Weekly News Update

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Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest.

The Grindstone ponders why women lawyers have the strictest dress code (and I'm quoted).
Racked rounds up 10 great online shops to buy sunglasses.
The Careerist ponders whether women's initiatives are distractions.
Kay Hymowitz, writing an op-ed for the WSJ, knows why women earn less than men: they work fewer hours.
Inc. looks at the 8 traits of great bosses.
NPR tells you why you shouldn't necessarily wash pre-washed lettuce. (So I guess my whole “I'm not eating a salad unless I've triple washed it myself” thing during my pregnancy (for fear of listeria) was all for naught.)
– Thanks to Reality Chic for interviewing me!

Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you!


  1. Ladies, I now own my very first Skirt and I cannot believe how well it fits. I sized down to a 2 though I thought it might be a bit tight but it fits perfect without looking clingy. Now, I work in a very conservative office where we haven’t fully embraced spring colors yet, anyone know where/if I can find the Skirt in navy or other conservative colors? Nordie’s is just showing bright’s (though I am in LOVE with the coral).

    Also, I know the difference between Elie Tahari and Tahari by ASL but can someone explain what T Tahari is?

    1. I think Halogen is a proprietary Nordstrom brand. So you might just have to wait for them to put out more colors.

      1. Dangit. I thought so but I was so hoping not. Thanks anyway. Next purchase–The Dress. I mean you ladies were right the first time, so I’m hoping ruched jersey will look better on me than it has in the past.

      2. yay the skirt! i just tried it on for the first time last night in nordie’s pentagon city (who has a bunch on sale, for any dc-ers) i put it on hold, though, because while i love it, i’m sort of worried about the weight of it. can someone speak to if it is a “year round” thing, or if the heavyness of it makes it a winter/fall only type skirt? i’m so broke right now i really can only concieve of more year round stuff…

          1. Okay here’s how the Skirt works (and yes, its proprietary to Nordies). Every season they put out new colors, usually about five, and then at the end of the season the go on sale for about $40 (less popular colors can get down to $30) — so your an scope out the colors at the beginning of the season you like but then wait until the end of the season to actually order because otherwise you’re overpaying.

            And I think the weight is all right for year round, since my office is air conditioned to approximately 10 below freezing in the summer anyway.

          2. I got mine for less than 25 as it was an internet return. Since I wasn’t sure if it was going to work it was cost effective. Now that I love it, I guess I’ll have to wait all the way til the end of next season to score more conservative colors….

            Eff it. I’m getting the coral too.

        1. I wore my skirt yesterday no hose with heels and it was about 80 here in the afternoon. I would say it is pretty year round.

        1. Suzi Chin for Maggy Boutique Ruched Faux Wrap Dress. From what I can tell, the people that love this item LURVE it. Like Barry White LURVE it. The way people feel about the Skirt.

          1. I need a link as there are so many target merona dresses. The ponte knit one?

    2. Elie Tahari is nicer than Tahari by ASL. The fit, the materials, all very different. Tahari by ASL does not work for my figure at all, Elie Tahari, at least for me, tends to be much more flattering. I am not too familiar with T Tahari but I think that’s one of the offshoots (there’s also just Tahari). I think – though I could be wrong – it’s their sportier, younger Tahari offshoot.

      1. I’ve always thought that it was just a price range/quality distinction. Elie Tahari is highest price (carried by Saks, Nordstrom), T Tahari is mid-range (carried by Nordstrom, Macys), Tahari by ASL is lowest (carried by Macys). But I could absolutely be wrong.

        1. I also think that Elie Tahari is a different brand. The others are all licensed to Arthur S. Levine, which is part of the Jones Apparel Group, I think. Elie Tahari is, if I’m not mistaken, its own label.

    3. I ordered The Skirt in black this week…already have red and orange. Not sure if it’s still on the website but it was on sale when I got it for less than $40. Hurrah!

  2. Bay Area meet-up tomorrow at 1 pm at the Asian Art Museum Cafe. You can get free “cafe-only” tickets at the admission desk.

