Thursday’s TPS Report: Jacket Dress

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Our daily TPS reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices. ANNE KLEIN Jacket DressNormally I wouldn't recommend suit pieces as something only to wear as separates, but: hello, this one was $320, and is now $96, so let's talk about it. The hot pink dress and jacket together is a bit aggressive, I think, in color — at least for here in NYC and most other cities I've lived in. But I think they could both be really cute as separates. The jacket has some flattering darts and a defined waist — I might wear it with neutrals like grays, whites, or beiges, perhaps accented with a pastel scarf or something to mute the color even further. The dress is your basic sheath — again, pair it with a neutral cardigan or jacket (try orange as an accent color — or if you're feeling really wild, pair it with a bright orange cardigan). (The whole jacket dress is also available in black, but it's only marked to $160.) The pink “Amarynth” set is $96 at Lord & Taylor. ANNE KLEIN Jacket Dress Seen a great piece you'd like to recommend? Please e-mail (L-3)

Sales of note for 1/31/25:

  • Ann Taylor – Suiting Event – 30% off suiting + 30% off tops
  • Nordstrom – Cashmere on sale; AllSaints, Free People, Nike, Tory Burch, and Vince up to 60%; beauty deals up to 25% off
  • Banana Republic Factory – 50% off everything + extra 20 off your $100+ purchase
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Up to 40% off winter layers
  • J.Crew Factory – 50% off sweaters and pants
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – End of season clearance, extra 70% off markdown tops + extra 60% off all other markdowns

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

Some of our latest threadjacks include:


  1. So I’m getting spam emails from my dead aunt. Its weird, and I think it stings my mom especially bad. its been 3 days, one every morning. I realize this is a long shot, but does anyone have any idea what to do about this? its a yahoo account.

    1. Most email sites allow you to block a sender. Depending on the site you can either use a filter which will automatically place those emails into the trash folder, while other places will just delete them automatically. Google blocking a sender in [whatever email service you use].

      1. Yeah I could do that, but what I really want is for the spammers to stop using her account. is that possible somehow?

        1. You could try reporting it to Yahoo. If you know her password, you can also delete the account.

          1. That will not make any difference. They aren’t actually logging in to her account and using it. They are just spoofing the headers of the mail they’re sending from whereever to be her address (and millions of others).

    2. The acount must be dorment, and that is what hapens.

      This hapened to me with an old law school acount I no longer used. E-mail YAHOO and tell them to close down the acount.

      BTW, whis Anne Klein suit is FINTASTIC! It is is EXACTELY what I can wear at work, and when I DO, the manageing partner will NOT be able to ooogle anything! It covers everyething very well and is VERY tasteful.

      I can’t wait to ask for permision to buy this and get my 20% reembursement on a suit he CANNOT question! This is why I love Ann Klein!


    3. I don’t suppose anybody has the password? I have an unused bellsouth account that is now administered by Yahoo. It used to be my ex-h’s home account, but now is just the account associated with my home internet access. It started sending out spam like crazy and the account was full of bouncebacks. I was assured that the account really wasn’t sending out the spam, but when I checked it, all of that spam was in the sent mail, so I changed the password. Hard to know if you could contact Yahoo. I keep wondering if I can change this account entirely – students at the university where my ex-h teaches (he teaches in an online doctoral program) keep emailing that old address to ask him to be a dissertation adviser or comps adviser. I respond and tell them that it’s no longer his address, but I don’t know what address he uses so it’s awkward.

    4. You might want to contact the FBI. They have a complaint line, and are big on going after cyber criminals.

    5. Changing the password is the only way to take it out of the hands of the spam bot, you could try contacting yahoo customer service and explaining the situation. See if they’ll either grant you access (very unlikely), reset the password just so the bot can’t use it (slightly more likely), or delete the account (most likely).

    6. This happened to my best friend and it really upset people. I liked to think that she would have found it hysterical that she was sending us naughty spam messages. Sorry that it upsets you, I know how shocking it can be.

      The different email hosting sites all have different policies for who they will allow to delete accounts (based on family relation, proof of death, etc.) Check into their policy. Good luck.

    7. I’ve been getting them from my deceased sister since a month or two after she died 3.5 years ago, also via Yahoo. It was absolutely awful the first couple times I saw her name pop up, but now I’ve blocked them as spam. Yahoo was extremely unhelpful and wouldn’t delete the account, even when we offered to show proof of her death.

      1. By the way, in part because of this experience, i use a password manager and gave a trusted family member my password. If anything happened to me, he would have passwords to all of my accounts and could delete them.

  2. I like this but on my monitor it looks red. Is it actually hot pink? Can anyone describe the shade better?

    1. It looks hot pink on mine. Seems to be a shade or two darker than traditional “Barbie” hot-pink if that makes sense?

  3. Reposting for my fellow law nerds (o hai!). SCOTUSblog is live-blogging the release of opinions today. Waiting with baited breath!!!

      1. Mr. TBK (also a lawyer) couldn’t sleep last night because he knew the decision was coming out this morning. Ah, DC. The nerdiest town in the country.

    1. 15 years ago, the only thing that would have had me counting down the seconds till 10am were concert tickets of some kind. Now it’s a Supreme Court decision. Wow.

    2. Yesterday, an article showed up on my Google News site with the headline “Supreme Court will Uphold Healthcare Law.” But the actual article said, “Some professor thinks the Supreme Court will uphold the healthcare law.” So that was super lame.
      Also, yes I’m excited!!

    3. i was watching the live blogging with baited breath on monday — the case re juvenille sentences. came out great and i think im going to get one of my pro bono clients out of prison! coolest thing ever.

        1. I think CNN blew this one. All the other sources I’ve read say it’s upheld as a tax. CNN may have misread that it wasn’t upheld under the Commerce Clause as meaning it wasn’t upheld at all?

