Tips on Preparing for Seasonal Affective Disorder
I’m not sure if it’s too early or not — but now is the time that I start preparing myself for my seasonal affective disorder. Here’s what I do; I’d love to hear your tips!
I’m not sure if it’s too early or not — but now is the time that I start preparing myself for my seasonal affective disorder. Here’s what I do; I’d love to hear your tips!
Here are four of the best tips I’ve found for how to get up more easily when it’s dark out… what are yours?
I love fall weather (jacket! boots! tights!) but for one thing: shorter time with daylight! If you’re really not a fan of waking up when it’s gray outside, you may have to call in the big guns: this dual alarm clock with a BED SHAKER seems like a pretty serious alarm clock if you’re really not…
I’ve never been diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), but I’ve often thought I suffer from it to some degree — every winter the gray skies and grayer slush start to get me down right around now. You could plan a trip to Aruba (which, hey, let’s do that anyway), or you could get this $60…
Women make up 75% of those suffering from depression due to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a condition that’s caused by shorter daylight hours in the fall and winter. The primary treatment is light therapy — and while I’ve played around with light therapy lamps in the past, the ones I’ve had were always horribly ugly and difficult to position…