Weekly News Update

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  • Quartz talks to Kat about common challenges the tried-and-true workwear brands are facing in 2017.
  • Mic shares Kat’s views about why you shouldn’t buy cheap workwear and other things you shouldn't do just to save money.
  • Racked sings the praises of wearing a fannypack, and other alternatives to purses in the summer.
  • Racked also explains why we all have trouble zipping our own dresses.
  • Above the Law shares unusual sexual harassment suits, including a woman who was fired for “acting like a man.”
  • Medium shares one woman’s story of the differences between her NYC and San Francisco colleagues when it comes to happy hour.
  • The New York Times reports that more “helicopter parents” continue to hover, even when their adult children have joined the workforce.
  • Femalista reports why having a baby in your 30s might not be such a bad thing.
  • New York magazine’s The Cut shares a study where a vegetarian diet had better results than a conventional one.
  • The Cut also reports that if a new bill is passed, “New York could become just the second state to formally treat beauty professionals as a resource for [domestic violence] victims.”
  • In honor of Pride 2017, Vogue profiles “women who make us proud,” to “celebrate those who have chosen to live openly and optimistically and beyond definitions.”
  • Laugh of the Week: The Onion shares how one woman copes with her daily struggle at the office.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms


  1. “Femalista reports why having a baby in your 30s might not be such a bad thing.”

    Seriously? “might not be such a bad thing”? This totally perpetuates the anxiety of those of use in our 30s who are worried about our biological clocks. It would have been nice to use the same framing as the article, which appears to be that older moms derive a mental benefit by having babies after 35.

    1. I would LOVE to have a baby and I am in my 30’s. What choice do I have? FOOEY b/c all my freinds got married early (and some are divorced already). But I would NOT divorce. I want to get MARRIED ASAP! YAY

    2. My thoughts exactly. Hmm maybe having a baby when you’re healthy and within an appropriate reproductive age range MIGHT be ok? Big news!!!

  2. I’ve just learned I need some minor surgery on my head, which will necessitate shaving a fairly large patch of my hair, in a position that can’t really be concealed (right on top of my crown). I have no idea what to do about my hair at work,and in general.

    I have rocked the Sinead O’Connor look previously so the option of shaving my head entirely is not as horrifying as it would be for most women,but I’m now a fairly junior lawyer in a large commercial firm. I’m confident the partners I work for (particularly the head of department, who is my main source of work) would be relaxed about whatever I did – shave, wigs, wear a bandana (I was considering the retro “land girl” type look as this would cover the surgery area but show off my hair at the front still). However, some of my clients are quite conservative and may not be so comfortable with an unusual hairstyle, even if it’s a consequence of a medical issue.

    What should I do? I’m erring towards shaving my head and buying a wig for client meetings (it’s high summer here, windy, and truth be told I’m rather intrigued by the prospect of having super short hair again so I don’t wish to wear one 24/7). I feel like bandanas/hats etc would look too casual and unprofessional, and attract more questions than a buzz cut would, and I don’t want to wear something that makes people think I’m a chemo patient and deal with the awkward conversations that would cause.

    Is there some magical solution I’m missing? What would Corporette do?

    1. Own it.

      Wear the style you think works best and don’t be embarrassed to explain what happened. I think clients can relate to surgeries.

      Personally, I would just keep the bald spot and leave the longer hair around it and try wearing to the sides.

      Good luck with surgery!!

      1. Yes, I agree AGAIN with Wildkitten. We do NOT stand on ceramony, here in the hive. We are all HIVETTES, and we stick together through thick and thin. All for 1 and 1 for all! YAY!!!

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