          1. Again from SCOTUSblog: “The money quote from the section on the mandate: Our precedent demonstrates that Congress had the power to impose the exaction in Section 5000A under the taxing power, and that Section 5000A need not be read to do more than impose a tax. This is sufficient to sustain it.”

          2. From opinion: “Our precedent demonstrates that Congress had the power to impose the exaction in Section 5000A under the taxing power, and that Section 5000A need not be read to do more than impose a tax. This is sufficient to sustain it. “

          3. I think CNN blew it too. I had the SCOTUS live blog up and refreshed CNN… CNN has since changed their banner.

          4. Well if CNN needs to replace their legal analyst there are a lot of out of work lawyers/law grads out there.

      1. SCOTUS Blog says entire ACA upheld except power to terminate state medicaid funds limited.

        1. From SCOTUS blog (quoting the opinion): Our precedent demonstrates that Congress had the power to impose the exaction in Section 5000A under the taxing power, and that Section 5000A need not be read to do more than impose a tax. This is sufficient to sustain it.

          1. Sorry b23…I know its hard being in the minority around here sometimes. But we love you anyway.


          2. There’s a lot of “I don’t know your politics, but this is pretty crazy either way” at my office. People are so nice and diplomatic. It’s fun to talk about it with people who are trying not to lean either way. One thing we can agree on: Roberts and Kennedy doing the ol’ switcheroo is pretty surprising!

      1. Here, too.

        Roberts joined the more liberal wing of the court for the 5-4 vote. The court upheld the individual mandate as an exercise of Congress’ taxing authority, if not under the commerce clause. All parts of the ACA are upheld except a provision that states could lose existing Medicaid funding for not complying with the new program. Kennedy is now reading a dissent; the right wing would have overturned the ACA in its entirety.

        Currently 866,000 people on SCOTUS blog live, wow.

      2. It’s a tax! My office is pro-Obamacare generally, but they all thought the mandate would be unconstitutional.

        1. I thought so too, but only because of the court’s current composition. I’ve never been so happy to be wrong.

          I hope opponents aren’t scrawling Roberts’s name on their “Second Amendment Remedies” to-do lists.

          1. I love how you are calling it “Second Amendment Remedies”.

            (Not that I want anyone to actually act on any of those lists).

          2. This seems unnecessarily divisive. No need to suggest your opponents might assassinate a Supreme Court justice. I would never suggest that about the other side, and neither would you.

          3. This is just the reality. I get right-wing email forwards from my dad all the time, and “Second Amendment Remedies” are commonplace “jokes.” I don’t think it’s funny at all; my dad thinks I’m uptight.

          4. Sorry, guys. “Second Amendment remedies” was just a Jan Brewer reference.

    4. Whoa, Kennedy wrote the dissent?! Everyone thought he’d be writing the majority opinion. The plot thickens.

      1. By the postings on SCOTUS blog it looks like it might be a complicated opinion majority/dissent-wise. Hopefully it will be on the Supreme Court website soon (it won’t load for me at the moment…)

      2. yeah, not the way I saw it going, either. upheld under the taxing power AND the anti-injunction act doesn’t apply because it’s not a tax?

    5. Full opinion is not posted yet, Kennedy might still be reading. Plain English summary from SCOTUS blog:

      The Affordable Care Act, including its individual mandate that virtually all Americans buy health insurance, is constitutional. There were not five votes to uphold it on the ground that Congress could use its power to regulate commerce between the states to require everyone to buy health insurance. However, five Justices agreed that the penalty that someone must pay if he refuses to buy insurance is a kind of tax that Congress can impose using its taxing power. That is all that matters. Because the mandate survives, the Court did not need to decide what other parts of the statute were constitutional, except for a provision that required states to comply with new eligibility requirements for Medicaid or risk losing their funding. On that question, the Court held that the provision is constitutional as long as states would only lose new funds if they didn’t comply with the new requirements, rather than all of their funding.

      1. Wish I could celebrate! I’m quietly celebrating via e-mail with those I know who are thrilled.

      1. Whoa 193 pages in the SCOTUS format! For those of you who prefer the two column format as opposed to the SCOTUS’s one big chunk paragraph, the decision is up on Lexis – just get doc by party name: National Fedeartion of Independent Business v. Sebelius

        1. Well, I know what I’m doing this morning. Time to print and bust out the highlighter!

      1. Ditto. Woohoooooooooooooooo! I am on vacation and luckily the kids are with Grandma so I can celebrate quietly by myself. :)

    6. I’m in my mid 20s and here was my favorite of my friends’ Facebook comments this morning:

      “DON’T WORRY EVERYONE! The ability to stay on your parents’ insurance until age 26 has been *upheld*. Phew.”

    7. Yay! Upheld!

      Also, it is *bated* breath. But you are in good company, apparently so many people make this error that the new spelling may well be adopted.

      1. Or what happens when you’re typing with fingers of fury thinking, “omgomgomgogmogmomgomgg biggestcourtcasesinceBushvGore omgomgogmgomg haventhadcoffee omgogmogmgom don’tevendrinkcoffee omgomgomomogmgomgomg” :)

  4. sorry for the early threadjack ladies:

    I’m looking to open a seperate savings account to set aside some money every check for a dream vacation. I know a lot of people used to use ING for that sort of thing but since they were bought out I had heard some mixed reviews/worries. Does anyone have any good ideas for where I should look to open an account? I’m ok with online only since it’s a vacation fund and I won’t be putting a ton away each month. Just need it out of my main accounts so it doesn’t get spent!


      1. Ditto on Ally. I just spoke with a rep last night about an account (and spent zero time on hold) and they have the nicest customer service reps and a fantastic website. I love them. It’s so nice to be treated well.

        1. I LOVE that there is never a wait time. I had a problem with my gym auto debiting my Ally account. It was entirely on the gym’s end (the system wouldn’t recognize the routing number) but the representative checked everything she could on her end and then transferred me to a more senior rep without me asking so he could do a second review. The gym had to call Ally to straighten it out, but they did in the end.

