Suit of the Week: The Fold
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For busy working women, the suit is often the easiest outfit to throw on in the morning. In general, this feature is not about interview suits for women, which should be as classic and basic as you get — instead, this feature is about the slightly different suit that is fashionable, yet professional.
The Fold always has such interesting clothes — professional but just a bit different. The wrapped, asymmetric blazer on this navy suit is stunning — kind of reminiscent of something Marlene Dietrich would have worn, but modern and edgy all the same. Lovely.
I am almost always on team “YES you have to wear a blouse beneath a blazer!!” but in this extraordinarily rare case I might vote for a tank top or very low scoop neck tee instead.
The Fold offers a number of items in the same color/EC 1 fabric, including trousers, a pencil skirt, and the brand's beloved Belleville top. Pieces range from $215–$395. Love.
(Fun fact I just learned: The co-founder of The Fold “comes from the competitive world of consulting and finance,” and has a Cambridge PhD in Molecular Biology and an MBA from London Business School.)
On the hunt for something similar but more affordable? In plus sizes, Eloquii has a number of tie-front blazers (and a ton of joyful, happy suits for summer), and the Smythe wrap blazer is under $300 at Saks (!). Amazon and Macy's have slightly boxier, less fitted asymmetric blazers. Meanwhile, for a giggle, check out Ssense and ASOS. (Actually, I somehow came across these “janties” from Ssense and shared them in the Corporette staff Slack to LOL…)
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Sales of note for 2/7/25:
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
Sales of note for 2/7/25:
- Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
- Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
- Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
- Boden – 15% off new season styles
- Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
- J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
- J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
- Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
- Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
- Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+
And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!
Some of our latest threadjacks include:
- My workload is vastly exceeding my capability — what should I do?
- Why is there generational resentment regarding housing? (See also)
- What colors should I wear with a deep green sweater dress?
- How do you celebrate milestone birthdays?
- How do you account for one-time expenses in your monthly budget?
- If I'm just starting to feel sick from the flu, do I want Tamilfu?
- when to toss old clothes of a different size
- a list of political actions to take right now
- ways to increase your intelligence
- what to wear when getting sworn in as a judge (congrats, reader!)
- how to break into teaching as a second career
HELP needed for my sanity please… I posted a couple of days ago about how the boyfriend I moved in with during quarantine has been messaging other women on dating apps. As context, we are both in our early 30s, I’m flying out in a few days to be gone for a month, I saw his message saying he was ready for zoom dating as recent as two weeks ago, and I packed all my stuff back to my place in panic and anger.
He has been pining and sending these angsty apologies for the past few days. He’s always been a charismatic personality which I’ve been drawn to – and he’s a good writer and even more persuasive speaker. He’s saying that all the messages were out of boredom and habit. He also said that he was jaded with the New York dating scene for so long that up until I moved in March he was trying to keep his options open in case we didn’t work out. But during our quarantine together he realized that what we had was real and possibly the most stable relationship he had but he kept swiping on dating apps out of habit. He doesn’t want to throw away what we had based on the idiotic things he did without any real intention to “get some”.
Even as I’m typing this, I realize how ridiculous this sounds. But I’m so tormented. He sounds sincere and sorry – and I also realize how persuasive he could be for work or otherwise. And I haven’t felt this comfortable and stable during the last few months with him – and also realize we’ve plunged into a relationship real fast when we were forced to stay with each other 24/7 practically overnight. Even before I really didn’t use dating apps or really go on dates that frequently so I’m just extremely sad and confused on what to make of this situation.
Is this sort of an incident that can be brushed off a stupid thing he can promise never to do again? Or is this serious enough to hint something inherent about his character? Is this what happens regularly with the New York dating scene? Everytime I try to have a conversation with him, he tells me how sorry he is and how he wants me back and I keep aching for the familiarity and stability we had together. Just now I’m getting texts from him saying he’ll miss me while I’m away. I think I’m going insane….help!
What would you tell a friend who came to you with this story? DTMFA, right?
So do that.
The alternative is to go another round and break up next time. Which is your choice, of course. Just promise that next time you will really for sure leave for good.
