Weekly News Update

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news update - lip glossLike these posts? Follow us on Twitter or Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! You can also follow us on Pinterest and Instagram, or by our RSS feed.

  • Fashionista reviews some of the latest lip glosses, and Racked offers advice on removing eye makeup.
  • Amanda Peet writes for Lenny about caring about your appearance while accepting some signs of aging (without turning to things like Botox).
  • Fountain of 30 rounds up several root concealer sprays to cover up the gray.
  • New York magazine's The Cut separates fact from fiction about the size of your pores and what you can do about it.
  • A former investment banker and in-house counsel writes for Above the Law on how to leave the legal field in 21 steps.
  • The Muse gives advice on dealing with a job you hate — before you're able to leave.
  • Fast Company tells you “Why You Should Evaluate Job Offers Like An Investor” (and how to do it).
  • Fusion looks at how women have been body hacking for years — for example, getting IUDs — while other, often male, instances of the practice are seen as new and groundbreaking.
  • Lifehacker shares tips for stopping a night of heavy drinking from ruining your sleep that night.
  • For your Laugh of the Week, The New Yorker tells you how to prolong the magic of your wedding day. One more: Alexandra Petri explains in The Washington Post the perks of holding the Woman Card.

On CorporetteMoms Recently… 

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don't miss this week's news update at CorporetteMoms.


  1. I read the Lenny piece, and enjoyed it.

    And I know none of us will be surprised by this but the line about her being 44 and therefore regulated to “mom” or periphery roles makes me rage-y, because that is d*mn well not true of 44 year old male actors.

    1. +1

      I also read this piece, and it was entertaining.

      I only discovered the Lenny website this week, and I think it’s pretty great.

    2. I thought it was a little ironic since I remember when Amanda Peet was the “it” girl and Alicia V. was probably in diapers. A.P. sort of mentions it in passing, but I think you have to embrace the fact that no one good thing lasts forever. You have to move on to the next good thing. I wouldn’t spend as much time mourning or obsessing as she did-she’s obviously quite talented so why not write her next movie or play or find a kick a** older female role to play? Isn’t Julia Roberts older than Amanda???

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