Weekly News Update

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Coronavirus-Related News & Resources  

  • USA Today reported that employers can't require COVID-19 antibody tests for employees returning to work.
  • Fast Company gave tips for virtual job interviews. 
  • Vox asked, “What is the point of dating now?” 
  • Vox also listed eight quarantine habits that people want to keep.
  • The Washington Post talked to epidemiologists about when, why, and how to wear a mask.

In Other News… 

  • In Rolling Stone, journalist Jamil Smith asked, “As Juneteenth falls during this American racial reckoning, what are we truly celebrating?”
  • Glamour advised how to treat razor burn — and how to prevent it in the first place. 
  • The Cut reported on a major new initiative to fight systemic racism in fashion.
  • Above the Law noted that Harvard Law told students to “rent office space” to study during their online-only semester.
  • Harvard Business Review provided a reading list for confronting racism at work. 
  • Jezebel talked to 11 people who shared stories of racist treatment of staff and members at The Wing.
  • Vulture rounded up the best books of 2020 so far; meanwhile, BookBub listed 20 new LGBTQ+ books to read for Pride (and beyond). 
  • The New York Times wondered if the online store Bookshop could be the answer to independent bookstores' struggles.
  • Your Laugh of the Week is from McSweeney's and is very appropriate for this Father's Day weekend.

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