          I also love that all my ATM fees are reimbursed on my statement date because they don’t have their own branded ATMs, and I’ve earned about $15 in cash back through Ally perks over the last couple months for shopping and eating out, and it’s completely automatic, no need to even sign up.

    1. I’ve done the same thing with a separate savings accounnt at my credit union, and just not given myself online access. Direct deposit $XX every check, and can do balance check with a phone call. When I want to transfer it, another phone call, and no waiting.

      FWIW, I did that because I was so wary of Capital One having bought ING.

    2. I opened another account with my bank and “lost” the atm card. It’s easy to transfer money over and if I really needed the money, I have access to it via bank tellers (which is annoying and a hassle so I never do it).

    3. I have the PNC Virtual Wallet account and it actually has three sub-accounts: a savings account, an interest-earning “reserve” account you can use to save for big expenses without the restrictions on withdrawals inherent in an actual savings account, and a checking account. I’m very happy with it.

    4. I have had a separate savings account with ING for years and have not noticed any change in quality of service since they were bought by Capital One.

      I will say, though, that I’m annoyed by how low the interest rate has dropped on my account. When I originally opened it, it was ~4% but now it’s ~1%.

        1. I have checking, savings, and investments with ING and have for years.
          The only thing that seemed to change with ING is that customers can order paper checks. I still use the e-check function though because I never seem to have stamps around.
          I would still recommend the company to everyone.

  5. So, I always thought my closet was colorful but turns out I have only one t shirt that isn’t in a neutral color! Apparently I’m more adventurous with my work wardrobe than on the weekends, at least as far as colors go…..who would’ve thought?

    What about you guys? Did you ever think you dressed a certain way, only to find that isn’t the case when you actually reviewed the stuff you own?

    1. My standard uniform for years was black jeans, a black tank, and black boots. After college, I worked to build a nice, normal, colorful work wardrobe and neglected to replace my black stuff as it wore out. Then one day I threw out my last black tank top and realized I had nothing black left to wear. I was kind of shocked.

      1. Same thing for me, but with green tops. They used to dominate my wardrobe, but now I have none.

        When I pulled out my boxed-up maternity clothes for my second pregnancy, I was shocked to realize how boring and conservative my wardrobe had become. How sad is that *maternity* clothes were more form-fitting, seksi, and colorful than my post-kids wardrobe. Sigh. Big wake-up call.

    2. I thought I was colorful too! And then a recent review of my closet showed that I had mostly black and navy. No idea how this escaped my notice.

    3. At one point I was told very firmly that I was no longer allowed to buy black clothing. I somehow hadn’t noticed that 95% of the things in my closet were black.

      1. this was me. my husband finally drove the point home when he made me count in my closet. I had something like 23 shirts. 20 were black. One was grey, one was white and one was dark purple.

  6. I like the idea of wearing these pieces separately – I definitely would not wear them together either! I could see maybe a black and white polka dot blouse underneath the sheath dress could be cute!

    1. Agree. It’s just too much of the same color. Together, they look kind of matronly and mother-of-the-bride-ish. Breaking it up and mixing patterns would liven things up.

      Although the overall cut of the jacket and possibly the dress underneath look boxy, which doesn’t seem all too flattering.

  7. Ladies, can we please turn to what is obviously the most critical issue of the day, namely: LET’S GO GERMANY!

      1. I do love the commercial for puffins cereal where the mom keeps calling it penguin cereal. That’s funny.

      2. OMG this is better than the sea world penguin cam and the “firefox” red panda cam combined!

    1. I assume this is about football (and if it isn’t I apologise) so whoop! I am also rooting for Germany-Spain final!!!

      1. Haha, yes, it is. Now that my beloved Oranje are gone (SOB) and England is out (DOUBLE SOB) I’m down to my third-tier fandom. I am charmed by the fact that Germany’s team is lead by three guys named Ozil, Gomez and Khadira.

        1. love that! i was also devastated by denmark and then england. how will i ever learn to love again?

        2. England was never going to go anywhere, unfortunately. I was also supporting Holland and I had a total soft spot for Sweden. The Swedish kit with the diagonal stripe was by far the most stylish AND the Swedish coach always wore a three-piece suit to the matches.

          1. Sorry, just to clarify, I am actually a hardcore fooball fan and I did not just support Sweden because the team was the most stylish…

          2. Totally understood. Much like I do not support Holland because of a teenage crush on Dennis Bergkamp.

            I mean, it’s not the ONLY reason.

            Speaking of kit, my MLS team (Sounders) has adopted the most horrifyingly ugly third kit this year – baby-blue with electric blue highlights. Eye-gouglingly horrible. And then they lost to Portland immediately after the England match on Sunday. It was a bad football day in the Backson household.

          3. At this point I’m vaguely rooting for Portugal because my husband’s family is Portuguese even though I think they’re a bunch of w*nkers (if we’re talking football might as well use the appropriate slang) but I would say my personal preference is for Germany. They’re more fun.

            My MLS team is the Revs and they are just horrible this year, they don’t have ANYONE who can finish for sh*t. I mean its embarrassing. Also their kits aren’t that nice either. I’ll only go to games to make my father happy — and for the popcorn/hotdogs/soda.

          4. I really enjoy watching both kinds of football, but don’t really have a team preference in the Euro Cup. Of the two remaining teams, which has the fewest instances of absurd theatrics to attempt to draw a foul call? That’s the team I’m for.

          5. England has basically never played well (this is the best I’ve seen them). The only time they have won the World Cup was when they cheated/rigged the game.

          1. No, I’m the confused one. Multitasking fail. You’re right, TCFKAG :).

          2. The first semi was yesterday (Portugal lost, sorry!) and the second (Germany v. Italy) is today. The final (Spain v. _______) will be Sunday.

            Between Wimbledon and Euro I’m basically spending all weekend inside watching sports. And then the Tour will begin! And then the Olympics. Best summer ever, OMG.