I so agree! If he is doing that, he obviously has a big problem. You should not be romantic with anyone who is texting (and God knows what else) with other women! I had a loser that I dumped, but I never had any evidence that he was after other women (with his bad breathe and teeth, who would even look at him?); but anyway, I think he has a character defect that can only get worse over time. I do not know if you were sleepeing with him, but you should give him his walking papers ASAP.
Morover, if you travel internationally, tyou know what happens when you go overseas, with male dirt bags making s-xueal plays for you, so the last thing you need is to come back and find tell-tail signs of some woman’s presence in your OWN apartment in your absence. Needless to say, this can and does happen, often, when you can’t trust your boyfreind. I say DTMFA now, so you will not get let down later. FOOEY on men like him!
Do you think you can trust him while you’re away? If the answer is no, you know your answer. I fear for you that he’s only sorry he got caught.
This person is not faithful and is not trustworthy. What else do you need to know? Cut your losses – this isn’t your husband, you don’t have kids or shared property. There are more fish in the sea.
I wouldn’t take him back after this, and I think you deserve much better than someone who betrays your trust out of “habit” or because he got scared about being serious. I’d worry that he will do the same thing again when things get hard or go up another level if he is doing it so soon into your relationship. If you decide not to take him back, many people find that going no contact helps the healing process because they don’t have to be subjected to these messages that make them feel bad or tempt them to make a decision they wouldn’t be happy with. Just something to think about.
I was cheated on in a marriage and desperately wanted to take my ex back. He left anyway, and I’m so so glad that he did. I just don’t think I ever could have gone back to having full trust in him.
IIRC you have to travel internationally for family, right? Couldn’t you just punt this decision? Just say — I think I understand, if we’re both still interested let’s keep in touch for the next mo via text/whatsapp/whatever and then get together when I return. You jumped in really fast really quick because of quarantine. This will naturally allow you to slow it down and by doing that you’ll see if either of you really misses each other. Bc let’s be real if he’s playing it like — eh I’m just being an NYC guy — he is NOT going to wait a month and text you, he’ll just “get some” with someone else. But if he does keep in touch and you have real convos, then it’s different — you know there’s something there that can maybe move forward at a more normal pace when you return.
IDK, but he sounds skeezy to me. I do think it’s a character issue.
OP this is what you wrote, which reads as manipulative and/or skeezy to me. and he’s clearly good at drawing people in:
“…which I’ve been drawn to – and he’s a good writer and even more persuasive speaker.”
I think that sounds like a weak AF excuse. Was he swiping “out of habit” and planning a date even if you weren’t going to be gone? Also if this was me, and he was quarantined with me but swiping out of “boredom” I’d be offended on that alone. You deserve to be with someone who is in awe of how they landed you, NOT someone who has you around 24/7 due to the pandemic and still needs to find excitement in outside women wanting him due to BOREDOM.
If you really want to give him another shot, I’d still stay away for now, and even then this dude needs to woo your socks off. Ugh I’m so mad on your behalf at him!
This is exactly what I came here to say. +1M What an @sshat.
Yep. Boy bye.
This is true. I know it’s hard, but you should break it off. His boredom will only worsen the longer you’re with him.
No. I suspect he’s stringing you along to keep his options open — he’ll date while you’re gone and if nothing pans out, he’s got something to count on (you) at the end of the month. No no no no. You deserve better than this.
This is clearly his plan. It’s nuts that you haven’t blocked him from contacting you yet. Honey you deserve so much better than his skeezy self.
Nah, he just wants to date you and still keep his options open. Of course he can be persuasive. Don’t waste any more time on him.
(I’m speaking from experience – I wasted almost 2 years with a guy who was awesome to be with (so fun! so charismatic! all the shared interests!) but who refused to refer to me as his girlfriend and I saw that the “most frequently used app” on his phone (probably a year into dating?) was OKCupid. I wish I could go back and kick myself over staying with him for so long.)
What happens next time he’s bored? He seems to feel that’s complete justification. You say “persuasive”, I say “manipulative.” You don’t need to be with someone who makes you question your extremely reasonable actions – like breaking up with a cheater.
Stay strong. You can and will do better!
+1. Boredom is an absolutely terrible excuse. Also, who cares whether this “happens regularly with the New York dating scene”? Lots of ridiculous things happen “regularly.” That doesn’t mean you have to accept them in your life!