    See you there!

  3. qq – am I needed to wear pantyhose for a job interview in inv bank in NYC? I’m goign to wear a black skirt suit but been wondering if pantyhose is REALLY needed.
    Please help!

    1. Generally they are. Moreso if you are junior. If you are senior you can possibly go without.

    2. wear hose – better safe than sorry. Hanes silk reflections is the one that TCFKAG suggests.

    3. Generally if you have to ask you should wear them. It’s been 10 years since I interviewed for investment banking positions but back then we were told to wear pantyhose and very conservative black suits.

  4. I’d say that the op-ed writer THINKS she “knows why women earn less than men”. She works for a conservative think tank and recently published an anti-feminist book. Consider the source.

    Besides, aren’t pay disparities calculated for women and men who hold the same jobs?

    1. There was a lot of funky math and logic in that article. With the bottom line being “Face it ladies, you ain’t ever going to catch up, so just stop trying”.

    2. I didn’t care at all for this beauty: “Over 40% of American children are now born to unmarried women. A significant number—though not a majority—are living with their child’s father at birth. But in the next few years when those couples break up, which is what studies show they tend to do,”

      Judgmental and without any factual support noted. Unmarried does not mean unpartnered. Jeesh.

      1. Not to start a flaming war over that, but the statistics do back her statement on that. Among those who have children together, cohabitors and other unmarried couples are more likely to “break up”/separate than married couples.

    3. Actually, pay disparities are usually calculated based on “comparable” jobs (i.e., similar levels of education and experience), but they don’t take into account other aspects, such as travel or danger (for example, over 90% of workplace deaths are men). But even within the same profession, workers can work vastly different numbers of hours. For example, gov’t lawyers compared to in-house lawyers compared to big law and small law lawyers.

      I’ve never seen anything to contradict the numbers that were cited in that article stating that women on average work fewer hours then men (either within or across professions). That certainly fits with my (again, broadly generalized with many individual exceptions) observations. If someone has data suggesting that women don’t work fewer hours on average, I’d love to look at it.

      I certainly didn’t take “You’re not ever going to catch up, so don’t try” from the article. I took: if you don’t do comparable work, with all that that entails, don’t expect comparable salaries. Which I can’t see any reasonable disagreement with.

  5. Dear The Grindstone: Please consider hiring a copy editor. The plural of “jury” is “juries,” not “jury’s.” And that’s not the only error in the article…

    1. I know! I was shocked at the number of errors, and I’m pretty typo-prone myself. Interestingly, most of them were in the quotes from “a female attorney.” I wonder if they just copied and pasted from an email from the interviewee(s) ?

        1. So glad I’m not the only one who shuddered at “heal” height. Reading that article was like fingernails on a chalkboard.

    2. I think it is actually correct there. The sentence is, “A lawyer never wants his or her appearance to be the focus of the court’s or jury’s attention….” The court is not plural, neither is the jury. The comment is not referring to juries in the plural, but to the jury, specifically. When you address that jury, you would say, “Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury,” not “Ladies and Gentlemen of the juries,” so why would you say the juries’ attention?

      1. AIMS, on the final page of the article, the quotation reads “when jury’s are present.”

        I’m a little shocked by the young female attorney who said, “…you want to look attractive and sexy but professional….” Um, no. You do not want to look sexy at work. Unless you are a H**ters girl, escort, or phone-sex line model.

      2. also, weird how it didn’t much note men also dress conservatively in law- ties, ick, constricting; shorts or open-toed shoes, never, even if it is hot outside as the women in the article complained

        the ally mcbeal photos are hilarious

  6. I just want to thank everyone for all the talk of colorful belts. Before I started reading this site, it was just black and brown for me. Now I’m going crazy with the colors: coral, teal, yellow, everything. My yellow skinny belt has been getting some great mileage recently.

    Perfect 2012 outfit: 2 neutrals (like 1) pants and 2) jacket or cardi), a brightish color top, and a different color bright belt. I also have a coral bag that matches everything.

    Thanks so much for all the help, everyone!

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