  8. Hi ladies! my farm share this week included a HUGE bag of Tatsoi and I am at a loss for a delicious recipie to use it in… Any reccs?

    1. I like to chop it and sautee it with a little garlic and onion, then make a well in the middle and crack an egg into it… a modified eggs-in-a-nest breakfast or light dinner. Yum.

  9. Apparently my workplace dress was getting out of control and management banned capris. No one knows what constitutes capris. Are they any cropped pants whatsoever? A certain length below the knee? Women assumed it was anything except full-length pants. Any thoughts?

    1. I htink capri pants are just below the knee. Ankle length pants should be okay, in my opinion.

    2. In my head, “cropped pants” are finer fabrics *and* the hem falls below the place where my calf tapers down to my ankle. “Capris” are everything else (shorter ‘crops,’ casual fabric regardless of length).

      But perhaps I’m just splitting hairs.

      1. This is how I interpret it as well. I have a few crops to wear on Fridays that I am now afraid to wear. We will see if we get further interpretation.

    3. I think capris hit from lower shin to knee, while cropped pants hit in the ankle area about 2-5″ higher (max) than regular pants. Most of my cropped pants have an inseam 3″ shorter than my regular pants, and they look appropriate paired with a blazer and heels.

    4. While I think the other posters are technically correct about the distinction between capris, and cropped pants, it may be moot if the policy was handed down by men who likely have no idea that there’s a difference. In their mind, anything that isn’t full-length = “capris” and is probably what they’re trying to ban.

      1. This. I would stick with the full length pants rather than deal with the sideways looks and have to explain how your ankle pants comply with the dress code.

  10. BTW, that suit is actually an additonal 20% off with code JULY4.
    Making it something more like $75.

    Just enough to make me take a chance on it.

  11. I can’t see ever wearing this together, but kudos to Kat for seeing the possibilities of this suit in a creative way. Still not for me, but could definitely be cute on someone else, esp. if paired with polka dots as another poster suggested.

    Now for the t/j – can anyone recommend a good iron? I am on my second Rowenta in 5 years and want something really great. This one was about $80 but has been kinda meh, quality wise. I am willing to spend money for something great. It needs to steam and not make black fabrics shiny. Suggestions?

    1. Making black fabrics shiny is not the iron’s fault, it’s the fabric content. Just make sure the heat setting isn’t too high for that particular fabric. Or make like me and just refuse to iron clothing in general, ever.

    2. Re: Making black fabrics shiny…I could be wrong, but I always thought that was a matter of using the appropriate temperature for the fabric, not the iron itself. Although a better quality iron would probably have better temp control. And that certain polyester fabrics were more prone to being made shiny than other fabric….my theory is that the plastic in them melts easily? Would love to ehar what others ahve to say on this.

      1. A friend of mine had an iron with an attachment for black clothes that you put on the iron, if that makes sense. But she doesn’t remember what it was and I can’t find it – so I was/am just hoping someone else would know this one.

        1. You could try using a press cloth in between your clothing & the iron to prevent direct heat, and shininess. I think they’re usually 100% cotton, and just woven fabric, like a sheet. At least, that’s what I’ve always used.

          1. Or you can use a paper grocery sack between the iron and the black clothes.

      2. Yes, I’ve heard that even the greatest iron may make your fabrics shiny, especially if they have some man-made material. My mum used to get around this by using a piece of wet cloth (something thin, not a towel) between the iron and the garment.

    3. Even the greatest iron may make your fabrics shiny, especially if the fabric has some synthetic material. My mum used to get around this by using a piece of wet cloth (something thin, not a towel) between the iron and the garment.

      1. Sorry for double comment. Sometimes I get you’re posting too fast and then my comment disappears. I forgot to mention you can use poplin as a press cloth.

    4. To avoid making black fabrics shiny: In addition to making sure your iron isn’t too hot, use a presscloth. A plain, thin unembellished dish towel will work perfectly. The ones that aren’t terry cloth are better because they tend to leave less lint.

    5. Try ironing the clothes inside out. That way the shine and other ironing marks end up on the inside.

    6. Agree on inside out for shiny-prone fabrics. I’ve been using Rowentas as well. No iron recommendations, however, when I’ve been in homes in Europe, I always thought their irons were better, so, maybe investigate European irons?

      1. caveat…everything European always seems better to me, so take that with a grain of salt. I am fiercely American, however. Team USA!

  12. Supreme Court upholds ACA. Here’s fast real-time summary from SCOTUS blog:
    The bottom line: the entire ACA is upheld, with the exception that the federal government’s power to terminate states’ Medicaid funds is narrowly read.

    1. Cheers! I’ve been glued to SCOTUSblog for the last 45 minutes. Amazed that Roberts actually went with constitutional analysis as opposed to politics. Thrilled for those I know who are dramatically underinsured, prevented from insurance by pre-existing conditions, or who were dropped.

      1. Frankly, I think he DID go for politics, in a sense. If the mandate had been struck down, SCOTUS would have lost all of its credibility.

        1. Agreed — I think he wanted to save the credibility of the Court, but still limit the Commerce Clause power, and this is a way to do both. Regardless, of possible future problems with the Commerce Clause, I think it’s great news.

    1. It’s really cute. I would get it and wear it as separates. The skirt would look really nice with a silk blouse in either a light or a bright color. The jacket would be really cute with so many pants or dresses…. Or – you could also wear the whole thing to a ribbon cutting ceremony of a new hospital building named in honor of your family?

      1. I just bought it! I go to bar functions (like, lawyer bar, not bar bar) all the time and would wear this to those. I’m in Texas, and we like to be girly. :) I plan to wear it a bunch. Thanks for sharing the link!

        By the way, there’s a 20% coupon (JULY4) and free shipping over $99, so the total was $112. Not bad at all.

    2. both of those options would work. though i’d wear the pieces as seperates all the time in the summer.