You were right the first time. Move on.
NO. It cannot be brushed off. Remember, he wasn’t just “swiping out of habit” he was actively talking to other women! This doesn’t “hint” at something about his character, it tells you directly that his character is not good! Even if this “happens regularly” in any dating scene, it’s still not acceptable. You deserve better. It should not be surprising that a dude who is skirting the line of cheating is a smooth talker. Do not let him pretend he’s a victim by talking about how he’s jaded by the scene. He’s part of the problem! No no no reject reject reject. He is treating you poorly.
Dump him and after the shock wears off, you will return to sanity. I am so sorry because I understand that you are hurting. But you didn’t lose a good relationship. I know it feels like you did when you just remember the good parts, but the core was rotten.
I’m not a therapist, but my therapist recommended “Psychopath Free” (book, Jackson MacKenzie) for very persuasive people who make you second-guess yourself/ your intuition (make you feel “insane”), who are fast-paced in relationships, and who keep other people “in the wings”. It may be helpful to you, it was helpful for me.
I would tell him that you’ll reach out if you want to get back together when you return next month and continue on your merry way alone. He sounds like he’s trying to absolve himself of blame instead of acknowledging that he behaved badly.
I”m going to call you on that “stability we had when we were together” thing. You absolutely did not in any way have stability. You had a facade of stability. What you actually had was a temporary living situation in the middle of a global crisis, living with a guy in brand-new relationship who was texting and contacting other women the entire time. This is not stability. It felt good, and I truly get it how hard it is to feel like everything in life has tumbled apart and want to recreate something that felt good. But it wasn’t stability.
Stability is the guy who holds your hair back when you’re vomiting in the toilet because of morning sickness. Stability is the guy who is kind to your dying grandmother. Stability is the man who exercises self-control and integrity when he’s around other women because he has decided that you are more important to him than anyone else. Stability is the kind of guy you’d set your friend up with. Stability is the kind of guy about whom you can look your daughter in the face and say, Find a man like your dad, because he’s going to do you good–not harm — for years and years on end.
Oh, man, yes yes yes to the second paragraph!!
Copying this for later (read: the next time I find myself wanting to go after an emotionally unavailable dude who wants to date/hang out but not work towards an actual partnership because we ~*~ connect so well~*~)
Anonynmous at 3:07 pm, your second paragraph is a beautiful ode to the right guy and would make a fantastic Father’s Day card. OP, sorry to say I agree with her first paragraph also.
Cue gif of Meryl Streep standing up and cheering.
Lol all of this except I am very glad I did not marry anyone like my dad.
She didn’t say everyone should marry a man like their dad. She said you know you’ve found a good man when you can tell your future daughters to marry a man like their dad. Very different.
Ah yes, comprehension fail :)
I love this. I have a son, not a daughter, but I would happily tell my daughter, or any one of my friends, to find a man like my husband.
I just love it! Especially your final sentence.
Spot on.
You’re gone for a month, right? Why don’t you wait until you get back and then see how you both feel then. You’ll have gotten used to not having that familiarity and stability and I think maybe you’ll be better able to decide. I do think it’s possible for humans to commit genuine mistakes, feel genuine remorse, and change their behavior. Only you can judge if that’s what’s happening here.
Oh, and also you’ll have more data to make your decision based on how he behaves during that time.
I think this is great advice, and I’d second it. no need to decide now. time away will also help give you clarity on what you want, I bet.
I agree with this approach too. See how you both feel in a month and then go from there.
He’s not sorry he did it, he’s sorry he got caught. He wasn’t “swiping out of habit” — he was carrying on conversations with the intention of leveling up to Zoom dates in your absence. Don’t let him persuade you that it was an innocent mistake. He’s a grown @ss man who knew exactly what he was doing.
Yes! This. Listen to ‘Take a Bow’ by Rihanna and block this dude. You’re worth so much more.
I’m sorry you’re going through this. Believe me I know the power of persuasion from an eloquent and charismatic person. (I learned this the very hard way.) But his excuses and explanations don’t make sense. You move in, he realizes how wonderful you and the relationship are, but he is not only still on dating apps but actually talking about setting up Zoom dates? He wasn’t really planning to cheat – but just going behind your back and then stringing along other women?
