Weekly News Update

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  • Refinery 29 offered details about a new brand at Target, Universal Thread, which will be available in all stores and online beginning in early February.
  • Racked reported that brand Universal Standard, which makes clothing in sizes 10–28, has introduced Game, its first-ever activewear line.
  • Above the Law discussed a lawyer's response to the phrase, “Go take up knitting,” when it's meant to be an insult to high-achieving women.
  • Bustle shared tips from 26 women on how to survive the first week at a new job.
  • Fast Company provided eight phrases that could be killing your chances for a promotion.
  • The Muse gave advice on how to always be prepared for meetings.
  • Harvard Business Review explained why it's easier to focus in a coffeeshop than in an open office.
  • Forbes suggested five ways to overcome your fear of failure.
  • The Washington Post shared how a woman tried mindfulness to quit drinking.
  • The Cut explored the experiences of nine women who were prescribed antidepressants.
  • The New York Times offered the pros and cons of showering in the morning, at night, or both.
  • Laugh of the Week: McSweeney's provided a few existential out-of-office replies that might come in handy.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms


  1. I agree with the HARVARD article that it is easier to focus in a coffee shop then in an OPEN office. I often go to Starbuck’s with my Macbook AIR and get connected on WIFI, sip a latte or 2 and bill like crazy. On the other hand, I find that in my office environment, with the door open, I often want to see what others are doeing and stare out the window alot too. Therefore I do NOT get the same amount of billing in as I do at home or in Starbuck’s. FOOEY!

  2. Anyone else lose the ability to comment on the Weekend Thread? I no longer see “Add a Comment” or any of the Reply links under comments.

      1. did we all hate that top so much that things got majorly out of control and she had to shut it down?! (my almost 5pm before a long weekend imagination is running wild)

        1. Haha that was my thought too but I am sure there were things in the past we liked less and I don’t recall those posts getting shut down.

    1. Yep, me too. I can see the comments that were posted earlier today (but have to click into the post to get there, no direct link from the home screen) but can’t add one. Weird!

    2. bizarre — somehow the “add a comment” box got unchecked. sorry about that; it’s back now. happy weekend everyone!

  3. I made a comment but it disapearred! FOOEY! I think there is some thing wrong with my work computer, I do NOT like to use my Macbook Air b/c Frank has the IT guy checking my work Macbook to see which guys are askeing to date me, but I may have to if my comment’s do not connect to the Corporete’s websight! DOUBEL FOOEY!

Comments are closed.