    3. It’s the PERFECT outfit for when you’re questioning why you’re eating fondue.

      1. Are you freaking kidding me? You would wear an ALL WHITE suit whilst eating fondue??? Whilst presumably chilling on some kind of love cushion contraptions by the fire. You must have much steadier hands than I Godzilla, which is surprising seeing as how they are so short.

        1. That’s EXACTLY why I’d be questioning why I’m having fondue. I mean, who does that while wearing such a pretty suit? Or an ugly suit? Or a suit in general?

          1. or you want to spill fondue so you can take off your suit and get fon-nude. Well played.

          2. If you’re going to use this strategy to corrupt youth — at least do it to Josh Hutcherson instead of Justin Bieber. Dude is way hotter for jailbait.

        2. that’s why you’re *questioning* the fondue (which, if not for the white lace suit, you would eat unquestioningly, because melted cheese and/or melted chocolate are DELICIOUS).

    4. Oooh, love this. Would wear it as separates all summer long, and as a full suit in hot weather basically for anything requiring a suit other than a court appearance or interview. But I live in DC, where it’s normal to dress like a female version of Col. Sanders when it’s hot outside.

      1. I love everyone’s suggestions ! Especially the ribbon-cutting ceremony, that’s a good one. Maybe also when I am sworn into some important office? Under my robes when I am a dean of some law school handing out diplomas at graduation?

        B23, glad to help – hope you enjoy it!

  13. TJ – I’ve just moved to a new city and would love your insight into a budget question I have. My salary is livable for now but very tight. The basics are covered and I’ve cut most indulgences and have zero shopping budget, even with no student loans to pay back thanks to very generous parents. I know I should be saving money each month but looking at the numbers I don’t see how I can do that and also live with my already meager comforts and save to eventually buy a place to live in.

    How much money do you put into savings, dollars or percentage of your monthly income? And do you also have separate accounts, ie. saving for a house, emergency fund, vacation, investment clothing pieces? Thank you!

    1. Honestly – it is okay when you are making a bare bones salary not to save much. When I graduated from college, I was making ~$28K/year. It is not all that possible to save a ton on that salary, especially when you are not receiving parental help. I was also lucky, like you, that I had no student loans to contend with.

      I saved about $20 a week, which was really the most my wallet could bear – I was really living paycheck to paycheck.

      I eventually got a bump up to $40K, which was, for me, the level at which I could start seriously saving. I contributed the max to my 401k (no employer match sadly) and banked the extra ~5K a year and continued to live on 28K.

      Now I’m making $55K (but had to stop pre-tax 401k contributions — new Company doesn’t have any program in place) and I feel like a queen – I saved $5k just since March! It didn’t even take me a whole year!

      So in other words – it is okay to live on what you have, and save later. If you save just a teeny bit every month, you’ll build the habits necessary, which will serve you well when you do have more disposable income.

      1. This is great advice, especially living on the lower salary you are used to & save anything you get for a raise. Dh & I are finally in a position to start saving some money again, and it is very satisfying see that savings account balance grow.

    2. Been there! When I moved here at age 25, my salary was so low, I was terrified. I had student loans but they were minor, but had a car payment, etc. I was barely able to afford my moving expenses. Okay, so in that situation, I saved nothing. I got a raise two months after I started and still continued to live really frugally so I was able to save a little (really only enough to register my car – you have to pay taxes on your car to register in this state). I agree that you just continue to live as frugally as you can, allow yourself a few little indulgences, but make sure you’re not so strapped that you couldn’t survive an emergency (like a co-payment for medical care or car insurance). You’ll finally get to the point where you can save a little, but don’t beat yourself up about it now.

    3. It’s tough to save money when you’re barely able to make ends meet, so don’t stress about this. Instead be extremely creative in terms of living happily within your means. Spend your energy finding free or cheap things to do in your new city.

      Instead of a gym membership, find the trails and any ‘Yoga in the Park’ types, or big group bike rides. Now is also a good time to find those cheap comfort food meals. If you like to cook, experiment with buying a whole chicken and making it twelve ways. If you have a penchant for eating out, then experiment with finding the lowest-priced delicious ethnic takeout and make a picnic out of it.

      As far as how much I save, I’m at about 30% now. I have simplified my finances down to 1 checking account, 1 savings account, and 1 credit card for 95% of my transactions. One store card for the discounts, and one card I use for travel. I use a Google Docs spreadsheeet to break my savings account balance into individual categories. The nice thing is I can prioritize one goal over another, but not have to actually make a bank transfer to do so. I just adjust my spreadsheet.

      Best of luck! Living on a shoestring budget can be fun if you are optimistic and creative with it.

    4. I think the easiest ways to save when you are young are to do extra work on the side and minimize your monthly expenses by taking public transportation when possible, making your own lunches, and living with roommates. I picked up some freelance work and earned an extra thousand dollars a year and improved my resume, work experience, and sense of self-confidence in the process. That’s something to look into if you have the time! I am only earning about 36k right now but manage to put $300 into my Roth IRA each month, 1% of income into 401K, and $50 to charity. The amount I save per month for other upcoming expenses varies, but it often turns out to be more than I thought it would be. It’s really empowering to find ways to save, and I hope you find some good ones that work for you!

    5. I make $44K and I save about $225-250 every paycheck (that’s between contributions to my 401K and deposits into a regular old savings account). I’d like to save more, but I’ve gott credit card and student loan debt to deal with. If you’re really living paycheck-to-paycheck, I wouldn’t worry too much about longterm savings just yet. You need to take care of your present first before you worry about the future. That being said, I would do my absolute best to make sure you have at least a little bit set aside for emergencies. $1,000 would be more ideal, but even if you can scrape together $500 to set aside for the inevitable emergency that’ll give you at least a little bit more financial security while you’re living paycheck to paycheck.

  14. Can anybody recommend a similar dress suit that’s available over size 12? My google shopping-fu is failing me, but I really like this style.

      1. Thanks! Should have been more clear. I want a whole suit – dress with matching jacket. Price under $400 or so. Any other ideas?

