Weekly News Update
Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.)
– The NYT weighs in on the fashion choices of women running for office; meanwhile, the Downtown Women's Club thinks the focus should be on, you know, campaign issues.
– Forbes advises against playing the daughter to your older male boss.
– WSJ's The Juggle explores whether women apologize more. (I'm sorry — I'm guilty as charged!)
– Learnvest has a nice round-up of things to consider for the always exciting time of open enrollment for health benefits and insurance policies.
– Lifehacker suggests ways to eat your way to a high-energy workday.
– Finally: Martin Marks at The New Yorker has saved us all time and energy by writing a fabulous auto response to e-mail.
What interesting stories did we miss? Link to 'em below!
Meh, I like to use the old passive aggressive apology:
“I’m sorry you overreacted so badly to my suggestion.” Or other variations of that kind. ;-)
I read the Forbes thing. Pretty weaselly the way they try to deflect some of the blame from the condescending, belittling ass of a boss (oh, but you MAKE him be sexist! Because you’re just so darned nice and vulnerable! So it’s really your fault, and under your control!)
That does it. I’m just going to start coming to work with a strap-on and a handlebar moustache.
I thought the NY Times piece on women politicians was interesting, but also missed the point (and, in my opinion, there is an uncovered middleground between Sarah Palin sky high pumps & Hillary Clinton every color of the rainbow pant suits). …
The times also had a great article about the societal pressure for older women to hack off their long hair, which even at 29 I am definitely feeling in my semi-conservative workplace.