Weekly News Update

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  • InStyle shared Universal Standard's new workwear line, a 13-piece capsule dubbed “The New Executive Class.”
  • Fast Company reported how British designer Misha Nonoo reimagines what a modern fashion label looks like, with an on-demand strategy and “Easy 8” essentials.
  • Vogue offered a list of seven skin treatments to schedule before spring.
  • Fashionista provided four nail polish colors to try before they become too trendy.
  • PopSugar Beauty had beauty tips for when you're recovering from the flu.
  • Speaking of the flu, The New York Times advised how to avoid getting the flu after your partner gets it.
  • The Cut explained why everybody's obsessed with skincare right now.
  • The Cut also reported why women are still afraid to report sexual harassment at work.
  • Ask a Manager gave advice on what not to say on social media while looking for a job.
  • On Refinery29, Stacey London, former host of What Not to Wear, shared how she survived her financial, emotional, and physical struggles.
  • For your Laugh of the Week, in light of the recent news that Doritos was working on quieter chips, you know, for the ladies, McSweeney's offered five other items targeted at women.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

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  1. I love the article in the Cut about sexueal harassment. Has anyone in the HIVE seen the short skits from David Schwimmer about Sexueal Harasment? I watched them on Showtime, and they are very skeevey! FOOEY! In one, the guy, who was a TV personality, has a woman helping him put a shirt on, and when she turns around, he has his weenie sticking out of his underwear. She was MORTIFIED and would NOT look at it, and then he takes her cell phone and makes a video for her niece’s birthday. I was grossed out by that dooosh. What about the rest of the HIVE? Have you seen this? OMG, it is GROSS! TRIPEL FOOEY!

  2. Can you well-traveled ladies give me some recommendations? Our family is (unexpectedly) free to take a trip to Europe for spring break in mid-March and we’re having a tough time deciding where to go. Family is two teen girls (15 and 18), husband and me. We will have just over a week to be there. Prefer not to do Salzburg/Switzerland as two of us will be going there with a group in a few years. Hubby and I went to Como, Venice and Tuscany for our honeymoon and I’d like the kids to see those areas, but he’s not as interested in repeating. Suggestions? Would like to hit some of the “must sees” as this is the girls’ first trip and probably the only one we’ll take as a family, but have considered less well known cities like Prague.

    1. try london-paris-amsterdam or barcelona- provence – milan

      fly into first city and out of last city and take train in between.

      1. I am not sure about London any more. I met a guy who kept talking about BREGZIT, where they are leaveing Europe this year, so if they are NO longer goeing to be a part of Europe, it will be more expensive to go there next year. I went to the palace and Parlament and it was nice, but if it is NOT goeing to be in Europe any more, I do NOT want to make a separate trip to go there. FOOEY!

    2. London and Paris – fly into one and then out of the other to maximize time.

    3. We did London (7 days) and Paris (5 days) last spring with our kids. it was perfect for us. We had enough time to see many of the big sights and also relax and just wander around some. We are travelers who need some balance between going & chilling! We flew into London and then took the train to Paris and flew home from there.

      We also spent a couple days in Cardiff, Wales because we had some specific interests in that area. I don’t know if that’s an area that would interest you, but I’d love to go back and see more of Wales. We saw some incredible castles and coastline while we were there. We took the train there from London, then hired a driver for getting around and had him drive us back to London so that we could more easily add a stop at Stonehenge on the way.

    4. With just over a week, I would tour two cities max to avoid exhaustion. London and Paris are easy to pair and seem like natural “first trip to Europe” destinations. Or Rome + Florence?

  3. If you have just over a week then I would aim to do two- three cities in the same area but different countries to give the girls a flavor of different places. Fly into one city and out of the other so you are not wasting time back tracking. Consider taking an overnight train if going longer distances (Munich to Rome is overnight for example).

    1 option: Fly into London for 2 nights, train through the chunnel to Paris, 2-3 days in Paris, then train to Amsterdam and 2 days there. Fly out of Amsterdam.

    2nd option: Fly into Barcelona, for 2 nights, train to Provence (France) for 2-3 days and then train to Milan for 2-3 days. Fly out of Milan.

    1. It totally is. That’s real life – things happen that you don’t expect, and you react to it and get through it the best way you can. I hope she is on the mend – from everything – and I am glad she shared her story.

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