Weekly News Update

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Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale through our CorporetteDeals Twitter feed.) You can also follow us on Pinterest. Lifehacker has a ton of amusing but true charts on “how to get hired.” – There's a great new book out, Overdressed: The Shockingly High Cost of Cheap Fashion, and on Fashionista, the author suggests 8 ways to avoid buying cheap clothes without going broke. – Makeup Lovers Unite has a fun pictorial comparing high-end makeup colors and their “drugstore dupes.” – If you loved “the old Coach,” before they went logo crazy, good news: their iconic bags are coming back, according to the WSJ. – Yeow: if you've ever wondered about monitoring software on your office computer, you need to read this WSJ article. – Got a new job? Savvy Sugar suggests 8 things you can learn about your office without asking. The Grindstone weighs in on whether high heels can make you seem more career-savvy. – The Jane Dough takes a closer look at the pay gap issue, quoting a study that says women GOP staffers make far less than male staffers. – In personal news: thanks to IFB for quoting me in an article on when to go pro as a blogger. Did we miss anything? Add 'em here, or send them to news@corporette.com. Thank you!


  1. Re: the life hacker charts:

    The “Do you/I give a sh*t [about this company]?” charts and questions are so incredibly true.

    1. I know. I want to print those out and send them to law school career services offices nationwide.

      On a different subject, I really, really hope Coach brings back the Crescent bag. So gorgeous.

  2. It’s interesting that the article on whether heels make people seem more career savvy doesn’t address whether heels make people seem more career savvy. It completely ignores that heels give women back problems and are ultimately oppressive, and neglect to point out that perhaps women wear higher heels in economically depressed times because they’re more nervous about getting jobs and want to pander to men, not because they feel more confident. Additionally, encouraging students and young professionals to blow $600 on a pair of expensive heels to TALK about it with an equally irresponsible coworker just doesn’t make sense. It makes sense to invest money in looking savvy and put-together, not rich, shallow, and entitled.

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