My advice is the same as Senior Attorney’s – DTMFA. But if you aren’t ready to say an absolute no-never, you can see how you feel after your month away. But for now, stop listening to him, and most definitely do not see him.
I speak from experience. I gave someone like this a second chance and he did exactly the same thing to me a second time. Do. Not. Believe. Him.
I echo the others who have said he is only sorry he got caught. You should not waste one more minute of your time and energy on this person. Block him and delete his contact information from your phone.
Agree with the advice above (especially the commenters pointing out that he’s just keeping you on the back burner for if other things don’t work out), but what really stands out to me is that he appears to get validation from dating apps. Women are swiping yes to me! I’m getting matches! She messaged me! It’s like getting “likes” on social media. It can be addictive and dopamine releasing. It feels good! I’m not trying to hate on dating apps – I think they are great tools for people who are looking. But he had someone already (you) and shouldn’t need to seek out additional validation.
If you really believed he made a mistake and won’t do it again, you wouldn’t ask us. You know what you need to do, it just sucks having to do it and you don’t want to. That’s completely understandable, but it still needs doing.
I think you should take him back. He was bored. As long as you make sure to be fun and engaging and plan events so he’s never bored again, he probably won’t do this to you again. I also think you should let your employer know that you may have to dash away for a while if he ever reaches out to let you know he’s bored mid-day. If we were friends in real life, I would not at all be upset if you had to cancel plans with me if you were on your way to meet me but he was bored so you had to stay home to entertain him.
Look, the reality here is that this guy is a total catch and you have nothing to offer anyone else. You aren’t interesting or desirable or educated or employed or kind or lovely or funny or caring or generous or loving or deserving of a balanced relationship. You just have to accept what you can get because he’s the best and you are just a horrible terrible person.
Have you rolled your eyes or shaken your head or wanted to throddle me? If so, it’s you telling yourself that you shouldn’t take him back. If you nodded along or felt understood, it’s you telling yourself that you shouldn’t take him back and you should start seeing a therapist. <3
LOL you had me in the first couple lines!!
Me too haha!
OP, I’m starting to wonder if this is a uniquely NY thing due to the surplus of single women here. Almost the exact same thing happened to me in Manhattan (without moving in part). In my case, I found and followed the Instagram account of one of the girls he was messaging at the time, because I wanted to know if he continued to hang out with them even after I confronted him about it. I didn’t tell any of the girls or the guy, and one of the girls’ Instagram stories showed the two of them at his apartment after he denied it. So there’s that.
Forgot to add that he even claimed to have deleted his dating app profile, but I paid for premium access which told me when he was active in the last 72 hours. This is CMB. This feature is worth its weight in gold.
It’s not a NY thing, it’s a sh*tty guy thing. It may be easier to pull off in big cities with a gender imbalance but it’s not something you should tolerate. I promise no guy is worth it and the right one won’t do this to you in the first place. Please don’t sell yourself short! You are deserving of so much better.
New York is not Mars and the gender ratio is not that skewed. Seriously, there are creeps everywhere. You need not settle for this.
Block him and move on. He’s cheating on you.
girl, are you with my ex? if so, he’s still texting me and trying to get back together. no, but seriously, you DESERVE BETTER! Don’t let him take you in and make you feel like sh*t again. He sucks and if you stay with his drama you are shutting yourself off to others. Hugs!
He has shown you who he is.Do not go back. There are 2 kinds of men. Those who cheat and those who don’t. Be glad you found out now. Leopards don’t change their spots.
I’m in a similar situation-I have been quarantining with a guy in NYC (exclusively) and found out he has been swiping on apps, we did not discuss specific dating parameters but I do feel down about it and wish we had discussed this beforehand.
I watched some Matt Hussey videos and he talks about how this quarantine isn’t changing outcomes of relationships but maybe hurrying them up OR delaying them. Truths come to the surface faster, or maybe we choose to hide because there’s too much to handle for now.
I guess- this is to say, I totally understand your desire to not be alone, to have a companion during this time. I got out of a long term relationship last year and was looking forward to dating in NYC. I returned from a long international trip abroad ready to jump in- and then this all hit. It’s hard.
