Weekly News Update:

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  • The New York Times reviewed Vice President Kamala Harris's wardrobe during her trip to Southeast Asia, characterizing it as “generic male camouflage” that was chosen for “tactical” reasons.
  • The Cut talked to cosmetic chemists about how to properly develop foundation shades for Black skin.
  • The Wall Street Journal explored the evolution of “ugly” shoes.
  • The Wall Street Journal also noted that, “to Gen Zers working from home, the office is a remote concept.”
  • The Washington Post offered tips for hosting better, more productive meetings.
  • The 19th News looked at why so few governors are women.
  • Consumer Reports explained how to reclaim your online accounts after a relationship ends.
  • The Corners, Nadia Bolz-Weber's newsletter, explained why we're all feeling overwhelmed with what's going on in the world right now — and how to handle it.
  • At Vox's The Goods, Anne Helen Petersen wrote about the “staggering, exhausting, invisible costs” of eldercare.
  • Your Laugh of the Week comes from The Belladonna Comedy, with “18 Reasons Why I Shouldn’t Go to the Grocery Store While Hungry.”

On CorporetteMoms Recently…

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