Weekly News Update

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  • The New York Times discussed how Serena Williams continues to make a statement with her fashion choices.
  • The New York Times also shared what Twitter employees wear to the office.
  • Who What Wear reported the top beauty trends so far for 2019.
  • Vox explained that while we might not find “tankinis” anymore, the swimsuit style is still alive and well.
  • Stylist suggested when it might be time to quit your job.
  • Thrive Global offered the best — and worst — advice from successful business owners.
  • Forbes provided advice for women if the men in their workplace don't want to mentor them based on gender. 
  • Harvard Business Review discussed the benefits of empathy in the workplace.
  • Slate explained why making coworkers share hotel rooms on business trips is wrong. 
  • Fast Company described an annoying — and growing — trend in personal-finance mansplaining.
  • NPR debunked the idea that women need to walk 10,000 steps a day. 
  • Your “You Go Girl!” of the Week: Revelist shared how ASOS used a woman's dating app photo on their website after she received unsolicited feedback.
  • Your Laugh of the Week: The New Yorker asked a few questions to determine if you are emotionally stable enough to try bangs.

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you! Also: Are you a mom or mom-to-be? Don’t miss this week’s news update at CorporetteMoms

One Comment

  1. I agree with Tim Cook, who spoke at MIT, where Dad graduated from and worked as a professor. Yes, the Harvard Business Review is right! That is to say, we all need to be empathetic in how we deal with situeations both at work as well as in our personal lives. Tim Cook should know b/c he is the head of Apple, who makes great computers and iPhones. Dad said he should have invested in Apple stock but he was NOT deciseive enough a few years ago. If he was, he’d be retired and on a beach in Maui, he said. I guess that is good b/c I do NOT want to go to Maui to see him, Mom or Grandma Leyeh, who would have gone with them. I guess there is a sliver lining after all! YAY!!!!

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