What is your favorite short sleeved dress, with pockets? Preferably around knee length – I’m 5’4, willing to tailor/hem/let out a hem. Solid color or small print preferred. I’m looking to spend less than $100/dress but if you have a splurge recommendation, I’ll happily watch for sales.
I think you’ll find a lot to like at Boden.
Second this – Boden is going to have a lot of choices along these lines and I find that their quality is quite nice. Often more than $100, but they have a huge sale section.
Are you thinking for work or play?,43324,44967,45073
V-neck ponte sheath at ON, I got one in black and one in emerald green. The pockets hit me in a bad place, though, so I’l probably sew them shut. But I am vain and care more about not looking even thicker around the middle than I actually am than I do about having pockets.
Sharing a story in COVID management from Slovakia (where the president coordinates her mask with outfits):
They are also wearing gloves, which seems like a great idea.
…bit of a clothes horse… ;)
Which is fine, even awesome. Because she is also the president and clearly a boss.
maybe this West Wing reference only made sense in my head. Anyway, she looks fantastic on that picture.
Sorry, didn’t get the reference! Might be time for a binge of the West Wing (which I never watched).
I totally got it. Jules, definitely watch it. Or maybe don’t because it will make you weep for the world. Even the reactionary Republican characters seem like reasonable choices compared to Trump.
Sorry if this is TMI. Can anyone recommend what worked for getting rid of dandruff? Won’t have the option to see a dermatologist, so looking for drugstore options. Thank you in advance!
Head & shoulders
Neutrogena T-Sal. Follow the directions to leave it on for several minutes before rinsing.
Head & Shoulders dark blue bottle
I’ve tried and tried for years. the only thing that helps me is prescription steroids for my scalp. And even then, sometimes, that doesn’t cut it. Drugstore shampoos may help some ppl, but for me, it makes it snow MORE…
All the anti dandruff shampoos just irritates my sensitive skin and made my dandruff worse. What finally helped was switching to Kristin Ess gentle shampoo and conditioner (available at Target). My poor scalp is finally happy and the flakes have completely disappeared. And my hair looks great. If you have sensitive skin on your face, might be worth seeing if the same is true of your scalp.
I stopped using shampoos with SLS. Seriously, that made all the difference. Even the dandruff shampoos have SLS in ’em, so they never worked. My dog’s flea shampoo has SLS in it, so when I bathe him I get all the same reactions (except of course I don’t put flea shampoo on my own head –it just gets all over the rest of me in the shower).
In my fantasy world I get rid of every single work outfit I own and replace it with The Fold. These designs are just stunning.
Me too. Do you know what body type The Fold best fits? I’m short, small and curvy, and it always seemed like these great structural pieces would look better on someone taller and straight figured (doesn’t everything?).
I have tried on clothes at the store a few times before, and I think they’re mostly made for tall and straight, sadly. I find the interesting structural details on the top really hit me in the wrong places, like they are designed for someone 6″ taller. (I’m 5’7″ for reference). Also, I’m pear-shaped and I found the trousers and dresses really snug on my hips. I bought one dress but had to size way up and get the top tailored a LOT. Doesn’t stop me from going back as often as I can when I’m in London though. I should be glad for the fit issues – it has saved me $$$$$ because I also find the designs gorgeous.
I placed a big Fold order when I got my bonus last year and had to send most of it back. The clothes were gorgeous. Seriously gorgeous, with interesting structural detail. And well made. But they just didn’t fit me. I’m 5’7″ too. The structural details on the tops and dresses were uncomfortable on my ribcage. However, this will not stop me from ordering from them again because their stuff is seriously gorgeous. I hope I get a chance to visit a store and try things on at some point. (They only have stores in the UK, right?)
I am long-waisted and was disappointed to find that the brand does not actually run long. The hems are long, but the dresses are just as short-waisted as any other brand.
I recently ordered 2 dresses and they hit just past my knees. I’m 5’7, not sure how it would look on women a few inches shorter
5 foot 3 pear here UK size 12/14 Based in UK, so went to try on at the Fold Store earlier this year. This jacket worked perfectly for me, with the culottes. Have not pressed buy yet, but when I need a suit to feel amazing in this is the one!