        1. E, my comment with links is in moderation. I hope they help when they show up.

      1. Ooh. That is great, but I don’t know if a size 14W is the same as a regular size 14? I usually wear a 12 or 14.

  15. My two favorite new products from ‘rette recommendations:

    Assets by Spanx – the cool comfort line


  16. Just want to thank the poster that asked for advice awhile back on getting tough with clients about paying their bills and not wasting time on potential clients that can’t pay. I gave you some advice but realized I don’t always practice what I preach. I’ve been working on it the last month and liking the outcome. Thanks for asking the question and reminding me to do it.

  17. I just wanted to say another huge thank you to everyone for bar/restaurant recommendations yesterday! I have sent my friend a huge list and we are going to shortlist some (we are only there for 3.5 days) and will report back.

    Now, bat signal to ANNE SHIRLEY – you asked for recommendations in my hood. What kind of thing are you after? Restaurants/bars/shopping? Where are you staying? What do you like to eat?

    1. I’m staying on Jermyn St. I’ve been several times before, and will def be hitting all. The. stores. But I could really use tips on fun places to have a drink, good but not uber-expensive restaurants etc. I love traditional english food, and wouldn’t mind bringing Prince Harry home as a souvenir :)

  18. Yay! The job I really wanted got back to me and asked me to come in next week for a personal interview. Trying not to jinx it but I know from friends that being asked to come to the office means it’s practically a done deal.

    Anyone got any negotiation tips for a first-timer? Especially nervous since my last job’s salary was tiny, but it was a different, poorly paid field and I was much less qualified. But they do know how much I earned and I’m concerned that it could count against me.

    1. I would say know your worth. Try to do as much research as possible on what fair compensation for this role would be. Check sites like Glassdoor (there are others that have salary data as well). Do you have one of your friends you could ask and see what they think the reasonable range would be?

      Do you have any bench mark? For example, I received an offer of X at a company similar to my current one (same industry) after I graduated from undergrad. Instead I went to school for my Master’s, and so I was able to use that offer of X as a starting point when I was offered a job after with a different company in the same industry. It was like, well if I got X offer with a small company and a BA, I should probably be able to reasonably ask for Y with a Master’s degree and a bigger company.

      1. If they bring up your current salary, just say what you said here: it’s a different field; the standards for that field are different; even in that field, the pay reflected your qualifications at the time you were hired and you are now much more qualified for the new position. I second the online research. isn’t bad. Also think of some non-salary perks you’d like (e.g., more vacation time, telecommuting X days/week, days off for professional training, etc.)

    2. I just went through this and my biggest piece of advice is not to disclose your current salary. That really killed me in the negotiations. If they directly ask for your current salary, state that you are not permitted to disclose that information and give them an acceptable (for you) range, based on whatever you can find on glassdoor or what you know about competitor salaries.

      1. Not sure if you’ve run up against this, but sometimes I’ve found I have been forced to disclose. As in, if I want to submit to a job, the first step is an online application that makes salary a required field. So you have to fill it in to submit. Sometimes there isn’t a choice. I have also been in the situation where I am in an interview and the (HR) person insists I must give a number. Like, they say, “I understand your concerns, but we are obligated on our end to put SOME sort of number down here, I’m really sorry” even after you argue with them and give the same non-response 4 or 5 times. So… I feel sometimes there isn’t a choice and people shouldn’t rely on always being able to withold the information.

        On the flip side, I’ve done interviews where I have given my current data been told directly that they are flat out not targeting in that range and the position offers X thousand less. That is honestly helpful information for both parties to know (sometimes). In the case of one interview when this happened, I think we both decided it wasn’t a good fit for either of us, and we didn’t waste our time.

        1. Can you put in something that is clearly incorrect, like 999999? I think this practice is ridiculous and should be illegal.

    3. Listen to the Career Tools podcast titled “salary expectations.” Free in itunes. Great info to help you know exactly what to do.

  19. For anyone who has been the main host for a shower, how much did you spend on a gift for the honoree? Shower is in SoCal if regional differences influence anyone’s answer. If I were not throwing the party, I would have spent about $100-120 on the gift (plus a plane ticket to attend).

    1. I’m planning a shower currently. I spent around $75, and I’ve dropped a good chunk of change on the shower too (like $300 at least, and there’s a co-hostess). But she’s a very dear friend, she has already given me a very expensive thank you gift (which was irrelevant to my decision on how much to spend on her, and most importantly I can afford it. I don’t think it’s necessary for the hostess to give any gift at all, since your hostessing is a gift in itself.

    2. Maybe like $30-$50? I don’t remember. I hosted a bridal shower for a girlfriend in college and bought her supremely outlandish underwear (baby pink fur was involved, somehow). Depending on your friendship and the theme of the part, you can get her something more humorous or meaningful. The price really doesn’t matter.

    3. I hosted a shower and only bought the baby a book. The shower cost $400 to host with wine, food, flowers, and decor. (I shared the expenses with 2 co-hosts but it was at my house, which meant that I had to clean before and after the party.) I spent weeks planning and went on countless errands. I think hosting was more than enough of a gift and based on the very sweet thank you card from the honoree, I think she felt the same.

    4. I’ve spent about $50 on top of shower expenses each time I’ve hosted. I think that’s about appropriate, since I estimate that’s how much my baby shower host recently spent on mine. Of course, I would only spend about $50 even when not hosting, so I’m just not as generous as you. :)

  20. Friends, I have a shopping threadjack and need some expert suggestions (TCFKAG??):

    I’m looking for a basic, black, tank or racer-back dress, preferably about knee-length. I’d like something that can double as a cover up in a pinch, but I’m more likely to wear it as a casual dress out and about, so would like it to be presentable enough for city (day time) wear. I purchased this dress:

    But the fabric was so thin that it was just too clingy for me, even for this type of style. I’m not overweight, but this dress showed every. tiny.little. bulge., including my underwear and belly button. I had something similar years ago in a thicker cotton, but can’t for the life of me remember what brand it was or where I got it. Suggestions?? I’d like to spend no more than 60ish, but I’m a little flexible on price if it’s spot on.

