Weekly Round-up

Liking these posts? Follow us on Twitter or fan us on Facebook — this is the edited version of what we’re reading! (We also Tweet if we hear about a good sale.)

deals on flights– According to the Wall Street Journal, there are very good deals to be had on flights. (Pictured: Airplane wing (2005), originally uploaded to Flickr by Zoagli.)

WSJ's The Juggle asks the readers how much their jobs encroach on their freetime.

Monster.com weighs in on the issue of a one- or two-page resume. (For our $.02: We've heard, from good sources, that a two-pager is fine so long as your career(s) are long enough to merit two pages — i.e., once you've been working for 10+ years.)

– We're freaked out enough about these ATM skimmers to post this link to Gizmodo, although really the only thing we're taking away from it is thus: People are finding new and creative ways to steal your money and information, and perhaps the best thing you can do is, while punching in your PIN code at the ATM, shield your “typing” hand with your non-typing hand. (And in general keep a close watch over your accounts.)  In other techie news, ReadWriteWeb has some good advice on which Facebook privacy settings you should check out, stat.


  1. There are great deals on air travel…until you read the fine print about the $100 dollars in travel fees, and then add in your fee per bag and your fee if you don’t pay the fee online before you get to the airport or the fee for calling in because when you went on line you couldn’t find the information without paying a fee…. lol…(Just a little bitter b/c I am trying to plan a vacation and the airfare is ridiculous once you add the fees, and Southwest doesn’t fly to the Carribbean!)

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