idea that just because you go to a bar that “it’s expected that you get tipsy.” Really? Does that hold when you’re at a bar with clients? I doubt it.

        Sorry, but if you want to drink to this level when you’re with friends, be my guest (and make sure you have a DD). But at any work event, those of us drinking responsibily or drinking “tonic and limes” will judge you for your lack control and understanding of how to act in the world of grownups.

        Will the OP lose her opportunity? No. But there may well be people watching her more closely in the future until they can see she knows how to handle herself in these situations.

          1. Actually E, I am alot of fun. Although I enjoy a drink as much as anyone, i also prefer to manage my professional image while I’m in complete control of my faculties. I just find it amazing how cavalierly smart women who have invested tremendous amounts of effort and money in their careers and futures are willing to risk stupid drunk behavior in the businessplace. I really think this is an age-related difference of attitude. And while your peers may share your opinions on this one, keep in mind there may be older baby boomers like me in leadership positions who will determine your career trajectory. You can decide if your “fun”‘is worth that risk.

          2. @Anonymous- it’s not just an age thing. I know plenty of young people who are very conscious of their image at work functions and really do not feel comfortable drinking that much in front of coworkers. I know others who have learned the hard way that showing you can hang with the boys can also gets you labeled as the drunk/tipsy girl at parties. The point at which drunk people think they are getting to be “fun” is often the same point at which more sober people might start to disapprove of the “fun” person’s behavior.

          3. @MelD – thank you for restoring a modicum of my faith – it seemed I was in a pretty small minority here (my iPhone posted me as Anonymous rather than ks – I wasn’t trying to hide!).

    7. I think you’re fine. Sounds like tipsy/drunk was the norm/expectation, as it often is at these law firm events with multiple after-phases. And if you normally hold yourself together, have independent (and trusted) confirmation that you did so, have no memory of doing anything involving any bodily fluids or brutal honesty (and didn’t black out), and are the type of person who frets about such an evening a week afterwards – you didn’t do anything to jeopardize your spot, but rather demonstrated you can hang with the boys.

    8. You really have nothing to worry about. There’s a good chance no one noticed because everyone was a bit tipsy. In the off chance someone did notice, like Nancy P said, its unlikely anyone will remember or care unless you puke on someone or do something else really obvious that displays a complete lack of judgment (unlikely to happen since you read this site!)

      Next time you’re at an event get a tonic water with lime or a soda (ppl will assume its a mixed drink) if you don’t want to appear to be not drinking. But its also completely fine to have a glass of water. No one expects you to be able to drink all night — it shows good judgment that you know when to quit.

    9. OP here. Thank you all for your comments – I feel a lot better about it. The firm has a reputation of being a party-hard place, so I guess I should either work on improving my alcohol tolerance before the summer or implement some of your wonderful suggestions regarding non-alcoholic beverages! That said, I don’t think my enjoyment of the evening was unilateral – many partners were out with us until the wee hours of the morning. It was just a little unnerving the next day to realize that I showed vulnerability to a firm that I am so ecstatic to be working for.

    10. I just had a very hilarious flashback to the moment where a partner bought my summer associate class tequilla shots (and took shots — yes, multiple shots — with us) at about 1:00am. It was a weekday, too. Thinking back, I’m actually even more astounded because, wow, I cannot tell you the last time that I saw 1:00am, let alone a bar and shots at 1:00am.

      Don’t get me wrong — I don’t suggest being “the drunk girl” at the party. But a little bit tipsy on one occasion where (it sounds like) everyone else was drinking? You’re fine. Put this experience in your back pocket as something you don’t want to repeat (the not knowing for sure whether you were inappropriate is really the worst), and move on.

      1. Agreed. Spoken as one who was out with two federal judges, other attorneys and the clients after a mediation last month and all of us drank more than was good for us. One of the attorneys -a senior woman partner – got so drunk the waitress had to ask her to hand over her car keys!

  8. Does anyone use e-bates for their online shopping? Thoughts? I have heard of it, but haven’t decided whether it’s worth another step in the shopping process.

      1. I’ve never had eBates add anything to my computer. You may want to check that the additional programs are not from somewhere else.

      2. I don’t think that’s true. I haven’t had to install anything and have used ebates at work where I have no administrative control over my computer.

      3. I’ve been using Ebates for years, and I’ve never noticed them installing stuff on my computer. I’ve seriously gotten hundreds of dollars back. I love it. It especially adds up at Christmas.

    1. I’ve never used e-bates but I do use upromise to get money towards my loan repayments. I think they work similarly (go to the website first, then access the online store page through the page and get credits for what you purchase).

