Wednesday’s TPS Report: Goat Suede Casual Jacket


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Our daily TPS reports suggest one piece of work-appropriate attire in a range of prices. We've always admired women who can pull this look off — the casual yet professional leather jacket. We like the styling here — the scarf so close to the neck, the skirt to add some femininity. It's available in sizes S and L and is part of the great one-day sale Jones New York has going on today, with prices up to 65% off work basics. This jacket was $349, now $122 (and comes with free shipping, since it's over $75). Goat Suede Casual Jacket If you've recently seen a great work piece you'd like to recommend to the readers, please e-mail with “TPS” in the subject line. Unless you ask otherwise, we'll refer to you by your first initial. (L-2)

Sales of note for 2/7/25:

  • Nordstrom – Winter Sale, up to 60% off! 7850 new markdowns for women
  • Ann Taylor – Extra 25% off your $175+ purchase — and $30 of full-price pants and denim
  • Banana Republic Factory – Up to 50% off everything + extra 15% off
  • Boden – 15% off new season styles
  • Eloquii – 60% off 100s of styles
  • J.Crew – Extra 50% off all sale styles
  • J.Crew Factory – 40% off everything including new arrivals + extra 20% off $125+
  • Rothy's – Final Few: Up to 40% off last-chance styles
  • Spanx – Lots of workwear on sale, some up to 70% off
  • Talbots – 40% off one item + free shipping on $150+

And some of our latest threadjacks here at Corporette (reader questions and commentary) — see more here!

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  1. For some reason leather and suede jackets always say “outerwear” to me. If I saw a coworker wearing this jacket (which is pretty!) I’d assume her office was freezing that day and she was too cold to take off her jacket.

    1. Agree. I’ve passed on some lovely leather jackets from Ellen Tracy because the leather is almost too nice to wear outside, but I’d feel odd wearing them as part of an indoor look.

      1. This is definitely not an indoor jacket — I didn’t even realize this could be a debate.

    2. Disagree. I have two lovely suede jackets (one tan and one chocolate) from Ann Taylor and wear them often in the office. They are more of a blazer style, though.

  2. I like the chocolate brown color, but I’m not a fan of this jacket. I can’t imagine wearing a leather jacket to the office, and the cut is boxy.

    Really great to see a woman of color model! :)

  3. Pass. This strikes me as neither stylish nor particularly professional/work appropriate.

    It’s not an indoor blazer-type jacket (as far as I am concerned), and it’s not the kind of jacket you could really wear on your way to work if you have to wear a blazer/suit or anything else substantial underneath b/c it just wouldn’t fit right.

    I do like the idea of silk scarf & a leather/suade jacket but I wouldn’t wear this particular version even if you paid me to. Sorry — but so not for me!

  4. My stylish grandmother has one of these and it looks fab on her. I can’t really see myself wearing one, though. Especially to work.

  5. This strikes me as a good look for a stylish woman in her 50s or 60s as opposed to 30s or 40s. A look I would admire but not want to duplicate on myself.

  6. Oh I’m so craving a new leather/suede jacket. I’d never wear it to work though, too much emotional bandwidth for me. The tea stains. The lack of stretch in the elbows for typing. Unless I was a real estate agent. Or a decorator…

    1. I am with you! I can’t have anything that’s not easy to clean because I have a tendency to spill things.

      Plus, because I move around so much at work, I get warm and would have to take it off, and then what would be the point?

  7. I like this jacket but not in gray.

    Thread hijack: I got the Talbot’s couch-upholstery/drapes jacket that C recommended in rose. Glad I got this color instead of black. It’s cute, hip, and $29! First time every buying from Talbots. The other 4 dresses I got were duds, though and are going back. The fit was consistently odd and made me look 10 years older (wide in the waist, odd puckering in weird places, and too high-necked).

  8. am i the only one who finds it slightly odd that JNY specifies that this goat suede?

    1. agreed. It makes me picture their cute little faces.

      Not a fan of this one. I do have a great cognac-brown suede jacket that is styled like a blazer, and it looks great on, and yet I never wear it bc it just feels odd to wear leather around the office. I end up just using it on fall weekends.

      1. Not to get all moral about this, but I think it’s good to know the origin of the things you eat or wear.

        I wish I could avoid leather altogether, but I have not gotten there yet practically or financially, but, in the meantime, I at least make it a point not to buy calf or kid leather — I think skinning babies is just extra wrong (same reason I won’t eat veal or lamb).

        If you can’t handle picturing their little faces, you shouldn’t be wearing their little skin either.

  9. I am definitely a fan of this jacket when I hit my fifties! I can picture one of the stylish older partners wearing it at work (who am I kidding, I can picture it on the ONLY older woman partner). Anyway, I appreciate the post, though, because C always inspires discussion. I have often wondered whether I could wear “indoor” leather or suede jackets . . . I’m so glad to see I am not the only one questioning that!