    Thanks in advance!!! Oh, and so it’s not a total threadjack, I adore this suit and have looked at it many times…but am ultimately too chicken to wear it, even as separates. someone else please buy it and wear it for me!! it’s adorable.

    1. Have you checked Athleta? No time to do the search for you, but I’ve seen such dresses in their catalogs. I’ve been impressed with all my Athleta purchases.

      1. SF Bay, you’re genius. I’ve never looked at Athleta but that is definitely the kind of thing i’m looking for- super comfy but can be taken to a city and even out to dinner in a pinch. Unfortunately, none of those are *quite* right, but I’m totally keeping them in mind for future.

        1. Check out Target, but stick to the “ponte knit” dresses, they are usually a nicer weight. I got a really nice black v-neck tank dress from NY&Co a month ago, but I’m not sure they are still carrying those.

    2. If you are not anti-American Apparel, have you looked there? I got a ribbed racer-back tank dress there in the fall that is probably a little shorter than you’re looking for, depending on your height, but they may have some other versions.

      1. Also, if the Patagonia Margot dress is available in black (or a dark pattern that works for you), I highly recommend it. I own it in 3 colors in sleeveless (and 1 in 3/4 sleeves).

    3. Try Garnet Hill. I have a black jersey dress from them from last summer that I love — great weight and works perfectly as a coverup or as a casual weekend dress. Current styles to check:
      Cosette Dress $78
      Favorite Knit Tank Dress $54
      Easy Banded Knit Dress $68
      Goddess Knit Dress $68
      Twisted-Detail Knit Dress $88
      Piazza Knit Dress $98
      Eileen Fisher Ballet-Neck Dress $98

    4. Ladies, you are awesome. Many of these look like great options. Shopping time!

      thank you!

      1. Late to the party, but a fun one from NY and Co. I’m short, so it’s just a bit above my knee (5’0). Mine has washed well.

        I cannot comment on it’s appropriateness for fireside fondue, but it’s been great for the purposes that you describe. :)

  21. New Yorkers, you were all looking particularly stylish on your commute this morning. To the girl in the navy and white striped dress with the coral band on the bottom, coral bag, and navy blazer, I want your entire outfit. To the girl in the lavender 1950s-esque sheath dress, you looked fabulous.

    That is all.

      1. Like

        (On a complete tangent, my migraines have disappeared since I’ve given up sugar and processed carbohydrates. )

  22. TJ – hope it’s not too late, looking for transferring-law-schools advice.

    I currently attend a top-25 school, and was just admitted to a top-10 school. Should I go?
    – I’ll be in a lot less debt if I stay at my current school. It’s up to $100k more (in tuition plus living expenses). I still won’t be in debilitating debt (I’m guessing around $120-150k), but it’s a lot more than I would be in otherwise.
    – I am in a Midwestern city I enjoy, but would love to have the opportunity to move to a coast. I won’t get that straight out of school here, but would be on a coast at the new school and would be able to jump to either one.
    – I’m not sure what the value of a top-ten school on the resume is, especially after your first job. Thoughts on this in the legal profession?
    – I’ll find out if I made law review at my current school before I need to decide. Thoughts on if this should impact (ie, if I make it should I def. stay, versus risking never being on it at the new school?)?

    Any help or stories are appreciated.

    1. I’m a recent grad from a t10, so take this with a grain of salt.

      If I were you, I might try to find stats on how well transfer students have done at the on campus interviewing (assuming you want a firm job) at the school where you’ve been accepted. This may not be readily available, but you might be able to get a feel for it by starting a thread on top law schools . com or something like that to ask for anecdotal opinions.

      Generally, I think the name of your school matters less the further along in your career you are, but it could possibly help later on — it’s just hard to tell.

      1. Boalt allows transfers to write on in the early fall/around the time school starts. If it’s California you’re contemplating, come. You will not regret it!

    2. Depends. If you’re moving from school number 12 to school number 9, totally not worth it. If you’re going from, say, Emory or Washington & Lee to Harvard/Yale/Stanford AND you really want to move someplace near the coast AND you’re set on BigLaw or academia then you should probably go for it. (I do have love for Emory and Washington & Lee, but law is a snobby place. My own UofM would never deign to hire its own grads for our law school.) Location is hugely important. My impression is that many places will take local grads over a higher ranked non-local school. So if you’re happy staying put, then by all means stay at your school. But if you want to be in NYC or DC (and possibly LA or Chicago although I don’t know those markets) they’re going to be all over a Harvard grad (or Yale/Stanford/NYU/Chicago/etc.) but barely notice someone from a lower ranked school. As for how long your law school matters, it matters for a long time. If you make partner at Cravath or become the AG, no one will care where you went. But for the first ten years at least everyone will care a lot. As for law review, meh. It matters. Judges care about journals a lot if you want to clerk. You basically need a journal for a federal clerkship. But if you’re looking at firms, they’ll care more about the school than the journal (although the top firms will want it all — top school, top journal, top grades). So if you want certain jobs, and if the differential between the two schools’ ranking is significant, I’d say go for the other school. But if that’s not true, definitely stay put. (And don’t bank on BigLaw either way. The ABA just came out with some pretty poor numbers:

    3. Agree with the commenter saying that if you are moving from a T25 school to a T3 school it could be worth the switch if you want to head into a career field that highly values name, but know this. T3 degrees are still no guarantee of anything. I have two T3 degrees which have done nothing special in my job search (and I did everything else right too). On the one hand, the jobs that want T3 grads are so competitive because the market is so flooded, so you pretty much need to be the perfect, most perfect solution. The jobs that don’t look for T3 grads, I think, consider me overqualified or are paranoid that I couldn’t possibly be wanting to apply for their jobs. It’s tough for everybody these days, and I think we are entering into a time where nothing is assured. Given how high interest rates are and how bad the economy is in general, I would not want to take on more debt for such a risky outcome. Everybody is saying these days that the only reason to go to (law) school is if you can get it for cheaply.

