Weekly News Update

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  • I'm kind of loving SheFinds series on “you're doing it wrong” — this week, they tell you what you're doing wrong with eyeliner.
  • The Billfold wonders if a life coach is worth it.
  • If you completely disagree with my oft-given advice to save your fashion personality for after you've been on the job for a week or two, POPSUGAR Smart Living has the article for you — how to show personality on your job interview. Meanwhile, Ask a Manager has some advice for how a manager can tell the intern her skirt is too short.
  • The Careerist has some tips for summer associates on how to work the lunch and cocktail party. Lifehacker tells you how to highlight your accomplishments without sounding like a braggart.
  • Yep, another Careerist link, but this one's too interesting not to share: guess how many employed mothers work more than 50 hours a week?
  • Road Warriorette shares what's in her long flight comfort bag.

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you!


  1. Dear coworker, if you must do disgusting things like eat fried cheese for breakfast, please do not come into my office to talk while you are doing it, leaving fried cheese odor behind. End rant.

  2. Is anyone else absolutely horrified that Kim and Kanye have apparently named their baby “North”….as in, “North West”? Normally I try not to pay attention to that kind of stuff, but I feel for that child….

    I think this is right up there with “Moon Unit” and “Blanket”. Yikes.

      1. So you gonna name yo’ baby South?? ;o)

        I’m [eyeroll] but not that surprised, I mean come on: Pilot Inspektor??? Audio Science? Blue Ivy? Kal-El?? I don’t think I can be surprised anymore by dumb celebrity baby names.

        1. I actually liked the false-alarm “Kaidence Donda” – the extra “i” was stupid, but Cadence seemed like a pretty good name on the celebrity baby scale, evocative of her father’s work and unique without being absurd, plus the K for Kardashian, and Donda for Kanye’s mom. “North” is awful.

    1. If I were a public figure knocked up with the child of another public figure with the last name “West”, I would totally tell the press I was going to name the kid something insane, like “North”, and let the press go nuts about it. Then, when she was born, I’d give her a completely normal name, and if anyone asked about it, I’d look at them like they were crazy.

    2. This is so ridiculous I cannot even deal.

      However – I’m hoping this was a false TMZ rumor. In March, Kim specifically said she would not name her baby so maybe some TMZ staffer was high or something.

      I know too much about this – please don’t judge me.

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