I think they work best for those who are fairly straight up and down, and yes, taller is better. I’m 5’4 and a pretty solid UK 10/US 4-6 in designer, and usually a 2-4 in mall brands (XS/0 in things like Lands End or Old Navy which run large). I don’t have many curves to speak off and aside from taking the hems up everything fit really beautifully – my arms are long for my frame, but if yours aren’t the ‘bracelet sleeves’ may be more full length on you. Their sheath dresses are true sheaths – they skim (not as tight as I find black halo to be) – but there doesn’t tend to be much ‘give’ (unless you get their jersey line).
Sadly the a-line midi dresses looked like nightgowns on me but god were they gorgeous – the silk fabric they use is REALLY substantial drapes so well.
Their details really are next level – my seamstress comments every time I bring one of their dresses in how well made they are.
I tried on a lot last season, and made some size references. A repost:
For reference I’m 5 f 6, busty (28H UK/ 28K US) hourglass with high waist and long seat. Regular length arms and legs, narrow back, curvy thighs. I will normally try a US size 4 first (UK 10 for woven fabrics, 8 for jersey/stretch, 40 in Italian sizing). I use US size 4 (R or P) for woven tops/jackets in Banana and Brooks Bros.
For the Fold size 10 is my “top” size for tops and dresses in the woven fabrics. I have just enough space for the bust in a 10. In a dress with pencil skirt, the waist and hips are loose and I would need to have a dress altered on waist, hips and length (prefer above knee to below knee). Size 10 tops worked perfectly.
The fuller or A-line dresses did not work for me, I sort of drowned, but would look lovely on somebody else, in my case the larger top size meant too much fabric below the bust and hid my waist.
For bottoms, I need an UK 8+ at Fold, but the natural waist is still a little big in skirts. I think a pair of unlined size 8 trousers would have worked. For skirta, again, too long for my preference, but not at awkward length, just a true under-knee so excellent if you prefer that, and easily altered.I did not try any of the poly draped dresses, so don’t know how those fit.
I do think the linings could be higher quality (acetate), and the wool blends more wool… but the clothes are beautifully made.
Me tooooo! I have very broad shoulders and I assume they wouldn’t fit me well, but somebody please correct me if I’m wrong.
The brand runs pretty narrow in the shoulders, like other British brands. Straight up and down otherwise.
It is a real pain that UK brands are so narrow in the shoulders. Reiss and The Fold look so neat on the models, but they never fit me.
Same. I’m obsessed.
I’m going back in next week when our office is officially open. I’ve been running in some for various tasks and to get supplies some, just in whatever leggings I’ve had on that day and not thinking twice about it since we are WFH right now (and we’re essential, so this is legally allowed).
Fashion-wise, do I go back like a boss? Real clothes and shoes (and not a sports bra)? Like a shlub in clothes as casual as I can get away with (bad jeans, some sort of t-shirt that is “nice” only in that it does not have words on it)? WWYD? I car commute. Nice shoes are at work; I drive in Rothys.
I feel like it would be a mental F-U to the coronavirus to dress like I am not beaten down by it. OTOH, I am used to extreme comfort.
Real clothes
Yes. You will feel better. I’m going to my business casual office every day but dressing well, maybe even better than on office days during the old normal, even though I see hardly anyone but a couple of colleagues and one office staff member. It helps me cope. One day last week when I was wearing a dress and bright red lipstick, my law partner (female) thanked me for it!
Yes, you are a boss, so you are in charge. Why look like a schlub after 8 weeks of lockdown? You got away with it while home, but now that you are back at work (YAY!), play the role, and support Kat’s vendors on this websight by reoutfitting and looking cute for the summer! I can’t wait to do the same, b/c I already went thru my Closets and have a pile of stuff for Good Will, but I am in NYC where there is to much virus to reopen this month, and I’ll bet not until August. Of course, I have no inside knowledge and the manageing partner wants us fully up to speed b/f we go back so that we can “hit the ground running” (his words, not mine). But once we are back, we won’t be able to get by with only 80 billeable hours a week any more. FOOEY!
Wear what makes you feel like a badass. Sounds like that’s your work wardrobe!
We’ve been open as of Monday…I’ve been wearing work clothes but ones that are in the more casual side: elastic waist trousers, flats rather than heels, dressy jersey tops. It seems dumb and pointless since there’s minimal people here and I’m already missing my leggings and joggers. Next week I’ll probably go a step more casual and do jeans + work top + flats.
