3 Great Online Personal Finance Classes
We’ve rounded up three great online personal finance classes that explain the nuts and bolts of budgeting, home buying, and investing — which are your favorite resources or classes for these topics?
We’ve rounded up three great online personal finance classes that explain the nuts and bolts of budgeting, home buying, and investing — which are your favorite resources or classes for these topics?
What do you think are the best new skills to learn for your career, readers? Where do you think there are deficits in your general field (e.g., more lawyers should know X)? If you want to personally learn a new career-related skill, what is it and how are you going about it?
Looking to mix things up a little bit? We rounded up 5 online classes to take for fun during quarantine, including classes on happiness, makeup tutorials, demystifying your DSLR, and more!
Managing people is hard. And managing people as a woman brings its own complications and considerations. Management and leadership training specifically designed for women can help, but if traditional in-person training isn’t in the cards, there’s plenty of online women’s management training out there, and that’s what Reader K is looking for. She asks: Do…
If you’re looking to do some online learning with a level of commitment somewhere between earning a graduate degree online and watching a TED-Ed video explaining why cats are weird, then one-off courses may be for you. In the past we’ve talked about learning a language, using online resources and books to become a better manager, and finding…