      1. Ugh, Poison Ivy, I hear you on the overqualified bit. I spent some time looking for work in another part of the country and my resume (which is maybe not golden in the DC/NYC world, but certainly sterling) was like a lead weight. I would have been better off with a lower ranked school and a no-name firm.

    4. $150k may not sound debilitating, but I work in government and it is/was to me, especially when I was first starting out. I can’t afford to live on my own in my city. If I weren’t getting married I don’t think I would ever be able to afford property in my city. My loan payment is the equivalent of a second rent payment.

      I don’t regret my decision or my debt because I am happy I came here and I never would have done so if not for law school. But don’t kid yourself about the impact that your loan payment will have on your quality of life. This might be less of a consideration if you hope to work for a firm, but you should also consider what will happen if for some reason you can’t find a job with a firm or try it and hate it. Beware the golden handcuffs!

      1. Agree with DC Jenny on this. You haven’t practiced law yet, so even if you are planning to go into BigLaw you may find you don’t like it. $150,000 of debt can really hinder your options. There is a reason so many people leave BigLaw within the first 5 years. Some people really enjoy BigLaw but you have to face the reality that odds are that you will not want to stay for very long, assuming you can break in to a BigLaw job in the first place. Have you had a job and supported yourself before? If so, calculate your loan payments per month (e.g., $800) and that will give you an idea of what you are facing from the debt after your graduate. If you haven’t had a job, it is all kind of abstract, but talk to older people that you trust to get their reactions on how much such a monthly payment would likely impact you.

    5. My law school gets a lot of transfers (T5) and while some of them do really well (and I think some of them have even written onto Law Review), I have heard that they occasionally do worse at EIW than non-transfers. Many of them end up doing other outreach to firms before EIW to help their chances. Also, the write-on period for transfers is at the same time as our EIW. However, most of the transfers I know are smart, motivated people and all of them have jobs as far as I know.

      The legal profession seems really obsessed with your pedigree, from what I can tell. I actually considered transferring after my 1L year, but thought it would be ridiculous because of the small difference (you can guess which of three schools I go to now, and which ones I might have transferred to).

    6. I was a transfer from a Tier 2 school to a T-14, and think that it’s a mixed bag.

      1) I took on a lot more debt than if I stayed at my 1L school – to the tune of about 100k more – which is considerable when you’re out in the real world. I don’t love my job but I now have salary thresholds to ensure that I can make the minimum payments on my loans.

      2) It’s actually really hard to bond with classmates. They’ve all gone through their 1L experience together, and depending on the size of the school/transfer class, you may not form those close friendships. Obviously YMMV.

      3) The “brand name” of the school will open more doors – at least it did for me. And, I think that the brand name benefit will last beyond my first job. This was the most compelling reason for me to transfer. I knew I wanted to go into private practice immediately after school (before of the aforementioned loans), and I had much better access to biglaw than I otherwise would have had at my 1L school. Because the spread between your two schools is not as wide, there might not be as big of a benefit. However, Career Services did essentially “discount” my grades when coming up with a target list of firms for me. And I do think that if you want to move to a different region, without other obvious connections to that location, a more “national” name will help. I will also say, I knew people in my transfer class that transferred from a T-25, and I don’t think anyone thought it was weird that they made the move for a relatively small number of US News & World Report ranking points. I generally think people understand why you would want “more prestige”.

      4) I made law review at my 1L school, and my transfer school allowed the transfers to do a write on. I didn’t get law review, but I got a secondary journal, and that was enough to be a resume boost. You should find out what the rules are at your transfer school.

      I think the things you need to think about are 1) debt, 2) job opportunities, and 3) location. If you want to go into biglaw, it probably makes sense for you to transfer. If you want to do public service, it might make more sense for you to stay put, given the debt load. If you want to be somewhere other than where you are right now (and the general region), and you don’t have connections to other cities, you might want to transfer.

    7. For what its worth, I went to a lower end school, but graduated with next to nothing in student loan payments and did not work during law school. I’d do it again because I like not having to take the financial consideration of student loan payments into consideration when considering what to do career wise. If I had had substantial student loan debt, my life would be completely different and I think it would be different in a negative way. But then again, I wasn’t aspiring to a BIG LAW job which I knew going into law school would ultimately make me unhappy.

  23. and other fed ‘rettes. I remember a thread some time back about federal benefits for less than 5 years of service. I would love your advice on saving and investing. I’m in my mid-20s and make $63K before tax. My position is for two years; after that I would like to stay in federal service, but it may be tough. I have $150k in student debt (I know), but through loan repayment assistance I should be OK. I am saving for (1) emergency fund and (2) 2-3 months unemployment during which I would like to live abroad, hopefully cheaply. I understand that a portion of my paycheck goes to FERS, and I will not get any of the FERS contributions when I cash out. TW suggested that I could roll a TSP account over into an IRA, but that it’s usually not recommended because the administrative fees for the TSP are so low. Any advice on budgeting/saving/investing would be helpful! Thank you so much!

  24. Question re: Foley and Corinna. I’ve been thinking about these bags since Kat featured them (years ago?). They are on sale on Gilt and I’m seriously considering. The ones I’m most drawn to are the Mid City Tote and Disco City Tote, both in “tan.” Here’s the question: the “tan” looks like a buttery yellow on my computer screen. I want buttery yellow. I do not want saddle brown (already have a purse that color). For those who have seen F+C purses in person, can you comment on the true shade of the “tan” color?

  25. I saw a woman today in court wearing a very similar suit, except the jacket was more cape like. It was beautiful. She was maybe 33-35 or so. Im younger than that by 10 years, but would totally wear it now because she looked so good. I also saw a different woman wearing a gorgeous lighter brown/green dress with a belted jacket that was beautiful. Now I have to try and find that after buying this!

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