  10. Warning, about to gripe, so prepare. I am currently at my internship, and observing the few women in positions of leadership, and their style of clothing (It’s a government health law/bond financing related state agency). A woman in a midlevel position walked into the lounge area wearing a a long white cable knit shapeless sweater dress, and white furry ugg boots. The first thing she said as she walked in was “Please don’t look at my pajama outfit.” Okay, so the woman obviously knew what she was wearing was not appropriate for work, but yet she chose to wear it anyway. I realize I really should not care what other poeple have on, but if you want to be taken seriously, please consider your wardrobe choice before you leave the house. Why have something as silly (and as easy to fix) as your clothing, perhaps hinder you from moving forward. Perhaps I should just direct her to Corporette. Okay gripe over.

    Oh, and I second being excited after seeing the woman of color model (and I especially like that she looks more like the everyday woman than the Banana Republic variety of “ethnic” models).

    1. Yes, sounds like that woman just doesn’t care… LOL. Was it snowy outside at least?

      Yes, nice pic of model who looks like a black everywoman and not some “exotic” person who’s not too “ethnic.” It’s very rare…

      1. Not too ethnic? What the hell does that mean? The Cosby girls looked too white and now the Banana Republic women are too ethnic. Post-racial? Not.

        1. To provide clarity: I am a Nigerian woman with very dark skin, very short hair, full lips, thin, and 5’9. I am often told that I resemble Alek Wek, the Sudanese model. When Black models are utilized they often have these features. If this is only the model variety utilized, it only helps to foster the idea of the “exotic being erotic.” Hence, it was great to see a Black woman model utilized by a company that possessed different features. It is another portrayal of the Beauty of the Black woman. We all come in different shapes and sizes. From the girls on the Cosby Show, to women who look like me and my mother. All of those colors of the rainbow should be equally portrayed. Not just one type.

          And of course, we are not post racial. Barack Obama and Sotomayer will not change this. There are numerous societal ills that need to be resolved before the term post racial can be genuinely utilized. But this is a fashion blog, so I will leave it at that.

        2. Some of the Cosby girls were in fact half-white. Barack Obama is too… but they sho’ look different! Barack’s African genes were mighty strong! This coming from a “Ancestors- came-over-on-the-slave-ships-and-did-some-mingling” black American. LOL.

        3. Not too ethnic to me means: The black folks here in America. (Hence the “ethnic” aisles in drugstores for black beauty products). White America seems ok if you’re black but from somewhere else (meaning exotic)… But how the hell do I know? Maybe I should consult a white person.. ;-D

          1. My ethnic group is Europeon. I can’t tell the ethnicity of anyone just by looking at them. Sounds like some people use the word a code for too black.

      2. My guess is that she had some other outfit ready to go but something happened before she had to leave the house- e.g. she spilled coffee on it, her kids got something on it, or possibly she had some emergency the night before and didn’t have time to go home and change. Unfortunately things happen and you’re not always going to look perfect coming into work. If it’s a one time thing, it doesn’t really bother me.

  11. I do wear some leather jackets indoors, if blazer tailored or combined with sweater back or sleeves…not a Big Law, overly conservative office though. I also have a leather short trench (as in blazer length) with the bell/wide 3/4 sleeves which I wear to the office. Can’t see wearing the zip-up fashion to the office in suede. BTW, what is the professional corporette stance on zip-up jackets? Seems so much of the summer things last year and coming up are with zippers.

    Please DON’T say those of us in our 50s are like grandmothers!!! Biology be dammed, we must not be lumped into that stereotype.

  12. Yay for clothing on models that actually look like us! Next step: models who are sizes 8 and above.

  13. Agreed that this jacket would make the wearer look older – no matter what her actual age. Perhaps it has something to do with the pleated skirt peaking out at the bottom of the picture, too? I rarely disagree with a pick on this site, but this jacket is a miss for me.

    BTW, I do have a lovely suede mushroom-colored knee-length skirt, which I think is a nice way to wear suede to the office.

  14. Can anyone expand please on why this jacket seems to be considered a dated look? The suede? The cut? I’m 57, and lemme tell you, it’s hard work trying to look age-appropriate but not dated. I don’t want to dress like a 20-something, but don’t want to look frumpy, either, and it’s hard to keep track of what’s considered frumpy from year to year. All help is sincerely appreciated.

    1. I don’t think it’s really a dated look, but more of a “woman of a certain age” look. If I saw this on a 50 or 60-something year old, I would think it looked fine. But on 24-year old me, not so much. It’s small things that would make it seem more appropriate for someone younger…like if the collar were a mandarin, rather than pointed fold-over type and styled with a contrast color tunic or something.

      Think of it like brightly colored suits: nothing wrong with them, but rarely seen on younger women.

      1. I have a red silk jacket by Dana Buchmann (circa 1997) that looks like this. I think what makes this dated is the zipper (definitely), the length hitting you right at the hip, and the oversized, pointy collar . This was a very popular look in the 90s.

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