Weekly News Update

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  • Fountain of 30 breaks down color blocking with celebrity looks that can work for all fashionistas.
  • The Atlantic takes a stab at why workwear went from suits and ties to, well, just about anything as long as there isn’t “too much skin.”
  • Racked explains in this piece, “As it turns out, ethical shopping is even more complicated, and difficult, than you might assume.”
  • The Happy Lawyer Project Podcast interviewed Kat about her professional journey and advice for young professionals.
  • NPR shares a study that found women are less likely to be addressed by their professional credentials (think “Doctor” or “Professor” vs. “Mrs.”) than their male colleagues.
  • Forbes lists the “60 Richest, Most Successful Self-Made Women In America,” including a record 18 billionaires.
  • The Huffington Post gives eight suggestions for negotiating a higher salary, from practicing with a friend to having a mantra.
  • Also from The Huffington Post: nine simple ways to reduce your consumption of plastic.
  • Slate reports that, with the exception of sushi, pregnant women should consider eating more fish.
  • The New York Times shares a behind-the-scenes look at tryouts for the Timeless Torches – the dance troupe for the WNBA Liberty. You might remember when Liz Lemon performed with the dancers in an episode of 30 Rock [both videos autoplay].
  • New York magazine’s Vulture recaps the Cannes 70th Anniversary soirée, including a Salma Hayek–invited mariachi band.
  • For your Laugh of the Week, McSweeney’s offers retail-therapy suggestions for a variety of unpleasant thoughts.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

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One Comment

  1. I read the FORBES article about the 60 richest self-made women. Wow. Dad thought I was sucessful, so I will NOT show him this article or he will INSIST I get married right away, even to a looser! FOOEY! I think I am successful in my own way, even tho I have NOWHERE near the weath of these women. Of course most all (other then Taylor Swift) are older then me. I love Taylor Swift, and she is more talented then I could EVER be. But KUDOS to these women for haveing acheived so much sucess. I onley wish I could find a guy to marry me, and then I would be sucessful in my parent’s eyes. For now, to them, I am just a lawyer with a good job who is still on the lookeout for a husband. No more, no less. FOOEY!

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