      I signed up and then never used it. The key for me was making it my homepage. This way when I sign on to look for something to buy I just go right through the page. It’s not going to pay back my loans itself but I have a few hundred in credits so I consider it worth the minimal effort.

    2. I use ebates. Takes some time to remember to go to the site first, but the money adds up quickly, especially with all of the online shopping I do. I’m not sure of what “all kinds of crap” is installed on your computer, as you click on a link from a website which takes you to another website. You’re not storing your credit card info on ebates. And as with all internet usage, a good cookie/temporary files cleaner should be used to get rid of the misc crap.

    3. I have used eBates for several years. Totally worth it. At the very least it pays for the shipping. I try to use it every time I order online and have gotten many “Big Fat Checks.”

    4. I get cash back on many stores from credit card– check yours. I just log into credit card site, click thru to shopping site, and then get the 5, 10, 15% back on the next bill. No giving out of info to another company– cc co. already has it.

  9. Threadjack – I’m a 22 year old recent college graduate who will be starting a job next week at an accounting firm. New hires were instructed to wear a suit every day during their first week. In addition to a few plain suits in black, navy, gray, and beige, I have a suit that consists of a black and white printed skirt with a black jacket. Would it be acceptable to wear this, or should I just stick with the basics for my first week? When I do wear the basic suits, is it okay to wear a blouse or a shell underneath the jacket, or should I wear button down shirts?

    Also, my current hairstyle is long and straight with bangs cut straight across my forehead. My hairstyle is basically this but thicker:
    While I love my hair, I have found that it looks odd with suits. It just doesn’t look professional on me. Should I cut my hair or just wear it in a ponytail every day? If I cut it I was thinking maybe shoulder length. I love my bangs and wouldn’t want to change them.

    I know these types of questions are typically “know your office,” but since I’m a new hire I don’t know the office yet.

    Thank you for your help!

    1. I would stick with the plain suits and assess how you feel about the trendier one in the later weeks. Definitely ok to wear a blouse/shell rather than a button down.

      Hair is one of those oft-debated topics here. I think you should try pulling it back or otherwise styling it for the first week or so to see how you feel because it’s possible that you think it looks funny because you’re not used to wearing suits. As a note, that hairstyle looks perfectly fine to me, as long as you do not play with it and it is maintained neatly (which I’m sure it is).

      1. Thanks for the advice. I wore button down shirts under my jacket during my three rounds of interviews, but I prefer to wear shells.

        I’m pretty comfortable with wearing professional attire, as I’ve been working in an office for the past two years. The dress code was business casual, but there were still occasions in which I needed to wear a suit. Normally I just wore my hair down in its usual style, but it makes me feel like a kid playing dress up rather than a professional woman! Maybe that’s just a personal hang-up rather than something other people actually notice. I think I’ll stick with a ponytail my first few days and take note of how other women wear their hair.

      2. Do you have any specific suggestions and/or links to decent ones shells to go under a suit? I generally stick to button downs and I would like to mix it up a bit. TIA!

    2. I’d suggest sticking with a basic suit your first day and see what others are wearing. You may be able to go w/ the printed skirt in the later week, but I wouldn’t suggest it for the first day. Especially if you’re only instructed to wear a suit the first week (does this mean the dress code relaxes as you get acclimated to the office)?

      I think the hairstyle is fine; just don’t play with your hair (a really bad habit I had for a while). If you have a tendency to be a hair-fiddler, then pull it away from your face.

      Best of luck.

      1. Normally the dress code is business casual unless you have an important client meeting or event. During your first week the partners take the new hires out to lunch every day, so it’s important to look professional and pulled-together, which is why they require suits.

        Thank you for the advice. I think I’m start with the basics and see where that takes me. I can always wear the printed skirt the following week :)

    3. I don’t think your hair is necessarily unprofessional. I would just make sure and not let the bangs get too long. If I were in your shoes I wouldn’t cut my hair (unless I sincerely wanted to try a new style). You’re probably comfortable with the long length; if you cut it I think you’d be self conscious for a while. What purpose would that serve? I think looking young for your age/job has more to do with attitude and behavior than with your actual looks unless you really miss the boat in the wardrobe department; but you sound like you’re headed in the right direction with that.

    4. There are two classic Corporette posts and attendant comments that address these issues:

      Does Long Hair Make You Look Younger –

      And The Best Tops for Under Suits –

      Good luck on your first day!

      If it were me, I would 1) Get a hair cut that looks more professional, 2) wear matching jacket/pants/skirt suits, with 3) no button-downs underneath because they tend to gape.

  10. Any San Diego ‘rettes out there? DH and I are considering relocating to San Diego — what’s the legal market looking like these days? I’ve been practicing for 8 years in insurance defense. Any thoughts?

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