I’m definitely saving the nice work clothes (sheath dresses, heels, jackets, silk tops) for days when I really need them. I work in finance but not in a client-facing role.
I’ve been working this whole time and have been wearing real clothes and so have most of the (very few) other people. So that’s my vote.
We aren’t open yet and I had to run in my office the other day. Was surprised to find one of my staff there. I was wearing leggings, high tops, a t-shirt with profanity on it and a denim jacket. Oh well…
I think (at least I hope) that the people we work with know we’re human.
Man, I used to PLAN my first day back outfits each year in middle and high school. You set a tone. You say things by dressing. It was ramped up my mind after a summer of hibernation (plus any required summer reading).
I say: day 1, dress like coronavirus is your b*tch. Dry clean only. Bring it!
Surely there’s some kind of level between “like a boss” and “like a shlub”? The first sounds physically uncomfortable and the second sounds physically comfortable but psychologically depressing.
What about real shoes, real bra, nice jeans, blouse?
Yes, in theory.
Lockdown has me realizing that my wardrobe is bipolar: silk dresses or giant tshirts with words on them.
YES. I own work clothes and lawn mowing clothes.
Something machine washable. I’d also think about minimizing footwear going in and out of the office and back to my homer so would probably just leave the one pair of shoes in my car.
Does anyone here use collagen supplements? Any recommendations? Any word on results? I’ve been reading about them and thinking maybe… but I’d like to hear some real-life testimonials.
I use a collagen powder, mixed with my daily protein shake. My doctor recommended collagen as a treatment for my IBS, and since I started I have found the severe cramping episodes are much fewer and farther between. I know this is correlation and not causation, but it’s good enough that I keep doing it. Has been about two years. I haven’t noticed any improvement to my skin, hair, or nails though.
A friend of mine started drinking collagen daily after a too-short haircut. She said it helped her hair grow back more quickly and way thicker than before, but she noticed she was shedding a lot of the new growth.
I use a powder off Amaz0n (Great Lakes Gelatin 16 Oz Can) and my knees and ankles stopped clicking and snapping after 2-3 months of use.
If you’re using it for hair-skin-nails, I’ve seen better results from Viviscal tablets.
So, I looked into Viviscal after somebody mentioned it here and one of the ingredients is collagen from shark fins and I can’t imagine that it’s sustainable, ethical, or environmentally friendly in any way, shape, or form.
I asked my dermatologist about collagen and she said there’s no scientific research that there’s any real benefit. I was taking the supplements when Costco had them on sale. But I had to take 6 a day! And that was hard. So I stopped.
Thank you, ladies! I appreciate your replies.
I am looking for a landline speakerphone that is not a piece of crap for working from home, which is permanent for me. I have an AT&T model with big buttons I think meant for elderly people. Both the speaker and microphone seem to fade in and out when I’m on a conference call.
I’m willing to throw some money at this to get higher quality, but it seems like everything I’m finding is $30-$50 and has reviews that say it’s an OK phone but the speaker doesn’t work, which is the entire thing for me.
It must be landline as my cell doesn’t reliably get signal in my home office.
What about the Cisco phones that are ubiquitous in every office in the country?
I saw those but it looks like they’re meant for a different kind of cord than a regular single line home landline. They take something that’s more like an ethernet size cord.
Oh yeah, now that I think about it that is true at my office. Bummer.
That is because they are IP phones, not landline phones.
It could be your conference calling service. If you’re using something like Skype for business, when things are overloaded the phones are the first thing to go. You surprisingly get better performance with computer audio/voice.
No I’ve had the same issue on one-on-one direct dialed calls. It’s definitely my phone.
I used to have a panasonic cordless phone (ie the base plugged into a landline), where each handset had a speaker on it. I found this worked really well for me, as I was using the phone in a location that wasn’t convenient to where the land-line wall jacks were.
Look at getting a Jabra speakerphone. This plugs into your computer and works with your various calling platforms (Zoom, Teams, Skype, etc). It’s life changing.
+1 to Jabra.
Can anyone recommend dresses or brands that are long-waisted or at least not short-waisted? So sick of the elastic waistline of a dress clutching my ribcage. Thanks.